Broken Threads.

By tortuga9

73 3 2

Katrina Reeve is struggling to overcome a broken heart. But her heart wasn't broken by just one thing. No, it... More

Chapter One: Confrontation.
Chapter 2: Mall adventures

Broken Threads.

49 1 1
By tortuga9

She looked in disbelief at her screen. It was amazing how one picture could be the last straw that broke the camel's back. The last fiber of strength within her snapped. She was falling, spiraling down towards the ground.


"Kat. Kat, wake up."

"Mfgahsduio." I groaned. "Go away."

"KATRINA. JACE IS HERE TO TALK TO YOU." yelled the voice of my best friend, Alexa.

"WHAT?!" I jumped from my bed in shock. Glancing at my mirror, I saw myself. I looked horrible with my smudged eyeliner and tangled hair. Whatever. I took a deep breath, and walked into the living room of my small apartment that I shared with Alexa. I saw him sitting there, his head in his hands. I cleared my throat to make my presence known. He looked up at me, and I saw that he looked as horrible as I did. His face was dotted with stubble, and his eyes were bloodshot and shiny from tears. I wasn't falling for it.

"What do you want, Jace?" I scowled at him. He looked taken aback at my viciousness.

"Kit-Kat, I am so-" he started.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT. YOU LOST THAT PRIVILEGE." I growled. He bit his lip and continued. "Katrina, I am so sorry that this happened."

"THIS? What exactly is this? Are you too scared to directly refer to the fact that you slept with three of my so-called friends? Is that what this is?" I shouted. I pulled my phone out from my pocket, and showed him the picture. In the picture, he was on top of a very underdressed girl, kissing her. The girl underneath him was Abigail, one of my closest friends apart from Alexa. But she lost that privilege, too.

"I am a horrible boyfriend, and I promise this will never happen again." he pleaded with me.

"Well, you're right about one thing. You are a terrible boyfriend. But not anymore." he looked at me, confused. "We're through." I stated emotionlessly.

"No, Kat, think this through-"

"I think I've already had enough time to think this through. I thought you were the one. I fell in love with you, and you betrayed that. This can't be fixed. I'm sorry, Jace. Please, leave. Go get comforted by Abigail or Becca or Katie." I pointed at my front door. "Now OUT."

"Katrina, you're making a huge mistake." Jace stared at me. He bit his lip again. "I still want you." He lunged toward me, knocking me onto my sofa. He kissed me almost violently, while his hands wandered down to the zipper of my jeans. In response, I kneed him in his weak spot.

"OW! Katrina! What the f*ck!" he yelled, clutching at his groin.

"Get out." I said calmly, pointing at my door once more." He finally got my point. He wrenched the door open and I followed him out. "Please never talk to me again." I calmly commanded.

"Yeah, whatever, Kit-Kat." he sneered angrily."oh, and don't miss this too much. It is your loss." Before I could ask what he meant, he pushed me against the door, in plain sight of my neighborhood, and kissed me roughly. He attacked my tongue, and he groped me while I struggled against his strong body. He stepped back, taking satisfaction in my most-likely-swollen lips. "See you later, babe." he smirked as my jaw dropped. Before he could turn and walk away, I gave him a piece of my mind.

"GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU ASSHOLE! I'M DONE WITH YOU! GO F*CK SOME OTHER STUPID GIRL! Oh, wait, YOU ALREADY DID THAT!" I screamed at him. He looked shocked at my yelling. I saw a kid drop his ice cream cone in shock, but I didn't care. I walked right up to Jace, and with all of the strength I could muster, I punched him in the jaw. Hard. before he could react, a cool voice interrupted us.

"Excuse me, is there a problem here?" asked a young police officer.

Wait-- a police officer?

Oh, shit.


Hey, lovelies :D If you liked my story, please rate it and follow me! Comment on anything you would like to comment on! Thanks!

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