๐‘จ๐‘ท๐‘จ๐‘น๐‘ป๐‘ด๐‘ฌ๐‘ต๐‘ป 306

By Erenscxms1ut

162K 5.2K 8.1K

(Being edited) Apartment 306 - You know I'm just down the hall, C... More

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Chapter 34

๐˜Š๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ 21

3.4K 109 263
By Erenscxms1ut

Monday: 8:21 am

"N/N YO FUTURE BABY DADDY IS HERE!." Mariah's voice echoed throughout the whole place as she yelled.


Now normally, instead of having a yelling competition with Mariah at 8 in the morning. You would be on your way to the very first class you had in the morning, that class being professor Ackerman's. But he sent out an email addressing that he wouldn't be attending his normal morning class, due to other matters he had to take care of as of today.

So you had about an extra hour, hour and a half on your hands.

"Hi sweet girl," You heard you're door open and a familiar deep voice say."hi loveee." You dragged, as you got up from your seat and walked over to him with open arms to hug him.

He wrapped his arms around you're waist and buried his face into your neck. "You smell good." He said planting a few kisses on your neck.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, I brought you some breakfast." He said grabbing the bag he had sat on your dresser before hugging you.

"Ouuu Thank you, I really didn't feel like cooking anything." You said taking the bag from him; the smell of fresh pancakes and syrup-filled your nostrils, as you took the container out of the bag.

"No problem pretty girl" He didn't sound like himself, you took notice of this somber like tone in his voice. You placed the food down and took a good look at him, you hadn't got to properly do so, since he had his face buried in your neck for a good amount of time, and gave you food to analyze right after.

His green orbs seemed darker than normal. Slight bags and puffy-ness formed around his eyes, probably from a lack of sleep plus a mixture of crying. His hair wasn't up in his normal bun - but hung free underneath his black hoodie. His face radiated sadness, something that you had never seen on him.

"Are you okay love?" You asked him in a soft tone and wrapping your arms back around him.

The corners of his lips spread into a slight smile. "I'm okay love, yesterday was just long. You know with my mom and everything. And I didn't get much sleep" He lied. In fact, he wasn't okay at all. His mother could die, no matter what path she chose - surgery or no surgery. Plus, the person who he told he wanted nothing to do with, was up to something no good, and he could feel it after getting that text.

You remembered about the doctor's appointment his mother had yesterday. You hoped nothing bad happened, but from the looks of it, something surely was off.

"Well, if you need to talk at all I'm here. Okay?"You told him.

He nodded and removed both your hands from the sides of his face and kissed them. No words were spoken from his lips, he would talk about it with you, but right now he was just too utterly drained to even do so.

"Maybe later beautiful. Right now I wanna spend some time with you before we go into this hell hole we call school." He said with a chuckle.

"Well, at least we don't have professor Ackermam's class." You said sitting down and taking your food out of the bag. "Thank god, that fucking short ass man has it out for me I swear."

"What did you do to the lil nigga anyway?" You asked curiously. You have always noticed a slight difference in how Levi acts towards Eren, versus how he acts towards everyone else in his class.

"One I'm friends with Mikasa, two I was bullshiting one day and knocked over his so-called expensive, "one of a kind tea cup." Long story short he kicked the shit out of me." He explained.

You busted out in a fit of laughter, at the thought of a 5'3 man, kicking the dog shit out of someone who happens to be a lot taller than him.

"how you get yo shit rocked by his short ass?" You asked damn near choking on your food due to your laughter.

He sucked his teeth. "Hey in my defense, I was bent down trying to clean up the glass on the floor okay, so it was easier for him to kick me."

"Hmm, you were bent down you say." You nodded you're head, staring at him with narrow eyes.

"You know what... I know where you finna take that, so ima stop you right there."

"Whattt? I mean I could see why you would be bent down in front of him, he fine as shit. I would be too." You said teasingly but mumbled the last part hoping he didn't hear you.

"You mind repeating that last part for me love?" He said, sitting up and letting his elbows rest on his thighs, and his head cocked slightly to the side.

"Huh? I ain't say nun" you said trying to act confused.

"Mmm, yeah that's what I thought," he said as a cocky smirk spread across his lips.

You giggled slyly at him. Talking to you, and hearing you laugh, put his mind at ease. But that was quickly shattered, as he got a notification that said.

-"Meet me at our favorite place today. You know where I'm talking about ;)."

He mentally cursed too himself. The matter that he was currently in was bad, but this just made it even worse.

Did he wanna go see this person? No, he would rather be around you and his friends for the rest of the day. But he knew that they would try some slick shit if he didn't go. He wanted them to say what they had to say, and do what they had to do, and after he would finally be rid of them... hopefully.

"What are you doing after school?" Your voice filled his ears, bringing him back to the light of reality.

"I um gotta go pick up some new medication that my mom needs and take it to her," He lied. He knew it was probably wrong not to tell you the truth, and he knew that this could backfire in the end. But he felt as if it was the best option as of now, so you wouldn't worry, or think ill of the situation. "But it won't take long, so if you wanted to do something together we still can." He reassured.

You nodded your head rapidly, since you couldn't speak correctly, considering you had your mouth stuffed with pancakes.

"You're so cute." He said smiling from ear to ear, as he rested his chin in the palm of his hand. Not knowing that this is the most you two would enjoy each other's presence, for a good long while...


Classes were now over, college kids flooded the halls, happy that the day of brain-racking work was over. Including you.

Not only was you're brain racked from the work, but the strange way Eren acted - before leaving to go pick up the so-called "new medication" for his mom. Normally if he had to leave in a hurry for something important, he would at least give you a kiss, a hug, or say something at least. But he said nothing just up and left.

It was itching your right nerve, but you tried the absolutely best you could not to let it get to you too bad. Though he didn't talk to you about the situation with his mom, you had a feeling something was wrong. Maybe you were overthinking, maybe that was really all to this new strange behavior of his.

"Ouch! shit" So deep in you're thoughts and not paying attention to who, or what was in front of you, you bumped into someone.

"You good?" The voice of the person said. He looked slightly familiar; He had a very large build, tall, short blonde hair, and a slight goatee going on for him. He looked slightly older but there was still no doubt that he was attractive, though he did seem quite intimidating.

You didn't know his name, but getting a good look at him, you realize that he was somebody you remember seeing Eren hanging around with.

"You good?" He repeated himself, "yeah, sorry about that." You said feeling yourself grow intimidated by his gaze.

"You're that girl I always see Eren around" he randomly brought up.

"Um, yeah I guess so." You said feeling this situation grow more awkward.

"Huh, I see." He said looking you up and down, not even making the slightest attempt to hide it.

"Reiner, come on bro let's go." Somebody called out to him.

"Well, see ya." He said turning around and walking in the direction of the voice that called out to him.

"The fuck was that about." You mumbled to yourself.

At this point, you were just ready for the day to be over. But oh... was there more to come.


The cool gust of wind blew in Eren's face as he opened the door to a bar, that he once found himself going to, too frequently at one point with a certain someone.

Nothing had changed about the place since he had been there last. The same checker-styled floors, sleek black countertops that wrapped around in a circle, the center part having shelves stacked with different types of alcoholic beverages with led lights that illuminated around them - black bar stools with streaks of gold in the rems of them, dem lights mixed with hues of purple from the surrounding led lights. Different tables and booths scattered around the place, along with two different pool tables. Soft music played along with a few TVs playing replays of old football and basketball games, and though it was only three in the afternoon on a Monday, you're casual few people were drunk laid out on the surrounding tables.

He chuckled to himself, remembering the times when he was like the current few people who laid out drunk in this very bar.

He sighed remembering why he was here, his eyes scared the place for a certain someone. His eyes landed on the dirty blonde-haired girl that he was too familiar with, seated on one of the bar stools, tracing her finger on the rem of her glass. He felt himself grow irritated just from the sight of her.

His shoes squeak as he walked across the sleek flooring. Upon hearing footsteps, her head darted in his direction. An utterly too happy smile spread across her face as she spotted him.

"Hi, baby-"

"don't fucking call me that, what do you want Rome." He asked her coldly. Wanting this to be over already.

"One is I just wanted to see you, you know have a little chat." She said leaning towards him, making her arms squish her breasts together to create more cleavage, in the already revealing red dress she was wearing.

He sucked his teeth, her actions were only adding to the irritation that already started to boil within him. "What do we possibly have to talk about, hm?" He asked still standing, ready to walk out any minute.

"Well, I wanted to apologize so I brought you this." She handed him an envelope, there was a red lipstick stain that was none other than hers.

His eyebrows frowned together as he opened the envelope.

"The fuck is this?" He was confused, he looked in the envelope that consisted of money.

"I know when I went a little crazy I broke a lot of your stuff, so I thought I'd pay you back. I don't know how much everything was that I broke, so I just put like 10 thousand dollars." She said - shrugging her shoulders with the last sentence.

He threw the envelope down on the countertop. "Nah I'm good keep it."

"Listen, just take it. I really am trying to apologize here."

"I already replaced everything you destroyed, plus I have my own money I don't need yours." He spat back at her.

"Whatever take it or not, I'm just trying to be nice." She was slowly growing more irritated, by the fact that her sweet-talking wasn't working on him. It used to, at one mere point in time.

"Ok is that all can I go now." He said pointing to the door with his thumb.

"I'm also sorry about what happened at the party." She had very visible sarcasm in her voice, which made his eye twitch, as he recited what happened at the party which pissed him off all over again.

"How you're noes by the way?" He made sure to add extra sarcasm in his so-called concerned questions.

"Fine," She said sternly, "I didn't mean to say what I did. I mean you seem to really like her, and she is really pretty I guess."

"What the fuck did I tell you about that?"

"About what?" A devilish smirk was now visible along the corners of her lips.

"About talking about y/n. You don't fucking know her, so shut the fuck up about her."

"Oh like she is such a fucking angel. You know I happened to be at the right place, at the right time yesterday, and saw her," She said. "And I happened to see her with another guy, and that other bitch who hit me."

"What the fuck are you talking about? It was probably one of her other friends. Girls are allowed to have guy friends, you of all people should fucking know that." He was pissed at this point. Not only was she talking about you in general, which he made clear to her not to do. But she was talking about you being with another guy, which really hit a nerve with him.

"Well, I don't think you would kiss your guy friends now would you."

"The fuck did you just say?"

She pulled out her phone and showed him a picture of what looked to be you kissing someone, that someone who he realized to be Khalil.

He just stared at the photo, anger flooded his body. He felt as if he was about to overflow with anger, he slapped the phone away from his face. He sat down on one of the stools and just stared at the ground - letting his dark thoughts consume him. No that couldn't have been you, this was just some sick joke. Was he stupid to open his heart back up again? Fuck was this actually happening. He felt defeated, he felt like his trust had been yet again betrayed.

She stood up In front of him and lifted his chin. "Now you see, she is just some whore who just wanted to use you that's all." She brought her face closer to his, and she crashed her lips into his, moving them in a slow rhythm.

"Why don't we go back to you're place and take you're mind off things, hm?" She said now rubbing his thigh.

He couldn't even begin to form words, he slapped her hand from his thigh and stormed out the door.

If only he knew, Khalil was only whispering something to you, something very important to him. In no way shape or form was he kissing you or even trying to. But the angle she took it from it was so hard to tell, that's what was happening.

And if only he knew, he had just set himself up for failure. She had him wrapped around her finger, yet again, by toying with his weak points. She stood there and laughed to herself, before sitting back down and downing the brown alcoholic drink.

"What a fucking dumbass."


Hey y/n right?
we don't really know
each other but ain't this
your boyfriend?
1 attachment


I do apologize but told y'all I was finna play with the heartstrings, but don't worry it won't last long promise🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾

Excuse grammar errors or mistakes(^ν^)

Edit: here is the Spotify playlist <3


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