What if luz ate the light-lig...

By Blackbarron37

11.9K 166 278

When luz was on her way to school today she decide to take a shortcut through the forest and stumbled upon a... More

The light shines again
A Friend from the dead ☠️ 🎻
The lying witch and a warden
Wizards before skeletons
If I was a teenage abomination
Training of fruits and new powers part 1
New Announcement
Training of fruits and new powers part 2
Hootys hassle
Lost in languages
truth on the fruits
Once upon a swap
Merry Christmas (filler)

The convention

1K 13 62
By Blackbarron37

After the intruder episode luz king and brook saw eda's cursed form with that luz blinded her with the help of her new light glyph and with brook putting the elixir in eda's mouth turning her back to normal.

We cut to see eda's stand she is dusting the table looking bored luz was reading her book to king and brook who was tuning his violin.

Luz: emboldened by the dishonor Hecate had shown azua lifted her staff to the cotton Candy skies and shouted " I challenge you to a witch's duel" and look I drew a flip book pew pew pew.

King: show me the picture. Peeking over the top of the book.

Luz: what.

King: show me the picture(luz does it) hah I can draw better than that you know they once called me king of the artists, just like that luffy guy who wanted to be king of the pirates like brook told me.

Brook: hey wait I thought you were king of demons are you making stuff up. he stops and sets his violin down.

King: doesn't matter what's important it that my followers would leave me offerings in fear of me.

Luz: well I can offer you more of this tantalizing books.

Eda: uggh please stop reading that it's flowery language is an insult to witch's and driving away all of our serious customers.

Brook: uhh I'm sorry to say eda but what customers there aren't even any other stands around either. Scratching his head in confusion.

Eda: This is a bad omen there must be something horrible happening today.

Gus: luz brook( he and willow run up to the stand) something amazing is happening today.

Luz&brook: Gus willow hey.

Willow:( holds up flier) its the annual convention Students witches get to see all the types of Covens before they're placed in one there's even a mystery guess this year.

Luz: a job fair for witch's eda can we go.

Brook: i wonder what whole coven thing is about.

Eda: absolutely not I never joined a coven for a reason sure its like a fun club for witch's but you're also giving up your magical independence to be part of a crooked system.

Willow: mm. Drops the filer she had.

Eda: eh but you know no judgement in any case I haven't been to one since we were girls.

Luz: we. Perks her head up.

Brook: who's this we.

Eda: I — the— I mean.

Luz: who's we eda you have a mysterious past now we gotta go.

Brook: yay eda It'll be fun to go.


Luz: okay then you leave me no choice.

King:(picks up book) you shall not shan't doeth no harm Azua called out.

Eda: so flowery so awful. Covering her ears to not hear king reading the story.

Eda walks away opening the portal door and stepping thought it.

King: Hecate could only screech screech as did she for the screeching did worseneth.

Brook pick king up and tosses him through the portal as it closes it opens up a second later eda coming back through with holding king.

Eda: stop it stop it I will literally do anything to stop this.

It cuts over to a long building a sign in front of it reading CONVENTION TODAY alchemists anonymous tomorrow with the six standing In front of it.

Eda: ( grunting trying to hide self in her cowl) gotta keep a low profile.

Luz: is cowl really necessary.Trying to shove eda's hair in the cowl.

Brook: what's is the point of this thing. Trying to get his hands unstuck after accidentally tangling it in eda's hair.

Eda: do you think all my wanted posters are for petty theft( several items fall out of her hair) partly ( scoops them back into her cowl) but whammy is I disobeyed the law and refused to join a coven if I'm seen I could go to jail again.

Willow: maybe this informative event will inspire you to join a coven.holding one of eda's posters.

Eda traces a spell that pulls willows hood over her face.

Eda: let's get This over with and here brook. Pulls brooks hand out of her hair.

Brook: thank you eda.

They enter the building.

Luz: whoa was I even alive before now.

Brook: I know I was alive before but now I'm bones yohohoho.

Several booths are set up inside each with a sign for one coven or another from the ceiling hangs nine large colorful banners witch's fly by on broomsticks.

Gus: those are the main nine covens but there are hundreds of other ones you can join.

Willow: there's flower coven, artist coven, big dog coven, small cat coven, tiniest cat coven.

Eda: *groans*.

Willow: also the grumpy coven.

Eda: what was that.

The three of them run laughing with king following behide leaving only eda and brook.

Man: ugh excuse me ma'am but you look rather familiar. Looks between eda's wanted posters and her.

Eda: uh no I don't brook help me out here.

Brook: alrighty then Lullaby. Brook plays his violin making the man fall asleep.

Cuts back with the kids with eda and brook rejoining them.

Luz: ooh what's that.

Willow: that's the construction coven.

It shows a bearded witch in a hard hat and tiny nose standing next to a pallet of wood and a pallet of bricks the witch grabs both pallets tossing them in the air the materials fall down to perfectly construct small house.

Willow: one of the main nine they use power glyphs to increase their strength.

The witch demonstrated by taking his hat off pulling out a power glyph he puts puts it on tiny nose.

Tiny nose: ha a a im the destroyer of worlds. Picks up the witch and throws him.

Man2: hey that's the opposite of construction.

Two witch's run in to stop her as she grabs a giant hammer.

Luz: yowza wowza.

Illusion luz: yowza wowza.

A light blue double of luz ducks behind luz before it poof away.

Gus: ah you've been taken in by the allure of the Illusionist coven like to magic a hint( disappears in a cloud of smoke and reappears a few feet to the right) of showman ship.

Luz: wow acceptance comradery a sence of belonging covens sound incredible eda why haven't you ever joined one.

Brook: yay eda i don't see why you hate them they seem pretty nice to be in.

Eda: watch closely you two.

A illusion track witch is standing with other illusions witch's.

Eda: when you join a coven all your other magic is sealed away.

A seal shape of a mirror appears on the witch's wrist light blue lines running from it up his arms and face pales slightly as the lines fade.

Brook: I hope he's ok. Feeling a bit concerned for the kid.

Eda: from now on that kid  will only be able to do illusions since I never joined a coven I can do every kind of magic that's why I'm the most powerful witch on the boiling isles.

She walks away leaving luz and the others hurry after her amazed.

They stop to see a doorway flanked with coven guards.

Luz: that panel looks popular.

Gus:*gasp* is the emperor's coven do you think they'll sign my forehead.

Willow: only one way to find out.

The two of them run inside Luz&brook and brook starts to follow them inside when they realize eda hasn't moved.

Luz: aren't you coming eda.

Brook: yay what's wrong eda.

Eda: no way of all covens they're the worst I'll wait out here.

Luz: we get it eda covens are bad individuals good but I'm still figuring out this world out so I'm going to go in there and up my own mind okay.

They two then walk inside eda looks over to see the man from earlier talking to a guard pointing towards her.

Eda: uh oh hey you guys wait up.

It cuts to a large stadium with people chatting eda sits next to luz and brook.

Eda: alright let's see this mess.

The light dims principal bump rises from the floor with spirals of green magic a spotlight illuminating him audience applause and cheers as he summons a microphone.

Principal bump: hello bonesborough students ask me all the time principal bump what the height of magic achievement.

Mattholomule:is it this( increases the size of his head greatly Accidentally crutches the student next to him.

Principal bump: wow I failed you as a principal it's being selected to join the best of the best and there are none better jewel of the coven system( three witch's appear) and the enforcers of his will the emperors coven.

Brook: amazing. His eyes sparkling In amazement.

Luz: woah

Willow&gus: luz . Pointing to to Gus forehead which was signed.

Principal bump: feast your eyes on this elite force each member handpicked to help usher in a new age of controlled magic.

The coven guards traces spell circles in the air making fireworks that turns into confetti.

Eda: when does this elite force get here.
Laughs asking the demon next to him.

Principal bump: members of the emperors coven have access to all yes all forms of magic ooh aah.

Audience: ooh ahh.

Principal bump: but only the best can ascend to these ranks some day that could be one of you.he points directly at amity who brightens and squeals.

Luz: hmm.

The tree guard grab there capes and disappear in flash's of white light.

Brook: booo hurry it up and get to the point already .yelling for him to get to the point.

Bumps looks up now mad as he looks to see who said that but brook immediately covers his face in his hat so he won't recognize him.

Principal bump: im getting there , but I am pleased to introduce the esteemed leader of this coven and this year's mystery guest.

Audience gasp.

Eda: huh.

A bright flash of light near the ceiling turns into a bule raven sitting on a brach it flies off it landing on the stage reveling Lilith it with a screech disappears the crowd applauds and cheers as eda is looking speechless with Luz&brook noticing.

Brook: eda do you know her

Luz: yay do you.

Eda: you could say that.

Luz: *gasps* mysterious past.

Lilith: thank you all it wasn't eazy for me to rise to the top I also started to humble beginnings.

Matt: like me.

Lilith: now I have the highest honor of enforcing the emperors will so be more of the emperors coven awaits you.

She spins around creating the raven illusion again it spreads it wings before bursting into balls of light Lilith poses her arms out Smirking while eda glares at her.

It cuts to outside of the auditorium as eda luz and brook leave.

Brook: eda are you ok. Never seeing her This mad before.

Luz: eda where are you going.

Eda: I'm heading home so I can wash this con funk off my skin.

Luz: but we haven't even taken the quiz to determine our coven type.

Pulls out a magazine out of her pocket and holds it over eda's head but eda doesn't even look as she cast a laser beam though it and walks away luz pulls the magazine down to read it walking without looking.

Luz: ooh brook a punky potionist.

They both run into amity and they grunt.

Amity: watch where you .. oh it's you two willow's abominations thing.

Brook: oh you still remember that huh sorry about that.

Luz: uh hey amity so funny story not an abomination we're sorry for the confusion last week I'm luz the human and this is brook the skeleton.

Brook: nice to meet you. Waving his hand to her.

Luz offers her hand but amity smacks it away.

Amity: ugh put that away you two are the ones that got me in trouble with principal bump and I never get in trouble. She walks away.

The two of them follow her.

Luz: well to be fair you were okay with him trying to dissect me and brook so.

Amity stops and turns around to face the two.

Amity: you can't be here this convention is for witch's only.

Brook thought: ok that kinda sounded racist right there.

Luz: well I'm learning on how to be a witch I'm receiving magic lessons and fighting lessons from a powerful witch a ferocious demon and a cool skeleton.

Amity: (looks over luz shoulder) is that your ferocious demon there.

The two of them turned around to see king decked in merch walking towards them.

King: Luz brook look at all those offerings. he trips on his shoes laces. Wah.

Brook goes to help him up luz reach out for his cupcake before amity steps on it king gasps.

Amity: oops that was a accident.

Luz: why are you being so mean amity.

Brook: yay we didn't do anything wrong to provoke you. Patting kings back.

Amity: because you and your brother there are giving witch's in training a bad name.

King: im not her brother. Scratching his face when his leg.

Luz: he's a good boy and he's the king of demons I'll tell you what amity it's one thing to say I can't be a witch.

Amity: cause you can't.

Brook: luz what are you thinking on doing. Knowing on what she's about to say.

Luz: but it's another thing to bully my friends just like what I'm trying to say amity I challenge you to a witch's duel.

Everyone in the convention gasps amity takes several steps into luz face.

Amity: I accept let's set the terms for this duel shall we.

Luz: one if I win you will apologize to king for squashing his cupcake and two you admit that humans can be witch's too.

Amity: fine by me but when I win not only do you have to tell the whole convention you're not a witch you stop training forever.

King: do it luz for my honor.

Luz: fine by me amity let's shake on it. She smirks knowing that she has the upper advantage here.

Amity draws a spell circle around it before shaking it.

Amity: the ever lasting oath is sealed meet back inside the theater in one hour let's see what kind of witch you are.

Amity walks away leaving the three to stand there thinking on what's going to happen later.

Brook: yohohohoho she doesn't know what's coming to her luz let's go find eda and tell her about this.

It cuts to Eda who was trying to sneak out of the convention.

Lilith: sister.

Edda stop and turns around to see Lilith surround by hexside students.

Lilith: it's been so long since I've seen you last and what are wearing you look like some sort of trash collector oh right you are.

Eda: oh lily i just had to see the leader of the emperors coven in action( leans down to talk to the students)you know when we were kids Lilith was so excited to see the emperors coven she peed a little.

The kids laugh as Lilith blush's.

Lilith: that's all for today( ushers the students away) you shouldn't even be here you're a wanted criminal unless *gasp* I don't believe it you are here to join the emperors coven.

Eda: ha in your dreams.laughs.

Lilith: you think being covenless makes you so much smarter than everyone else while you run from the law like a degenerate im mentoring the next generation of powerful witch students into the world.

Eda: well I have a student well I'm sharing her with a other person but I bet she could wipe the floor with any of your prissy blue bloods.

Lilith: is that a challenge.

Eda: oh it's a promise.

Luz pops between them.

Luz: hey eda i need your advice I challenged amity to a witch's duel and I think she wants to kill me all the way dead.

Lilith: mmm let it seems your student has met my strongest protege and look at these ears ( luz covers them ) and she a human where did you find one of these edalyn.

Brook: my my well hello there but my I ask you a nice request. He walks right in front of her face to face.

Lilith: and what would that be. Rises a eyebrow.

Eda: brook don't you even think about. Warning him on what's going to happen.

Brook: may I see your panties.

Lilith looks back in disbelief at the strange perverted request and Blush's.

Lilith: ah no way you disgusting pervert. She reels back her foot and kicks brook in the GROIN.

Brook: YOOOO . Brook eyes bulge out of his head and immediately grabs his private area winching in pain while foaming from his mouth.

Luz: *gasp* brook are you okay. Kneels down to brook to see if he was okay.

Eda: wait a minute how did that even hurt your nothing under there but bones . Surprised to see him some how hurt for a skeleton.

Brook: eda you'd be surprised I what I can do for a man who's just bones.

Eda: well anyway come on kid let's get brook up and get you prepared for bloodshed.

Luz: who's blood. Helping brook off his feet.

Eda: anyones i guess.

It cuts to a hallway where eda puts on a headband while brook had a block of ice on his private area.

Eda: all right luz let's start your training now I'm coming at you with a blast of fire what do you do.

Luz: well Ill dodged out of the way and make a distraction with my light fruit powers and summon my sword and move fast as light and strike you.

Eda: huh not bad kid.

Luz: but maybe kizaru journal might know something about duels. She pulls out the journal and opens it to see what it has.

/ Challenges and duels.
So it may have come to may intension you have challenged someone to a duel well you see since you either started it or they did but im sure you'll be alright your logia powers will make you immune to all physical attacks such as swords bullets etc you need to know where they'll strike first you must be fast enough to strike them first before he/she gets the drop in on you for example you could either summon your sword or fire at them with light beams but the only way they'd hurt you if they had haki or sea prism stones if not you'll be alright so good luck to you my friend.

Luz closes the books and puts it up and looks back up to eda who was doing some stretch's

Eda: boy I hope you didn't make a everlasting oath to stop learning magic or anything you'd be toast.

Luz: uhh is there a glowy hand thing that happens or uh.

Amity: abomination rise.

They look to see Lilith and amity were standing nearby as a abomination emerges from the ground and takes off its head and hurls it towards a person hitting them.

Eda: ooh boy.

Luz: i dont think I can handle this if not I have to stop learning magic.

Eda: kid listen to me we are not gonna let those snobs win that eazy we are not gonna let them win at all plus you got this.

Brook: ya luz we believe in you we know you could win this. Giving her a pat in her back.

It cut back to theater with Lilith and amity standing on the dais while eda and luz are standing opposite them.

Lilith: beloved citizens the emperors coven proudly presents an impormptu demonstration of the sort of the witch we seek each year introducing amity Blight.

The crowd cheers.

Lilith: versus some human girl.

The crowd stops applause and look at the said human.

Eda steps out of the way proudly presents a very confident luz.

Student 1: a human

Student 2: humans can't do magic.

Student 3: shes not amity.

Luz: eda brook what I'm I going to do .

Brook: luz calm yourself they don't understand that humans are a lot stronger then they think I mean I saw a guy who Literally cut a Mountain in half.

Eda: yep besides calm down with you fruit powers that amity won't see it coming.

Luz: alright I can do this I know in my heart even if I lose I'll still win.

Eda: thats the spirit.

A bell rings luz a bit nervous and amity confident approach's each other as the audience cheers on amity cracks her knuckles luz puts on kizaru sunglasses on to cover her eyes.

Amity: abomination rise. She summons a abomination that towers over the two girls it groans as it takes it head off and throws it at luz.

Its head just misses luz as she backed against a wall by the creature as it regrows it head she realizes on what shes why is she running away she built her confidence and charged at amity.

She uses her light fruit powers to become faster seeing everything and everyone around her slow down she takes this opportunity to attack amity she delivers a right hook to her face making her skid on the floor.

The crowd was surprise at the humans speed.

Brook: this battle isn't battle without a song. He pulls out his violin with other instruments from the top of his skull and began playing all of them with the help from his soul.

The crowd cheers even louder with music playing as it makes the battle more intense.

Principal bump thought: hmmm he seems pretty good with music I wonder if he's interested in a job.

Cuts back to the fight.

Amity: how did you do that. Holds her nose as it was bleeding from the punch luz gave her.

Luz: im just fast.

Amity: you'll pay for that you hear me. She summons multiple abominations and sent them after luz.

Willow: did you see that luz in a witch's duel.

Gus: yeah and she can win it all yeah yeah.

The abominations grow closer to luz as she looks around to see she was surrounded she quickly coated her hand in haki punching the abomination making it splatter in bits she jump kicked another one making it lose it head.

Amity: *screams* how are you doing that there's no way you could take down three giant abominations that eazy.

Luz: im just that lucky. Shrugging her shoulders smiling at her.

Luz walks over to amity slowly amity try's to back away from the human but is to scared to do anything but stand as she saw her destroy the rest of her abominations as if they were just playthings to her.

Amity: hey stop stay back.

Luz: whats wrong didn't you want to accept this duel and prove me wrong.

As each step she took amity could only cower a bit knowing if she moved or run away she lose before she finally felt the wall of the stadium behide her she felt the presence of the girl standing before in her very eyes.

Amity: I said STAY BACK. She summoned a piece of sharp abomination sludge shaped like a blade and was horrified at what she had done.

The shape blade had slash trough the human
Decapitating her upper half off her body her arm falling off leaving her lower half falling to the ground.

The crowd screams and watched in horror as they had just witness a death by the hands of amity blight as the girl was yelling at herself at what she done.

Lilith could only watch in terror as the human girl was brutally killed by her student this was her fault no she knew her sister would cheat but she saw She wasn't doing anything about not caring about her student knowing this would happen.

Lilith: eda why aren't you doing anything this.

Eda: lily you'd be surprised on what that kid made out of.

Brook: indeed you think that she's dead but look again.he points over to luz.

She turns her head to see what There talking before seeing the her legs started to stand by themselves up from the ground.

Luz: ow you know blight didn't anyone tell you it's rude to slice people in half. As she said that her body began disassemble into light particles and reassemble back on her legs.

Luz body was completely fixed again she started to dust her self while looking over to the audience who's mouths wide open there faces showing shocked expressions as they had just witness a human regenerate as well as seeing her be completely made out of light.

Amity could watch as she knew she was more in trouble as she already was now she quickly summons more abominations to deal with her so she could catch her breath.

Luz: huh more of those things well they won't any trouble at all. Luz had manifested her light sword to deal with the slime creatures.

Amity: what am I going to do she had taken out everything I throw at her. She saw a giant piece of abomination sludge flung over her and saw a other piece go straight at brook.

Luz: ah brook look out. She yelled out for brook to get out of the way but can't he hear her over the music.

Brook: wait what ahhhhh. He was hit by the purple slime and dropped all his instruments and being stuck to a wall as he felt something fall out from his head and looking to see what it was his eyes quickly widen.

Brook: luz you have to get that devil fruit before she eats it.

Principal bump and Lilith: devil fruits that's what there called . They wonder what's so special about that fruit and question on what it does.

Luz: on it . She ran for the fruit as fast as she could be was stop as a abomination hand grabbed it sinking into the ground she turns her head over to amity who now holds the fruit in her hands.

Amity: stop right there .(She holds the fruit in her hand making luz stop in her tracks). What is so special about This fruit huh.holding it out to face luz.

Luz: amity wait I wouldn't eat that if I were you. Slowly taking each step to not know the power of that fruit.

Amity: well it's already late for that . Amity had opened her mouth taking a huge chunk of the fruit winching in disgust at the flavor and had eaten the rest of it entirely.

Luz: im sorry for what I'm about to do. She points at amity her finger out firing a beam at light at her making it explode.

But as the flames were raging she didn't know she saw a figure emerging from the flames.

Amity looks at herself to see flames emitting from her body she was fascinated by the power from a mere fruit she looks down to her hand that was regenerating from fire she smiled at this and turned over to the human who was shaken in fear she reeled back her hand launching a stream at fire.

Amity: fire wall.

Luz had nearly dodged out of the way but not after getting a burnt on her hand she gasp at the pain feeling the hot sensation on her skin she recoiled herself pulling out several light glyphs activating them making several light orbs around her she grab about ten of them form a ring around her holding her hand out before making them all fire beams of solid light at her.

Luz: brook what kind of devil fruit did she consume. Summoning her blade to hold off amity while she had dodge her attack

Brook: she had eaten the mera mera no mi aka the fire fire fruit which allows to the user to create control and become fire its also a logia fruit and it's pretty strong. He try's to get himself unstuck from the wall but fails to on how sticky the sludge it is.

Amity: so this is why you didn't want me to eat that fruit I can see why this power feels incredible but let's kick it up a notch. She put her hands together making a sword made of fire.

Cuts to the stage with eda Lilith.

Lilith: how's that possible thats physical impossible. She couldn't saw anything as her and her sister students were fighting like animals as well seeing them turn into natural elements.

Eda: lily I told you humans were a lot different back then they had the strength to punch a mountain in pieces. Patting her sisters back.

The audience couldn't say anything they were all flabbergasted shocked to see a human made out of light and now a witch that's completely made of fire.

Cuts back to the two fighting.

The two girls charged at each other with there swords ready to clash with one another.

Amity: it seems your losing your self human. Sweating and tired over her body at the battle she having with luz.

Luz: don't get cocky blight you only had those for powers several minutes and thinking you mastered them already but let me demostrare to you how powerful light IS. she overpowered Amity and pushed her down to the floor rising her leg up to the to wall of the stadium shooting a lazer beam trough it making only a small hole in it luckily nowhere was there to get hurt.

Amity: huh that was nothing all you was. But she stopped as they heard a massive explosion off in the distance.

Everyone looked out of the Stadiums windows and looked with shocked faces.

Man 1: no way.

Man 2: she didn't.

Women 3: she did.


Amity went pale as snow at the thought of what they had just said she turned to face to human again but was stop as she pointed her light sword at her.

Luz: do you amity yield. Gasping to catch her breath as she was sweating and exhausted from the fight.

Amity: NEVER. She slide kick luz feet knocking her to the ground amity used her hands to use fire to push herself back to gain distance.

Amity: I'm not losing to someone like you. She stretches out her hands in a finger gun gesture making luz confused before quietly realizing.

Luz was dodging the incoming flameing projectiles trying not to get hit by one of them.

Luz: so you shoot fire bullets well so can I. She points her finger out firing lazer beams at her.

Amity couldn't get out of the way In time and was shot trough the shoulder making amity fall to her knees holding her shoulder in pain but was still not reluctant to give up.

Luz: amity we can stop this if....wait what's this. She gos behind amity so see a glyph on the back of amity's neck.

Amity: hey what are you. But was shocked to see the glyph in luz hand.

Luz: amity did you cheat.

Amity: what no I didn't know that thing was. She was trying to explain to her she didn't know were it came from.

Eda: let me see that, haha a power glyph from the construction coven.

Everyone in the stadium gasps.

Eda: ahaha yes yes yes you cheated perfect prissy Lilith cheated hot dang I love conventions.

Lilith: I only did that because I knew you would cheat.

Brook: hey that's great and all but can someone help get me down from here. Who was still stuck on the wall.

Eda: still cheated welcome down to my level.

Amity: but I didn't know. She looks to see luz get closer to her and ran off.

Luz: amity wait , how could you do that to her your own student that is. She turned her head to face Lilith with her face showing anger.

Lilith: well how was I supposed to know that something like you would cheat.

Luz: me cheating you know what Lilith have I have to tell you something have you ever been kick at the speed of light before.

Lilith: not saying I haven't why do you ask th...as she was about to finish her sentence she was launched into a wall.

Luz: let that be a lesson. She runs off to go find amity.

Eda: hey lily you ok there. She checks if her sister is ok.

Lilith: ugh.

Eda: ah good your ok alright let's get you healed up now shall we brook could you give me a hand. Yelling over to brook while picking up her sister from the wall.

Brook: eda may I remind you that am still stuck.

Eda: oh right here I'll help you out.

It cuts to luz running around the convention with people looking at her but ignore them she eventually finds amity sulking in a corner next to the bathrooms.

Luz: amity listen I'm sorry.

Amity: ugh seriously just leave me alone.

Luz: listen i didn't mean to embarrass you.

Amity: that's all you ever do first at school and now this.

Luz: yeah but.

Amity: and you made me look like a fool I. Front of the emperors coven my future you think it's so easy to be a witch I have been working my whole life to get to the top you won I cheated so your a witch.

Luz: but im not a witch.

She knells down pulling out a notepad and pencil amity looks confused as she looks to see luz drawing out a light glyph then taps it gently cups the ball of light produced smiling at it holds it up to amity.

Luz: but im training to become one.

Amity: but but how were you able to do all that stuff with the light and I cut you and you healed instantly.

Luz: you amity I am a human but i eaten a devil fruit called the light light fruit which it allows me too become control and create it making me a light human.

Amity: so that's what it called huh then you could have Back the one I ate then.

Luz: oh im sorry amity but it won't work like that you eaten the entire thing so those powers are permanently apart of you now.

Amity: wait really wow so the one I ate allows me to become fire.

Luz: indeed but I could you know help you train your fruit I know brook could help how that sound.

Amity: that would be nice sure I'll take you up on that offer but here let do something real quick.she grabs luz hand and traces the spell circle around.

Amity: the oath is unbound.

Luz: did it work can I still use magic.

Amity: humans have no magical ability but I doubt that'll stop u. She stands up and leaves with luz by herself.

King: luz there you are you left me.Running up to her.

Luz: yeah sorry you probably got lost so should we get you more offerings.

King: nah that stuff weighed me down but I have something better for you and it's the best thing in the world because it's free and comes from the heart and I always have more than I need.

Luz: *gasp* is it love.

King: ugh no ( reaches behind him) totes bags and they have many uses now let's go find eda.

Eda arrives with brook who was still removing strands of goo off himself.

Eda: we gotta go.

Luz:is Lilith going to be alright. Wondering is she going to alright.

Brook: you could say that.

The for of them head towards to door but were interrupted by someone.

Skara: hey you there mr skeleton. Running up to brook with a paper and pen.

Brook: oh uh hey there kid what can I do you.

Skara: your performance was incredible how were you able to do that and could I get your autograph.

Brook: thank you and  sure thing. Signs the paper for the girl. Before seeing other students with red sleeves indicating that there all people from the barb coven.

Student 2: dude you were incredible.

Student 1: you play the violin so well could you teach me.

Student 3: yeah me too.

Brook was crowded by barb students asking for his autograph and asking questions of his talent of playing every instruments and they look to see principal bump heading towards them pushing his way through the crowd of students.

Principal bump: excuse me pardon me, well hello there mr brook.

Luz: hey if it's about the whole abomination thing we're sorry.

Principal bump: oh no no I was just wondering if your performance at the theater was incredible and that stuff with the devil fruits swordsman ship and haki that the human was using.

Brook: what about it. Signing more papers for the kids.

Principal bump: well I was wondering if you would like to work at Hexside as a substitute for the barb class as well if teaching the other students about sword training as well with haki and I will you human to help and In as well of addition of pardoning you two of your actions at hexside

Luz: brook say yes I could finally go to a real magic school and you could get paid for it.

Eda: Id take the offer brook you could at least pay rent as well for the damages to my drawer for trying to steal my underwear.

Brook: well it's settled then Ill happily take your offer. Shakes bumps hand.

Principal bump: well I'm happy to obliged I'll you two next semester at hexside and your brother could join as well , so you four later. He walks off with the barbs students happy for the autographs signed by brook.

Luz: this is great isn't it eda we could finally go to a magic school.

Eda: well I'm happy for ya kid now let's go home and you think that's all for my mysterious past wait until you see my parents.

Luz: what you got parents I need to know more.

Brook: yohohoho boy I can't wait to show and teach the barb class my skills they would be amazed.

King: a again I'm not her brother.

They all excited the building leaving the convention once and for all.

End of chapter 6 I hoped you guys enjoyed it took me along time to make and if there's anything wrong I'll go back and fix it and shout out to Jss2141

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