Valefor Heir DxD

By Joker5007

56.7K 900 106

OC reborn as a pure blooded devil in world of DxD,A house specialises in Darkness manipulation and Shadow pos... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

2.9K 48 1
By Joker5007

A few weeks passed since Ise broke rias's marriage with Riser phenex.

Nik returned to underworld as he don't have anything to do in human world anymore.

Currently he was again in his study room doing some damm paperwork.

But this time he was much calm than usual as he watching ise beat riser on repeat while doing his paperwork.

And suddenly he heared a knock on door as he said"Come in"

And kuisha walked in with some documents in her hands as she placed them on his table.

Nik sighed"More paper work,Being heir is too troublesome"

"Yes it is,Thats one of reason i left my family"Kuisha said and Nik replied"I wish if i can do the same"

"Why would you do that?Your parents care dearly about you"Kuisha said

"I know that but being heir is just too troublesome for me,Anyway How much time is left before the young devil gathering"Nik said

"A couple of months or so"Kuisha said as he sighed"I still don't get it why do i have to participate with noobies"

"You are also a young devil,Even if hold 7th rank in whole underworld,You are still part of rookie 7"Kuisha exclaimed

"Rookie won't good word for me,Would it be"Nik asked as she gave a thaughtful look"I too think that"

"Anyway,Who else is going to be in young devil gathering"Nik asked

"Lord Madgaran Bael,Lady seekvaria Agraes,Lord Diodora Astraroth,Lady Sona Sitri,Lady Rias Gremory,All will be there with their peerage"Kuisha informed

"And Do even any of them won any rating games"Nik asked

"Lord diodora and Lord madgaram have some experience,Even lady rias have some,But It will be new experience for Lady sona and Lady seekvaria"Kuisha informed

"So basically i will have to fight with some noobies"Nik asked as she nodded"Certainly"

"Atleast its better than paperwork"Nik sighed as he got up and asked"Where are others anyway"

"Lord Sairaorg haven't returned yet,Same can be said for arthur,Le fay too went back to her home for meantime,While Tiamat s gone for a meeting with dragon kings"Kuisha informed

"So we are alone,Is that what you are saying"He asked as she blushed and he laughed"Lets visit human world,I have no intention of doing more work"

"As you say"As she made a magic circle to human world as they teleported in kuoh inside nik's mansion that he bought when he came last time.

As two came there,Two got on gaurd"Do you sensed that"Nik asked and Kuisha nodded"Its a strong energy"

"Should we check it out"Nik asked and She nodded"I am sure its neither lady sona or rias,Its someone else,It could be a threat"

"I thaught so"As he hold her hand"Have you ever travelled through shadows"

She shook her head and he said"Hold me tightly or else you will be left inside the realm of shadow"

"What realm of shadows"She asked and he nodded"Yes all the shadows of dead people resides there,If you fell there,First they will tear your clothes and then....You already know,They have been there for centuries,So obviously they would be hungry to"as he was cut by her.

As she hugged him tightly"Please don't let me fall"

He laughed and said"Even you fell there,No touches what belongs to their ruler"as he teleported leaving her confused about the ruler stuff,She knows he can control shadow but she doesn't know he is ruler of shadows.

Anyway,Two emerged out of Rias's shadow,As slowly Nik places his hand on her shoulder,Scaring the shit out of her as she jumped"OO WAAHHH"

Seeing her reaction,Nik burst out laughing and everyone looked at him.

"Boss?What is he doing here"Ise thaught who was fighing against kokabeil

"Oh another Heir?It will be even better to kill three heir at once,I will finally have my war"Kokabeil laughed

"Who the hell is he"Nik gave a annoyed looked but no one noticed how he made a shadow path to kokabeil's shadow and marked it as his own army and Rias said"He is kokabeil,A rouge cadre fallen angel,He wants to kill us and Start a war"

"Kill you?I don't think you worth that much"Nik honestly blurt out and Kuisha intervened"Sir nik you shouldn't say things like that in open"

"Oh yeah,Thank for reminding me,Anyway,So he is bad guy here,Do you want me to kill him?No My student will beat his ass"Nik said as he looked at ise who was beat up

"Sir nik,I don't think i will be able to beat him"Ise honestly said and Nik said"Try now"as he send few of his shadows to ise and they merged with him as his body was covered with touki of dead nekos

"Now kill him"Nik ordered,Ise was surprised with sudden boost but he didn't argued as he rushed at kokabeil who was frozen at his place.

[Boost!Boost!Boost!Boost!boost!boost boost!boost!boost!boost!boost!boost! boost!boost!boost!]

[Welsh dragon over booster]

And with that issei punched kokabeil who was frozen at his place"Why can't i move?Whats happening to me?I am froze"

As issei's hand covered with touki pierces through his guts but he had still life but issei began punching him vigorously as he broke his skull as he finally died.

Nik just smiled and said"See that i told you my student is strong,Don't underestimate him anymore"as he had already extracted kokabeil's shadow for his army

"Touki?But how?Issei can't use touki"Rias was beyond confused actually all of them were

Only sona and Kiba were able to see what happened and Sona said"Its wasn't issei's touki,It was Nik,Am i right"

"Oh ho...You really do have a brain,I thaught overseers of kuoh were beauties with breasts,But I was wrong you have a brain as well"Nik joked as rias grew a visual tic on her head"Do you know what you did is considered as sexual harresment"

"Do i look like i give a fuck about what you say or think"Nik laughed as he turned to ise"Yo,Get strong kid and Have you done it yet or not?"

"No i am still making progress,But i will be the harem king for sure"Ise said with determination as he laughed lightly"Don't loose your motivation,Always remember these boobs that belongs to you"As he pointed at rias who still seemed angry at him

"Will you stop sexually harrasing me like that"Rias loudly said

"You sure are loud-"Nik was cut off by ise as he said"Don't need to say,I will let you know if she is loud or not"

Rias who was confused asked"What the hell are you two talking about,Its better not be about me"

"Yeah its not about you"Ise assured her as he turned to nik"Why were you here anyway,Boss"

"See i was just bored so i decided to go on a date with my queen but as came in human world i sensed kokabeil's power and I decided to check it out"Nik informed as other nodded and Rias said"Thanks for your help"

"Yes,We are really glad that you helped us"Sona added

"No need as a fellow devil,Its my duty you can say to save underworld from my crisis and This scum was one of them"Nil said and others nodded

Nik turned to ise and asked"Have you gotten any lead on white one"

"Yeah a few"Ise said

"See when you fight,Try to take one of his jewels and place them inside yor armour,You might be able to use his powers as well"Nik said as ise nodded"I will make sure to snatch his jewel then"

"I should be going then"Nik waved his hand as he vanished into shadows with kuisha,Leaving others shocked as he teleported without a magic circle.

"Boss is real cool,Can i teleport like that too,I will ask him next time"Ise grinned and Then they all of them saw the vanishing dragon in the sky.

Thats it for the chapter

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