Fractured (Female Creepypasta...

By TheLunaticAngel

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I got nothing here yet, just enjoy the story. All rights go to there respective owners. More

Something that needs to be said.
Chapter 1 - Summer Break.
Chapter 2 - Near Death Experiences.

Chapter 3 - A Close Call

310 7 1
By TheLunaticAngel

I slowly began to wake up, my whole body would begin to hurt.

Alex: "Agh . . What the hell . . I feel so sore . ."

I finally would take a look around to see where I was.

Alex: "H-Huh?"

I slowly lift half my body off the bed.

Alex: "Am . . I home? What the hell happened . ."

I slowly get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the light and look at myself. There was nothing unusual.

Alex: "Maybe it was a dream . . ?"

I turn the light off and walk back to my bedroom. I was going to grab my phone and see it was cracked.

Alex: "Wait . . My phone wasn't cracked before . . So it wasn't a dream! But . . How am I here?"

I look around in my room, seeing nothing unusual. I then grab my phone to see if was plugged into the charger and check the time.

Alex: "6pm? I've been out cold all day . . But I can't just ignore the fact on what happened . ."

I sigh as I put my phone in my pocket.

Alex: "I should check to see if my car is even here."

I walk downstairs, putting on a jacket and walk over to the door to the garage. I open it and walk in . . To see my car in perfect shape sitting next to my bike.

Alex: "Ok so they we're able to fix my car but not my phone? What a great service they gave me."

I sigh.

Alex: "Jokes aside . . I can't even go to the police about this. They wouldn't even remotely believe me."

I walk over to my car and look at it.

Alex: "But this confirms that was no dream I experienced . . Jesus Christ . . I hope to god that whoever was hunting me doesn't know where I live . ."

But I began to think for a moment.

Alex: "If they don't know where I live then how did I get here . . ? I say the most dumbest stuff ever . ."

I then take another look at my phone because I was going to look for something but I then see a bunch of messages and calls from Frank finally.

Alex: "Oh shit . ."

I dial his number and began to call him. It picked up immediately.

Frank: "Alex? Where the hell have you been!"

Alex: "Sorry . . I forgotten to call you when I gotten home safe . ."

Frank: "Jesus man you scared the hell out of me. I even knocked on your door several times this morning man."

Alex: "I was . . Out cold. I think I was just hallucinating last night from lack of sleep."

Frank would sigh on the other end.

Frank: "Alright . . Good thing you called too. We touched down in California not too long ago so we can transfer flights and I was getting worried. Stay safe man. And don't go back there."

Alex: "Y-Yea . . Don't need to tell me twice."

Frank: "I'll call you when I'm in Hawaii. Cheer's, mate."

Alex: "So long British bastard."

I can hear him laugh for a couple seconds and he would end the call.

Alex: "I need to know what even the fuck happened . ."

I then get a text from Frank.

Frank: "FYI. Some guy from school texted me earlier and he asked me for you. No idea why. He said he wanted you to come to a campfire or 'camping' trip (sort of) to get to know people. I'd watch out if I we're you. These are people from our school we're talking about. I'll hand you his number."

I face palm.

Alex: "Then why did you even accept what he said, Frank?!! FUCK!"

I pull up to a convenient store and park my bike. I turn it off and just sit on it for a minute.

Alex: "Marshmallows and Hershey's . . Why am I getting these and not the person who is inviting me."

I sigh and get off my bike. I take off the helmet and put it aside on my bike. I then walk in and take a look around.

I find the isle with the accessories I needed and walk over to it.

Alex: "Bingo . ."

???: "Marshmallows and chocolate? What's the occasion?"

I turn my head to see a familiar face. She'd do a small wave at me with a smile.

Alex: "Sally?"

Sally: "That's me!"

Alex: "Small world huh?"

I turn away from her and grab the chocolate and marshmallows.

Sally: "What's with all that? Some party?"

Alex: "Unfortunately. I'm practically forced to go so I can get out. It's in the woods . ."

A cold chill goes down my spine.

Alex: "I don't want to go back in the woods . ."

Sally would tilt her head.

Sally: "Did something happen with your past experience?"

Alex: "N-No. Yesterday I was-"

I stop my sentence and sigh, looking away from her.

Alex: "Nevermind. You wouldn't believe me anyway."

She'd put a hand on my shoulder and I turn back to her.

Sally: "You can tell me."

I look at her hesitantly.

Alex: "Fine . . But you most likely won't believe me."

I lean on my bike and Sally sits on the sidewalk. I was about to talk but she'd cut me off.

Sally: "So . . I'm guessing this party is hosted by this one guy named Jacob?"

I look at her immediately and tilt my head.

Alex: "How do you . . ?"

Sally: "I was also invited."

I frown.

Alex: "Not surprised, considering you're one of the popular kids. Why talk with me anyway?"

She pressed her finger against her lip and looked up into the sky.

Sally: "I think you are generally a nice person. You don't deserve the hate you have."

Alex: "Gee, thanks. Are you going to the party?"

She shook her head.

Sally: "My family has things to do tonight and usually I watch over the house."

Alex: "Well, have fun shooting people in the face who break in."

Sally would just giggle. I would begin to talk about what happened.

Alex: "So . . Last night I was in the woods because my vehicle broke down."

Sally: "Oh . . That's the worse place to break down at."

Alex: "Yea no kidding . . My car wouldn't start and . . I saw someone."

Sally: "Someone?"

Alex: "They started fucking chasing me with a damn chainsaw . ."

Sally: "Someone was chasing you? With a chainsaw?"

Alex: "Yea . . With a damn chainsaw, like I said, out of all things! I don't even know what to make of this anymore . . This is no damn nightmare . ."

Sally was just sitting on the side walk while I was sitting on my bike.

Sally: "That . . Must've been horrifying to see . ."

I nod.

Alex: "I've never seen anything more terrifying in my entire life until that damn day."

Sally: "Well . . What now?"

Alex: "I have to go back into the fucking woods because of some party my friend is sending me to . ."

Sally: "I don't think you should go then."

I tilt my head in confusion.

Alex: "Why not?"

Sally: "What if the person is in that regional area in the woods?"

She . . Had a good point there. I didn't think about that. Considering that it's close to the area I was at. But still . .

Alex: "Maybe I'll be fine. I mean, I'm bringing a gun this time."

Sally: "If you say so . . Then I hope you enjoy the party, Alex."

I looked at Sally as she stood up.

Sally: "It was nice to see you, Alex. Unfortunately I need to head home since the Ice Cream is melting."

Alex: "Have a good one Sally."

She'd smile at me and walk away.

I slowly pull up to where at least 4 cars we're. There we're a couple of bicycles.

Alex: "I'm already getting anxiety just be looking at this . . To my guess, maybe 14 people are here . ."

I just sigh and get off my bike, turning it off. I grab my backpack from my back and take out the bag with the marshmallows and Hershey's, setting my backpack aside afterwards on my bike, along with my helmet.

I take my leather jacket off and put it on the bike as well and head on over to the campfire.

As I walk over, I see one of Jacob's lackeys whisper into his ear when walking up to them. He would wave him off and he'd stand up.

Jacob: "Alex! Thought you'd never show."

Alex: "Yea, well, Frank force me into this."

I'd toss him the bag and he'd catch it.

Jacob: "Ah, Marshmallows and Hershey's. Perfect. Let's get started then."

An hour has maybe passed and I was sitting on a bench with a roof over it. There was a bathroom next to me as well. There was also other benches which was nice. It was probably because we we're at a lake . . I think I'm talking to much.

???: "You doing alright?"

I jump in fear when hearing a voice come from nowhere.

Alex: "Jesus!"

???: "Whoa! Shit, sorry man."

I look over to see a kid sitting next to me wearing glasses. He was a bit scrawny, wore a buttoned up shirt and blue jeans. I assumed he was a smart guy.

Alex: "It's fine . ."

???: "Paranoid?"

I nod hesitantly.

Alex: "I don't like being in the woods."

???: "I hear you . . Especially with all the rumors that have been happening? Only reason why I'm here is because someone brought me. Jacob doesn't even like me."

Alex: "Nobody here likes me. I don't know why I'm even hear."

???: "Well, not everyone here."

He'd stick out his hand.

Tyler: "My names Tyler."

I look at his hand and then back at him. I'd just sigh and do a small smile and shake his hand.

Alex: "Nice to meet you, Tyler. My name is Alex."

Tyler: "Nice to meet you, Alex."

We'd take our hands away from each other. For the past another hour, we'd just sit, talk, and laughed.

We'd talk about our hobbies, goals, dreams . . A lot of things. It felt good to have a new friend to actually talk to. He was a good guy.

Alex: "Ok Ok, I'm going to be honest, you look like one of those kids who like anime or even look like an anime character."

He'd push back his glasses and keep his finger there and look at me . . He did look like an anime person.

Tyler: "Do I now? And what about you!"

He'd point at me immediately.

Alex: "Phoenix Wright looking ass-"

Tyler: "Aha! You do watch anime!"

Alex: "You bastard . . YOU FOUND ME OUT!"

We both just laugh. We we're enjoying ourselves quite a lot. Until Jacob called everyone to the fire.

Tyler: "Oh boy . . What's going to go on now?"

Alex: "Probably scary stories or about complaints."

Tyler: "Sounds like Jacob."

We both would get up and walk to the fire and sit next to each other. Jacob would just go on yapping about school and the football team and the students, blah blah blah. Dumb shit.

I just didn't pay attention and looked over at the lake. It was very pretty when the moon was shining down on it. But . . What I saw in the distance across the large lake had my spine shiver in fear.

The figure I had saw yesterday was standing next to a tree, holding a chainsaw. But someone else was with them. When they noticed me looking, they then hide. They we're a kind of a speck, but I don't know how they noticed I was looking . . Maybe they had binoculars?

Or maybe I'm just jumping into conclusions and not over about yesterday and possibly losing my mind.

Alex: "Either way . . I need to forget about it and just enjoy tonight."

Jacob: "Hey, has anyone seen Jenny?"

A lot of them shook their heads.

Jacob: "Kevin . . Where is Ken?"

Kevin: "Taking a leak."

Jacob: "How long ago?"

Kevin: "20 minutes ago."

???: "Maybe they just went home."

Kevin: "No. I'm the one who drove them here. And there is barely any service out here so calling would be futile."

Alex: "There are restrooms near us. Don't see why he had to use the bathroom outside the bathroom."

Kevin: "Alright smartass, where do you think they went?"

Alex: "To have sex."

???2: "What?"

Alex: "It's obvious. If one girl is missing and one guy is missing who said they needed to use the bathroom, it's obvious they are doing it somewhere."

Kevin would get up and grab me by the collar, hoisting me up.

Kevin: "You got some nerve asshole!! That's my girlfriend!!"

Tyler: "Kevin, what the hell man-"

Kevin: "Can it, shit stain!"

Jacob: "This is amusing."

I just only smile at Kevin and chuckle.

Kevin: "What's so funny?"

Alex: "I suggest letting me go Kevin if you know what's best for you. Remember when you said you'd have sex with my sisters dead bodies and I broke your nose and arm? Let go of me or I'll toss you into the fire."

He'd growl and let go of me, pushing me away. He grabs a flashlight and walks off.

Kevin: "I'm going to go find them!"

Jacob: "Don't die if you see them actually do it!"

Kevin: "Fuck you, Jacob!"

I dust myself off.

Alex: "Douchebag."

Jacob: "Don't take it personal. He doesn't like it when people talk about his girlfriend like that."

Alex: "Well, considering he's that much of an ass. I wouldn't be surprised if she cheated."

I sit back down, but when I do, I hear a loud scream in the distance, but the sound of a guy. Everyone jumped in surprise.

???4: "What . . The fuck . . Was that?"

Jacob: "I don't know . . Kevin probably pulling a shitty ass prank again."

Jacob would stand up and walk a couple feet and yell out into the woods.

Jacob: "Hey assholes!!! Stop pranking us and just come the fuck back! It's annoying as shit that to pull this!!"

There was silence for a minute until rapid footsteps started closing in on Jacob.

Jacob: "Again that isn't funny!"

I slowly get up and so does Tyler. Everyone else follows suit. Jacob would then see a silhouette running at him in full speed.

Jacob: "What the fu-"


I'd push Jacob out of the way and the person would miss hitting the ground. I'd do a round house kick and knock them clean to the ground.

Tyler: "Holy shit!"

Jacob: "What the hell?!"

A lot of people would scream and was about to run but I had to stop them.

Alex: "Everyone needs to calm the fuck down so I can listen for footsteps nearby!!!"

Everyone would slowly begin to calm down.

Jacob: "Why?!"

Alex: "There's more of them..."

Jacob: "What?!"

Alex: "Tyler I need my gun!"

Jacob: "You brought a gun?!"

Alex: "Stop asking questions Jacob if you want to live!"

Tyler: "Where is your gun!"

Alex: "My bike! It's in my bag! Jacob go with him so he isn't alone!"

Jacob and Tyler run off to where my bike is.

The person who I kicked to the ground was slowly getting up. I dived on them and tried keeping them on the ground.

Alex: "Jake I need rope! Now!"

Jake would immediately look around for some rope. Though it was kinda weird to bring some . . But knowing these dudes . . They'd bring anything.

He'd find some and began to tie it around the person I was keeping down. It was a process, but they were eventually tied down.

Jake: "Christ that was hard as hell!"

Alex: "No kidding . . This bitch is tough!"

???5: "Who the hell you callin' bitch?!"

Alex: "I did fuck face!"

At this point I knew it was a girl from the light of the fire admitting towards her direction and because of her voice.

Alex: "And what kind of person cosplays as a damn Fox?"

???5: "I'm so going to kill you first . ."

I'd grab her chainsaw and rack it, turning it on.

Alex: "Try me bitch!"

She'd growl.

Both Jacob and Tyler finally return with my gun and magazines.

Tyler: "Here man! I do agree with Jacob on why the hell you'd bring something like this!"

Alex: "Just be glad I did."

I'd hand the chainsaw to Jacob.

Jacob: "The hell am I supposed to do with this?"

Alex: "Toss it in the lake and get everyone to their vehicles! We. Are. Leaving!"

Jacob: "You heard the man! Let's go-"

There were screams. Loud ones at that. I looked over to see 2 more came out of the woods and started . . Oh God . .

I aimed at my gun at one and shot them in the leg twice. They screamed out in pain.

Jacob: "Kill them damnit!"

Alex: "Let them fucking bleed out for all I care! I'm not giving them mercy!"

Jake: "Why are we still standing around?! Let's leave!"

Tyler: "What about the others?!"

Jacob: "We can't save them!"

Tyler would look at me.

Alex: "For once I have to agree with him. Tyler, take Jakes car and go. Jacob, obviously take your own. I'll provide you guys cover!

Jacob: "Then let's do it! We don't have much time!"

We go do our separate things. When we get to my bike, I see a couple more that come out of the woods area. One would chase after Tyler and Jake. I'd take a pop shot at the one chasing them and they'd stop and get to cover.

Alex: "GO! NOW!"

Jake and Tyler enter Jake's vehicle and drive off the moment the vehicle was started. Jacob would get in his and try to do the same.

I was about to say something to him but I was tackled to the ground by the girl from earlier. She tried to hit me in every spot on my body but I'd keep blocking her. She'd pull out a knife from her hip and try to shove it down onto me.

Alex: "FUCK OFF!"


She was getting closer to my heart until she was shot in the stomach by Jacob. I'd push her off of me and scoot back quickly from her. He'd then help me on my feet.

Jacob: "You good?!"

Alex: "Yea . . Thanks . ."

He'd hand me my gun.

Alex: "Go!"

Jacob would get to his car and start it. He'd take one last look at me and take off. I'd get on my bike and was about to turn it on until I see the girl who was shot in the stomach get up.

Alex: "Jesus Christ- How many times do you need to be shot to stay down!"

I shoot her in the leg and she falls over and goes limb. I assumed I killed her. I was then tackled off my bike and by another person, going down a hill. We'd disconnect from each other and I'd hit a tree, hard, but it would stop me from rolling any further. It hurt like hell though.

I slowly get up and grab my gun and run off. I wasted no time and tried getting the hell out of dodge.

Alex: "Fuck! Running . . Hah . . Sucks!"

I have been running for about 20 minutes now. But I finally slow down, realizing I was no longer being pursued . . At least to what I think.

Alex: "Holy shit . ."

I check my magazine in my pistol and see I had 2 bullets left. I wasted the other 9 from firing behind me to make the ones who we're chasing me slow down. But I had mag left.

But now I just take it slow. Rain began to come in so I could possibly hide my movements.

But then I had an uneasy feeling in my chest. A lot of built on pressure for some odd reason. But I keep walking forward, not turning around.

However . . I couldn't resist the temptation and turned around to look. And my eyes widen in fear.

Pale skin . . Black suit . . 8 feet tall . . No face.

Alex: "N-No . . It can't be . ."

But what was left out from the details . . Was the tendrils on her back.

I was about to step and run but something has grabbed my leg and pulled me to her quickly, but I grab a stem that was sticking out of the ground from a tree and pull on it. When she pulled me, she pulled me hard and the gun dropped out of my hand.

I tried to do everything I can to pull myself to my gun, using all my might and adrenaline.

Eventually, I luckily got to it and grabbed my gun at least. She began to pull me again and I shoot at her. The tendril would release on my leg and I get up and sprint, but I was rammed into a tree, hitting my head hard, I fell over.

I was bleeding from my forehead and blood was slowly going down my face. I slowly tried to get up but something would push me down to the ground. I was turned around and see a girl pinned me down. She had fox ears on her head and 9 tails behind her.

She was the same woman I thought I killed earlier. She'd lean down and whisper into my ear.

???5: "You know . . You're starting to piss me off . ."

I began to yell out, using every last bit of my adrenaline, throwing her off of me. I get up quickly and ram her into a tree. She'd fall to the ground in pain.


I grab my gun and was about to shoot her until I hear footsteps approaching along with . .

Slenderwoman . .

Alex: "I need to go . . Now!"

The girl on the ground tried to grab me but I jumped over her hand and run as fast as I could.

It felt like another 10 minutes of running. The pain finally crept back up and I collapse to the ground.

I couldn't breathe at all so I tried controlling it the best I could. I was practically killing my lungs for running for that long.

Alex: "Fuck . . Fuck . ."

I slowly try to get up because being on the floor has no use if I try to expand my lungs to calm myself.

When getting up I scan my surroundings. I saw a concrete path and began walking down the path. I then saw a light up ahead and fastened my pace towards it.

Alex: "Where the hell am I . ."

I then reach the light finally and look around a bit. A singular light on a pole was on, but would flash from time to time like it was failing.

Alex: "Am I in some park . . ?"

I began looking around and see I was. But it seemed . . Old.

I on continue down the path and immediately see a wooden board and walk up to it. It had a bunch of papers on it and a map. And the name of the park.

Alex: "Wait . . Wasn't this park closed years ago because of the murders that happened here? Why the hell is the power still on . . Unless the backup generators are on? But where is the main building?"

I look at the map again and see the main building.

Alex: "Oh . ."

I then hear rustling in the bushes nearby. I look over quickly and It would stop moving.

Alex: "Maybe standing in that light was a bad idea . ."

I look back at the board slowly and then see a piece of paper with trees and a very detailed stickman with no face.

Alex: "I'm . . Not touching that . ."

I walk through the woods to take a faster route towards the main building.

Alex: "Weird to see this place again . . I used to come here as a kid before those murders."

I began to slow down as I reached a bunch of tall bushes. I push my way through and take a look around to see a building.

Alex: "That must be it."

I walk up the porch of the big lodge and to the door. I tried opening it but the doorknob wouldn't budge.

Alex: "Damn . ."

I slowly took a couple steps back. I then immediately sprint, ramming my shoulder into the double doors. Both the knobs break and the doors swing up. Afterwards my shoulder began to hurt a little.

Alex: "Ow . ."

Slowly, I began to walk in, gun in hand, looking around.

Alex: "There might be something here to defend myself, besides the pistol I have. It won't last forever . . That's if they know where I am."

I see stairs to a second floor and began to walk up.

Alex: "Maybe something's up here . . ?"

I reach the second floor and take a look around the rooms and see what I can find . .

Alex: "I've been here for an hour . . I could have just ran like ONE HOUR AGO!"

I was sitting on a bed, contemplating.

Alex: "There is nothing here. Everything is goddamn rusted or old or . . Creepy crawlers everywhere."

I look at the closet ahead of me.

Alex: "I have yet to even search you anyway."

I get up and walk over to it and swung it open quickly.

But what I found in the closet only made me more upset and angry with myself and this goddamn building.

Alex: "Are you shitting me . . ? There was a gun safe right here infront of me for 15 minutes?"

I see it needed a key code. But I didn't have one. So I began to search the room again.

Alex: "If it's in this room . . This must be the main man's . . Or Women's room. They have to have the code in here."

I spent 10 minutes trying to find the code. I ended up with nothing.

Alex: "Ok . . Maybe the receptionist desk. It has to be there then."

I made my way towards the receptionist desk.

???: "I think we officially lost him . ."

???2: "He got Jamie good."

???5: "I'm going to kill him . ."

???3: "None of you will kill him."

Some we're confused. Others we're angry.

???5: "What? Why not?! He shot me!"

???3: "Control your anger, Jamie."

The girl named Jamie would growl under her teeth.

???: "What are you suggesting, Slenda?"

The one, called Slenda . . Or otherwise called Slenderwoman, would look at her proxy named Jill.

Slenderwoman: "Zalga. Recently her own proxies have been going after people. Killing them or stealing them and enslaving their minds."

???2: "What's the deal with this kid then?"

Slenderwoman was quiet for a moment. But finally spoke.

Slenderwoman: "I sense he has power."

???3: "A kid like that? I doubt it."

Jamie: "I wouldn't underestimate him . ."

Everyone would look at Jamie.

???4: "But don't you want to kill him?"

Jamie: "He was somehow strong enough to get himself off of me . . And shot me . . I didn't think he'd have a gun."

???5: "Well . . What do we do?"

Slenderwoman: "Don't kill him. Bring him to me."

???: "Fine. But no promises if he has a weapon."

Slenderwoman: "You won't be harming him and that is final."

Alex: "Finally!"

I had found a very old notebook and looked through it. I saw the code, but it was a very faint pencil written code. Most likely because it's been here for years, the writing has been fading.

Alex: "Uhh . . 8 . . 6 . . 91? That looks correct . ."

I close the notebook shut and run upstairs. I enter the room and walk over to the safe. I began to enter the code. But it was wrong.

Alex: "Huh . . ?"

I open the book again and look through it.

Alex: "Am I missing something . . ?"

I stared at the code and began to ponder. But then I had an idea. I took the pen from the notebook and looked at it. There was barely any ink left.

Alex: "Please work . ."

I began to retrace the numbers to see what I was missing . . And I had the code wrong.

Alex: "8567 . . How did I get the 6 mistaken for a 9?"

I enter the code and it works. I threw the book aside and immediately open it. I take a look in it and the safe had 2 weapons in it. I was about to grab one until I hear rapid footsteps. I look over quickly and see a knife come towards my face. I was able to counter it by grabbing the persons arm and hold them there.

But they began to slowly overpower me. I was still tired and hurting from all the running and fighting.

???6: "She wants you alive . . But I will make sure that won't happen at all!"

My adrenaline finally comes back and I take my other hand, balling it into a fist, and make it collide into her face quickly. She'd stumble back dropping her weapon. I look at my hands.

Alex: "Holy shit!"

I then look at the safe and grab a gun quickly. I check to see if it was loaded . .

Yea, funny enough it was.

Alex: "Hopefully the weapon isn't rusty on the inside."

I cock the slide back on the pistol and look at the girl on the floor. She was about to get back up until she saw the gun in my hand.

???6: ". . ."

I point it at her and she wouldn't do anything.

Alex: "Who are you people! What do you want from me?!"

She'd stay silent. I'd shoot a shot near her leg and she'd jump a bit.

???6: "Ok! Ok! We kill people for a living! Is that what you wanted?!"

Alex: "Get out of the way . . Now!"

She slowly moves and I walk over to the door still aimed at her.

???6: "You won't get out of here so easily . ."

Alex: "Fuck you."

I was about to turn and run until I was tackled to the ground. It was the same girl from last time that I shot in the leg . . And hit.

I tried getting her off of me but I was too weak. I was too tired. My adrenaline is now gone.

I was freaking out and panicking as she had a chainsaw strapped to her back. The weapon she had before. I'm guessing it was her main choice of a weapon.

Jamie: "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it by now! Calm down!"

I still wouldn't comply. I was freaking out too much to know what was happening.

???6: "I was hoping to kill him . ."

Jamie: "Shut it, Jess."

Jess: "Whatever . ."

Jamie: "Go tell the others that I got him."

Jess: "Fine."

She'd grab her knife and walk out of the room, both pissed and disappointed.

Jamie would grab me by the collar and hoist me up. She was very strong. But she'd immediately turn me around and grab my hands and make me walk forward.

I wouldn't say anything at all.

Jamie: "You're a pain, you know that? This is the second time we came across you. You should be lucky I haven't killed you from shooting my leg . ."

I don't say a thing.

Jamie: "Cat got your tongue-"

I'd headbutt her using the back of my head and she'd stumble back.

Jamie: "You-!"

I throw a mean punch at her, using the rest of the strength I had, knocking her to the ground, knocking her unconscious.

We were on the first floor so I wouldn't need to jump down. I go to the back windows near the resting lounge and open it quietly and quickly. I get jump out and sprint for it. I may have been super exhausted but my father raised no bitch!

Alex: "Come on Alex . . Don't pass out . . Don't pass out . ."

I make my way out of the park quickly and quietly.

Jill: "Jamie!"

Jamie would slowly open her eyes and sit up.

???2: "What the hell happened?!"

Jamie would examine the area she was at, confused on what just happened.

???3: "Help her up."

They help Jamie up slowly.

Jamie: "Wait . . I just had him . . That bitch!"

She'd look around to see an open window and run to it and look out of it.

Jamie: "How the hell is he still going?!"

Jill: "Is he going back to his vehicle?"

???2: "Even if he is, we sent Jess and Clockwork."

Jamie would turn around quickly.

Jamie: "You sent Jess?!"

Jill: "Yea?"

I make my way up the hill quickly and reach my bike. Thankfully no one was here so I got on quickly, putting on my leather jacket and helmet. As soon as I started up the back I had a knife go through my shoulder on my back. I took off seconds afterwards.


Adrenaline was going through my body once more, so I won't be passing out any time soon.

Jess: "DAMNIT!"

Clockwork: "Maybe you should have just let me handle it? Instead of just throwing your damn knife?"

Jess: "Fuck you, Clockwork!"

The two would feel a gust of wind and look over to see Slenderwoman and the others. They used Slenderwomans teleportation ability.

Jess: "He's already gone! He took off!"

Slenderwoman: "Not entirely."

???2: "What do you mean?"

Slenderwoman would just ignore the question and walk away from the rest.

Slenderwoman: "In the meantime, let's head home."


I remade this chapter. Made no sense to . . Have the character go to the mansion/join them this early. Sooo... Yea.

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