The Nutcacker Prince

By KleinerTagtraumer

518 13 0

Drosslmyer has decided to make one more story and put an end to Ahiru and Fakir! Will he succeed? Or will he... More

Info 🩰📜
The Party 🎉
The Battle ⚔️🗡️
The Land Of Snow ☃️
The Land Of Sweets 🍭🍬
Land Of Flowers 💐
The Final Battle ⚔️🗡️
The Castle 📜
The End? 🕊️✨
Reunited 🥀
Sorry For Interruptions!
The End

The Snow Storm ☃️🌨️

37 1 0
By KleinerTagtraumer

"i-i don't know.. Perhaps get married? Or travel, or maybe stay with Drosslmyer.. He already wants to see some children run around here who I call my own. So I'm sure hed want me married first.."

Ahiru felt tense by the thought of Fakir getting married. Of course she knew that he had to do what he pleases..yet she didn't like the thought of anyone else being his..Ahiru felt Fakir playfully nudge her with his elbow.

"Maybe you know some beautiful women who would like to marry little me? I'm sure you do."

Huh!? Ahiru nearly choked on her pancakes! While on the other hand Fakir let out a small snicker. Ahiru looked over at him to send him an evil glare when she stopped when she saw Fakir release a small,tiny chuckle as his small smile went back to nothing.

Ahiru looked down at her food not knowing what to say. Her feelings were mixed up into a bunch..she has been so lonely of a companion. True she had her family..Rue..Mytho..yet it never seemed to make her truly happy. Was Fakir the only person that made Ahiru feel such things of happiness?

"Why did you go with me back then?"

Ahiru stiffened as she looked to see Fakir not looking at her once. She shighed blushing a beautiful shade of pink, her dress messily bunched up as she fidgeted with the hem of it.

" first I desperately wanted to get was the only place I felt like I belonged. I felt wanted there because I had a role to fill. Yet..when we went on our journey I grew to like being by your side..and when it was the final battle between the mouse king-..I couldn't help but see you get hurt! You became an important person to me!"

Ahiru felt her ears burn by this point. Oh how embarrassing! She was never any good at these things!

"I..I have grown to l-like you!- even so far to say that I-..."

Ahirus words were caught at her throat as she now noticed her hands were now on his, squeezing them tightly. Without a single thought she had a sudden impulse to do something she may or may not regret..


She pecked him on the cheek. Murmuring three little words that made her heart explode..

"I-I love you.."

My, someone seemed rather jealous~ Fakir softly chuckled once more seeing her grow all upset in a angered way before gently patting her head—, what.. what did she say..? Fakir was surprised as he heard every word of hers.. Did she mean it..? Did Ahiru really mean she enjoyed going with him on their adventure?

“Do you.. really mean—“

His eyes widen once both of Fakir’s hands were held by the small ones of Ahiru’s—, did she just—.. did she just kiss his c-cheek?! Fakir was stunned to speak before hearing those three words..

”I-I love you..”

Fakir now grabbed the girl’s shoulders to face him and showed a look of hope before blushing a bright red once more quickly letting go of her shoulders before he  turned away crossing his arms in a childish way.

“Y-Yeah right! Don’t say such words you don’t mean I-idiot!”

How cute this was! The brave prince was all shy because of the brave young woman who sat next to him~ After a while, Fakir little by little, held her hand, but would never dare to look at her..

“Y-You already know I love you.. Idiot.. what, want a more romantic gesture?!”

Oh goodness! Fakir was sure bold to say such things! Which is a good thing, of course, but sometimes can be bad if she takes any offense. Soon, his grip tightened on her hand to show he wouldn’t be letting go of her hand anytime soon.. She was safe.. safe and sound..

“Promise not to ever leave my sight again..? I already almost lost my life many times for you, so you owe me one.”

Speaking to Ahiru, Fakir turned his gaze now over to her once more, and showed he wouldn’t take his eyes off her for even a second.. Never ever.. oh, how romantic this was! To think, a nutcracker in need of help, ends up with the heroic woman named Ahiru! To tease her once more.. Fakir did a playful sigh and now crossed his arms showing he was thinking..

“You know, I wonder if there are any men who are interested in you that I just battle. Hm.. Shouldn’t be too hard, right~?”

Oh, what a tease he was indeed! Fakir softly chuckled once more and pats her soft, red hair.

“I’m only kidding. If you’re of course interested in another, I can not stop you. Or if someone of higher status loves you either.”

Ahiru had looked away shamefully at her confession when suddenly her shoulders were gripped!

Ahiru had met eye to eye with Fakir. His eyes beamed of hope which later on his face turned bright red like a tomato. He let her go quickly and turned away crossing his arms in a childish manner which made Ahiru giggle.

"Y-Yeah right! Don't say such words you don't mean I-Idiot!"

She huffed at his comment. Idiot She was no such thing of that! If she was he'd be a big Jerk Oh how adorable this was! Such a flustered pair I would say? Oh yes indeed!

Ahirus eyes widened when Fakir little by little, held her hand, but sadly he did not dared to look at her.. Ahiru frowned wanting to meet the young man's face.

"Y-you already know I love you.. idiot.. what, want a more romantic gesture?!"

Ahiru playful punched his arm by the same snarky comment. Idiot  Oh how it just made her blood boil! Yet she calmed down when she felt his grip tighten..she knew that Fakir was here..and wont be leaving any time soon..

"Promise not to ever leave my sight agian..? I already almost lost my life many times for you, so you owe me one."

She nodded finally meeting his gaze with a warm smile. Such beautiful love that blossomed in the air! How romantic!~ Fakir sighed playfully and crossed his arms showing he was thinking.

"You know, I wonder if there are any men who are interested in you that I just battle. Hm.. shouldn't be too hard right~?"

Oh what a tease he was! Ahiru looked at him with a evil glare as she simply huffed and looked away. Of course she could hear him chuckling beside her which seemed to fuel the flames.

"I'm only kidding. If you're of course interested in another, I can not stop you. Or if someone of higher status loves you either."

Oh when Ahiru heard this she smiled at his words. Although she had a plan to make him suffer the consequences of being shuch a tease! Oh yes indeed! Little Ahiru was such a little gremlin indeed!

"Fakir I love you and only don't even think of such things.."

Oh how sweet she was going to be for now..until soon enough, Ahiru held his hands looking at him with her beautiful doe eyes.

"You know about your little offer awhile ago about the romantic gesture..? Indulge me will you?"

She smiled so innocently at him before becoming a giggling mess to the point she was about to fall over! Oh silly little Ahiru just wanted to tease the prince!

Did she just laugh at him?! Him dare she! She’s lucky he’s not an indecent man, as he’d never lay his hands on her or anything! He wouldn’t ever.. Hearing her request, he soon showed he began to think but soon responded.

“It would have to wait a few days as the snow is too high for me to go to any stores to retrieve what I’d need. I’d also of course need to meet your parents as I’m sure they’d like to see me first.”

Hm.. Fakir did have a point.. It only seems right for him to do that. Raising a brow, he saw Drosslmyer has returned! The older man smiled and sat on the cushioned chair as Fakir greeted him.

“Did your nap go well?”

Drosslmyer chuckled and nodded while gently patting his head as Fakir sent a small smile before Drosslmyer turned his gaze outside. It seemed the snow died down! Fakir excused himself rising up as he went off and placed on boots and winter gear before going outside to shovel a path for Ahiru. Meanwhile..

“So, I take it you and Fakir are getting along quite nicely, yes~? It’s best we return you home, after all, I’m sure your family is worried.”

Drosslmyer carefully rose up and went off to grab his coat and placed it on carefully. Once fully ready, Drosslmyer saw Fakir walk in shivering. Drosslmyer showed worry as he gently dusted Fakir who was covered in snow and soon spoke with concern.

“It’s freezing outside.. Too hard of snow. It’s best we stay here for a while.”

Drosslmyer nods and scurried off to the back and used the phone to call her family and request Ahiru to stay the night because of the snow as her parents agreed in a worried way before they all hang up.

Fakir in the meantime, shivered as he takes off his coat and boots putting everything away. Going to the fireplace to warm up, he looked like a mess.. Snow decorated his raven colored hair, and his blue shirt sleeved shirt as he shivered, placing his hands by the fire to warm up.

“I didn’t think the snow would be that bad.. The path I made will be gone.”

"it would have to wait a few days as the snow is too high for me to go to any stores to retrieve what i'd need. I'd also need to meet your parents as I'm sure they'd like to see me first."

Ahiru died right at that spot- She wasn't expecting him to take it so literally! Yet though she got excited from it! Oh how that boy brought wonders to her. Such an interesting fella indeed!

However Fakir did have a point.. It was a responsible thing to do. Simply smiling at him, Drosslmyer had returned! The older man had smiled and seated himself on the cushioned chair as Fakir greeted him.

"Did your nap go well?"

The toymaker just chuckled and nodded while gently patting Fakir's head. It was adorable Ahiru thought! They looked as if they could be father and son!

Fakir had excused himself and all that was left was Drosslmyer and Ahiru alone.

"So, I take it you and Fakir are getting along quite nicely, yes~? It's best we return you home, after all, I'm sure your family is worried."

Ahiru turned bright red red by his comment and started to babble off as usual and slowly calmed down.

Drosslmyer had carefully rose up and left to get his coat and check on Fakir when he came in shivering. Drosslmyer showed of great concern as he gently brushed the snow off of Fakir.

"It's freezing outside.. Too hard of snow. It's best if we stay here for a while."

The toymaker simply nodded and scurried off to the back and called Ahiru's family and request that shed stay the night over. Ahirus parents agreed in a worried way before they all hung up.

Ahiru in the meantime, went over to Fakir worried if he was sick.

"I didn't think the snow would be that bad.. the path I made will be gone."

Ahiru looked at him sitting down beside him at the fire place pressing her hand on his cold cheek.

"Hey it'll be alright...we will still have a path cleared by tomorrow..just rest you don't look to well!"

She felt his forehead and there was a concerning amount of warmth that made Ahiru drag Fakir onto some comfy cushions. She walked over to grab a blanket and basically swaddle him with it.

"You just stay were your at! Are you hungry? I can make you some soup!"

Aw, the poor boy might get sick! Fakir blushed a bright red once she felt his cheek. Hm.. He was getting too hot.. This won’t do! As Fakir was about to get himself a blanket, it seemed Ahiru beat him to it! Swaddling him, Fakir blushed once more as he enjoyed it.

“I’ll be fine.. No need to make me soup. After all, it isn’t dinner time yet.”

Soon Drosslmyer scurried over to the two and motioned for Fakir to take a hot shower. Nodding, Fakir went off while Drosslmyer frowns watching him

“My, that boy will be the death of me I just know it!“

The old man softly chuckled shaking his head before sitting down and relaxed as he heard the shower go on meaning Fakir was safely bathing in the warm water.

“Thankfully today is Christmas! I’m sure we can make it to the dinner tonight if the snow dies down. If not, I’m sure we can have it tomorrow!”

Drosslmyer soon sighs in relief closing his eyes. This was nice.. Fakir has returned, and Ahiru was safe.. Thankfully she made the right choice to come home..

“I take it you and Fakir are getting along? I bet my boy is such a good man!”

Drosslmyer showed a smile that held pride as he loves Fakir as id he were his son. After all, Fakir didn’t have parents, nor did Drosslmyer. So really they only had each other.. he soon perked up hearing footsteps. Fakir returned! Drosslmyer went off to prepare lunch as Fakir came over. He had left his hair down for once as it was dripping wet from the warm water. He would be wearing his usual outfit before going over and sitting next to Ahiru. Fakir felt much better!

“Did Drosslmyer annoy you with his stories? I have a feeling he did.”

Fakir shakes his head sighing. Drosslmyer can really tell a good story, but really, really long ones.. They take forever to hear until he reaches the end! Even then, there would be no ending.. sounds just like Drosslmyer! Fakir would lay back and rest his head on a cushion to relax as he looked up at Ahiru.

“Well, so much for making such a grand gesture.”

"I'll be fine..No need to make me soup. After all it isn't dinner time yet."

Ahiru simply nodded her head smiling at him lovingly. Soon enough Drosslmyer had returned and scurried over to the two of them! He motioned to Fakir to go and take a hot shower.

"My, that boy will be the death of me I just know it!"

Ahiru payed no attention to his words! How could she when all her thoughts were somewhere else trying to stay on focus here! Although there was a certain amount of blush that was across her face that could concern anyone.

The toymaker softly chuckled shaking his head before sitting down and relaxed.

"Thankfully it's Christmas! I'm sure we can make it to the dinner tonight if the snow dies down. If not, I'm sure we can have it tomorrow!"

Ahiru nodded in agreement as her thoughts began to trail off to her family. Will Rue and Mytho be happy to see her..? Oh and how will Ahiru's parents react when they find out she's in love with Fakir! Oh Fakir..She couldn't believe she would fall in love with someone as perfect as him!

"I take it you and Fakir are getting along? I bet my boy is such a good man!"

The old man showed a smile that held pride. It made Ahiru happy to see that Fakir and Drosslmyer had such a good relationship with one another.

Not to long after Fakir had returned! Drosslmyer had left to make lunch as Fakir came over. Ahiru noticed his hair was down and she decided she preferred it down. She thought he was quite handsome indeed!

"Did Drosslmyer annoy you with his stories? I have a feeling he did."

She shook her head no as Fakir sighed. Soon after Fakir had laid back and rested his head on a cushion as he looked up at Ahiru. Ahiru blushed slightly looking down at Fakir as she gently brushed her fingers threw his hair.

"Well, so much for making such a grand gesture."

She giggled shaking her head as she played with his hair curiously. She hummed a gentle tune while Fakir laid there. It was nice! Truly a blessing moment!

She gently lowered her head and kissed his forehead softly as a thank you for his service to her.

"T-That was a thank you for saving me those many time before! Don't think you'll get that too often! W-well unless you ask to!- just- hmph- jerk!"

Ahiru huffed looking away. Oh how bright her face was! She just couldn't bear to keep it together!

That touch.. That small, soft touch.. Ahiru running her fingers through his soft, hair made Fakir feel his eyes slowly close to show he was at ease for once. He almost even leaned into the small touch until she moved her hand away, causing him to open his eyes once more—, eh?! D-Did she just.. K-Kiss his forehead?! Fakir felt his cheeks turn a bright red as he held his forhead shooting up.

“T-The hell was that for?!”

Hearing Ahiru’s reason of kissing his head: “T-That was a thank you for saving me those many times before! Don’t think you’ll get it too often! W-Well unless you ask to! just— hmph— jerk!”

Fakir huffed as he teasingly turned away with his arms crossed and retorted his eyes off her.

“As if I need your small kisses! Mines are better anyways! I-I don’t need yours! Y-Yeah!”

Fakir’s tanned cheeks have turned almost a deep shade of red! Oh, how cute he was! The once brave, handsome prince, was blushing all because of a beautiful young girl! Fakir didn’t dare return his gaze to her as his back faced her.

“I-It’s whatever! I’m sure your friends would like to receive a kiss from me idiot! I give good kisses! Hmph!”

Oh how childish he was~ It was rather cute almost! Sure, Fakir can be brave and serious, but he sure is funny when all embarrassed by someone! Usually it was Drosslmyer who embarrassed him but now Ahiru?! Just how many people will be embarrassing him?! What’s next, her parents? Drosslmyer happy returned with lunch for the two.

“I better see if I can perhaps make some gifts for the others before we go. Fakir, you’re in charge of the shop until I return, seeing the snow finally has died down.”

Fakir nods and rose up excusing himself with Drosslmyer. Going to the door, he helped prepare Drosslmyer who then left with the help of Fakir. My, this man was brave to just walk outside with no jacket or boots but instead with regular shoes. He made a quick path for the man before running inside as Drosslmyer went off to retrieve gifts for everyone.

Returning inside, Fakir shivers as he felt his teeth chattering to show he was freezing! Snow had decorated his once cleaned self as he went to the fire place sitting back down shivering.

“Damn snow.. I-I swear I’ll—, I’ll—“


Oh goodness! Fakir sneezed as his nose turned red showing he was cold! Aw, Poor thing.. who knew Fakir could easily get cold!

"As if I need your small kisses! Mine are better anyways!- I-i don't need yours! Y-Yeah!"

Ahiru gasped offended by his words as she turned around her back facing his. How rude he was! Ahiru just wanted to show her affection for him!

"I-It's whatever! I'm sure your friends would like to receive a kiss from me idiot! I give good kisses! Hmph!"

Oh how dare he! Ahiru turned around and threw a pillow at him huffing. Oh how childish this was! It was absolutely adorable when Ahiru got angry!

"Hmph! I don't believe so! Also if you d-dont need my kisses then f-fine!  I bet Femio would just love to receive kisses from m-me!"

Ahiru nearly gagged by her words! Oh how untrue it was! But Fakir deserved it for being so harsh! Meanwhile Drosslmyer happily returned with lunch for the two.

"I better see if I can perhaps make some gifts for the others before we go. Fakir, you're in charge of the shop until I return, seeing the snow finally has died down."

Ahiru was still turned away from both of them pouting. Ahiru had heard Fakir leave with Drosslmyer at the door when she soon rose up.

She wandered around the room out of boredom when Fakir had finally returned from outside. He was shivering! Snow had decorated his once cleaned self! He sat back down near the fireplace shivering.

"Damn snow.. I-I swear I'll-, I'll-"


Ahiru had finally turned around to look at him. Fakir's nose turned red and continued to shiver! Oh the poor boy was sick! Ahiru sighed and decided to help the poor boy and find a blanket nearby.

"Here, you're gonna want this. Just relax for now.."

Ahiru had wrapped him up in the blanket as she did before.

"Stay here while I go get some medicine. We cannot have you getting worse."

Ahiru walked into the bathroom to look for medicine after she had made sure Fakir was comfortable. After a while she found different types of medicines. Ahiru simply returned back to the sick boy.

"I have ibuprofen, pain relievers, and antihistamines! Take your pick!"

How dare she mention that man’s name—, and now she smacked him with a pillow? Hmph! Well, Fakir is better than him! Yeah! Way more muscular, taller, and—, and more handsome! Yeah! Fakir shot up and sent her almost a cold stare as he spoke.

“You say you love me, yet you mention another man’s name! Stupid, you don’t do that!”

Fakir would now smack the back of her head, but oh oh, he’d never hit her head hard. Never, ever. It was a sign from him to knock it off as he huffed once more and laid back down to look away. Fakir now laid on his side with his back facing her as he once more spoke.

“Forget it.. just let me die. You already left me to die once, why not do it again?”

Fakir now carefully rose up as he went over to the table where lunch was set as Fakir silently sat down and began to eat. He always sat up straight with pride and grace.. He really was a prince! Fakir ate carefully of course to not feel any worse—,

Thump.. thump..

There was no second beat..? How strange.. Fakir placed his hand by his heart and soon spoke while staring off.

“Ahiru, are hearts supposed to only beat once..?”

His heart was just fine earlier! Oh no.. is this bad?! Fakir soon shakes his head with a sigh and continued to eat in silence once more. He was used to eating alone sadly.. Finishing up, Fakir drinks some tea to stay warm and not freeze to death.

“Forget it.. anyways, shouldn’t you be pampering yourself? I bet this kid named Femion is waiting to see you.”

Fakir rolled his eyes as he finished his sentence and gaged in a playful way to show he didn’t want to say that kid’s name.

“What a stupid name.. Whatever.”

Now, Fakir teasingly made a remark.

“I don’t know what you mean you’d rather be with him and not me. I’ll have you know I defeated that stupid mouse king twice, rescued you many times, and even proclaimed my love to you. I’m far better than that stupid—, that idiot—, whatever the hell his name is!”

Fakir.. Was he.. Jealous~? Oh, how cute this was~!Fakir felt his cheeks heat up as he say after to chug down his tea to keep himself quiet. Be quiet Fakir! You’ll ruin your only chance—, what if she doesn’t like you anymore..? Was it worthless to proclaim his love to her now..?

Ahiru had jumped when Fakir shot up out of nowhere and met his cold stare as he spoke.

"You say you love me, yet you mention another man's name! Stupid, you don't do that!"

Ahiru was about to protest when Fakir lightly smacked her on the back of her head. Ahiru simply decided to keep her mouth shut as he laid back down and did not dare to look at her once.

"Forget it.. Just let me die. You already left me to die once, why not do it again?"

Ahiru rolled her eyes by thisstupid comment. She didn't leave him! He was the one who pushed her away! She also came back! How dare he!

Fakir had rose up carefully and went over to the table were lunch was set. Ahiru decided not to join him. She felt as if he did not deserve her at the table at this moment!

"Ahiru, are hearts supposed to only beat once..?"

Ahiru was confused by his question and started to think about it in depth. Was Fakir alright? Did her heart only beat once? Many questions pondered through her head.

"Forget it.. anyways, shouldn't you be pampering yourself? I bet this kid named Femion is waiting to see you."

Ahiru finally looked at Fakir to see his eyes roll and gag like he despised the man. Why did Fakir have to act like such a jerk! She only said one little thing and he turned into a big meanie!

"What a stupid name.. Whatever."

"I don't know what you mean you'd rather be with him and not me. I'll have you know I defeated that stupid mouse king twice, rescued you many times, and even proclaimed my love to you. I'm far better than that stupid-, that idiot-, whatever the hell his name is!"

Ahirus eyes widened when it clicked in her head! Fakir was jealous! Oh how adorable this was! Fakir had chugged his tea as his cheeks were flushed with a beautiful shade of red.

Ahiru decided to tease him a little. Thinking it was only fair. It was! Poor Fakir had it coming! Ahiru simply walked by him and spoke with such sadness.

"So how can such a maiden like me be fit for a prince? I have no elegance for I am just a clumsy duck. Someone more beautiful and elegant like my friend miss Rue would be a match."

Ahiru clenched her fists by that thought but pushed through as she gently brushed her fingers on his shoulder.

"Hmph..Yet were was my thanks Fakir? I have saved your life as well countless times! Yet I thanked you with my love and affection!"

She looked at him pouting with her big blue doe eyes blinking so innocently at him. She felt as if she could get some kind of thanks! After all she did return her love to him!

"Oh well I guess it's fair enough for how I behaved."

She simply kissed his cheek teasingly before leaving the table. She playfully whined as she left being overdramatic as usual. Oh but how Ahiru scolded herself by her actions.

She slowly began to wonder if she was too rude to him. Ahiru began to feel disgusted with herself as she looked back at the table. Did Fakir deserve to be treated like that..? Or worse was she really worthy of loving a prince..? Ahiru had sat down by the fireplace quietly not wanting to make things worse.

Not worthy of her?! The hell does she mean not worthy! Fakir blushed a bright red once more feeling the soft peck upon his cheek. Rue? Who was Rue— Not worthy of her—


Eh..? No other beat..? Fakir felt his chest once more with slightly widened eyes. This didn’t feel right.. something just wasn’t right..


“What the hell is going on..”

is a heart supposed to only do one beat at a time? Fakir rose up shaking his head with a sigh before looking over at Ahiru.. Does she not love him..? What if she really was engaged..? Is she using him seeing how she left him for her family..?


Fakir halts in his tracks.. There—, there was no beat now.. no beat.. no beat?! This was not okay! Fakir almost even panicked slightly but had to compose himself.

“There’s no way I’m going crazy right..?”

The young boy took a step back and shook his head. Calm down fakir, you’re okay.. he’s sure he’s okay.. right..? Fakir now quickly went off to Drosslmyer’s room to see if maybe he had an answer to his question. He’s sure of it, right..? Pacing around the room, Fakir felt his chest once more..

N-Nothing?! This can’t be! He can’t go back.. Fakir just came back to life! H-He can’t go back to being lifeless again! Fakir sat himself down and held his head trying to calm down.

“This can’t be.. This isn’t right..!”

Ahiru.. He soon realized she’s here.. H-He must compose himself! He’s brave, and tough! H-He hopes he is.. Fakir soon rose up taking a deep breath. He’s sure perhaps Drosslmyer can fix him.. Right..? Walking out the room, he went to the doorway of the living room where Ahiru was. Taking once more a deep breath, he tried to stay composed, and brave. Sitting at the fire with her once more, He would begin to tie his hair back up into its loose ponytail. What a shame, back to its small ponytail.. It was still quite cute for him!

“Sorry.. A-Anyways, Drosslmyer should be back soon so we can return you home. Aren’t you excited?”

Ahiru yawned softly as she finally looked over at Fakir. She had grown quite weary of the little event that she didn't notice what Fakir was talking about.

"There's no way I'm going crazy right..?"

Ahiru had finally turned around to look at Fakir when the young boy took a step back. She began to worry as he left to Drosslmyer's room and wondered what could be going on.

She sighed and looked at the flaming embers thinking. Should I make it up to him..? Ahiru felt down about how she treated him. Then she began to think about home. Was she really ready to go back to being overwhelmed with so many duties..

Her parents had also been pushing her to find herself a fiancé. Yet she did not find anyone that had interest her till now. Will her parents even accept him?..

Her thoughts were simply shoved away as Fakir walked back into the living room. He had sat by the fireplace beside Ahiru with his hair done up into a loose ponytail.

"Sorry.. A-Anyways, Drosslmyer should be back soon so we can return you home. Aren't you excited?"

Ahiru looked at him and shrugged. She kept her smile on even though she was struggling to hold back tears from her thoughts.

"I don't particularly know yet..I always feel overwhelmed being around them. A big family means more to care for..I have a lot of responsibilities to keep up with. I just have been enjoying being around you! It's a lot less overwhelming.."

Ahiru had decided to test the waters and gently place her head on his shoulder.

"I don't know if I'm ready or not by this point.. especially hard to go back when my family is trying to push me to find a suitor. It's annoying. "

She huffed squeezing his hand softly as she looked at the fireplace.

"I'm happy to see my family again though! It just isn't what I want to deal with all the time. I wanna be able to do things freely.."

She laughed nervously looking up wanting to meet his gaze.

"It's kind of being a bird trapped in a can't experience much from the outside world. You can only watch.."

Ahiru's smile slowly went to a frown for a short second before she shook her head blushing furiously.

"A-Ack! Sorry! I really just start blabbering out nonsense from time to time! Of course you already knew that! Heh- sorry!"

That small resting of her head upon fakir’s shoulder, and holding his hand, was all it took for Fakir to be at ease.. Fakir felt his eyes slowly close, easing into her touch. It felt nice.. Raising a brow, he listened to her before his eyes widen.. Fiancé?! They’re looking for someone? It can’t be! No, Fakir can’t let this happen! Fakir gently, in a heartbeat, grabbed both of her hands and kept her close as he stared into her eyes with determination. Those eyes.. Always so lonely..

“Then marry me! Together we can travel the whole world with Drosslmyer, we can explore new places and lands, and go on a new adventure to our old homeland—, ack! Sorry!”

Fakir now blushed and quickly turned away blushed a bright red with his usual frown of embarrassment. Stop Fakir! She deserves better than you! Fakir shakes his head as he spoke.

“I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Sorry! J-Just stop making me jealous idiot!”

And there we go, back to his old self! Fakir soon little by little faces her once more as his blush didn’t ever vanish. What a cute sight he was! If he was dressed more formally, who wouldn’t think that he’s rich or even a prince? Eh? Blabbering nonsense? Absolutely not!

“Stop your apologies. It’s annoying. Learn to stand up for yourself and hold ground on how you feel, idiot. You just can’t do anything without me, can you?”

Fakir sighs shaking his head once more with a frown before he playfully sent her a small snicker and head pat. Laying himself back down, he felt off.. He didn’t feel a beat against his chest.. As if he were hollow, like.. Like a Nutcracker.. h-he can’t be a nutcracker again! He just came back! This can’t be.. to clear his thoughts away, Fakir soon teasingly spoke once more.

“Should I have done a better gesture of proposal? Y-You should be thankful I’m willing to do so!”

Oh silly Fakir! Anyone would love to be proposed to formally in a romantic gesture! Who wouldn’t? Oh, it would be so beautiful! Fakir now looked to her once more.

He never dared to take his eyes off of her radiant red hair, her soft, ocean blue eyes.. Fakir now gently held her hand in a small grip to show he won’t move this time. Never..

Ahiru's eyes widened when Fakir had gently grabbed her hands and stared at her with determination. Yet those eyes..always look so lonely...


"Then marry me! Together we can travel the whole world with Drosslmyer, we can explore new places and lands, and go on a new adventure to our old homeland-, ack! Sorry!"

Ahiru by this point was a blushing mess! She felt dizzy as she was about to say something to the bold raven-boy in front of her.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you. Sorry! J-just stop making me jealous idiot!

Again the word idiot  made her fume! She huffed looking away still blushing furiously. Ahiru began to like the idea of being Fakir's wife. Then scenes slowly formed into her mind of what it could be like..Ahiru snapped out of it though! How could he really want her? He may look at the other young women at home and change his mind!

How frustrating Ahiru thought. She was already embarrassed at herself for just rambling off with her feelings.

"Stop your apologies. It's annoying. Learn to stand up for yourself and hold ground on how you feel, idiot. You can't do anything without me, can you?"

Fakir had playfully snickered at her and a head pat. Ahiru blushed by the single touch almost to the point she purred. Ahiru wouldn't allow It though! It was ridiculous to be so overwhelmed over one single touch.

"Should I have done a better gesture of proposal? Y-you should be thankful I'm willing to do so!"

Ahiru giggled looking at Fakir. She liked the idea of a formal romantic gesture. Who wouldn't! It would be so beautiful! Ahiru had never laid her eyes off him..

She held his hand in a small grip feeling that he won't move this time. Ahiru felt strong when she was with him..he made her feel brave. Oh how romantic this was..a beautiful pair I must say!

Ahiru had the urge to tell him she loved him once more yet she couldn't. Her words were stuck she felt breathless. She was afraid. She was afraid that all of this was some sick twisted dream. How could she have found someone that just fit her right..?

She simply brought his hand to her face and nuzzled it softly. Hoping that somehow he would understand..

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