Chapter 17

By HoorayForPie

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Chapter 17

3.8K 75 46
By HoorayForPie

The Cool Nerd : Chapter 17

Junior Year : Day 46

I nervously shuffled around my seat. What was I meant to do? I had no ticket, I didn’t know what I was supposed to do in a movie theater, and I only had 10 bucks on me. That’s probably only enough for a ride home.

“Stop moving so damn much!” a person said from the back. How rude.

I quickly got out of my seat and I was on my way to the exit. I walked, a grin plastered on my face. Well, that was easy. You don’t even need a ticket, right? A security guard was on the door. Somehow I hadn’t noticed him there before.

I quickly searched my brain for some plan to get out of here. Usually in movies, you didn’t have to show a ticket before exiting the theater. Is that how it is in real life? I hoped so, or else I was dead. Literally, I would be on the floor having an asthma attack although I do not have asthma. It’s either that or I will die of anxiety and will definitely haunt Caden until he dies of fear.

I am NOT forgiving that guy. How could you leave right after kissing a girl? That’s just bull and not to mention rude. He kissed me and he had a girlfriend! That’s just ruder, if you think about it. Actually, it’s not rude because Drew is cheating on him too. They’re both even.

They don’t even like each other! Why are they together? I wonder…

“Miss, may I please see your ticket?” a security guard asked.

My heart stopped beating. I slowly turned around, relieved when I noticed that he wasn’t talking to me. When I got outside, I sighed of pleasure. I will never ever get out with Caden again; at least I won’t do something this dangerous.

I quickly got a cab and raced home, it didn’t matter that I was going to be alone; I needed to talk to Josh. I needed to know if he was safe. I needed to make sure that his mom was getting better. I didn’t know why I cared so god damn much. Thanks a lot Caden for wrecking my life.

I’m talking about Josh here, so from now on I won’t even think about Caden.

He screwed up.

It sucks because I’m thinking about him right now. I’m thinking him by thinking that I won’t think about him. Life is complicated.

I handed the cab driver a 5 dollar bill when he reached my house. I ran in and took off my converse. I was shocked when I noticed that my aunt was home. She’s never home.

“Bella, what are you doing here?” I asked.

She looked at me, puzzled. “Well, it’s my house. Am I not allowed in here or something?”

She smiled at me. Even though I addressed her by her first name, she was nice. She was gone but still, she deserved the title as ‘aunt.’ I’d call her Bella in my thoughts if she wasn’t my precious, yet, not precious auntie.

“So how’s life for you Lassly?” she asked.

I shrugged. “It’s pretty good, I guess.”

“Where were you?” she asked, picking up a pretzel from the bag. I studied it carefully. Rold Gold Pretzels, eat for your own good. I rolled my eyes, how lame.

“I was with a friend,” I said.

She gasped. “Boy or girl?”

“Boy,” I muttered, thinking of Caden again. I wasn’t supposed to think about him.

“You have a boyfriend!” she shrieked.

“He’s not my boy”—“When do I get to meet him? This is SO exciting Lassly! I can’t believe you finally got a boyfriend! Do you wanna go shopping together? I told you, you were gorgeous yet you never listened! It’s good you finally got your head out of all those books. So what’s his name?”

Yeah auntie, that was an awesome ramble. I have some very, very bad news. He’s NOT my boyfriend.

“His name’s Caden and he isn’t my boyfriend!”

“He must like you! This is just so cute, I wanna meet him,” she stated! She sounded like she was demanding more than stating.

“I’m gonna go to my room. Can you order Chinese for dinner?” I asked.

She nodded. “I can’t wait till I meet Caden!”

I raced upstairs to my room and plopped down on my bed. I took out my phone and texted Josh. This wasn't the first time. We had texted each other before. It just felt like eternity. I just had missed him so much, I was feeling horrible.

I miss you.

He responded immediately.

I miss you too L.C.

I smiled. That’s a good thing. I turned on the TV and quickly changed that channel to T.B.S.

Is your mom okay?

I knew Josh was upset since he didn’t reply for another minute.

I don’t think she’s gonna make it.

I gasped. I felt bad for him. There was nothing more I wanted than to go to him and start comforting him. I couldn’t though. He was there and I was here. Where’s the life in that, right? I wanted to give him my shoulder when he cried.

I still, couldn’t. It’s all because I’m here and he’s over there. He’s probably miles away and feeling misreble. Right now, I’d walk a thousand miles just to see him. I let out a soft sigh and texted back.

It’ll be okay Josh. I promise you, it’ll be okay.

By the way he responded, I wasn’t sure if I was telling the truth. 


This chapter sucks. No need to rub it in my face! :P I was rushing because my mom is in the next room...

Check out Crazychik's stories! :) They're awesome! :)

Vote and Comment! :P The next chapter will definitely be better! :)

Can you guys...if you have time, check out my new story 'Boyfriend and Girlfriend?'

I wanna know if I should continue it or not...

I feel that the plot is not cliche. 


Well, she told me she did! :) But I saw JAKE T AUSTIN and TAYLOR SWIFT! :P

Newwwww Yorkkkkkkkkk! Concrete Jungle where dreams are made of! There's nothing you can't do. Now you're in Newwwww Yorkkkkkk! :P

I'm sorry. So how's life? 

If you want a dedication, send me a message. Everyone who sends a message will get a dedication! :)

That's super stupid but what the heck?

If you can guess my favorite number, I'll be your fan! :P I know it's like, 'WTF. That's weird.' But what the heck? :P

AND I KEEP WRITING "Him mom," instead of "His mom."

Anyways! :D FANNY IS AWESOME! :)


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