Happiness [Jinkook]

By pepper_kook

145K 8.3K 2.2K

Despite being Namjoon's fiance for nearly a year, Jin secretly crushes on Jungkook, Namjoon's younger brother... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Epilogue Pt.1
Epilogue Pt.2

Chapter 25

2.4K 150 29
By pepper_kook

After dropping Jungkook at home, Jin drove over to Kim's mansion to meet his parents. 

"Mama?" Jin said in a board voice as he entered the huge living room. "I need to go back to work so you'll have to finish whatever it is, soon."

"Thank god you came on time." Mrs.Kim said nudging the butler to close the door, seemingly not caring about his son's request.  "Your Papa's in a really big hurry."

"Mama, you already did as I told right?" Jin whispered as they started to climb the staircase. "Papa's now okay with the breaking up, right?"

Jin's mother sighed. "I don't know, h-he wanted to talk this with you."

Jin sensed something in her words, something bad. It felt like she was trying to hide it from him.

They reached the second floor and walked over to Mr.Kim's home office. 

"Please try to understand him, okay?" the woman mumbled in a disturbed tone before opening the door.

"Good morning Papa!" Jin called out in his usual cheerful voice.

Mr.Kim frowned at him and pointed at the chair in front of his desk. "I'm glad that you still remember the formalities. Unless should we've reminded you earlier?"

"Papa, please don't pick up on me now." Jin sat on the chair. "I'm really exhausted of everything."

"This is a shame for us Jin." Mr.Kim talked with a ceased forehead as he adjusted his glasses which were slipping down his nose. "But you're the victim in this, so I don't feel like scolding you."

Jin shrugged his shoulders. "Victim is a strong word to describe the situation."

"Don't be cheeky Jin. Namjoon did a wrong thing." Mr.Kim opened his desk locker and pulled out a large fat envelop. "And we're gonna make it right. Open it!"

The man slid the cover across the table towards Jin. He looked at it with doubtful eyes before opening it slowly.

Then he pulled out a couple of photos from inside and frowned at his dad. 

"What does this suppose to mean?" He asked lifting the cards in a firm manner. 

"Marriage proposals." Mr.Kim explained with a serious look on his face. "Look, Namjoon's not a great person after all, I just recognized it. He went and pulled some shit in front of the media but wasn't brave enough to spill the reason for it. He didn't say anything about his shameful past lover. So practically, he's a coward. He doesn't deserve someone prideful like you. So..for the past few weeks, I've been seeking for a good partner for you. Those are the details of them, you can choose one you may like and... do not fear. 'Cause all of them are from good family backgrounds."

Jin listened to him with troublesome eyes and as soon as his dad finished the speech, he dropped the photos onto the surface with force. 

"I can't do this Papa," he retorted in disgrace. "I don't wanna marry some...random guy."

"Don't you remember?" His dad said, gesturing at Mrs. Kim beside him with eyes. "Your Mama and I also had an arranged marriage. But we loved each other."

"Yeah but...Just give me more time to think this through Papa. Maybe I'll find the best for me soon."

"I don't think you'll find better ones than these guys. There's also a minister's son. You must look through those and pick one."

"Papa, I told you. I need more time. You can't force me for an important decision like this. It's me who's gonna marry, not you?"

"He's right Yeobo." Mrs.Kim interrupted. "Let him choose his partner."

"Okay but you'll have to be quicker." Jin's dad said tapping his finger harshly on the table surface. "We can't let that Jeon beat you. Let the world see Jeon family sucks."

"No!!" Jin shouted at once, unable to control his emotions. Both his parents looked at him with shock as he looked down in embarrass. 

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice." he mumbled and started to collect the the scattered photos across the table. He shoved them inside the envelop and bowed at his dad before dashing out.

"Jin wait!" his mom ran after him and caught up in the middle of the staircase. "Just talk to me for minute."

Jin sighed as he gripped onto the case tightly. "Mama, I don't think I could agree to this one. Please, explain it to Papa. I can't...."

"Is there any special reasons behind denying the marriage?" she whispered. "'Cause I sense you're not only disliking the idea but also hating it."

Jin's eyes enlarged and in a while, he was dragging his mother downstairs. As soon as they reached the floor, he walked themselves into a corner where he made sure no one could over hear them.

"So it's true, huh?" Mrs.Kim smirked as she crossed her arms. "My baby has grown up. Finally, he loves somebody for real."

Jin fitted the slipping case under his armpit and fidgeted with his fingers. A slight blush was visible on his face.

"I-I'm not sure about that though." he half whispered. 

"What's not sure enough? Tell me the boy's name and I'll try to convince him."

Jin chuckled darkly at that. "That won't probably work 'cause, right now he's not in a situation to love me."

"There's no time or venue to fall in love Jin. And think, how could that guy be more lucky for having great Kim Seokjin's attention on him, eh? Remember your school days? I literally had to cage you......"

"Mama, this boy's not easy to have as you say. He's.... he's very...um.. I don't even have words to describe his beauty and qualities. He's like an angel who I can't reach for."

Jin's mother looked at him with sympathy and asked, "So it's son of America's president, hm?"

Jin laughed at the guess and shook his head. "Nah, but this one's much more better than him."

"Oh come on Jin, tell me his name. I'll try to get Papa's help too, if you want."

"No please, not Papa." Jin said in a hurry. "If you tell him, that means I'm gonna miss the last single chance to have Koo...I-I mean his love back."

"Koo...Koo what?" Mrs.Kim's eyes widened suddenly. "Y-You didn't mean Jungkook, did you?"

"Shh.." Jin hushed her in fear. "You gotta stop being loud. I'm s-sorry."

Her face showed a more troubled look than ever. 

"J-Jeon Jungkook?" She whispered, beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

Jin looked down as he nodded. "I'm really sorry Mama. I-I just couldn't help falling in love with him. I swear he's the only one I've ever loved this much in my whole life. He's so beautiful, charming, kind, sweet and a-and....I just.. It's normal for me to love him, right Mama? Please.."

"But he's almost six years younger than you!" Mrs.Kim stated.

"I know...I know this is a sin but..."

"Did you get caught while kissing Jungkook or something?" she asked with sudden anger in her eyes. "Is that why Namjoon dumped you in the first place?"

"Wha-? No, of course not. I never made a move on 'im. Believe me, I was trying my best to get over the feelings but..b-but... Well, it all ended when Namjoon decided to..you know.."

Jin cursed himself for lying to his parents so much but there weren't much choice. He couldn't reveal Jungkook's secret.

Mrs.Kim looked at his son's sad eyes and patted his back.

"I'm sorry Jin. Is there anything I can do?"

Jin sniffed and shook his head. "It's alright Mama. I don't mind ending up alone."

"What? There are plenty of boys out there, you're definitely gonna find someone better."

"No one's better than Kookie Mama, no one's. It just breaks my heart more.... when I think about leaving him."

"Then why didn't you ask him out earlier? I mean, you could've been his boyfriend instead of Namjoon's?"

"I didn't ask him out that time, because he was a minor! And besides, relationships were prohibited for him. Namjoon was god damn strict."

They spent a minute of silence, until Jin decided to broke it with a question.

"You don't dislike Kookie being my boyfriend, right Mama?" 

"How could I? He was my favorite! And to be honest, I have to tell you that I've already had this on my mind for a long time. Like, he's so sweet and cute! How lucky could I be if he was my son-in-law? 

"You really think so?" Jin asked, as a pink hue spread across his cheeks. 

"Yeah, Mama knows what's best for you. Though I can't be sure about Papa." she said the last part, almost to herself. But Jin heard it.

"Papa won't agree then?" 

"I-I don't know for sure. Because it could create a bad picture of our family, you know. The whole country knows about your break up with Namjoon and imagine what would it be like if they get to know you've started dating his own brother? Isn't it... Won't it sound weird?"

Jin sighed as he messaged his templets. "Y-yeah, I see Mama. But maybe if I let the time drain the popularity of the news, then there might be at least a small chance for us to be together. We could arrange a small wedding, inviting only the closest....."

Jin stopped talking when he realized what he was saying. 

This is not possible! What he's saying right now is not fucking possible

So why does he have to keep on day dreaming?

Jin bowed his head in a hurry and mumbled a quite 'goodbye' before fleeing out of the house. Mrs.Kim called after him but he didn't turn back until he reached his volvo.

Yanking off the door, he threw the envelop onto the passenger seat and climbed in. Not even caring to bolt up the seatbelt, he started to drive off.

On the way, he recalled the last sentence he said to his mom. 

Marrying Jungkook? Marrying Jungkook?? Marrying Jungkook????

"Arggg!!!" Jin shouted as tears of anger started to blur his vision. He wiped them away aggressively, as he didn't want to get into an accident. 

"If only he wasn't Namjoon's fucking brother!"  he wished.

The rest of the day was packed up with work for Jin so he didn't had the chance to think about what happened in the morning. 

It was almost ten past fifteen, when he reached back home. Seeing the house engulfed in darkness, he assumed that Jungkook was already asleep.

He sighed and was about to get down from the car, when his eyes spotted the large envelop on the seat beside him.

"This should not be discovered by Jungkook at any mean." he thought and carried it into the house. 

He walked into his room and wondered his eyes around to find a place to hide the bunch of pictures. 

After some searching, he pushed it under the cloth cupboard. 

"That's the right place for you, you useless piece of crap!!" he whispered with hatred, wiping off his palms.

(A/N:- Next one's gonna be my fav. Wait for it!♥)

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