Psychopath Love Bts ff [comp...

By goofy_twinkle

1.7K 68 29

~"Only an insane mind can understand another insane mind, isn't it?"" ~"But he was talking normally".... othe... More



56 5 0
By goofy_twinkle

Donghyun: You think I am all wrong isn't it?

Taehyung: No, Doctor. That isn't true..........Just be careful.(he smiled sarcastically)

Donghyun: (Laughing) You see that guard of mine?.....Combat Neurosis. It is also called Shell Shock. It is something that cannot be erased from memory except by a mental shock. Slowly it turns into neurosis. (Taehyung looked at the guard far behind him) The unwanted thought bids adieu to the mind.This was my first test conducted on this guard.(he shrugged his shoulders) And it was a success. He is my living proof............ Now he can do anything for me, even a murder. Without caring about anyone. (he scoffed at Taehyung and drank a beer)

Taehyung: What did you do to Siwoon? Who planned those murders in her family? What could be the reason? Can you put some light on it Doctor? (he glared intensly at Donghyun)

Donghyun: I don't know anything about it.

Taehyung: Then why since so many days you are tormenting Siwoon in the name of treatment?

The Guard came towards them with a gun and gave it to Donghyun. He took the gun playing with it and said,

Donghyun: I have an uninvited guest, Doctor. A fox. I hate uninvited guests.

Taehyung: Shall I also come.

Donghyun: (Laughed slightly and patted Taehyung's shoulder)Sheep don't hunt. They are to be hunted. You complete your drink. 

Saying this he went with the Guard following him. Taehyung stood up from the chair and looked at Donghyun's fading figure. He went to his room and slept.

The next morning;

Taehyung pov:

I woke up from my sleep and kept my feet on the ground but I felt something under my right foot. As I looked at it was a half torn painting and I knew who's it is.

I went towards the painting room and called Sungmin, he was sipping on a cup of tea.

Taehyung: Sungmin. You left this in my room. (I went infront of him and kicked the stand on my way.) You don't talk, do you? 

I went towards the wall threw the paintings he made, I looked at him and he was still sipping on his tea with a calm face. He went forward and turned one painting to face towards me. It was a painting of me and Siwoon in that Glass house but not of yesterday, we both were wearing another clothes and the cloth made in the painting is what I am wearing currently. After looking at that painting I silently walked away towards the garden. On my way I saw all of the patients looking outside the window, There was Siwoon in that glass house sitting peacefully on a chair. 

I went to the glass house and stood there leaning on the door frame of it. Siwoon stood and went to the other side of the glass house. Suddenly it started raining and Siwoon went out of the glass house and jumped while swaying her hands to her sides. I just kept on staring at her and smiled fondly then went to her keeping my hands in my pockets. Seeing us Professor, Natalia and Ye-Jun also came outside in the rain. 

Third person pov:

When they all were enjoying in the rain, Robin called Soojin and showed her the view in the garden. Soojin went out to the garden and started dragging Siwoon forcefully from there but Taehyung came and slapped Soojin to free Siwoon from her grip. Soojin went away angrily while Siwoon hugged Taehyung tightly. Robin glared at Taehyung.

At Donghyun's side;

Soojin: This is all your fault!! (she shouted angrily) You should have finished him before! Are you afraid of him?

Donghyung: Here.(He gave Soojin a napkin)

Soojin: (She grabbed the napkin and threw it) It is so humiliating. He slapped me! Won't you take any action?

Donghyun went near her and bent till he reached near her ear and said,"Yes"

Taehyung's side:

Taehyung was Drying Siwoon's hair and she remembered her father drying her hair in the same way. She then started to mumble

Siwoon: Appa, ... Appa.

Taehyung: Who else do you remember ?(looking at her hopefully)

Siwoon started to get restless walking back and forth

Siwoon: My aunt...My aunt... My aunt.

Taehyung grabbed her hand softly and made her sit and asked calmly.

Taehyung: who is your aunt?

Siwoon: J-Jungkook.

Taehyung asked her surprised.

Taehyung: Who?

Siwoon: Jungkook. Jungkook.

Flash back: 

San-hoon: Why don't you listen to me? how many times I have told you? Why did you grab her hairs? I am tired of explaning everyone.

Little Siwoon looked at the one who had grabbed her hair from her father's back.

San-Hoon's younger bother: (He slapped the little boy) What did I tell you Huh? Not to go near Siwoon right? Idiot. How many times I told him to stay away from crackpots. But he doesn't understand. (He said looking at Siwoon)

Siwoon came running towards him, grabbed his hand and bit him till blood oozed out of his hand. He was shouting out of pain then San-Hoon came and separated them.

That little boy looked at her and she smiled at him.

His mother and took him with her and locked him in a storage room saying,"You have become so arrogant recently. Now stay here"  

Jungkook: When I grow up, I'll deal with you all.

Flasback end.

Taehyung: Where is your appa?


" Your eyelids have hairs as much as you have dreams and desires. And whenever you make any wish a string of hairs falls off from your eyelid. Then you know what is to be done, dear?.... Take that strand and hide it in your palm and bring it straight to appa without showing anyone. And you know what appa will do then? ....Appa will fulfil your every wish. Right? And you'll get everything that you wish for. Okay?" ~ 

While remembering what her appa had said Siwoon was going to her appa with the strand of hair hidden in her palm. He was talking with his brothers over some topic and it was quite obvious that he was in a bad mood. But Siwoon went and started poking his fore arm to gain his attention.

San-hoon: What is it? Go there and sit. Don't bother us!!(This was the first time he shouted at her)

Siwoon went and sat on a chair controlling her tears. Looking at her father arguing with his brothers.

to be continued...

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