Diamond Heart πŸ’Ž

By bellamerce

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------- He loved the girl that can't love him.....And now he can't love the girl that loves him -------- ** "... More

Story characters
Chapter 1- Brains and Bronze
Chapter 3 - Leverage
Chapter 4 -Appointment
Chapter 5 - On My Way
Chapter 6 - Fools Gold
Chapter 7- Dancing With Your Ghost
Chapter 8 - Teach You Love
Chapter 9 - Chaotic
Chapter 10 - Heart For Takeaway
Chapter 11 - Little Moments
Chapter 12 - Intrigued
Chapter 13 - Forget Me Not
Chapter 14 - Culmination & Surrender
Chapter 15 - Renegade
Chapter 16 - Firefly
Chapter 17 - Flicker
Chapter 18 - Glimpse Uf Us
Chapter 19 - O My Beloved
Chapter 20 - New Rules
Chapter 21 - Breathe
Chapter 22 - They Don't Know About Us
Chapter 23 - Sleeping At Last
A/N- Chapter 24
Chapter 24 - Gravity: Re-upload
Chapter 25 - Diamond Heart πŸ’Ž
Chapter 26 - Under Your Influence
A/N : A Crystal Love
Chapter 27 - A Crystal Love
Chapter 28 - Quick Sand
Chapter 29 - Collide
Chapter 30 - Ignorance Is Bliss
Chapter 31 - Don't Give Up On Me
Chapter 32 - Dynasty
Chapter 33 - Insanely Drunk Poet
Chapter 34 - Talking To The Moon
Chapter 35 - When It Hurts
Chapter 36 - Walking The Tight Rope
A/N - Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - Ricochet
Chapter 38 - Full Steam Ahead
AN: Chapter 38
Chapter 39 - At Your Service
Chapter 40 - DNA
Chapter 41 - Atah Girl
Chapter 42 - How I Love You
Chapter 43 - Twilight Zone
Chapter 44 - Braveheart
Chapter 45 - Conundrum
Chapter 46 - Full Circle
Chapter 47 - El Final Del Paraiso (The end of Paradise)
Chapter 48 - Like A Dream
Chapter 49 - Heaven In Hell
Chapter 50 - Sunrise In Heaven (Part 1)
Chapter 51 - Sunrise In Heaven (Part 2)
Epilogue - Forever Afterall
Bonus Chapter -My Forever Girl
Teaser - A Crystal Love

Chapter 2 - Flustered

2.3K 126 5
By bellamerce

When I get home, the familiar quietness that i have become accustomed to greets me.

Marco and Ella decided to spend the first year after their marriage on their own, before coming to permanently stay here at the mansion....and as it stands, they still have a good six months left before that time ends.

My sister Lola graduated from college, and craved for some independence and space to be on her own for a while, so she took a job in New York city for the next two years, and only comes home once in a while, which only leaves me and our parents alone in this enormous house, and they have finally slowed down from their travels such that they now spend alot more time at home.

The mansion is enormous, if we wanted, we wouldn't even have to be in each others space at all, but Mom likes to be in face alot, often waiting up for me when she knows i'm coming home while pretending that she was busy doing this or that and that's what kept her up..but i know she does it so that she can check up on me, often asking if i'm ok, or if i need anything that she can help me with.

Dad finds her 'Mothering' unnecessary, so do i as well as the rest of my siblings when she does it to them, especially now that we all have our own lives to lead, but i know alot of her actions now stems from guilt.......There was a long period when our parents were too busy to be adequately involved in our lives, and so now, they are trying to make up for lost times.

The only problem is that i'm the only one here right now, so even though i know the intention is good, i feel suffocated with all the attention and love that i'm receiving on behalf of everyone, that ultimately feels like an intrusion of my personal space.

I could always move out, but my parents won't always be around, and the house is too previous, too invaluable for all of us to abandon, because even when Marco and Ella move here, it will still be too much for just the two of them..so we'll see.

Walking into the entrance hall, Emilio, walks up to me, ready to take my briefcase from my hand like he usually does.

"Good evening." he smiles.

"Evening Emilio?" i ask, rubbing my neck.

"TV room" he says, even before i ask and i nod.

"Shall i have your dinner served?" he asks.

"No, i'm good....."I say.

"Goodnight Emillio." i add, scratching my eyebrow briefly, as i dismiss him and let him know that there is nothing else i will need from him tonight.

"Goodnight." he responds, taking my case to the office, before he retires to bed himself.

I walk to the TV room and stand by the door, leaning against the frame.

My parents are sitting on a couch together, reading something from a book.

I smile at the sight... Mom has her back pressed against Dad's side, and he in turn has his hand rubbing her upper knee area.

It's crazy that now that they are old, they've actually grown really close and affectionate towards each other... it's ironic because during their earlier years, during our childhood, they were rarely ever like this publicly ..and i often wondered why they stayed together.

To be honest, it's kind of the reason i stayed with Nicole for so long even when it wasn't working, because i had seen my parents do it for years...but i'm glad that their story has ended differently.

I get off the door frame, and without making my presence known, leave, as i go up to my own quarters.


"I can't believe you convinced me to come here" Chase grumbles.

"Oh, quit complaining already, we will just show our faces for a few minutes and leave before the game even starts." i mutter, handing over the keys to my Nissan GT-R to the valet.

I sigh, as i face the entrance to the house, while Chase comes around to my side on the side walk.

Nowadays, these kind of things bore me to death, i have attended to many of them, and not just on a social basis, but also at a work level where i have to attend official work functions, semi- business dinners and so on and so forth with clients and potential investors. This is because i manage the company's image and operations, so meeting business partners and investors on a both social and work level is a must for me.

So right now, i can already play over in my head how tonight will go moment by moment, and i'm already bored before i walk in.

That's why i convinced Chase to come with me, he is funny and an assurance of a good time when ever he is around..My half brother Roman cancelled at the last minute, and my other brothers are indisposed tonight....i didn't want to bring a date because it would raise too much interest, and i'm not ready to deal with that right now.

"Besides.." i add thoughtfully, fixing my tux.

"......Tony has got five daughters, we've have only met two, but i hear they are all quite a sight for sore eyes....aren't you curious to see for yourself?" i ask, because i know i am.

Anthony St Patrick is a long time friend of my father's, they have a history together from when they attended college together, except they eventually settled in different cities.

Over the past few years, away from his successful career as a prestigious Corporate Attorney in Vermont, Anthony has been expanding his investment into the tech and engineering sector, and so he and my father have been doing some side businesses here and there that myself and Tony's Son in-law Jeff, have been facilitating and managing for them.

Now that Anthony like my father has retired, and moved here, he wants to concentrate on his other businesses, whic means that i will be seeing alot more of him and his family.

Jeff is married to his eldest daughter Angela whom i have met several times already, and then there is Eva who i met after she joined our company as one of our corporate and contract lawyers.

"This is nice...very country" Chase murmurs, as we walk to the front entrance, from this view, i can see that the place already buzzing with people.


I smile, as my name is called and step closer to the host and his wife, who are situated close to the entrance so that they can welcome their guests.

"Tony." I murmur taking my hand out of my pocket to greet him.

The older man places one hand on my shoulder, as we shake hands with the other.

"Good to see you, finally, we can welcome you to our home." he says and i nod and express my thanks for the invitation.

"Alessio and Yolanda are already here." He says about my parents.

"Well, they should be, they left before me." I murmur and he smiles.

"Cynthia" i say, as i turn to his wife.

"My dear Aaron, looking handsome and dapper as always, welcome home" She says, giving me air kisses on both sides of my cheeks, and proceeding to pat me on my chest.

"You look fantastic" she says again with a wink.

"So do you, you know, if you keep looking any younger, i may just start giving Tony here some competition." i say, and we all chuckle.

"And who is this handsome young man?" She asks, turning to Chase.

"This old thing?" I mutter and Chase elbows me.

"This is Chase Michaelson, a colleague and dear friend of the family." i say.

They all exchange greetings, and we all share a few more words before going into the party.

"See you inside..make yourselves at home." Tony says over his shoulders.

Inside, i immediately spot my parents, already socializing with a few other guests.

Giving them a short wave of acknowledgement, Chase and i pick up some wine glasses and start to work ourselves around the room aswell, seeing as some of the guests here, are people we are already acquainted with.

It's not long before i spot Jeff and Angela, standing with Eva outside in the yard where it beautifully decorated, with a live band playing some music on one side.

Once they see us too, Eva motions for us to come over, but then starts walking towards us.

"Damn!" Chase says behind me as we watch her approach in her usual seductive confident walk, and honestly, i have to agree with the unspoken compliment.

She is wearing a red dress with a low neckline and a tight bodice, but the bottom is long and flared, with two long slits on each thigh, showing off her slender legs and skin as she walks. She has paired that with silver heels.

She also has on long diamond earrings with a matching necklace and bracelet.

Speaking from experience, i can tell a refined woman with very expensive taste when i see one, and right now, i'm looking at her.

"Hai" she murmurs when she reaches us, and proceeds to peck me on the cheek and then uses her thumb to wipe it clean.

"You're here." She says with a smile, and does the same with Chase.

"Ofcourse, you look beautiful" i say, looking down at her, and holding on to her hand.

"Well, thank you, i try...you guys look great too" she says with a shrug.

"C'mon, Jeff was asking about you" she says, leading us to her small group.

After our initial greetings with them, we start to engage in casual conversations, walking around abit, until we settle outside.

After some time, i start to look around the area, a few people joining and leaving our group as we continue to chat.

"So, where is the rest of your family"? I vaguely hear Chase ask, and i withhold a smile.

"Oh, there's Rocky and Gem" Eva points in a direction.

Bringing my third glass of wine up to my lips, i look in that direction too, right at the same time as one of the women there turns her head and looks this way, immediately locking eyes with me.

I nearly choke on my wine, my eyes widening with shock, as i try to comprehend who i just saw.

I see her react the same way too when she sees me.

I feel everything come to a stand still, the voices around me fading into the background, as i find the odds of seeing her here unbelievable.

She in turn is also still looking here, as if also wanting to confirm my identity.

I tilt my head to the side as she looks around me, then her eyes lock on mine again...and i get that familiar feeling i felt that moment after she kissed me, that jolt of electricity, that surge of life into my veins ...i can literally hear her voice again, her silly bucket list stories and her laughter, as it rings in my head once again, and suddenly, i feel alert, astute right now.

Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea, and this party won't bore me to death after all.

Even though she is across the yard from me, with a whole bunch of people between us, somehow she is right in my line of sight, facing my direction, and i wonder how i didn't notice her before.

Angela motions with her hand to come over, and i watch in anticipation, as she and another woman start walking this way.


"I can't believe i'm working the night shift right now, and missing out on this party....that place has got to be dripping with lots of rich good looking men by now." Dawn laments through the video call that myself, Shala and Tess are having with her.

"And single." Shala adds.

"At this point in my dating life, i don't care if he is single or married...as along as he can make babies and get my grandmother off my back..i will take him." Dawn mutters, making us all laugh.

"Where are you?" i ask, seeing as she looks like she is in a very enclosed tight space that i can not recognize from the hospital were Shala and I also work, except for Tessa, who works for a Newspaper.

"You don't want to know." she responds, looking around herself in disgust.

"Aaawww." we all say, looking up over the phone across the room.

'What? what's going on, let me see?" Dawn asks anxiously.

"Eh, you don't want to know...it will just depress you more." Tessa murmurs, as we turn our attention back to her.

"Ok, hun, sorry but we have to go."i say.

"I hate you guys." she pouts.

"We know, bye..be nice to the patients." I Shala says and Dawn frowns before hanging up.

We stand up straight and walk further into the room.

"Who are you looking for?" Shala asks, when she sees me scanning the room.

"Nobody in particular, just didn't realise that there are so many people here already." i reply.

"Do you guys mind, i need to find my sisters." I ask.

"Sure, come fine us when you can." Tessa murmurs, taking Shala's hand and walking away with her.

I look around again at the guests, looking for one person in particular, the fact that he is late, though not surprising, only adds to my anxiety.

"Hey, who are we looking for?"

"I was actually coming to look for you guys." i reply to Mercedes.

"Yeah right, so, my friends want to ask you a couple of questions, is that ok?" she asks.

"Sure." I smile, locking my arm with hers as we walk together.

As we make our way across the room and go outside, i see Jeff, Angela and Eva, talking to two men on the other side, and then make a mental note to join them after attending to Merce's friends.

Like most of the other times i've met my youngest sisters friends and they ask me questions, it's mostly about women's health, and tonight is no different.

After a few minutes, i start thinking about leaving, maybe find my other sisters or friends, so i look around to see where they are, but out of no where, my eyes make direct contact with a man on the other side, and not just any man, but Aaron.

My shoulders drop, my eyes widening, as we stare at each other.

I have not seen or heard from him since Porto, nor did i ever expect too either, since we did not exchange any contact information.

That morning when i woke up, he was not in the room, though it was clear he had not checked out yet...so, i put on my stained dress and quickly left, glad that he was not there to witness my walk of shame out of his room.

But curiosity got the better of me, and later that afternoon, before the girls and i checked out of the hotel, i checked in on his suite and discovered that he had already left and the hotel was not at liberty to give me any personal information about him, or even his full name.

For all i knew, the name he gave me that night wasn't even his real name..so that was the end of it.

But ever since we returned, despite how busy i get, i have thought about him often, sometimes, too often.

....and of all the places i fantasized about meeting him again, the comfort of my own home was never one of them.

Now that i actually comprehend who is around him, it finally hits me that he is talking to my people, my family, and they look friendly, how do they know him?

Aaron tilts his head to the side, his expression turning to amusement and gaiety as he waits for me to conclude my assessment.

My stomach churns, as a result of both excitement of apprehension, and i place my hand there to try and ease it.

"Let's go" Mercedes murmurs next to me, touching my arm, and gesturing for us to start walking when Angie waves us over.

I walk besides her....very much aware of Aaron's eyes on me, and i wonder what he is thinking.

Dad suddenly shows up besides them, and stands in such a way that he is sort of blocking me from direct view.

"Oh here you are." He says, putting his hand on Jeff's shoulder and but looking at Aaron and the other man.

"Ehh, Aaron, i don't believe you have met my other daughters, have you?" Dad asks thoughtfully, stepping aside and pointing to me and Mercedes.

"Daughter?" Aaron asks abruptly, then clears his throat, when everyone looks at him sharply.

"No..i don't believe we've met."" he finally says, turning to look at me directly slyly, until i shift on my feet.

I can't bring myself to break out of his gaze, but when i do, i notice that his hair looks dark and shiny, sleeked back with not a strand out of place, compared to how it looked that night we met, when it was abit tousled, as if he has spent some time in the wind.

He looks formal, but the first two buttons of his shirts is giving him a relaxed and casual appearance. His suit is black, with a white shirt inside, but if you look close enough, his suit has got checked boxes on it with lines that are very thin and faint..but there are there....and he smells.

"Uhhm..where is the other one?" Dad asks oblivious to our situation, as he asks about Gemma, and i finally break away from staring.

"I'm here." Gemma utters, seemingly appearing out of thin air.

She does that alot.

"Here we are......of course you already know Angela and Eva?" Dad asks rhetorically.

"Ofcourse." Aaron replies, giving both a brief smile, before looking at me again.

I want to tell him to stop staring, because he is becoming very obvious and it's making feel edgy.

"This is Raquel, she comes after Eva, then Gemma, and lastly, Mercedes." Dad murmurs, with the same warm and proud look he always wears when he introduces us to people.

"All Attorneys i hear?"

"Well, yes, except for this Raquel...." Dad motions towards me.

"She is doctor...surgical resident at Ray of Hope Hospital" he utters proudly, then he introduces the other man with Aaron.

"Well, You must have your hands full with all these beautiful women in one house?" he says lightly.

"I do.....and i have five shot guns, one for each man that will dare to break any one of their precious hearts." Dad says jokingly, but pats Jeff's shoulder, as if giving him a little warning, and everyone laughs.

Angela looks over my shoulder, and her face that was laughing a few seconds ago drops, as she looks at me sympathetically.

I turn to see who just showed up and caught her attention, but when i turn back around, Dad is introducing Jeff, Aaron and the other Man to another group of people.

I take that as my cue to step away for a minute.

There yard is already filled with people, most of whom I don't know, but people my parents have invited.

I nod and smile at some of them, mumbling a few greetings as i look for a place that is not occupied with people.

Realising i won't find one on this part of the house, i go around the side and enter the area with an indoor pool, it has a door that leads to the west wing of the house

I just need a second to take in everything that's happening right now.

I walk away from everyone and scan the area where i saw Raquel go, but I don't see her anywhere, so i ask one of the servers if she has seen her, giving her a brief description of what she is wearing as well as her name.

"Oh yes, Ms Raquel just went that way" the woman responds with a smile.

".....but I don't think that that part of the house is open to the guests tonight." She adds warily.

"Don't worry, she's expecting me." I assure her, then follow her directions to look for Raquel.

She's Anthony's daughter? well shit!!!

How the hell is that possible?

I mean, what are the odds of such a coincidence!

I don't know why i'm looking for her, I don't even know what i want to say to her.

But I never expected to ever see her again.

Despite the memorable night we spent together back then, i never intended to find her, or find out anything about her either, even though i knew i could if i tried.

I have thought about her often though, hell, i was even thinking about her yesterday.

But Like a little fantasy in my head, i wanted to keep her there, in my head, like a mirage, where reality can't distort the illusion.....otherwise it could easily be broken or mired with reality...and the reality of that particular area of my life has proven to be problematic for me in the past.

But now, she is here....in my present, in real time, and already that ideal illusion i had, is threatening to crumble.

She's Anthony's daughter.

She's Eva's sister.

She works where Roman works.

Sounds to me like complications, and i don't do complications.

I hear fireworks and a lot of loud cheering where i'm coming from, and it seems like something interesting is happening with the party, but i keep going further away from it.

I walk into an area that has an indoor poor, and a is skylight, as well as glass walls on one side, it's beautiful.

I exhale, when i finally find what i'm looking for, and slowly walk towards her.

Raquel is sitting on the edge of a lazy chair next to the pool staring at the water, She stands up when she sees me.

"Aaron...." she murmurs.

I push my hands in my pocket.

"Raquel...." i respond, i never thought i would hear myself say her name out loud again.

She break our gaze, and stares into the water.

"What are you doing?" I ask, looking at the white and blue inflatable pool ball in her hands.

She looks up at me, and then at it, then drops it to the ground, before looking back at me and clearing her throat.

"Nothing, what are you doing here?" she murmurs, pursing her lips together and drawing them in briefly, an action that effortlessly reveals her dimples.

I remember seeing them every time she did that, or laughed, or even smiled just the slightest bit that night.

Damn, it really is her.

She has such rosy cherub cheeks, soft and plump, that remind me of that you get around a baby that you just want to shower with kisses all over their face...she gave me that feeling, and i remember telling her that she had 'Nice kissable cheeks."

I've known her one night, one night only, but she already feels very familiar to me.

Now that we are alone, i take in her appearance.

It is nothing like the simple dress and denim jacket she had on the night we met.

Tonight like her sisters, she looks elegant, her dress is short, and she's paired it with long, black strappy heels that make her look much taller than i clearly remember her to be without them.

Her hair is swept up in a sophisticated do, with a few strands left loose.

Suddenly, she looks very delicate and fragile to me, and not like the valiant woman i met that night..... no doubt she is every bit as pampered, spoiled and sheltered as i can imagine all of Tony's daughters are.

"Why are you in here, are you hiding from me?" I ask.

"Why would i hide from you?" She asks, stepping back when i slowly step closer.

"I don't know, probably the same reason you disappeared that morning....you tell me?" I find myself saying with a shrug.

"I......You left first." she mutters.

"I didn't...Watch your step." I quickly say when she steps too close to the edge of the pool.

Then we hear a heavy sound of metal clicking behind us, and we both look there only to discover that the door i left partly open when i walked in has finally connected to the frame and closed.

But the sound startles her, and she steps back again, but her heel steps into the round ball she dropped to the ground earlier and slides, throwing her off balance and causing her to tumble sideways with a splash.

I'm too late to catch her.

I step close to the edge and squat, as she comes up for air.

"Are you alright?" i ask as she splashes about to stay afloat.

"Raquel??" I mutter.

She coughs some water, but maintains her composure.

"Here, let me help you out." i say, as i stretch my hand, offering to help her out, but she swims to the shallow end towards the ladder and starts to climb out.

Standing up, i meet her there.

I literally pull her up the last two steps on the cement floor.

"What's with you and getting wet?" I ask, seeing the humor in the situation.

"You should have just said you wanted to go for a swim" i murmur.

"That's not funny...You c...could have easily caught me in time if you wanted...." she stammers accusingly, the cool air mixed with the water making her shiver.

My eyes are drawn to the way the dress is now clinging to her body, the lower half has ridden up to her upper thighs, and the top part is clinging to her like a second skin, leaving nothing to the imagination.

"...And miss all this?" i murmur, looking at her from top to bottom.

"......nice boobs." i murmur blatantly, surprising her, as i gesture to her chest with my head.

There is obviously nothing else behind that silky wet material covering her privates from the way they sticking out.

She gasps, and wraps her arms around her torso.

And just then, the door swings open, and Tony and Angela walk in.

As much as i'm enjoying the view, I don't think it is appropriate for her father to see her like this, so i quickly take off my jacket, and wrap it around her shoulders, covering most of her.

"What's going on, what happened to you?" Tony asks, staring at her wet hair.

"I fell into the pool" Raquel murmurs.


" I tripped" she murmurs.

"But how?" he mumbles again and i frown.

"Dad, move." Angela mutters, pushing her father aside and giving me a small smile before looking at her sister.

"Are you ok?" She asks, rubbing her arms.

"Yeah, just cold and wet... but i'm better now" she replies, pulling the jacket tighter around herself, as she looks at up me.

My facial muscles immediately relax as we share a glance.

Tony follows her line of sight and finally acknowledges my presence.

"Aaron..." he says, looking at the two of us, one after the other, until Angela clears her throat and breaks the awkward silence that developed.

"C'mon... You need to go change." She says.

"Yes, and hurry, some guests are waiting for you...let's not keeping them waiting any longer" Tony says to Raquel and her face pales.

As she and Angela walk towards the door leading into the house, we walk behind them as we go in the same direction.

Once inside, they turn towards a staircase, but Tony guides me in a different direction.

"The party is this way." He says, wanting me to go ahead of him and i nod.

"After you." i say and he starts to walk ahead of me.

But before i start to walk, i look back just in time to see Raquel look down over her shoulder, as she ascends the stairs, my jacket still wrapped securely around her, until she disappears around a corner.

A/N......Hai guys...hope you had a great week....I ended up doing one long chapter instead of having two shorter ones......hope you enjoyed it...let me know what you think..cheers

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