Deja Vu

By StoleYourJams

19.1K 1.7K 184

"Have we met before?" "Can we please not make a conversation right now? I'm kinda busy being sad." ___ When... More

{1} boy in the rain
{2} the enchanted april
{3} confrontation
{4} zone of flashbacks
{5} self realisation
{6} wrong timing
{7} heart's call
{8} sealed memory
{9} only him
{10} my dove
{11} forbidden joy
{12} life of secrecy
{13} mystical music
{14} perfectly fucked up
{15} now or never
{16} experiment
{17} depths of unknown
{19} grave sin
{20} it's a promise
{21} torturous reality
{22} failed love
{23} the happy part
{24} saga of love
{25} another chance
{26} provocative push ups
{27} eternal centuries
{28} we won
{29} in the name of love

{18} mine is yours

447 50 7
By StoleYourJams

August 1922, South Korea

Life seemed a lot easier.

Weeks and weeks of seeing Taehyung and the smitten boy could not get enough. Jungkook was like a lovesick boy, someone who wanted nothing but happiness in his life. And that happiness was guaranteed when he stayed around Taehyung.

It had been a while since their return from the trip. He clearly remembers how his dad didn't talk to him for about two days before giving in and forgiving the boy for moving away without any consultation. He was thankful that the situation didn't escalate and silently took it as his reward.

Ever since then, the two had been meeting up every evening at the same spot. The tunnel and the forest towards its other end. Conversations were made, feelings were noted, smiling and frowning, laughing and crying, fulfilling desires and showcasing love. It was now a common sight and the feeling pertained was incredible.

It was just like any other day and Jungkook was walking back home. Smiling and giggling about the encounter with Taehyung a few minutes ago, he walked over to the respective house. However, before him was standing a worked up friend.

Min Yoongi.

He was the son of the landlords, which meant he wasn't permitted to be friends with him but Yoongi was so sweet that he never let Jungkook feel lower than him or lonely in any sense. He was also the only person who knew about Taehyung and him.

"Hyung? What's wrong?" Jungkook walked over to him in worry, noticing how there was definitely something on his mind.

"SSA, Jungkook. They came over about an hour ago. The hygienic check or something. They collected sanitation fee from your father and he seemed very distressed."

Jungkook's eyes widened at that, growing utterly surprised and rather perplexed.

Seoul Sanitation Association was not a joke. Since the Japanese had taken over, there were loads of things they had initiated. SSA was one such association. They wanted the betterment of hygienic conditions in Korea and would do house checking occasionally. If they don't find the sanitation up to the mark, they wouldn't hesitate to collect a 'sanitation fee' as a punishment. And that amount was a lot for a family like Jungkook's.

"Thanks hyung, I need to go." And that's how Jungkook ran straight to the small set of rooms his family lived in.

The moment he came in, his dad who had been sitting on a chair until now brought his gaze to his son's level. He seemed upset, disappointed and rather exasperated.

"Where were you?" These were the first set of words that left the father's mouth as he quickly got up and walked over towards a scared Jungkook. His mom could do nothing but watch the scene unfold with teary eyes, sitting at a corner. She looked distressed.

" the p-park. For s..some fresh air." He spoke with a small voice, clearly a stuttering mess since he hated lying.

His father chuckled sarcastically,
"I know very well you were with this new friend of yours. Jungkook, are you even in your right mind? What makes you think making friends with an elite's kid is going to serve any validation? Where are you when your family needs you the most!" He yelled, almost fuming with anger at this point.

Jungkook flinched at the sudden emotional attack, breath patterns going crazy. He was used to having a lot of fights and arguments with his parents but it was never this bad. It was concerning.

"The officers came. Took away all our money. We barely have anything left! We looked up in your savings and there is no penny! Where did the money go? You spent some of it on that book of yours but where is the rest?"

"For the t-trip." Jungkook whispered, eyes by now facing the ground. He could hear a disappointed groan resounding from his father while his mother simply buried her face in her palms.

"Jeon Jungkook...What do I do with you?" The angry father mumbled to himself, not having expected that answer.

Jungkook was guilty that this day had come. It shouldn't have happened but what else could he do anymore? He really wanted to go on that trip with Taehyung and he could have barely ever expected for such a situation to occur.

"Why are you doing this to us? You are our only child, our son. We thought you were sensible enough. Do you not understand how pointless these things are? These books and holidays...we cannot afford any of this! How much of an explanation do you need?" He yelled, bringing instant tears to his son's eyes.

"But...but it's not my fault that we're not rich. I mean, I have my passions too. Sometimes I feel like having fun too. And I never bother you for that. I always save money for myself. I never thought things would be such that you'll ever need that money..." He sniffed, clearly not okay with his father's accusations.

What did he do wrong? All he wanted was to read, to spend time with someone he genuinely liked. Was he not allowed to be happy?

The man's eyes widened at that, grabbing Jungkook by his collar that instant as he glared at him.
"Listen here, you little kid. As unfair as it sounds to you, you need to stop comparing yourself to elites. It's because of Taehyung and Yoongi that you've started to think you can have fun. But no, the reality is that this family is barely holding up. We're not like them, and you as an eighteen year old are a dependable source for your parents." He yanked him away right then, making the boy tumble slightly.


"Shut up Jungkook! You've disappointed me today. Spending time with that boy is corrupting your head! It feels as if what's the point of having you when you don't care about us at all? Is that what your parents deserve? I know there's a possibility you dislike us, me specifically. But do you have something in you that'd make me like you?"

Jungkook fell to the ground, shaking and crying at his father's words. He had never expected he would hear such bitter words from the person he called his dad, the person who had been with him in every part of his life.

"And now you're crying like a little girl. Just look at your pathetic self! I hate saying this but you're my son, what is going on with you? And don't tell me I'm making it up when I say that you've been acting strange lately. What is up?"

Jungkook could not answer. All he could feel was his dad's disgusted gaze looking down at him with sheer annoyance. He only choked harder on his cries, body completely giving up. When his father couldn't get a response from him, he sighed at the sight before his eyes, not bothering to look at him anymore.

"I'm going for work. Try to be of some help now onwards." And then he walked out. Jungkook's mother was quick to wipe her tears and follow her husband outside, possibly to calm him down.

The boy was shaken up by this. He couldn't stop crying. He hated how this turned out and he absolutely had no clue how it was his fault. Well, maybe it was. After all, whatever Jungkook had been doing all this time was indeed a very risky and could land both him and Taehyung in a deep spiral of problems.

A few days had passed and he didn't go out to meet Taehyung. Not that he was considering his father's words, it's just that he didn't know how to face him. They had a tendency to share each and every detail with each other and specially these days, Jungkook wouldn't be able to hold back. He didn't want Taehyung or himself to regret or start doubting their choices over this so he'd rather not talk about it at all.

It was Jungkook's birthday the next day. A day he had always liked celebrating but this time, it all felt pointless. After all, his savings had been washed away anyway.

It was another evening and Jungkook had refused to leave yet again. He hadn't talked to Taehyung these past few days which was quite bothersome for him but it couldn't be helped.

Suddenly as if breaking him out of his trance, there was a small knock on his window. He was startled at first and had no choice but to slam it open when the knocks didn't stop. A gasp left his mouth when he found before him a worried Taehyung, looking at him with an anticipating gaze.

Jungkook looked back and forth, taking in every corner of the room hastily. He was scared of being caught and once he had made sure no one was around, he focussed his attention back at Taehyung.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He whisper yelled at Taehyung, almost surprised by the fact that the boy actually knew that this was Jungkook's unofficial room.

"I'm here to take you with me. Come." Taehyung offered confidently, as if he wasn't here to take no as an answer.

"Hyung, please. I can't."

"There's a surprise for you."

Jungkook was tempted but how was he to even talk to Taehyung? So much had happened. It would definitely require quite a lot of catching up.

"Please come, my dove. I've been wanting to see you for the past week." He pleaded, making the younger boy fall into a deeper crisis. There was no way he could say no.


"Same spot. I'm waiting." Declaring confidently, Taehyung ran away from there in order to not look suspicious. Jungkook could only watch his back as he ran towards the direction of the tunnel.

His insides churned, wanting badly to go. He couldn't keep Taehyung waiting anyways and all that was left at this point was a tiny spark of hope telling him that at least there was someone who cared enough. Someone who loved him.

It did not take him another minute as he plunged out of the tiny bed and ran out. He wasn't questioned by his parents which was surprising but he could care less. Within minutes of his long run, he had made it there.

A lone Taehyung was sitting next to their own little rose studded garden. The sudden hasty footsteps and impatient panting from Jungkook caught him off guard as he turned around to have a look. He instantly broke into a quick smile, motioning Jungkook to sit next to him.

"You don't need to explain anything, bunny." Taehyung clarified, getting a hold of the younger's sweaty but willing hand.

"I heard about it from Yoongi hyung. Him and I wanted to help you out but we know very well you wouldn't accept money." Taehyung sighed, soon whipping out an object from his pocket.

"What's that.." Jungkook asked with a look of surprise filling his eyes up.

"It's mine." Taehyung spoke as he handed over a shiny and expensive looking watch to Jungkook. The younger's mouth widened in sheer astonishment, gaze going back and forth between Taehyung and his possession.

"I recently got it for myself. Quite costly if you ask me. Sell it and it'll be of great help." He assured the boy who seemed unwilling to accept it.

"What? No, oh goodness. I can't do this, it's yours."

"What's mine is yours." Taehyung flashed him a wide smile before keeping it on Jungkook's lap forcefully. He never let go of the hand which was securely gripped in his.

Jungkook was left speechless at that as he stared at the elder for a bit longer. And longer. He couldn't seem to be getting enough of it anytime soon, being completely taken over by the magic the boy held within.

The younger couldn't help but break into a subconscious smile, lifting up their intertwined hands to place a gentle kiss on them. He was soon pulled towards Taehyung with a familiar warmth and was now inches apart from the boy.

"It's your birthday tomorrow, isn't it? Tell me, what do you want?" Taehyung asked as he pulled the younger closer through his waist, breath lingering all over his face as he spoke.

"Just you. That's enough." He whispered back before capturing Taehyung's lips into his own.

This mould was unbreakable, something which proved their eternal connect. Right, they were too young for this but this weird sensation they felt around each other wasn't a joke. Lips had grown fond of each other, moving so effortlessly as if belonging to each other. They wondered if they'd ever be able to kiss someone else.

The taste was addictive, eyes were shut in pleasure, the tongues had long grown familiar with the pattern. It was a weird longing, an incredible feeling. Jungkook had his hands holding onto the sides of Taehyung's neck while he had the younger thrown at his body. It was so magical, so beautiful. It felt surreal. A bit too surreal.

The ice was broken when a disgusted stomp was heard on the forest floor, making the two boys break apart from each other with a flinch.

"Kim Taehyung!" A loud and highly vexed out voice resounded, almost echoing throughout the dark forest of this evening.

The two scared boys were quick to separate from each other and stand up on their feet, finally having to face their families.

That brings us to the end of this secret romance. Sad.

The past taekook had such an amazing bond like I really really want such a thing in life. They are a literal representation of the world against us. Love it so much.

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