A Bitch's Revenge /a countryh...

By DeezNatzzz

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ᵗʳᵃⁿˢ·ᵐⁱ·ᵍʳᵃᵗᵉ /ᵗʳᵃⁿᶻˈᵐīˌɡʳāᵗ,ᵗʳᵃⁿ⁽ᵗ⁾ˢˈᵐīˌɡʳāᵗ/ ᵛᵉʳᵇ ᵖᵃˢᵗ ᵗᵉⁿˢᵉ: ᵗʳᵃⁿˢᵐⁱᵍʳᵃᵗᵉᵈ; ᵖᵃˢᵗ ᵖᵃʳᵗⁱᶜⁱᵖˡᵉ: ᵗʳᵃⁿˢᵐⁱᵍʳᵃᵗᵉ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
new cover
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Two

747 41 91
By DeezNatzzz

"How about this one? "


"This? "


"How about this? "


"Oh my- Is it that hard to choose a wife?! It's not like you would marry because of love! You just need to make a heir then you two can get a divorce! That simple! " The man angrily explained getting frustrated from all repeating answers I said

I sigh and closed my eyes for a moment before opening them again. I stared at the view in front of me, tall buildings align in a perfect view to be consider beautiful.

My friend Singapore never stopped bothering me once he learned about my past love life (I wouldn't really call it love life tbh) and made it his goal to make me move on and find a woman who can give me back my love...

More like he wants me to marry someone already because he doesn't want to lose a bet he made with someone.

He finally stopped ranting about something and sigh seeming like he gave up on me already. That's good

I took a look at my watch to notice how late it already is. All other ASEAN members already went home once the meeting got ended earlier it's only Singapore who went and stayed behind to pursue me to marry someone.

I took a look at the pictures at the table containing women with high and respectable accomplishments. I absentmindedly stared at it for a few moment until something caught my eyes

She looks just like her...

My heart pounded inside my chest as I saw a similar face that I longed for so many centuries... I can't breath for seemed like years when it has only been a few seconds.

I immediately grabbed the files containing her information that I don't know where the hell did Singapore got it.

"Ohhh someone caught our prince's attention~? " Singapore asked wriggling his eye brows at me

I frowned not liking his childishness as I toss the files at him. He hastily catches it and looked at me confuse

"Find out more about her. Do it as fast as possible" I spoke as Singapore smirked at me and made a salute

"Yessir! Gotcha! " And he jogged towards the exit door from my office while muttering along the line 'Malaysia owes me money' as he snickers.

I sigh for the nth time as I loosened my tie and brushed my hair back tired from all the happenings earlier. Handling and organizing a meeting is so exhausting.

I lean back to my chair closing my eyes for a brief moment. My peaceful moment was short lived when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said as I spin my chair around to see who it is.

"I have a letter for you sir" A maid said while bowing holding a tray with a letter on it.

'A letter? In this time and age? You could have just sent an email instead of using a very old fashion method.'

I thought irritatedly as I just want to go home and have peace as holding an ASEAN meeting was much more draining than I thought.

But at the same time I'm curious on what it contains or who sent it so I took the letter and dismiss the maid. But before she leave she purposedly trip and fell and lifting her skirt a little and tried to gave me a supposedly "seductive and sexy" view.

"A-ah! I'm so sorry sir!" She took her time getting up and smiled at me deviously.

These types of lowly beings are all over the place around you if your wealthy or have power.

Desperate insects that would do anything to climb the food chain. Even going as far to selling their bodies or telling lies and manipulating people or just down right hurting anyone other than themselves as they're selfish and greedy.

And for once there's only one country master who have done such horrible acts...

My face can't help but frown by just thinking about it.

"Disgusting" I absentmindedly said

She flinch as she looked at me and the lights coming from the window behind me casts a perfect shadow on my face as the white rings on my eyes glows

She trembled at my intimidating appearance as she kneeled immediately to the ground.

"I'm sorry sir! I promise I won't do this disgusting act ever again! " She looks white as paper and tears seems to form at the side of her eyes as she continues to beg for mercy.

"...Ired" I mumbled

" Yes!? " She asked confusely as she stare up at me

"Your fired. Now get out of my face before I call the security" I spat as I glared down at her.

"Ye-yes!" As she stood up and bowed one last time and ran and immediately left.

Now that she's gone I looked at the letter on my hand and my eyes widen once getting a proper view of what it looks like.

"This crest..." So its from her..?

But why...

Why would she send a letter to someone like me..?

I can hear my heart beat thump against my chest for the second time this night as I stared at the letter blankly. Millions of questions ran through my mind as I sat there contemplating on should I read it or not.

"Could it be that..."

A young girl with murky hair, dirt and twigs on it appeared from my memory. She's holding on what seems to be a flute that she proudly said she got from stealing from some Chinese guy she met at the shore.

"If only you can see his face! Bwhahhahahahahha! "

Her laughter is contagious that I can't help but to laugh along with her even though I was meant to scold her as it was a bad thing to do.

We laughed together until we ran out of breath. I looked at her and wish... That we can stay together for-

I shook my head as soon as I got that thought. Bringing up those times would do nothing but bring pain to my heart.

"No that's impossible... " I nodded to my self I closed my eyes. This is probably just an invitation to a formal dinner or gathering I took deep breaths before opening the letter to finally fulfill my curiousity.

And I was right it is an invitation. Inviting me to go to some restaurant of my choice. It also said that what were about to talk about is only about pure business so I don't have to worry about he making a move. It also stated that she would wait for a reply until the next three days.

I contemplated about it for sometime but my body moved automatically as I wrote a reply back of me agreeing to meet up.

I called for a servant and handed my letter to them. And pack up my things so I can finally go home after a very long day.

My alarm rang as I slammed my hand on it. This is the day that I'm suppose to meet up with her. But for some reasons I haven't been able to sleep for the past few days until now because of my overthinking.

I called for servants to prepare a bath and meal so I can get ready. And proceeds to do my normal routine.

I'm in the middle of eating my meal when my phone suddenly start buzzing. I check on who it is and saw that it was malaysia so I picked it up.



I put the phone away from my ears as I feel like it just busted my eardrums. He goes on ranting about how he just lost a million that he bet on singapore because of me.

After a few minutes he finally calmed down. And reduce from screaming rage to a crying person trying to get pity.

"Is that all? "

"Brunieeee!! How could you be so cold towards your friend...??!!??"

"We're not friends but business partner. "

"Ack-!! Did you heard that?! It's my heart getting shattered into pieces because of you! "

"If this is the reason you called then goodbye-

"Wait! No no no no no don't hung up I actually have something to tell you! "

"... "

"Sooooooo.... Me and the other ASEAN members planned a gathering for later! You know? Just casual stuffs! we can be friendly and chit chat! And make friends! Sounds fun right?! Riiiiiiiight?!"

"Righhhht... " I don't trust this.

"So will you come-?!

" No. Now goodbye" I hung up and put my phone on silent knowing that he would just blew it up but a bunch of calls and texts.

I wipe my mouth as I finished eating and stood up to get to my car. And finally meet the woman who have been keeping me awake all this time..

"I would like a large steak and a soda. " I pointed at the menu as I take my orders.

"Also this stuff... Idk what it is but it's expensive so I'll take it" and I closed the menu and gave it to the waiter.

I have been sitting here for a few moments now and I still haven't eaten any breakfast so naturally I would get hungry.

I yawned as I pull my skirt down since I have been noticing some creep from the other table have been eyeing my legs for a while now.

I took out my phone and just scrolled through social media's until I got interrupted by someone sitting at the opposite chair in front of me.

I looked up and saw someone I didn't expect and feel disgust washed all over my body.

The creepy guy decided to finally approached me

"Hey pretty lady~ you alone here? "

I cringed as I glare at him but he doesn't seem to take the hint that I want him gone out of my face. But instead it seems like it excites him even more.

"Aha aha! Playing hard to get! I like your style pretty lady~" He inched his face little closer to me as I'm contemplating if I should beat him up using a fork or beat him up using a chair.

"No. I'm not interested. Now leave me alone." But he only grinned and came a lot more closer than before.

I looked around and it seemed like no one have noticed us yet as there's only a few people in the restaurant as it's still early. And that I'm sitting in a more secluded area.

"I have a lot of money. How much are you? "

"I'm waiting for someone now leave."

But he didn't and the last move he made Is the last straw.

"Who would make such a pretty lady wait~?" He grinned disgustinhly as he put a hand on my thighs.

That's. It.

I grabbed the fork stabbed his hands. As he almost scream but I shoved the rose from the vase at our table into his mouth.

It seems like no one noticed so I twist my fork and that only made him scream more I grabbed a handful of plants on the vase and shoved it into his mouth. It's doing such a great job on muffling his screams.

And when I'm starting to enjoy it someone interrupted us.

"You didn't include in your letter about murdering someone. " My small smile faded away as I looked up to him.

"Long time no see Country master Philippines. " he said as he looked at the mess I made of the thing that sat before me.

"This isn't what it looks like." I grimace as I now lost a potential ally because of some creepy guy.

But his frown went even deeper when he finally notice the creeps hands I just stabbed because of the clear glass table this restraurant use.

I slowly put his hand away by lifting up the fork I'm holding but it only made him cry in more pain. I quickly let go of it as some blood dripped down on my legs.

I looked back and forth looking for a way to break the awkward silence between the three of us. And finally he made a moved and gestured to a random staff passing by and told them that this thing have been bothering us and he wants them to get rid of it.

The staff member nodded and dragged the thing away..

"Would you like to move to another table? " I nodded as he held out his hand to help me stand up. I accepted as I tried to get some napkin from the table to wipe my legs to get rid of the blood.

We manage to get another table. But this time theres more light as it's close to the door of the restaurant compare to a rather gloomy sit earlier whose hidden and dark.

"So what is your business with me?" jumping right into it I see.

I cleared my throat as I prepare to say the thing I have as my first step to my plan. And if this didn't work out... Then I have another plan B. And plan C... Plan D... Plan E...

"Ahem!" Don't get sidetracked Phil! You can do this.

"What do you think about... Forming a partnership between the two of us" A kind of expression passed by his face but it quickly faded away before I can make out on what it is.

"Partnership..? What kind-

"But before that!" He looked at me confuse as I pulled something out of my purse.

I slid it over to the table as he stared at my hand waiting me to reveal what it is.

"Do you by any chance... Remember these..? " His eyes widen in when I lifted my hands to reveal a set of pearl earrings.

Truth to be told the earrings aren't that unique or beautiful but that's what matters the most. The gold isn't polished enough that it have bumps and the pearls isn't the same sizes that it compliments each other. But the reason behind these is because that it's handmade.

Handmade by a child would wants to give a heartfelt gift for his friend.

This is probably centuries old. And how did I found it? Well it's easy (its not)

I looked for it to the old attic. Searched every box and relics looking for it. And I finally found it at the bottom of one of the box containing pre historical stuffs.

"How... " I glanced at his expressions and I'm shocked that the cold and two Faced brunei is showing his vulnerable side right now.

His eyes are about to spill with tears as he tried to hold them back as best as he can.

"So d-does that means... You remember..? " His voice cracked as he said those words to me. Pang of guilt flood my heart as this is my fault why he's like this..

"Well... A bit as there's still a lot that I need to work on.. " I glanced at him and handed him a tissue from my purse to wipe his tears as he gladly accepted.

This is certainly weird... Yes I know him from my past and it is sure that were super close and basically stick by each other's side most of the time.

But I'm different now..

I'm not the same giddy happy go lucky girl I used to be when I'm little. Its not the same back in the time where I can go around and play on the beach or talk with other people in a friendly manner.

Even though I don't really have a great childhood thanks to me being not supposed to be alive in the first place...

And from all the shit I went though I don't think I can still be the same again.

"So.. Would you-

" I accept." I frown and shook my head.

I grabbed the napkin I took to wipe off the blood on my thighs. And traced letters on it.

In this world. All country master have a special ability. And it helps them to take advantages of other people or to use it to their advantage. And beware

Never let the other people know what's your special ability is. Or it would lead to your demise...

I continue tracing letters on it until I'm finally done. Brunei looked at me.

As I sliced my finger with the butter knife on the table. And dropped some blood on it. I gestured for Brunei to give me his hand and when he did i just did the same things and I grinned as the contract is complete.

"I'm pretty sure you know what my ability is as were friends when we were young. Or not I mean it has already been centuries ago-

" your ability is to make unbreakable contracts. More precisely anyone who doesn't follow the contract they have signed with you they will meet a very tragic end.."

I stared at him wide eyed as he manage to remember all those things from a long time ago and recite it as if that hes just reading a book. So he have a sharp memory huh..

"And that the contract will be complete once you and the contractor have sealed it using bloods. " He explained furthermore

"Right. So why did you did it wilingly? You might meet a very tragic end if you disobey it" I grinned at him as his personality and way of thinking is making me more and more curious and interested than before.

I waited for his answer but I was met nothing but silence. So I just began explaining what he have just signed.

"The contract is just that so you can keep your mouth shut if you ever let any word out of your pretty little mouth with what I'm about to say to you" I closed my eyes as I now finally disclosed what had happened to me but will sugarcoat it and wouldn't tell him that I'm a transmigrator.

And if he ever betray the contract...
He would be catastrated and he would get pierce by a hundred blades. And would get a very slow and painful death that he would beg for others to just kill him already.

A pretty fun punishment!

And I have no plan on telling him because where's the fun at that?

" *sniff* *sniff* You make me so proud... I do not regret choosing you as the transmigrator and cause chaos in the planet earth..!"

I waved my hand to get rid of this feeling of someone watching me. As I began explaining on how I woke up from a nightmare and suddenly regain memories (this is clearly a lie this did not happen)

"So that's what happened..." (No thats not how things happened) He thought as he looked down at the earrings in his hands.

"And can you help me with one more thing? This is the partnership I have been talking about~" Brunei looked up and was meet with a woman whose grinning sinnisterly at him.

"U.S.A... America.."

"What about him..? " Brunei is now growing nervously as he haven't seen this side of her in a very long time. The last time he did he just suddenly got a news about how she slauthered a slaughter house.

Except it isn't animals that she slauthered.

"I want him dead." But humans

Brunei gulp as he's currently getting a flashback of that terrifying time but quickly snapped back to reality.

"But how will you do that" He asked interested in what she have in minds. I mean Philippines wanting to kill America? She have been known to leech off and be a gold digger around him. And that let alone have pissed him off so greatly.

'I can give you what you want too..'

"I have a plan... But this plan needs help as I cannot do this alone. So.. " I got interrupted when a waiter finally brought my order from earlier.

I sliced some of my steak as I'm very hungry. I put it in front of my mouth to blew it as it's still hot.

"I need help.. " I finally took a bite.

(Just an update cuz I decided to draw this scene last night at 1 am. Go go go Phil! Use your charm on him >:DDD)

Brunei look at me and smiled softly as he looked at the earrings and me again.

He stood up and brushed my hair behind my ears and for some reason this action made me shiver as a feeling of deja vu washed all over me.

He carefully put the earrings on me as he whispered something in my ears.

"Ofc. I promise I would do anything for you... Sayang."

I didn't manage to hear the last part of what he said but I'm quite flustered on how he just acted. So I cleared my throat as he sat back down and ordered his own food.

And for some reason we began chit chatting one another. As time flies by and we finished our foods.

"I have a great time today." I smiled at him.

"Me too. Would you like to exchange numbers? So you can update me with things" As he fished out his phone.

I nodded and we exchanged numbers. I noticed a lot of miss calls and unseen messages from one person. There's some free from others but this one have over 99 notifications

"Look at this? " I handed his phone back to him as he sigh tired my by just seeing it.

"It's just malaysia persuading me to come to the casual gathering they have arrange"

"You sound like you just lost 10 years of your lifespan by just looking at his messages. " I chuckled at him and he just decide to read the messages.

"Hm it is said that it would happen at 10 am and that the restaurant they're going to meet at-

He didn't finish his sentence as his eyes widen as he snapped his head at me.

" what time is it? " he asked at his phone and facepalm

"What's wrong?? "

"It's already 10:16 am"

"And? "

"The restaurant that they're gonna go is-

"YOU!! AND BRUNEI?!??!??"

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