Valefor Heir DxD

By Joker5007

56.7K 900 106

OC reborn as a pure blooded devil in world of DxD,A house specialises in Darkness manipulation and Shadow pos... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

3.6K 56 6
By Joker5007

After having some fun times with his girls,Nik finally dressed up in suits like he always wears,Why?Just say its a habit now,Being a noble and stuff.

As we came to the hall as kuisha,Tiamat and Le fay were also ready as he waved his hand"Hello,Everyone shall we go now"

"Yeah sure"Tiamat said and Nik asked"But where are we going anyway"

"We are near Lady Rias and Lady sona's territory and Lord Lucifer said us to look over them till we are here"Kuisha informed

"So they want me to baby sit two princesses?"Nik asked as three girls nodded"Yes,Basically"

Nik sighed"Fuck you lucifer,But i can't deny him,Lets pay a visit to them"

As kuisha nodded and made a magic circle to teleport them to rias's head quarters.

As they all reached at the ORC,And There were already some guests there.

Nik looked around while other looked at him with surprised look.

And Then nik noticed his evil buddy riser as i smiled and waved hid hand"Yo,Riser"

Riser turned back"Hello,Champion"

As two shook hands,And Ise sighed"Another rich boy"

Nik looked at him"Who you might be,Pal"

"Names Issei hyoudou,I am pawn of lady rias"He introduced himself

"I am Nik valefor,Heir to valefor house,Nice to meet you,Issei"Nik smiled as he gave his hand for a handshake as two shook hands.

Nik then looked around and asked"Riser,Why are you here"

"Riser is here to meet his beloved Rias"Riser replied

"Is that true lady grafiya?"Nik looked at silver haired maid

"Yes,Lord riser pushed the contract further"She informed

"And If thats the case,Then why lord lucifer send me here anyway?"Nik was confused now

"What?Brother send you here"Rias too was shocked

"Anyway you two can continoue,I am just on a vacation"Nik said as he sat on the chouch as akeno served him a cup of tea.

As thier conversation continoues,Rias finally shouted"For the last time riser,I won't marry you"

"Geez...Rias you are loud,You must be even louder in bed,Am i right,Issei"Nik said looking at issei who looked confused"How do i know that"

"Isn't she your girlfriend?Or something like that"Nik asked as he shook his head"No i am just her pawn"

"Oh..Thats the case,I feel bad for you now"Nik said as he continoued sippinh his tea leaving a confused issei behind.

"But rias contract has been made already,You can't do a thing"Riser said

"I challenge you for a rating game,If i win,You will leave me alone"Rias said and then grafiya spoke up"Lord lucifer knew something like this will happen,So i grafiya in name of my king sirjechs lucifer,Make this game official"

"Riser shall give you ten days to get your wedding dress ready,Rias"Riser said as he teleported with his peerage

Nik sighed in relief"Finally the nuisance is out"

"Who are you,Mister if i ask"Kiba politely said

"I think i did introduced myself before and i don't like repeating myself"Nik said and grafiys spoke up"He is Lord Nik Valefor,A pure breed devil,Heir to arch-duke Valefor house,Also an Ultimate class devil and He ranks 7th in the rating game leaderboards"

As most of their eyes widen,Expect rias who knew about him.

"He must be very strong,He is even higher than president she is duke,And also ultimate class devil"Kiba was surprised

"Whats ultimate class"Issei asked

"Ultimate class is highest rank in devil system"Grafiya explained

"Amazing,Does he too have his peerage"Issei asked

Nik looked at his peerage who were standing besides rias's peerage"Hey don't you see those three ladies,They are in my peerage"

As three girls walked near him as Ise began cryinh anime tears"He too have harem"

"What happened to him"Nik asked and Rias replied"He wants to be a harem king and He is jealous of you"

Nik smiled as he said"Hey,Do you really want to be a harem kinh"

"Yes,I can do anything for that"Ise said with determination

"I will help you rank up and made to high class,Be my student"Nik offered making others look wide eyes

"Are you sure,Sir nik"Kuisha asked

"Yeah,He is interesting,I haven't seen such determination in a while,Last time it was diodora who wanted to take gabriel's virginity"Nik laughed lightly

"So that wasn't just a rumor?He really prayed for that,What a lechorous devil"Rias said showing disgust towards diodora

"Who is diodora?Leave it,I am ready,Teach me,Train me"Ise said as he bowed down

"Since there is only ten days for the rating game between rias and Riser,I will train them all"Nik said

"But why would you do that"Rias asked

"Just say i don't want riser to win,And I don't have a reason for that"Nik said as she nodded

Nik then turned to his peerage"Le fay can you help Bishop and queen in magic"

"Yes sure"Le fay said as she walked to asia

"And Tiamat can you help the rook here"Nik asked

"I can only if you...."Before she could finished

"Ok i promise after the game,I promise"Nik said

"Ok i will"She looked at koneko"Get ready cat girl"

"And Kuisha can you ask Arthur if he is free to help the knigt here"Nik asked as she nodded"Yes i will do just that"

"And I will train,Issei myself"Nil smiled and with that next day they all went to mountains for training.

As all of them were standing together,As Nik said"Now you all have ten days,Do your best"

"We will win"Was their response

"Lets go dragon boy"Nik said as he began walking to a empty area

"Wait...I am coming"Was issei ran behind him

As two reached the area as nik asked"What are you gonna do after this training at rating game"

"I am going to beat riser's ass"Ise quickly replied only to get a smack on his head

"What was that for?"Ise asked and Nik said"Your goal is Rias not riser you idiot"

"What do you mean?I can't understand"Ise asked

"See if you beat riser at rating game,It will be counted as teams effort,No one will see you,You will left in dust,Do you think you can over shadow kiba or koneko?"Nik said

"No...But what should i do than"Ise asked

"Now hear me out"Nik began as ise heared him carefully"I will teach you all of riser's weaknesses,But at rating game you will have to loose"

"Loose but why?"Ise was confused

"Do you want to make rias fall for you or not"Nik asked as he shake his head vigorously

"After you loose,You will crash in their marriage and Save rias from riser and She will then see you as someone strong who played on his life to save her and Then you will be able to do whatever you want with her"Nik explained his plan as Ise looked eyes widened"Boss you are amazing,Rias will be mine,For rias I can loose hundred times"

"Thats a shitty plan you got there devil boy"A green gem appear on his hand as ddraig said

"Oh..Red dragon,But this is what your host wants"Nik exclaimed

"Oh..Yeah i can't blame you when my own host is the one responsible" Ddraig said

"Oh..Can we just start training already"Ise asked

"Yes,But first Ddraig can you turn ise into a dragon"Nik asked and ise asked"I can be a dragon like real dragon,I will be so cool"

"Yes you can,You know i am a dragon myself"Nik said

"But you said yoi were a devil"Ise said and Nik laughed"I am devil dragon"

As he turned into a sixty feet dragon with purple eyes and Red scales with black body.

"Thats so cool"Ise said with stars in his eyes

"Bune clan?But transforming into this big dragon,He is same size as me or maybe bigger than me"Ddraig commented

And Nin turned back to his normal self as he said"Now mr ddraig will you"

"Are you sure,It will hurt like hell"Ddraig reminded

"I can endure this for rias"Ise said and without any warning Ddraig began draconification as ise began screaming in pain and after half a hour he lost consiousness.

After two days,Ise woke up"How long was i gone"

"Two whole days,Now get ready we have a lot training to do"Nik said as he began walked out and soon followed by ise.

"Now i will teach you how to turn into dragon yourself,By turning yourself into a full fledged dragon,You will be mostly immune to fire as You are a fire born dragon,And Riser uses fire,This will be more than enough for riser"Nik explained

"What about my sacred gear"Ise asked

"You can't use it always,There will be times when you will have to use physical strength"Nik said as ise nodded and With that training began

Thats it for the chapter

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