Valefor Heir DxD

By Joker5007

55.5K 889 106

OC reborn as a pure blooded devil in world of DxD,A house specialises in Darkness manipulation and Shadow pos... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

3.5K 70 3
By Joker5007

Time skip 2 years-

Two years passed since Arthur and Le fay joined Nik's peerage.

These two years were full of stress for all of them but the result were in their favours.

Nik got 7th rank in rating games leaderboard after defeating Rudiger Rosenkruetz.

He is youngest devil to made it to top 10.

He stopped at 7th rank,As he said its his lucky number.

While his whole peerage grew a lot stronger by continoues fighings.

But no opponent was able to beat the ruler of Shadow.

They never was able to understand nik's powers of begin with.

He can just freeze them all at once place with shadow possesion or Just devour them with his darkness.

And In the result,He now have a winning streak of 127 games.


His whole peerage was was promoted to ultimate rank.

Kuisha was one of candidates for tittle of strongest queen along with many others.

Sairaorg did got his father's approval to return but he refused saying he is much happier now,He don't want to heir anymore.

Because he understand what does a heir do,How?Obviousy he has seen Nik deal with that damm paperwork and Countless marriage proposal.

So in the end he just gave up on being heir but he still wants to be a devil king.

As for arthur,He found many strong swordsman to fight with and They even agree to spar with him like usual.

What else could a fighting maniac like him can ask?

Even his mind has been changed a bit after fighting Countless opponents.

Anyway,Currently Nik was in his study room fighting with damm paperwork.

While others were hearing hin curse the paperwork.

"Fuck you damm Papers"

"I will burn you all to dust"

"No,why should i burn paper,I should burn the one responsible for it"

"Yes,Old man you should burn,Its your damm fault i have to all this damm paperwork"

"Where the hell is he"

Hearing nik yell like this,Lady valefor who was hearing this along with her husband and Son's peerage said"Honey,I think he is angry at you"

"Angry would be a understatement" Sairaorg said

"Yes he is mad at you"Lady valefor said

"Me?Whats my fault here"Lord valefor asked as he was scared now

"Your fault you passed all your work on my baby boy,He is still too young for this much work,See its now affected his mental health"Lady Valefor said

"Wasn't he the one who asked me to let him do the work"Lord valefor asked

"It doesn't matter now,Now he is real mad at you,You have to do something"Lady valefor said

"What can i do to save myself?Can't believe i am scared of my own son"Lord valefor said

"What would be my image if i said that my son scared me like this"Lord valefor thaught

"What i think is,He just needs a break from work"Kuisha suggested

"Yes,I think it will be best"Lady valefor said

"Hey kids,Why don't you all visit human world,He really likes human world,We used to go there when he was kid"Lord valefor suggested

"I think you are right,We should go there"Kuisha said

"You can go,I am going to meet madgaran,He is suffering same as nik,I need to help my brother"Sairaorg said and other nodded.

This time Sairaorg and Madgaran are much closer then canon.

Since sairaorg never took heir position from him,He never held any grudges and Later two get closer and closer as brothers.

"I will be heading back home for sometime,Its been a long time i have been home"Arthur said

"Brother,Can i go with Others to human world"Le fay asked

"Your choice,I won't mind,If you wish then please go"Arthur said as she jumped out joy

"Its been some time,I have spend time with my love"Tiamat exclaimed

"So its decided then,We are going to human world"Kuisha said as three girls went inside nik's study room.

As they entered the room,It was a mess,Papers were everywhere and nik looked half asleep"Hello guys"

"Oh..You look weak,Rest my love"Tiamat came near him as he gave a smile"I am fine,Just a bit tired thatsall"

"Sir Nik,I order you to stop right now,You need to take a break,We are going to human world,We have gotten permission from your parenst as well as lord lucifer"Kuisha said

"Human world?Its a nice place,Its been some time,I went there"Nik said

"Will you show me the human world,I never visited it,Please"Tiamat asked with pleading eyes

"Yeah sure,How about we go after i woke up"Nim suggested but tiamat picked him up"No,Sleep later"

As they four teleported to human world,In front of a huge mansion,That belongs to valefor family and it was night time"See its night,So please can i sleep now"

And three girls nodded as they went in the mansion,It was mantained by maids so it was ready to use as four fell on bed to sleep.

Next day nik woke up,Sorrounded by naked girls while being naked himself as well.

Kuisha was on his right using his hand as a pillow while tiamat was on left holding his hand between her breasts,meanwhile Le fay was on top of him,Using his chest as a pillow.

As he took out his hand from under kuisha,She rubbed her eyes and said"You are awake"

"Yes i am"Nik smiled at her as she got up and gave him a kiss as he returned kiss back and little did he knew le fay and tiamat were awake as well.

He looked at two who seemed a bit angry"Hello...Guys,You are awake now"

"Give me one as well"Tiamat said no she demanded

"Me too"Le fay said

"Ok"Nik said as he kissed le fay on her forehead and then Tiamat

Both of them pouted"We want real kiss"

"Real?Isn't that real too"Nik asked as two jumped on him and Tiamat said"Let me show you whats a real kiss"

"I won't be left behind"Le fay said

"Wait...I am the queen here,He is mine as well,Don't you two know about sharing"And kusiha entered the scene as well.

Thats it for the chapter

Thanks for reading

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