The Void Throughout (Void Sti...

By Wolfysstories

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Void, Theo, Teen Wolf. What else has to be said to make you give this story a chance? This story is a sequel... More

Chapter 1: Waking up
Chapter 2: Guess who's back?
Chapter 3: Mutual feelings?
Chapter 4: Plans and plotting
Chapter 5: Pretending
Chapter 6: Poisonous
Chapter 7: Fangs and claws
Chapter 8: Myths in the sky
Chapter 9: Demnatio memoriae
Chapter 10: The Calavera's
Chapter 11: Trigger, torture and tricks
Chapter 12: Deucalion
Chapter 13: Visions
Chapter 14: Revealings

Chapter 15: The last fight

244 13 5
By Wolfysstories

'I told you I wanted Scott McCall's eyes. That's why I let you take me.' Deucalion unshackled himself from whatever it was that was supposed to hold him capture. 'Though I have been a willing guest this entire time.'

Keylee took a step back, knowing that the blind werewolf was faster and stronger than all the chimera's together. Void reassuringly placed his hand on her shoulder. 'He can beat them but not the Oni if he tries anything.' He whispered softly in her ear.

Theo and Tracy glanced at each other before Theo nodded slowly and turned to Deucalion. 'Okay, so what now?'

'I teach you what you've been so desperate to learn.'

Then, suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Deucalion dashed towards Theo and snapped his wrist. Theo screamed and stared at Deucalion who was still holding a grip on his broken wrist.

'You feel that Theo? That's the secret of taking power. Pain. Take their pain, take their life, take their power. It's all or nothing.' Deucalion threw Theo away to Tracy and Josh. 'You take until there's nothing more to give.' Theo snapped his bones back into place. 'That's where you find the spark of power. And then, you take that as well. Pain, life, power. In that order and only that order. Do you understand?'

Theo balled his fist. 'Perfectly.'

He slowly stood up and turned around, having a very murderous look in his eyes. He extended his claws and without any sort of warning dug them into Josh's stomach.

Electricity enveloped both of them as Josh screamed. Deucalion turned away and Tracy held her arm protectively in front of her face. Keylee's eyes widened in shock and she turned around into Void's chest, before she could protest he had his arms already wrapped around her and they both had heir backs faced to the electricity and Theo murdering one of his own pack members.

When the screaming finally stopped, Theo let go of Josh and stood up. He stared at his bloodied claws. Everyone else slowly turned to him as well. Keylee looking horrified but on Voids command masking it with a blank expression.

Theo exhaled. 'I can feel it.'

'Good. Cause you just cost yourself one member of a small and inexperienced pack.' Deucalion spoke calmly.

Theo turned around to look at the others. 'What do you think?'

Tracy was the first to answer. 'I think he was small and inexperienced. And if you've got his power now, you can put on the mask.'

Theo looked at Keylee and Void. 'And you?'

Void shrugged. 'Never liked him.'

Theo kept staring at Keylee who blankly stared back. 'I think I don't recognize my childhood friend anymore. I think that if you go this far, that if you kill people for power, you will get it. But eventually you will end up alone. Just put that damn mask on and be careful with who you betray.'

Theo said nothing but picked up the mask. He stared at it for a while until Deucalion spoke up.

'This kind of power requires risk, Theo. Do it. Put on the mask. Discover the beast's identity and guarantee your place as an alpha. As a real werewolf.'

Theo brought the mask closer to his face. The sound of small electricity sparks erupted. Then he put it on. At first nothing seemed to happen but then he screamed. The screams were muffled through the mask and Theo gripped on the thing like his life was depending on it.

He eventually ripped the thing of and calmed down. 'It's Mason. Mason is the beast.'

time skip

Keylee slowly leaned back in Void's chest. Since Theo, Tracy and Deucalion had left a while ago to talk to Scott and Keylee still pretended to hate him, she and Void had decided to just, sit down against the wall. Nothing else to do. 'I'm bored.' Keylee announced.

'Normally, this is the time where I would go create chaos and trick someone but I doubt you'f like that.'

'I doubt that too. We can ask each other questions, like, what's your favorite color?'

'Black.' Void chuckled. 'You could have expected that.'

'Maybe. Mine's green. Because it's the color of life, the leafs, the grass. The nature. I don't mean that very green green or neon green but more like emerald green you know?'

'Yeah. I know.'

Void and Keylee both looked up when they heard the clicking of Deucalion's cane. 'So, I believe you are informed about everything now?' He looked down at Keylee.

Void glared up. 'Yeah, I told her, you ruined things.'

'No, I simply sped them up.'

Keylee looked from Deucalion to Void and with a sigh she stood up. Making sure to maintain enough distance form Deucalion, she passed him and picked up the sketch book and pencils Hayden left for her before she decided to join Scott's pack.

'Where are Theo and Tracy?'

'Theo is out with Scott and Liam to find Mason, Tracy is here somewhere around I believe. Don't worry, not within earshot.'

Void stood up as well and slowly walked around. 'You know that he's probably gonna stab you in the back right?'

'I'm aware. We have it covered.'

Keylee ignored their talking and started to mindlessly place some lines on the paper. Now and then connecting some. Putting a little shade... And suddenly it became a person.

'Who might that be?'

Keylee jumped up with a yelp when she noticed Deucalion looking over her shoulder. 'Wh-wha- but you- you're-'

'Blind?' Deucalion blinked and suddenly his eyes were grey again. 'I can choose.'

'Oh, uhmm.' Keylee shuffled a bit uncomfortable with her feet, not liking how close Deucalion stood behind her. She looked at her drawing and then proceed to held it in multiple angles like that would somehow make her recognize the man. 'I'm not sure. I believe his name is Sebastien, French, but I'm not sure...'

Void looked up and stepped closer. 'Can I see?'

Keylee nodded and handed him the drawing. Void stared at it for a while without saying a word. Then he looked at Deucalion. 'Sebastien Valet.' he declared.

Deucalion now looked at Keylee. 'Oh oh, that is not good.'

'What? What is not good? It's just a drawing.'

'No Kitten, do you remember that you drew that very realistic monster like creature at I guess the second day I took you?'

Keylee thought about it. She remembered it now, the moment she was planning to run away but remembered that she had promised not so so she had started to draw. One was a horror cowboy and the other some sort of beast. She nodded. 'I remember, why?'

'Well, you drew the beast of Gevaudan. And this, this is the man. Sebastien Valet.' Void explained.

Keylee still looked confused. 'So? What's so bad about that?'

'Well, the most things you drew were predictions right?' Deucalion asked. Keylee nodded. 'So, when you draw the man instead of the beast or Mason...'

Keylee gasped. 'You mean, you think he's coming back?'

'Actually, I think he already is.' Deucalion turned his head to the left. Keylee followed his stare and noticed a wounded Theo coming in with the help of Tracy. She looked back at Void. 'Do you know him?'

'No. But I know the myth. I knew people who did know him. The Argents have been hunters for a very long time and they all know about Sebastien Valet. See it as a family secret.'

'So how do you know about this family secret?' Keylee asked suspicious.

'I have my ways. They always talk eventually.'

Keylee shook her head. 'The beast that I drew was very big and very scary. Theo doesn't really think he can beat that does he?'

Void shrugged. 'Not our problem.'

They suddenly heard Tracy yell. Keylee widened her eyes and looked at Void. 'What was that?'

'I think he might be killing her.'

'What!? No, he can't do that!' Keylee dashed of to where Theo and Tracy came in. They both leaned against the stairs, Tracy on Theo's lap with his claws in her back. She snarled and Theo grunted but yet he didn't let her go.

'Theo... stop.'

Theo didn't stop. Keylee widened her eyes and quickly ran of the stairs. 'THEO STOP IT!'

But it was already to late. Tracy was dead. Theo let go of her and felt down to the side. He looked up at Keylee who stared down at him with a horrified expression. Deucalion quickly walked in too.

'And then there were none.'

Theo looked from Deucalion with a questioning look to Keylee and then he realized it. He slowly got up. 'You know, don't you. You have that same spark of anger and betrayal in your eyes as the first day. Look, whatever they told you Keylee, I'm not the bad guy here.'

Keylee swallowed. 'Yeah, cause I'm the liar with my claws covered in the blood of my pack.'

Theo's eyes started to glow. 'So you wanna leave me too? You and Void huh. You're gonna stab me in the back as well?'

Keylee took a step forward. 'You LIED to me Theo! You made me hate my own family! How could you, of course I wanna leave!'

Theo growled, 'fine, then leave, but don't leave alive!' He dashed forward, ready to kill Keylee but he got stopped by someone holding his wrist. He felt his bone snapping and tried to use his new found kanima venom with his other hand but Void gripped his second hand as well.

'Now, that's not a very nice thing to say, don't you think so?'

Theo stared at him with glowing eyes and growled. Void's eyes darkened, the usual teasing smile that played around his lips was fully gone and he looked like he wished to murder Theo on the spot. Yet before he could do so Deucalion held his cane between them and slightly pushed Void away.

'I believe this would be a good time for you two to go. We wouldn't want to make a mess out of things now would we?'

Void knew he could easily beat Theo. But he wasn't so sure about Deucalion. Yes, he would be able to beat him, especially with the help of the oni, but he couldn't beat Theo and Deucalion and keep Keylee safe. He didn't know why Deucalion wanted to continue with the plan as Theo didn't seem that important but he decided to go along with it.

'Fine. But if you ever touch her again, even look at her or think about killing I will come after you and make your life miserable till the day you die a very painful and slow death.'

Then he turned to Keylee. 'Let's go.'

She nodded and they both walked away.

'So what now?'

'What do you want? You can do whatever you want now. We could go to another city, or another country. We could go all over the world. It's up to you.'

'Then I wanna write my mom first. Can we do that? I'll write a letter and then we go away from this, all of this.'

Time skip

Melissa stared at the paper on her bed. Her name was written on it at the top and she recognized Keylee's handwriting. she bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from crying.

'S-Scott. I- I think you wanna see this.'

Scott was ready to leave because he was gonna look for Keylee. They hadn't found her after the fight and now they were worried but as soon as he heard his mother call he ran upstairs.

He recognized the handwriting as well and together they opened the letter. Melissa gasped and tears welled up in her eyes as she continued to read it.

Dear mom,

I'm sorry that I couldn't see you. I'm sorry I believed Theo and that I hurt everyone. Truth is, I don't know what I want or who I am. I just know that this isn't it.

I wish I could tell you that I want to come back. I wish I could say that I would never leave you again. But that would be a lie. And I don't lie.

I do miss you. I will always miss you and I will always think about you. I hope you will also think about me. I hope you won't think too bad about me but I get it if you do, and that's fine. I know I'm hurting you and Scott with this and I'm sorry for that too but I need to choose for myself. Please don't feel guilty, no one could have done anything to prevent me from doing this eventually.

I believe it will be better that you remember me happy, that you remember how much fun we had together and how much fun I can have now. Now you know I'm not dead but that I'll live a good life.

I'm gonna stay with Void. I know he has hurt people but I see the light in him. I remember the good things with him from another life. Please remember that I love you and Scott, and everyone actually. I've had the best times I could wish for despite all the supernatural stuff. I'm gonna train and live happy. I will also keep my phone, I mean, I'm not sure if it will always be charged and I might not answer but if you really need me, I'll be there.

I love you. All of you.

- Keylee

Somewhere far away by now drove a lonely car over the road. There was no destination, they were just driving, waiting until they would find something nice to settle in.

Keylee looked besides her at void and sighted. 'Hey Void?' He looked at her, knowing that he wouldn't hit anything since there was nothing to hit. 'I win.'

'Huh.' He raised his eyebrows in confusion.

'I figured it out, why I care for you. We made it a game remember? I win it.'

Void smirked. 'Tell me.' He knew the answer. Scott and Deaton were right. And now they had both finally accepted it.

'It's because I love you, I don't care what you did. If you're void inside, void throughout, it doesn't matter. I care for you, I love you, no matter what. And nothing can change it.'

Void smiled. One of his rare genuine smiles. 'For once I don't mind losing a game. I love you too Keylee, more than anything in the world. And no void can ever drive that out.'

End of book 2


So... the end of the story, again. What do you think about the story? I finally made Void and Keylee admit their love to each other so in the next story they will have a love relationship. Or at least I'm gonna try to write that.

I wanna give a special "thank you" to Crippling8Depression for being the first one to comment and for voting at every part almost as soon as I published it, it made me smile every time when I saw someone voting or commenting. 

I also wanna thank my friend who I know doesn't want to be names but you know I'm talking about you. I have an amazing friend who stuck with me the entire story, helped me when I had a writers block and gave me some amazing ideas!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm already working on book three and I think I'm gonna call it: "The void never leaves" but if anyone else has a good name suggestion I'm all ears!

Okay, that's about it for now. Wow, the end. It's really the end of the story again. I really hope you liked reading it and if so, please check out the next part too which I will publish this week.

Thanks again for sticking around and voting everyone, hopefully till the next book and have an amazing morning/day/night!

Remember to vote, comment and follow :D

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