His Veiled Sunshine

By ankitawrites_Xx

1.3K 104 36

"She was a rose in the hands of those, who had no intention of keeping her." Lily Azreal Rain was the definit... More

Character Aesthetics and Prologue
1. Facts and Blood
2. The Scar of Love.

3. That Goddamn Voice

222 21 6
By ankitawrites_Xx

"Aiden, darling? What a surprise."

That voice.

That goddamn voice that had somehow wormed its way into my mind and twisted my insides until I felt like I was on the verge of a heart attack in just one damn moment. It was the same voice that had called to me in the middle of last night, in my dreams, and left me feeling like I was being stabbed in the heart.

The voice that has turned my world upside down in one night.

My gaze swept over her, standing just a few steps away from me. The intoxicating smell of lavenders and roses invaded my senses and I clenched my fists to stop myself from doing anything reckless.

I was better than this.

How can this woman, this stranger, affect me so much? I had tried to forget her, push her to the furthest recesses of my mind, but she was everywhere. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her.

All night, she was the only thing that kept on revolving in my mind. I couldn't get her out.

However hard I tried, I couldn't stop myself from following her and seeing if she reached her home safely. My feet wouldn't listen to me, no matter how much I tried to convince them that it was a bad idea. I needed to make sure she was alright. I needed to make sure that she was safe. I mean, what if something had happened to her on the way home?

Stop lying to yourself, a*shole. When have you cared about anyone?

"You know I was just telling my buddy about you. How are you now? Did you change the bandage like I asked you to?" Her warm hazel eyes shone underneath the hood she wore that covered her entire little head and most of her face. "I've been worried about you, darling."

That f*cking word.

"Aiden.", My voice came out a little strained, as if I was trying to convince myself that I was still in control. "My name is Aiden."

"I know darling.", she flashed me a smile that was way too bright for my liking. It was as if the sun had just come out and it had shone right on my face.

"Oh he speaks.", a new voice interrupted us and I looked up to see an older man standing a couple of feet away from us. He narrowed his brown eyes at me and took a defensive step closer to her."Why do you call him darling, Lily?"


Purity. Innocence. Devotion. Ethereal.

"Because he's a darling. He didn't find my blabbering annoying, unlike most people, like you buddy." Lily's voice toned down a bit as she leaned closer to her buddy and tried to whisper but clearly failed since I heard every bit of it."And secretly I know he likes me calling him darling."


"You trust people very easily Lily." I heard him say and I couldn't help but agree with him. For f*ck's sake, she helped me fix myself at one in the morning, what if it was some psychopath instead of me. How can she be so trusting?

"You worry about me unnecessarily buddy." Her tone was faint but had a hint of softness in it. I wanted to reach out and touch her, make her understand that not everyone like her is pure.

Not me for sure.

"Aiden.", she called out my name and the sound of her voice sent a shot of adrenaline rushing through my veins."What are you doing here?"

What am I doing here?

How the hell can I lose my goddamn focus just by the look of this woman? She's devastating my self-control, my sanity, my very existence and I am liking it.

I swallowed and clenched my fists tighter, the paper slip in my hand crushing and crumpling as I tried to concentrate on anything other than this woman who had a hideously beautiful heart. 

Paper slip?


The blueberry muffins.

"Blueberry muffins," I muttered.  "Six blueberry muffins."

"Excellent choice. Do you know that July 11th is Blueberry Muffin Day just like December 19 is Oatmeal Muffin Day?"

I wonder if she throws her facts only at me or is it her habit.

"Lily." The older man narrowed his eyes at me and stopped her. She shot a smile my way, again too bright for my liking. I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the feeling of how it warmed my chest.

"I'll get them for you, darling." She walked inside the kitchen I suppose and I couldn't help but follow her with my eyes.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I haven't felt like this towards any woman in my twenty-four years of life then why she?

"Aiden, is it?" Brown eyes drilled their way into my soul as I made eye contact with sunshine's buddy. I curtly nodded to the older man, his suspicious eyes still digging holes into my soul."Full name? 

I frowned and before I could answer he shot a number of questions to me,"Haven't seen you in this area before? How did you get injured last night? Did you get into a fight? Did you fight with someone?"

"Buddy, don't scare the poor guy." Warmth filled the room(which is scientifically impossible), as she made her way toward me. She gave the packet of muffins to me and I handed her a 20-dollar bill to her.

"That'd be 18 dollars," I told her to keep the change. My fingers tingled as they brushed against her

She's injurious to me.

And without another thought, ignoring the dull ache in my chest, I turned and walked out of the little shop.

I walked back to my apartment, my mind still on those hazel eyes.

As soon as I opened the door to my apartment, I was greeted by the sight of my golden retriever. I walked over to him and he licked my face, his tail wagging furiously."I know you're happy seeing me, Chase.", He barked and jumped up and down in excitement. I rubbed his belly and he licked my face again.

"How long does it take to get muffins, dipshit?", I scowled as I heard the voice of my roommate, Lorenzo, who calls himself my best friend and however hard I try to ignore him, he always manages to get on my nerves. I walked over to him. His eyes were fixed on the television, the cartons still closed. I scowled and slapped his shoulder."What was the deal?"

His eyes caught the sight of the packet in my hands and he smiled reaching out for it which was immediately snatched away by me."Complete your part of the deal, unbox these cartons and I'll give you the muffin."

"Cruel, muffin-snatching monster.", he exaggerated and I rolled my eyes, bored out of mind. I walked over to the kitchen and after washing my hands, placed the muffins on a table. The smell of muffins wafted in the air and I couldn't help but think about her again.

I took one of the baked goods off the plate and as soon as I took a bite, a burst of sweetness waved its way onto my tongue.

"You're so sweet, darling?" Her voice once again echoed in my mind.

"Aiden, darling. What a surprise?"

"I know, darling."

"Aiden Lias Eric.", I grunted as I rubbed my head where the dumbass in front of me had hit me."Where are you lost. I've been calling you for the last five minutes. What are you on?", His eyes snapped towards the piece of heavenly goody in my hand and I quickly hid it behind my back."Is this? Wait-When did you start eating these? Weren't you the one who called these devils of diabetes."

Dramatic bastard!

"One would not hurt." I rolled my eyes and before I could hit him back, my phone rang.

Time to hit some real piece of shits!


Aiden's Sunshine>>>

QOTD: Dandelions or Lavenders.

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