asian BL smuts 'n' oneshots

By chokemekeith

85.1K 748 395

Mostly smutss doeee, so be warned for nosebleeds! ------ Just wanna say, that this is purely fictional, and I... More

patpran - reward πŸ€ͺπŸ˜›πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜―πŸ‘€πŸ€ πŸ—Ώβœ¨βš οΈπŸŒπŸ‘
thymekavin (F4 Thailand) - 3Thymes 1Kavin
sarawattine - Juicy
brightwin - green
phayurain - scratch 1/3
phayurain - scratch 2/3
phayurain - scratch 3/3

sarawattine - puzzled

8.4K 68 23
By chokemekeith

Tags: Cursing/Swearing at Sarawat Guntithanon is Tine Teepakorn's coping mechanism, Smug!Sarawat, Cocky!Sarawat, Top!Sarawat, Bottom!Tine, Cute!Tine, Needy!Tine, Power Play-ish, Body Worship, Feminization, Praise Kink, Sarawat and Tine fuck at the Aekaranwongs' house and try desperately to be quiet, Sarawat is hot and Tine realizes, Tine is a closet slut tbh, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Passionate Sex, Porn with Plot, Tine becomes a bit of a Diva after orgasming, SARAWAT DIRTY TALK OMFGG, Tine loves Sarawat's Dirty Talk but won't admit it,

Summary: Man and Boss' meddling ends in Tine finally realizing how hot his boyfriend is.

Sarawat's hotness finally overwhelms Tine at some point, and some heavy, steamy, and explicit smut ensues.

Enjoyy! ;)


Everyone knows how infatuated Sarawat has been with Tine, and that for a long time, ever since Tine bumped into him at the 2U Scrubb Concert.

Now Tine, when he noticed Sarawat for the first time outside of the polit. Science building because he had to get him to be his fake boyfriend, obviously noticed how unbelievably hot Sarawat was, but it just kinda flew past him, being stressed with Green following him, and all that.

And it was at the most random time, that Tine's brain decided, that it was a good idea to start the 'thirsting over Sarawat Guntithanon' Saga.

Tine would never forget the exact moment it happened.

It was like he got a filter lens put on over his vision, just that the filter lens took everything Sarawat did, and made it intoxicatingly attractive to Tine.


"Fuck, man! Sarawat why are you so good at this?!" Man groaned as Sarawat hit another Strike, his fourth one, after four shots.

"It's the long arms, I'm telling you!" Boss nodded and patted Sarawat on the back continuously, earning a shake of Sarawat's head, in disbelief and embarrassment. Tine just grinned at Sarawat in adoration, as his boyfriend sat down next to him.

"Exactly! Wat, why don't you join the university basketball team? You could finally make use of those long arms, am I right Tine?" Man encouraged and looked at Tine in question, as he sipped on his Blue Hawaii. Tine shrugged, as if to say: "Why not?", and leaned into Sarawat's side, feeling comfort in the familiar taste of the drink, and Sarawat's warmth.

"Hmm, Tine? Fill us in, does Wat make good use of that reach?" Man asked, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows. Tine almost choked on his drink, when he understood what Man was getting at. Yeah, they've had sex, but it was the slow, passionate kind, every time, with Sarawat looking deep into Tine's eyes and being careful not to hurt or overwhelm him too much, and now that Man had put the picture of Wat's arms and his 'reach' into Tine's mind, it was all flustered cheeks and shying away from any eye contact with Sarawat.

Thankfully, Tine wasn't bowling along with them, so he could cross his legs to hide any evidence of his immense horniness, and could watch Sarawat in 'peace'.

It was only a matter of time until Tine burst into a begging mess, begging Sarawat to stop being so god damn hot, in every way possible. Then again this would probably end up with Sarawat teasing him, which contained a smug Sarawat, which was one of Tine's BIGGEST turnons for some reason, as well as Sarawat's voice, which was suddenly the hottest thing ever, and of course, Sarawat's presence which was hot in itself.

To say the least, it was a vicious circle, which Tine couldn't get out of, because Sarawat was the love of his life, and he would date him until he died.

Now it was up to Tine: either he purposely loses all his senses, to survive being in the presence of Sarawat without having an internal nervous breakdown because of how hot he is, or he simply finds an outlet, to release all his dirty thoughts.

If Tine told Sarawat, he would probably tease him endlessly, and his already humongous ego would grow even bigger. But then again, he loved Sarawat, ginormous ego and all, and wanted to share all his emotions with him.

That's what Tine decided to do, once his emotions and thoughts about his boyfriend's physical appearance got too much.

"Tine?" Type whispers and waves his hand in front of Tine's face, as they were at a family dinner, and it was quite rude not to pay attention to what his elders were saying, no matter if it interested him or not, Type would say.

Sarawat, who sat to Tine's right, didn't have time to notice Tine's mental absence, as he himself was fully engaged in a conversation with Tine's mom about his band, Ctrl S, telling her how Tine inspired the name, et cetera.

Man, sat to Type's left, was just as lost as Tine was, probably aching just to pull out his phone and scroll through Instagram.

But there it was, that longing Tine felt...

The physical attraction he felt towards Sarawat, which was hidden deep inside Tine's mind, and provoked by Man and his perverted mind as well as his lack of a filter when investigating Sarawat and Tine's sex life through interviewing them in front of their whole friend group.

Tine dared to look at Sarawat, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to take his eyes off him again.

God damn... Sarawat's side profile was actually unfair. Models couldn't even look that perfect! Tine knows Sarawat could be the next Calvin Klein model, and he feels his pants tighten at the thought of a half-naked Sarawat.

Tine's thoughts were really becoming sinful as his boyfriend puts a hand on his thigh, startling him so much that Tine choked on his own spit while he felt his dick twitch, Sarawat and the whole table's attention on him now.


"Tine? Are you alright, Love?" His mom asked him, and Tine had to bite his lip hard to stop himself from making a horrible excuse and getting Sarawat and him up the stairs and into the bedroom ASAP.

"Y-yes, Mom... W-why - um - w-what were you asking me about?" Tine asked, stuttering and stumbling over his words because he still felt Sarawat's intense gaze on him. God, this was embarrassing... Tine felt like he was back in High School, with some crush that got him blushing with the smallest actions.

"I was asking how you liked the food today, which Sarawat's Mom and I prepared?" Okay, nice, easy question. You got this, Tine...

"Um, i-it was great, Mum. I loved the dessert..." Tine said, meaning another dessert he has yet to enjoy; Saaaaaarawaaaaattt.

Tine continues letting his eyes wander as soon as their Moms avert their gazes.

Tine started on Sarawat's sharp and angular jawline, eyes slowly trailing downwards to the collar of the white button-down Sarawat wore, buttons done up this afternoon by no other than Tine.

Tine remembered how hard it was to focus on pushing a tiny button through an even tinier slit when a literal god was standing in front of him, eyeing himself up in the mirror, thankfully not noticing Tine's very much suspicious behavior and not teasing him about it either.

The button-down hugged Sarawat's shoulders and arms tightly, especially when he folded his arms over his chest, making Sarawat look too good to be true.

At this point, Tine was in physical pain from how hard he was in his bordeaux red slacks, i.e. he was in physical pain from Sarawat's presence alone. God, Sarawat didn't have to do anything to get Tine going, it was scary at this point, and it will probably make Tine do some naughty things in the future, which he isn't as reluctant to as he used to be.

Tine needed his outlet now.

"Now, I think we should wrap this up. It's really starting to get late, and I want Man's parents to be able to get home safe!" Tine's mom exclaimed and clapped her hands together.

Fucking finally, Tine thought, but what he didn't think about was the boner he was sporting and the fact that they were going to sleep in his childhood bed under one roof with his parents as well as Man and Type.

Unfair to anyone trying to score with Tine in the future and even more unfair to Tine's current patience, Sarawat offered to help Tine's mom wash the dishes, so Tine felt it would be way too impolite if he didn't help as well.

Now there were four people stuffed shoulder to shoulder in a huge kitchen so that they could all reach into the sink and help do the dishes out of pure hostility. It was useless and could've been done way faster by just one person alone, but everyone felt too nice to say it, besides Tine's mum, who seemed to call the shots that evening since it was her house.

"I feel like two people could get this done way faster than all of us together... Why don't you and Sarawat do the dishes while Mrs. Guntithanon and I rest a bit?" Tine's Mom suggested, and Sarawat nodded slowly, obviously saying yes solely out of respect for his boyfriend's mum. Tine huffed and rolled his eyes at his mum, who was talking to him.

"Oh, come on, Tine! It'll be romantic, don't you think?" Sarawat's mom now suggested, winking at Tine, seeming pretty keen on sitting down and having a chat with Tine's mom over some red wine.

"Fine..." Tine mumbled, accepting his fate and turning back around towards the sink. Tine was sooo sexually frustrated that he was about to jump Sarawat in that kitchen, right in front of their mums, especially when he realized how hot Sarawat looked right that second.

The sleeves of the white dress shirt were rolled up to just above his elbows, exposing those veiny forearms and those long slender hands, that were veiny as well, were glistening, wet with water, and covered in foam which made Tine wanna get fucked in the bathtub tonight, Sarawat's muscles all wet and shiny, glistening from the water, and the body wash that Tine would use as an excuse to examine Sarawat's muscles, growing hard while massaging and kneading those bulging biceps.

Shit really hit the fan when Sarawat wiped his left cheek with the back of his right hand, and Tine finally saw that concentrated look on his face. Those furrowed eyebrows, that clenched jaw... It reminded Tine of the face Sarawat makes when he's close to cumming. Now Tine's dirty mind went on 'X-Games Mode', flashing pictures of the few times they've had sex, and his brain seemed to especially like it when Sarawat moved him into a certain position just a biiiiit impatiently and roughly, rushed by his want to orgasm and kinda annoyed by how slow and hazy Tine would get whenever they fucked. Like a little sloth.

Basically, at that moment, Tine finally realized what his kink/fetish was; He wanted to be manhandled, especially by Sarawat.

That realization made him kind of ashamed but also made him freeze in place, continuing to drool at Sarawat, wishing to be one of those ceramic plates to be bathed, cleaned up, towel dried, and put back in his place.

"This is bullshit~!" Tine whined and set down the plate he was holding kinda roughly, stomping his feet like a frustrated toddler. Sarawat just turned towards him, with a plate in his right hand, and blinked.

"Are you alright?" Sarawat asked, raising an eyebrow while looking amused by Tine's sudden child-like outburst. Tine was that close to lobbing a plate at the wall, when he saw Sarawat smirk so hotly and watched the pants bunch around Sarawat's muscular thighs and his crotch, when he slightly squatted down to put the plate into a cabinet.

'Am I alright?? The audacity this foolishly hot man has!' Tine thought and huffed sarcastically, to which Sarawat's ears seemed to perk up.

"Seriously, Tine. What's up with you recently? You've been acting weird the whole evening long.." Sarawat furrowed his eyebrows and put his left hand flat on the countertop. Gosh, how much Tine wanted to be bent over it right now.

"I-" Tine started and was cut off by his mom.

"God, why are you guys fighting? I thought this would be a cute thing for you two to do, but I guess not. Let us take over, you guys go rest." Tine's mom said and Sarawat's mom nodded alongside her, seeming sad when she heard us 'fight'.

"Sorry, Mrs. Aekaranwong..." Wat said, like the good 'son-in-law' he is, who totally doesn't sexually frustrate Tine every single second he exists without touching him.

They walk up the stairs in silence, Tine still secretly obsessing over how tasty Sarawat looks, and trying to tune his horniness down for when he has to TALK to Sarawat, face to face, in a room, just the two of them.

'Actually, fuck talking.' Tine thought. 'As soon as we're in that room, I'm going to jump him and finally fucking find my outlet.' Tine continued his train of thought, and tried to push away all his self-doubts and self-judgmental thoughts for once.

Tine opened the door to his childhood room, with a brand new twin-size bed in it, but still some of his posters on the wall, and all of his stuff stashed away in three small cardboard boxes in the corner, since he had taken most of his stuff with him.

"I imagin-" Sarawat started talking, having walked in first, and Tine really wasn't having it, so he smashed his lips onto his boyfriend's, silencing him while pulling the door closed behind him and locking it.

He fucking shoves Sarawat against the bed, the man's calves hitting the edge of the bed, making him sit on it, looking up puzzled at Tine, who was eyeing him up like his favorite snack. And little did Sarawat know, Tine was hungry, and he was his absolute favorite meal.

Tine's mouth parted like he was going to say something, but his lips just closed back together in a straight line, and the next thing Sarawat knew, Tine was straddling him and rubbing his ass against Sarawat's clothed crotch.

Sarawat let out a 'fuck', when Tine pushed a hand flat on his chest and pushed him back harshly, Sarawat being able to catch himself, by planting his palms flat onto the mattress behind him, and push his chest back up against Tine's flat palm due to his advantage in strength.

Tine ground against Sarawat in bold moves, and the way those hips moved, made Sarawat's right hand shift quickly onto Tine's left hip, following the hip's long and artistic movements.

"What are you doing, hmm?" Sarawat whispered erotically because he was already super turned on. How couldn't he be when there was a pretty boy, with a tiny waist and a fat ass, firmly grinding said ass on his dick, while biting those juicy lips and making the prettiest, most sinful expressions ever.

Not to mention, that that pretty boy was also his boyfriend, whom he'd never have expected this from, and whose parents are downstairs chatting with Sarawat's parents about how great and well-behaved they are for doing the dishes.

Then again, they went upstairs, because they couldn't do the dishes anymore, but who knows.

All Sarawat knew in that moment was that Tine and him still needed to have a chat about why he has been acting so weird lately, only around Sarawat.

"I hate you, Saraleo..." Tine panted, hips starting to stutter from the pleasure he must be feeling, looking Sarawat in the eyes with some hazy, glazed-over brown orbs.

Sarawat couldn't contain his smirk, at Tine's reaction to him grabbing his hips with a bruising hard grip to stop those sinful moves, in order to actually talk about what's going on in that beautiful mind of Tine's.

Tine fucking whined.

This was the first time ever that Tine acted like this, and it clearly came from a place of desperation, but Sarawat didn't care. He already loved this side of Tine the most, before he even got to witness it fully.

Tine's hips were locked in place with a death grip, most likely bruising and hurting just to become uncomfortable, and Tine just whines as if he was asking for Sarawat to dig his fingers even harder into his flesh.

"I hate everything about you, you fucking moro-" Tine complains, more like whines, and Sarawat just shakes his head with a smirk, and cuts him off finally, smirk wiped off his face.

"Tell me what's up, Tine." Sarawat was dead serious, and Tine was not at all ready to play by the rules just yet. Tine's obsession with everything Sarawat had gotten so bad, that he was angry at the man for being so hot, and Tine felt like he had every reason to be angry about such a thing.

"Why would you hate me all of a sudden? Hmm?" Sarawat asked, examining Tine's face for any change of expression.

Tine looked back at Sarawat finally, pausing for a second and finally continuing to speak.

"Because you're everything." Tine mumbles, and Sarawat raises his eyebrows, not quite getting it.

"What do you mean?" Sarawat countered, and Tine huffed, seeming impatient and not very keen on looking at Sarawat.

"God, what I am about to say is just going to boost your fucking ego, so hard, but I can't take it anymore..." Tine started, sighing and keeping his eyes hesitantly trailing over his 'super-model-on-the-cover-of-vogue' looking boyfriend.

Tine went from full send to hesitant, and he wanted to shrivel up and disappear.

"There was just- When we went bowling, Man and Boss made those innuendos, and I let my thoughts wander and realized that I really do love how your arms look, and all of you for that matter, and that I don't only feel attracted to you on an emotional level, but also very much on a physical level. And those thoughts kept going on, until now, and I don't know how to wash dishes anymore without fantasizing." Tine admitted a bit shameful, in the end sitting on Sarawat's lap while pouting to himself. Sarawat tried to hold back his adoring smile but he really couldn't.

"What were you fantasizing about all this time?" Sarawat calmly asked, expecting at least a smack on the chest from Tine, but only getting another roll of Tine's hips onto his dick.

"Fuck... Some things I never knew I wanted done to me." Tine whispered into Sarawat's ear, earning a shiver from Sarawat and a quiet curse-grunt.

Tine was ready to beg now. He had already fed Sarawat's ego a shark, so why not feed him the whole ocean?

"Mainly, I love how you have more muscle strength than me, and you could push me around, but you're such a gentleman, you let me do whatever I want, even though I can see in your eyes, sometimes you just want to pin me down and do whatever you want to me." Tine started again, looking seductively at Sarawat and biting his own lip. Sarawat's mouth was agape, just hearing Tine say it. Tine's hand trailed across Sarawat's firm pectorals as he said it.

"I also love the veins in your arms and how long your fingers are. I just want you to do something, do anything! I just am very thirsty for you..." Tine finished, face flushed and demeanor still hesitant, but Sarawat knows they'll get there.

Sarawat didn't expect that, to say the least, but he knew he wanted that. Wanted to do that to Tine, make him feel good and overwhelmed as well.

"You should show me." Sarawat blurted out.

"What?" Tine raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend.

"Show me what you need..." Sarawat's eyes darkened as he told Tine that.

Never in a million years would Sarawat have expected this situation actually unfolding.

Mainly because Sarawat didn't think Tine was attracted to him like that, that Tine needed him in that way, nonetheless fantasized about him... He was surprised, to say the least, but he was so fucking turned on and excited for what was to come that he just went for it.

Tine bit his lip and got off Sarawat's lap, making the other shift and sit up straighter. Sarawat watched Tine with observant eyes, as his beautiful boy shifted and fidgeted under his gaze. The energy in Tine seemed to shift a lot tonight, and Sarawat was here for all of it, observing in a calm manner.

'Gosh,' Tine thought. 'why am I getting even more turned on when he's just sitting there?'

Tine looked down at the part of the mattress between Sarawat's slightly spread legs and then back up at Sarawat's face.

'It's really starting to get hot in this room, isn't it?' Tine thinks as a thin layer of sweat coats his entire body. Tine unbuttons his suit jacket and lets it slide down his arms as he watches Sarawat with hungry eyes. Tine felt his neediness take the wheel as Sarawat eyes him up hungrily as well.

Tine blushes as his eyes finally shift down to the star of the night: The Big Bulge in Sarawat's Pants™️. The anthracite pants bunch at Sarawat's hips, stretching over just the right parts, covering everything but nothing at the same time.

Tine felt the strong urge to get on his knees. One half of his mind told him not to do it because of pride, yadda yadda, and the other half told him that he should throw pride out of the window at this point and just do it. He followed that half.

Getting on his knees finally, Tine watched Sarawat's eyebrows rise slightly, surprise covering his face, as he watched Tine carefully. Tine bit his lip, looking innocently up at Sarawat, through his eyelashes, and then down at Sarawat's still-clothed cock in one swift movement.

Tine moaned in the back of his throat and put a hand on each of Sarawat's mid-thighs, bracing himself for what's to come, as sucking Sarawat off will probably bring him almost more pleasure than to Sarawat at this point, Tine almost frothing at the mouth, anticipating the familiar taste of Sarawat.

Sarawat's head is spinning as Tine finally touches his rock-hard dick, even if it's just through the pants. Sarawat is going crazy because the fact that Tine is on his knees for him, and looking up at him with that innocent look just for him, is mindblowing.

Tine finds Sarawat's shaft through his pants with his left hand and starts rubbing up and down slowly and carefully, kissing Sarawat's pelvis tenderly through the pants while looking up at Sarawat again. Tine bit his lips and kept eye contact with Sarawat to watch Sarawat's hot expressions while he was rubbing his dick through his pants.

Sarawat groaned and put his right hand on Tine's head, threading its fingers through the dark brown stands. Tine slid his right hand, which was resting on Sarawat's thigh, up, over Sarawat's bulge, earning him another moan, and slid the fingers of both his hands under the waistband of Sarawat's slacks as if he were to pull them down.

"Can I undo your pants, Wat?" Tine asked with a completely different vibe than when he last spoke, voice soft and smooth, just like his actions.

Said man nodded and let his pants be undone. The button was popped, the zipper was dragged down achingly slow, and the waistband of his black boxer briefs was finally pulled down, just below his balls, finally freeing his hard dick, springing free and standing straight as a flagpole.

Tine bit his lip again, looking up at his boyfriend, and grabbed the balls with his right hand, massaging them, as he leaned in close again to kiss Sarawat's left hipbone. Sarawat moaned and massaged Tine's scalp with his right hand, putting his left hand on the bed behind him to stabilize himself as he leaned back.

Tine finally put the hand around his shaft and rubbed up and down, making sure to get the precome evenly distributed all over the shaft so that it wouldn't be too dry.

Tine was about to lean in and put his mouth on Sarawat's dick when he was firmly pulled upwards by his chin. Sarawat bent down, so Tine could stay on his knees and be kissed firmly.

Tine put his left palm on Sarawat's thigh again, keeping his right moving slowly on Sarawat's dick. Sarawat moaned into Tine's mouth and bites Tine's bottom lip lightly when pulling away just a bit from the kiss, keeping the tips of their noses touching.

"Fuck, Tine... You drive me crazy..." Sarawat whispers against Tine's agape mouth. Tine smiles against Sarawat's lips and pushes forward for another kiss, just this time one full of tongue, shoving so close to Sarawat and angling his head to the side, so that he could push his tongue in the other's mouth as far as possible. Sarawat was here for it, pushing with the same force and moaning open mouthedly right into Tine's wide open mouth, as the hand on his dick started moving up and down fast, getting Sarawat harder than he was ever before.

"Shut up, Saraleo... Don't tell me you don't know how hot you look right now... Fucking, Asshole..." Tine curses after having pulled away from his boyfriend's addicting lips. How can someone look so fucking hot? It's LITERALLY fucking unfair! Tine just couldn't get over it.

Sarawat chuckled and gave Tine another wet smooch on the lips.

Sarawat was aching to fuck Tine's sweet ass, but first he was going to have some more of that mouth. God, if only Tine knew how fucked up Sarawat's fantasies got, and how he objectified Tine sometimes...

Sarawat reached towards the headboard and grabbed a pillow, throwing it in the floor and having Tine kneel on top of it, so his knees wouldn't bruise, as they were probably going to go swimming tomorrow with Man, Type and Tine's parents.

"Kneel on it... Don't want your knees to be all bruised tomorrow." Sarawat said, surprised at himself being able to speak so clearly with Tine's hand still on his dick. Tine blushed at his caring boyfriend. Even in this situation, Sarawat surely feeling needy, he cares more about Tine's knees than his own release.

"Thank you~" Tine mewled, now wanting to suck Sarawat off even more, because Sarawat deserved it for being so caring. Tine settled, finding a comfortable position, for his knees, on the pillow, and finally sat back on his heels, both his hands back on Sarawat's thighs, eyeing Sarawat up hungrily.

Sarawat's legs were spread, making room for Tine, and his eyes were heavy, trained mainly on Tine's lips and the rest of his face.

"Finally..." Tine whispered under his breath as he scooted closer to that big dick. Thankfully for Tine, Sarawat didn't hear what he said, and just cupped Tine's left cheek with his right hand and watched as Tine melted into the hand, biting his lip and closing his eyes blissfully.

"You're so pretty, and those lips... Fuck..." Sarawat husked and trailed his thumb over Tine's bottom lip. Tine couldn't take it anymore, and leaned down while wrapping his right hand around Sarawat's dick, hearing the man shudder.

Said lips wrapped around Sarawat's dick, and the man felt all his worries about Man, Tine or anyone in the house hearing them, leave his body. All that mattered in that moment was Tine, nothing and nobody else.

"Oh my fuuucking God..." Sarawat groaned, eyes not daring to leave Tine's face, watching as he pushed his head further down on Sarawat's dick, taking at least half of it down at once.

It was so fucking hot, and just crazy overwhelming to both Sarawat and Tine, but neither wanted to stop. Especially not Sarawat, when Tine blushed as he noticed how carefully Sarawat was watching him, Sarawat's hand still on Tine's jaw, caressing, praising him without any words being said.

Tine pulled back, Sarawat's hand still on his cheek, moving his hand up and down on Sarawat's dick and kissing his hip again, and nuzzling all the way to his happy trail, planting a couple more wet kisses there, licking down to just left to Sarawat's dick.

"Good?" Tine whispered almost inaudibly against Sarawat's skin, blushing deeply, all the way down to his collarbones, fading out towards his nipples.

"Yes, such a good boy. Perfect for me." Sarawat praised, cooing at Tine's kisses all over his skin, giving Tine all the affirmation he needed to continue.

Tine whined against Sarawat's skin and licked a bold stripe along the underside of his boyfriend's cock, leaving it wet, dripping spit down towards the base, where his hand rested, and engulfed about half of it into his mouth again, eager for more praise.

Sarawat fell back onto his elbows, separating his hands from Tine, feeling Tine whine around his dick at that.

Tine put in even more effort, massaging the base of his dick with his hand, and his balls with the other, to add to the pleasure and hopefully make Sarawat go crazy.

When Sarawat didn't follow immediately with praise, only moaning and tilting his head back a bit, Tine put both his hands on Sarawat's thighs and forced himself down onto the dick. Sarawat perked up, pushing himself up and leaning onto his palms now instead of his elbows, so he could put a hand through Tine's dark locks as if to tell him to calm down and take it easy. This was only the third blowjob Tine has ever given, so Sarawat was shocked to say the least.

"Fuck... Tine, take it easy..." Sarawat grunted, moaning loudly, eyebrows furrowing as Tine's nose touches the small patch of pubic hair at the base of his dick which connected up to his happy trail which peaked out whenever Sarawat wore only sweatpants and the waistband rode down his hips slowly but surely.

Tine's shoulders ached from the way they were contracting, as a result from his gag reflex being triggered, and Tine trying to hold it off.

Sarawat pulled Tine off as he was getting close.

Tine looked up at Sarawat with deep red, spit slick and swollen lips, already dark eyes blown so much to look even darker. There were trails of tears from the corners of his eyes to the apples of his deeply flushed cheeks, and his chest was heaving up and down.

"Are you alright?" Sarawat asked, dick throbbing at the sexy sight but Tine's well-being was more important than anything.

"Yeah~ m'fine.." Tine mewled, hazy eyes and all, and Sarawat bit his lip hard, leanind forward and cupping Tine's cheek with his hand again, thumb swiping away a semi-dried-up tear.

"So fucking sexy..." Sarawat breathes, examining the state Tine was currently in, making sure the picture never leaves his mind and feels Tine's hands on his dick suddenly, pulling a hiss from his mouth, as he was getting a bit overwhelmed himself.

"You should see yourself, Saraleo.." Tine whispered to himself, letting go of Sarawat's dick, Sarawat tucking himself back in, leaving his pants and his belt undone.

Tine swallowed and cleared his throat, wiping his mouth with the back of the hand that was wet with Sarawat's precum and Tine's spit. He was trying to get it back together, after having completely fallen apart from sucking Sarawat off.

Little did Tine know, Sarawat felt the exact same, and probably felt even more powerless than Tine, having just had his soul sucked out through his dick. Sarawat felt he had to gain some power over his boyfriend now, his own chest heaving as if he had just ran a marathon, wanting to make Tine feel the same in return. It was the least he could do, after a blow job like that.

"Get up, Baby." Sarawat commanded, getting up as well, legs a bit unstable, but soon recovering. Tine stumbled onto both feet, Sarawat reaching down and throwing the pillow back onto the bed, before turning his attention back to Tine, wrapping his arms around his middle.

Tine put his hands on Sarawat's chest and started undoing his dress shirt, biting his lip while doing so, and whining in the back of his throat. Sarawat eyed Tine up, feeling his dick twitch multiple times at the sight of him and also when he pushed his own hands down, to rest on Tine's ass, squeezing with difficulty due to the tight dress pants Tine was wearing.

"Sexy little Vixen... Just being around you drives me fucking crazy. You have no clue." Sarawat growled into Tine's mouth, feeling himself become impatient already, even though he knows he still needs to prep Tine, before he can do anything, because it's been so long since the last time they did it.

"Wat~!" Tine gasps as Sarawat's middle finger grazez over his hole through his pants, making Tine's breath hitch and his back arch, pushing his crotch forward into Sarawat's.

They both moan.

"Take it off, Wat~" Tine whines, referring to the white dress shirt, which was unbuttoned, but still on his shoulders and arms, impossible for Tine to get off, with how Sarawat's hands were locked on Tine's ass.

Sarawat hummed, shrugging off his own shirt, while Tine got to work on his own shirt, unbuttoning it hastily, looking back and forth to be able to unbutton his shirt while catching glimpses of Sarawat's bare upper body, chiseled along the arms, up to the broad shoulders and chiseled collar bones and down to his flat stomach.

"Fuck~!" Tine whined and finally gets the buttons open, about to pull it off, but Sarawat insists he keep it on. Tine obliges and finally gets to feel all over Sarawat's torso.

"You're so unbelievably hot..." Tine whines and kisses Sarawat, feeling the other man's abs, all the way down to his v-line. Sarawat smirks against Tine's lips and squeezes his ass harder in his hands.

"Am I?" Sarawat mumbles against Tine's lips and bites Tine's lip. They were melting into each other, both so madly in love with the other's interior and exterior. They both felt like it was the most intense thing they ever experienced.

Tine nodded and bit his lip, hand trailing down from the other man's v-line, to the happy trail and through the already undone fly of Sarawat's anthracite slacks and to rest on his still hard dick through his black ck boxers.

"Please.." Tine looked at Sarawat through his eyelashed, and Sarawat couldn't tear his eyes off Tine's boobs, and how they looked, squished together by the way Tine's arms were currently positioned, and the dress shirt unbuttoned.

"I want to touch your boobs..." Sarawat said, like in trance, and lifted Tine up, throwing him onto the bed, on his back.

Tine snorted, almost not believing what he heard. He couldn't believe Sarawat actually gets turned on by them. Tine thought it was just some kind of joke, but here Sarawat was, parting the dress shirt just to reveal his 'boobs' the most.

"Fuck, Tine.." Sarawat groans in the back of his throat, as he grabs Tine's boobs from the sides, cupping them somehow and pushing them together, as if they were a girl's.

Tine bites his lip, arching his chest up into Sarawat's hands.

Sarawat leans down and licks the crack that formed between Tine's boobs now, and licks over Tine's nipples, while looking solely at Tine's boobs and cursing under his breath whenever he switched sides.

"Sarawat!" Tine let out an embarrassed silent yell, with wide eyes, and all he got back was a look from Sarawat and a long suck to his left nipple, and then his right one.

"Look at that..." Sarawat said, more to himself, but Tine looked anyways, of course he did, and Sarawat moved his pecs, somehow making them jiggle a little like real boobs. 

"Ngh!" Tine whimpered when he felt one of his nipples really becoming oversensitive, his whole body wanting to jerk whenever Sarawat touched it with the firm buds of his fingers.

"Too sensitive, now?" Sarawat smirked up at Tine, mockingly pouting like the cocky guy he is, because he knows exactly how hot he is and what he's doing to Tine, as Tine said.

Tine pushed him off and onto his back, straddling Sarawat and pushing him down with a hand on his chest. Sarawat put his hands on Tine's thighs, Tine looking down at him.

"Nu-uh-..." Sarawat started, smirking up at Tine evilly, putting his hands under Tine's thighs and sitting up even with Tine's hand on his chest.

"-you're my pillow princess tonight." Sarawat finished and bit his lip, still smirking while completely flipping them over again so that Tine was on his back and he was between his legs. Sarawat eyed Tine like a hunter did his prey.

"Do you have Lube and Condoms here?" Sarawat asked raising an eyebrow, as he sat up, ready to fetch the items as soon as he got directions as to where they are.

"U-umm, nightstand, top drawer." Tine quickly answered, pinching his bottom lip between his right pointer finger and thumb his lip. Sarawat rummaged through the top drawer a bit, and finally found the things, dropping them next to Tine on the mattress.

"Y-you could've left the condoms in there... You know we don't use those anymore..." Tine murmured just for Sarawat to hear, even though there was nobody else in the room with them. Sarawat bit his lip, smacking Tine's thigh and crawling over him finally, getting their faces level.

"Well then... Where do you want me to cum?" Sarawat begun, making Tine put his hands on Sarawat's chest while his face flushed even more and he turned to look away from Sarawat.

"Hmm, Baby?" Sarawat asked, more seriously now. Tine looked back at him.

"Wherever you want to, Phi." Tine adorably whispered, knowing exactly what that last word did to Sarawat.

"Alright, Pretty." Sarawat said and bit his lip with a smile, leaning down to kiss Tine sweetly.

Sarawat pulled back and finally took off Tine's pants and boxers, leaving him in his unbuttoned white dress shirt, making Sarawat's dick twitch. Tine looked angelic, yet so sinful at the same time, with his own dick hard against his stomach, leaking precum, his lips red and bitten raw, and his swollen boobs - as Sarawat would call them - and nipples.

"Such an angel on first look, yet such a slut for me now, aren't you?" Sarawat started, while caressing Tine's left cheek, Tine biting his lip as he started blushing.

"Those lips, so plump and pink, they look so good stretched around my cock... And when you bite them it drives me fucking mad..." Sarawat growled, thumb dragging over Tine's lips and pushing between them, pushing against Tine's tongue and pulling right back out to trail downwards and to Tine's chest.

"And your titties... Better than any girl's." Sarawat said, smirking up at Tine and giving the left one nother kiss for good measure. Tine whined, treading the fingers of his right hand through Sarawat's hair.

"And finally-" Sarawat started, grabbing Tine's thighs, pushing them against his chest, making Tine's eyes widen and spread his legs, so he could at least see what Sarawat was doing.

"-that ass.. So plump, round and tight... Perfect for my dick..." Sarawat looked up at Tine as he said that, smirking and planting a wet smooch on Tine's right asscheek and his left inner thigh after that.

Sarawat squeezed some lube onto the fingertips of his right hand, and rubbed them against Tine's pink hole, earning a filthy moan from Tine at the cold sensation and the attention to the area that hasn't been touched in like 3 and a half weeks. Thankfully Tine has douched this morning.

"Like that?" Sarawat grins, and shoves his middle finger in, alternating between looking at where his fingers went inside of Tine and looking at Tine's facial expressions.

"F-fuck y-yes! Don't stop!" Tine's moans started getting louder, the faster Sarawat moved his fingers in and out.

The squelching was making both of their cocks twitch.

"Yeah Baby, fuck... Such a good boy... Good little nympho for Phi, hmm? Got so horny from me just existing today, didn't you?" Sarawat whispered to Tine, smirking so fucking smugly and almost evilly if Tine didn't know better. This was what Tine was afraid of, but in that moment, it didn't matter. It was too fucking hot, for anything to matter, because every fucking word of dirty talk Sarawat said, had Tine whimpering and his dick twitching.

"S-shut up!" Tine's breath hitched and he clamped his hand over Sarawat's mouth, feeling another finger pushing in, two fingers, two knuckles deep inside of him right that second. Sarawat was really trying to kill him with all this pleasure he was feeling right that second.

The embarrassment from the 'Sarawat-dirty-talk' made his dick twitch, the dirty talk alone made his dick twitch, the two fingers up his ass made his dick twitch obviously, and on top of that, just how hot Sarawat was made his dick twitch. AND ALL THOSE THINGS COMBINED obviously had his legs shaking, and come spurting onto his stomach 15 seconds after, holding Sarawat close and moaning so fucking loud the whole house must have heard.

Immediately when Sarawat heard how loud Tine was moaning, so he pulled the hand off his mouth, pinned it down on the mattress with his free hand and pushed their lips together, to silence the moans at least a bit, knowing Tine couldn't control them.

After the most intense stage of Tine's orgasm was over, and his legs weren't shaking as much anymore, Sarawat felt how Tine's hole relaxed, along with all of the other muscles in his body, seeing as he just came, and pulled his fingers out, knowing Tine's been prepped enough to be fucked.

"I got you." Sarawat whispered and bit his own lip hard at the state of Tine.

Tine had cum all over his chest and abs, red lips, that hazy look in his eyes, and the white button down was slid down his left shoulder and stayed put on the right one. Tine looked like a beautiful mess.

Sarawat would be lying if he said he wasn't just milliseconds away from cumming just then, but heheld it in and immediately felt the effect of denying his own orgasm, orgasm feeling further than it has been that night.

Sarawat got off the bed quickly, taking his pants off even quicker, belt buckle clinking loudly as it hit the floor, Sarawat cursing as that probably woke up the whole house, if Tine's moans didn't do the job yet.

Tine made grabby hands at Sarawat, and Sarawat grinned at him, hastily stepping out of his pants and taking off his socks, to jump back on the bed.

He crawled back over Tine and kissed him sweetly, Tine putting his hands on his shoulders.

"You're so beautiful, Tine..." Sarawat said, as he gathered all the cum off Tine's stomach, onto his hand, to rub it against Tine's pink hole. Tine was too overwhelmed with pleasure to complain, and just whimpered lightly at the wetness, sliding his hands up and wrapping his arms around Sarawat's neck now.

Sarawat rubbed the rest of the cum onto his dick, and gave Tine another smooch, before locking eyes with Tine and pushing inside of him, his hand with the remainders of the cum on it guiding his dick into Tine's sweet hole.

"Fuck, Tine... Suck a good pussy, Baby..." Sarawat whispered against Tine's lips, only for Tine to hear, crazed by that wet hole that fits like glove around his dick.

"Wat~" Tine mewled, eyes rolling into the back of his head, kissing Sarawat hard and clenching his hair between his fingers, tugging on it without remorse.

Tine was still tight around him, due to how big his dick was, but the tightness was so good, he almost couldn't hold himself still to let Tine get used to the stretch. Sarawat was literally that close to just pulling back out and ramming in quickly, until he himself came.

"Mmmm~ You can mmmove~..." Tine whispered, noticing how Sarawat kept his dick deep inside of him, having a hard time doing so. When Sarawat pulled out, Tine gasped, and when Sarawat pushed back in, Tine let out the most sinful moan ever. And it was loud as well. That's when that overstimulatiiiiiion hittttttttt.

Tine couldn't keep his hips still, legs trembling and hips wanting to escape Sarawat's every thrust, but Sarawat just responded by pinning Tine's arms down next to his head and kissing Tine through it, slamming his hips down with no mercy.

"FUck!" Tine's voice cracked and hitched and his moans were just uncontrollable and he just wanted to hide his face in a pillow at least. Tine freed his hands from Sarawat's hold forcefully, and clenched his fists in the bedsheets, biting his lip har, as he was rocked further up and up the bed, towards the headboard.

Sarawat tsk-ed at the diva he suddenly had laying under him, and chuckled, as if he wasn't turned on at all, and just grabbed Tine's legs with a death grip, spreading them and locking each of them on on either side of Tine, knees touching the mattress with how flexible Tine was. Tine was so flexible and pliable, and it turned Sarawat on so much, because he knew there were endless positions he could try fucking Tine in.

Sarawat fucked Tine harder and Tine really couldn't keep his moans down anymore, so he pushed his left palm against Sarawat's chest, immediately making the other stop.

"What's wrong?" Sarawat asked, concern clearly building up in his eyes and tone of voice.

"L-let me flip over.." Tine stuttered and Sarawat nodded, Tine cursing under his breath as he pulled his dick out.

Tine was flipped over before he could even start to move again, and the dick was immediately back inside of him, and Tine's moans were finally muffled by the mattress. Now though, the bed frame was creaking, because this position gave Sarawat the freedom to use the full length of his dick, and push it deep, by putting himself into a push-up position and moving only his hips down right into Tine's prostate, the bouncing of the springs in the mattress creating even more movement.

Sarawat didn't care about the creaking, but Tine surely did.

"Sarawat!" Tine whisper-yelled, putting his left hand on Sarawat's pelvis now to interrupt his movements, moaning into the palm of his hadn, as Sarawat landed a final slam inside of him, skin smacking against skin. Sarawat smirked, kissing him over the palm of his hand.

"What's up?" At least Sarawat sounded a bit out of breath too, seeming like he was going to cum soon, with how breathy and focused he was, pupils blown as-well.

"The bed frame is creaking so loudly, they'll- they'll hear..." Tine whispered, having a difficult time talking with Sarawat's 8inch dick balls deep in his ass. Sarawat bit his lips hotly again and Tine realized he was checking out Sarawat without fully appreciating the view due to his hazy mind.

Sarawat's abs were flexed, finally proving that he did in fact have a six-pack-abs, his arms were all tensed up, fists planted into the mattress, veins showing and biceps flexing, the happy trail which started at his belly button lead down to that dick, which (Tine could now see) was really lodged in his ass (how it even fit still baffled Tine), and most importantly: that look on Sarawat's face. Eyebrows furrowed, eyes narrowed, mostly focused on Tine's ass, and where his dick went inside of Tine. He bit his lips hard as well, making a vein pop on his left temple, where there was also a small bead of sweat making its way down the side of Sarawat's face, racing the other Sweat droplets to the duvet cover.

"Fuck." Sarawat's breath heaved, him snapping halfway out if his trance.

"Yeah, you're right..." Sarawat finally snapped out of his trance fully, seeming a bit more reasonable now, not just thinking with his dick and his fucking smirk.

"Should I just fuck you against the wall? Or you wanna... I don't know..." Sarawat trailed off, seeming too turned on (or overwhelmed by that ass) to come up with another option, and Tine flushed deep red at the thought of Sarawat actually fucking him against the wall. Tine decided to quickly let that thought go, because the walls that weren't blocked by shelves or desks were right next to the other bedrooms, and the walls were really thin...

"N-nah... J-just fuck me slow, but go deeper, and then I'll suck you off if you can't cum like that, okay?" Tine said, and after he was done, he couldn't believe he really said that. Sarawat just raised his eyebrows and nodded with a slight smirk on his lips.

Sarawat (kind of) does as told for once, and has Tine coming, sooner than Tine will admit, with a loud yelp, that's mostly muffled by a pillow. After seeing Tine cum another time though, Sarawat really couldn't control himself anymore, and just grabbed Tine's wrists easily. SmTine's struggles against his grip being of no use due to his post-orgasmic weakness gave Sarawat the ability to pull Tine up onto his knees and grab onto the headboard, to kiss the nape of Tine's neck sweetly, before beginning to fuck Tine against the headboard, making the bed creak even louder and Tine moan brokenly into the wall, not even fully realizing what was happening.

"F-fuck, Wat.." Tine moaned loudly, face pressed against the wall as Sarawat made his last couple of thrusts and finally came inside of him, grunting into his ear and pushing in balls deep.

"Goddamn.." Sarawat panted and pulled out slowly, sitting down against the headboard. Tine did the same, wincing a little as he sat down, because of the pain in his lower back.

"You're unbelievable..." Tine huffed and pulled off the white shirt that he was still wearing, and cleaned up the cum, wiping it off his chest firstly, then off the duvet, and then tryung to clean it out of his ass for the most part. Sarawat smirked at Tine when he was doing it and gave his ass a little smack, earning him a smack to the chest.

"That was so fucking hot."


Sarawat woke up first, giving Tine a kiss on the forehead and receiving a sweet hum back.

He got out of bed, still naked and spent the next 10 minutes rummaging through the closet in Tine's childhood room, until he finally found some blue plaid pyjama set that actually fit him. He threw it in and walked downstairs while buttoning up the top still.

"So.. How was it?" Man asked, suddenly appearing beside him. Sarawat almost fell down the stairs, from how much Man's voice startled him. Sarawat was in deep thought about yesterday, and suddenly the bearded man appears.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Sarawat asked, the look on his face clearly telling Man to shut up, before anyone overheard him and Man talking. Man obviously was way too dense to understand social cues, so he probed on, as he always did when it came to Sarawat and Tine's sexlife. I mean, imagine Sarawat asking Man about his and Type's sexlife? Man would probably answer, but the point is, Sarawat wouldn't even ask in the first place.

"Type and I couldn't sleep until 1:30 am yesterday because of all the bed creaking, moaning, and 'Wat!' being moaned over and over again!" Man complained but was clearly just wanting to pry. Sarawat was starting to worry.

"Was it really loud?" Sarawat asked, wincing, and Man just nodded.

"I mean, yesterday, I didn't care, but now... I really don't want his mom to have a bad impression of me..." Sarawat whispered more to himself than to Man, but Man answered anyways.

"If they care about their sons, they shouldn't be mad. After all, sex is natural, especially if you love each other, so if there's anything that should give them a bad impression, it would be you not fucking their son in his childhood bed." Man said and smiled in the end, happy with what he just said so cheesily, but ruined in the end by being foul mouthed as always.

The continued chit chatting while walking to the kitchen, where there was a bar, with space for six people, Tine and Sarawat's moms already sat.

"Good morning! Everything's in the fridge. No need to ask, take anything you want..." Tine's mom smiled widely, and winked at Sarawat, just as Tine appeared behind him, the two men sharing an awkward moment of eye contact. 

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