
By Awsme7Grl

10.8K 330 536

A first year university student and her high school best friend prove that two people of the opposite sex can... More



599 19 42
By Awsme7Grl

This was it. The world had gone to shit because Monkey D. Luffy was met with the feeling of death at his door the minute he woke up.

He moaned groggily and curled in on his side, trying his hardest not to crush Nami in his hold.

... Nami?

She was softer than usual so when Luffy finally opened his eyes he was disappointed to see he was holding a pillow all this time.

Suddenly, he hissed and grabbed his head. It hurt so much he wanted to cry.

He threw the covers over his head in want to go back to sleep but he wanted to know at least where Nami was. He failed to see the note on the side table.

He hugged the pillow again but threw it off the bed a minute later. It was not the same.

The moment he sat up, he instantly regretted it. The migraine only amplified and a sick appeared in his stomach.

Nami returned to their room and unhinged her bag with groceries and rested them on the living room table. There was not a kitchen in the room so they had to stick to food from the convenience store. She also got some pain meds, cup noodles and a couple of fruit.

Nami gave her haul a once over and smiled proud to herself. She considered herself an expert at this point when it came to hangovers. Not that she needed all this. It was mostly for Luffy. Had to battle out of his hold that morning but managed. A pillow was a great replacement. She was also glad she woke up first because one look in the mirror, she looked like she'd been run over one too many times. Her hair was in disarray, her skin hated her for sleeping in makeup and it showed. The eye bags and the morning alcohol breath made her feel and look like she came straight out of a horror movie and she would rather die than have Luffy see her in such state.

She quickly showered and changed. Wrote him a note and left to pick up a few needed items from the grocery store because she knew he was going to need it once he woke up. It was his first hangover to her knowledge and she was curious to see how he was going to handle it.

She had one too of course but all she had was a coffee. It always worked for her. One cup and she was well again. The migraines weren't as bad anymore either. She was used to her alcohol. Hangovers had nothing on her.

Nami really hoped to come back in time to see Luffy's sleeping face but a sudden heaving sound coming from the bathroom flushed all plans down the drain.

There were tears on Luffy's cheeks and his eyes were ghostly red and swollen. His shallowed breathing wasn't helping either as he hurled over and over again in the toilet. His throat was raw and he felt the worst he ever did in all his life.

Nami combed his hair away from his face in vain and continued to rub his back firmly in circles.

Together they sat on the bathroom floor in silence.

Once the puking calmed down, Luffy heavy breathed into the bowl and groaned at the headache that reminded him that the ordeal was not over yet.

He reached up and flushed the toilet and pressed his head in his folded arms a top his knees.

"Better?" asked Nami and Luffy scoffed. Not only was he in a sour mood, he was embarrassed to say the least. The room stank of vomit. He needed a shower and to brush his teeth. Felt like garbage.

"Can you go away for a couple of minutes?"

"Why? And miss the show?"

Luffy shot her a look and Nami laughed.

"I'm kidding."

Luffy turned away from her.

"Honestly, Luffy. I'm kidding." Nami smiled. "Come here."

She beckoned him closer but he refused.

"What if I get puke on you?"

"I don't mind."

He continued his refusal till Nami scooted over and draped an arm over him. Soon he was crushing her in one of his hugs.

"Do you have a headache?"

"The worst. Like my head got ran over by a ship."

"That's terrible... Did you read the note?"

"What note?"

Nami figured


Nami patted his hair and cooed once she felt him relax. "Poor baby," she teased which only made her best friend groan even more.

"Stop~" he whined.

Then he realized something.

"How come you're fine and I'm not?"

It was unfair to the highest degree. To think she drank triple the amount he did.

Nami wore a smug smile. Her friends in uni always wondered how she did it. While they skipped class, she went to every one. She was the envy of her friend group.

"It's a gift."

Luffy added it to his mental list of things she was good at. It was never-ending.

"What happened after we came back? I can't remember."

Nami placed a hand on her chin and looked heavenward.

"I don't remember much either. What we spoke about... But I'm pretty sure you touched my butt."

"I did?"

Luffy's eyes went big and wide.

"You totally did."

He looked at both his hands and clutched his head a minute later. A wave of pain hit him like someone took a stapler and stapled his brain.

"You're not trying to remember are you?"

Luffy's silence confirmed it. Nami hit the nail on the head and the evidence was clear.



"I called you a pervert."

Luffy blushed and denied it.

"I'm not like Sanji."

"Sure," Nami teased and Luffy panicked.

"I'm not like Sanji.. Sanji would like all kinds of girls' butts, when it comes to me, the only butt I like is..."




"What? No!"

Nami snorted and burst into full fledged laughter. Zoro had an impressive set of glutes mainly because he worked out. Even she was jealous.

Luffy thought Nami was smarter than that. Tease or no tease he did not expect her to be this dense.

"Whose is it then?"

She blinked innocently awaiting an answer. Luffy but frowned and turned away from her. Another wave of nausea came over him and he resorted to hugging the toilet instead.

"Forget it."

"... Are you gonna puke again?"


He was meaning to make her jealous but it was a poor attempt.

"Poor baby."

A tick formed on Luffy's head.

"Shut up."

She brought Luffy water and meds and after he took a shower and was doing a little better, they sat down shoulder to shoulder in front the television listening to the news.

It was boring as usual and Nami grabbed her phone off the coffee table and glanced at the top right hand corner of her screen.

Her heart sank.

Luffy's phone was just beside hers so she grabbed his and it had the same thing.


"What's wrong?"

Both their phones were in airplane mode. Meaning that they weren't able to receive any calls or messages. None of them even thought to message or call their parents to let them know they landed safely or not. And Nami promised Bellemere that she'd do just that.

"My mum is going to kill me..."

And sure enough there were 15 missed calls from her. Not to mention from her sister and their immediate friend group.

Luffy had 5 missed calls from his dad. 23 from Ace, 24 from Sabo and a couple from Zoro and the others.

Nami called her mum. Luffy, his dad.

It turned out that Dragon had contacted the hotel to find out that they had indeed checked in safely. He relayed the message to everyone so the party was put at ease.

Bellemere let Nami off the hook. As long as Luffy was with her, the woman didn't seem to fret much.

She spoke with her for 3 minutes and spoke with Luffy for the next 17. Bellemere obviously had a favorite child. Her son-in-law, she called him. Much to Nami's embarrassment.

Some people were messaged. And for the guys, a scheduled video group call was set to take place in half an hour.


"Don't 'Yo' us, Luffy," said Sanji. "Don't think that just because you guys are out there all alone means that you can keep Nami-san to yourself."

He was jealous when he found out. The shitty bastard's luck knew no bounds.

"Sorry about that guys. We forgot."

Nami smiled tightly.

"You guys must be having loads of fun to forget something like that. I seriously thought you guys were kidnapped."

Luffy laughed at Usopp's statement. Kidnapped? That was rich.

"Yeah. We've been having loads of fun," said Nami.

"Don't forget souvenirs, Nami. I want a snow globe."

Chopper loved snow globes. They would be hard to find in the summer but he was hoping for a miracle.

"We'll do our best."

"Any progress?"

Everyone fell silent at Zoro's question. Nami at once knew the one he was talking to was her. Her face darkened and she gave a bashful no.

"What are you guys talking about?" asked Vivi. "What progress?"

"A map of hers," said Zoro smoothly. He was disappointed but knew she needed more time. "You know how much Nami loves her maps."

"You walked with one Nami?"


Nami went along with the lie. She so happened to walk with one to do in her free time so it was not a lie.

Luffy's eyes shined. He loved seeing her at work.

"When you do continue it, can I watch?"


His smile blinded everyone on camera.

"What kind of fun have you been having so far? Tell us." Robin wanted details.

"Where do I start?"

"How about at the beginning?"

"At the airport?"

"Why not? How was the reunion? What's it like having Luffy all to yourself?"

They all in some way or the other found out about their little 'break'.

Nami blushed. Robin was being a tease but Nami was not going to give her the satisfaction.

She draped a hand across Luffy's shoulder and tugged him close.

"The moment I set eyes on this idiot again, there hasn't been a dull moment.

"I'm pretty sure he missed me most because he hugged me for so long that we almost missed our checking-in time."

"You were the last to let go, Nami."

Nami denied it. Luffy didn't know what he was talking about.

"And the plane ride?" Vivi said. "How was your first flight?"

"Scary at first. But Luffy made it bearable."

The idiot couple exchanged smiles and Zoro rolled his eyes.

"We need a room tour Nami. From what I see, the place looks neat!" Vivi's eyes took in every corner she could see. Everything in the room looked modern and clean. It was the ultimate dream stay.

"We got an upgrade so it's super nice. I'll show you later when I get the chance."

The guys feigned interest. Vivi and Robin took Nami up on the offer. Perhaps they could plan a girls' trip there come next year.

"The first night, I got into a pinch... but Luffy took care of it. I'll tell you guys all about it later.

"Our first full day... How about you tell them, Luffy? I'll be back."

Behind them, a whistle filled the air and Nami got up and left. Luffy watched her go.

"Saw that."

"Saw what?" Luffy tilted his head.

Usopp was humoured but he kept his accusation to himself. Nami had on these biker shorts when she stood. Luffy's eyes were below her waist the second she got up.

He was always the one who caught him staring whenever they hung out together. Luffy stared any chance he got.


"What happened the first day, Luffy?" Again, Robin was here for the details. Details were important.

"We visited this cool shrine then we ate lots of food. The food here is incredible. We should all visit once we get the chance. You guys wouldn't regret it."

Luffy rambled on and on. Nami smiled to herself as she prepared the tea. She knew exactly how Luffy liked it whenever he came over.

When she returned she handed him a cup and she sat cross-legged with hers.

Luffy took one sip and melted. It was good. He loved nothing more than a good cup of tea.

He sighed content with his eyes closed. A smile tickled his lips.

"Where did you guys leave off?"

"Last night," said Luffy and Nami perked up. Last night was her favourite of their trip so far.

"Did you tell them about the food? Guys, it was to die for and the music- it was the type that made you want to dance all night long."

"So did you?"

"Did I what? Oh, dance. I sure did. Luffy was my partner."

Many mouths dropped open and Luffy laughed and scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"It was fun," he mused.

"The best." Nami smiled from ear to ear. She had never laughed so hard in her life. It was perfect. The ultimate night.

"You two must have been quite the spectacle. Knowing, Luffy, he has two left feet."

"He isn't as bad as you think. Even I was surprised but Luffy caught on quickly."

Nami placed her empty cup beside Luffy's, hooked arms with him and rested her head on his shoulder.


"Then we got wasted."

"What the hell?" Zoro could not believe it. "I always knew you were a bad influence on Luffy. Before you know it, he'll be some sorry drunk."

"Like you?" asked Usopp. He was amused, to say the least.


Everyone laughed. Luffy didn't see the humour. Hangovers were serious. He had first-hand experience.

"It's not funny. I still feel terrible. No thanks to Nami."

Nami was low-key offended.

"I didn't force you Luffy. You went all-in on your own."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

Nami stuck her tongue out and upon spotting the familiar glint in Luffy's eye, she moved her legs to flee but it was too late.

He grabbed her by the sides and tickled her till she begged him to stop. She wiped the happy tears off her cheeks and laughed and hiccuped as Luffy with his hands still on her sides brought her close to his chest.

Nami giggled and placed hands on his hands that folded across her stomach and leaned her head back to give him a kiss on the cheek.

She paused and looked to the screen again to find everyone staring. She forgot about them. In all honesty, she did.

"What?" she asked and everyone fell on their heads.

"You're telling me that you guys aren't sleeping together after all that?"

Sanji could be heard crying in the background. They all muted him.

Zoro wasn't buying it. The evidence was clear.

"We ar- oof."

Nami elbowed Luffy in the gut knowing exactly what he was about to say. He failed at knowing when to keep his mouth shut when needed. Now was one of those times.

"You guys seem closer. I didn't even think that was possible, but you do. You look happy, Nami," said Chopper.

"Thanks. And to answer your question, Zoro, we are not sleeping together."

"But we-" Luffy earned another blow to the gut. This time he got the message.

"I pity you guys. You don't know what a beautiful friendship looks like and it shows."

"So you guys aren't dating?"

"For the final time: No."

Vivi saw an opportunity and took it. After all, she had Nami's permission.

"When you get back Luffy," she said looking off to the side before glancing back again, "let's hang out. You and me."

"Sure. Where are we going?"

At this point, Zoro fell quiet and left to grab popcorn. He was back in seconds.

"You decide. As long as it's somewhere fun."

Not everyone saw it but those told saw right away. The moment Nami's disposition took a complete turn.

Her smile fell briefly and she pressed her back more into Luffy's chest, regarding him briefly and back at the screen again.

It all happened in a split second and the façade was on. She now held a gentle smile and a polite quietness that made everyone uncomfortable.

"Can Nami come?"

"Vivi's asking you out, Luffy. Of course, I can't come."

Luffy frowned and his brows knotted together. A childish pout followed.

"Coming to think of it, Vivi. Aren't you visiting family back home next week for a month? I'm afraid we won't be back before then so better luck next time."

"Oh right."

Nami's played it off casually.

"How about when I-"

"How's the weather back home?" asked Nami suddenly.

"Someone's jealous," teased Usopp and Nami wanted so much to throw a brick at his face. Her cheeks took on this redness for all to see.

"I am not! Well... I'll admit that I'm a tiny bit jealous but that's only natural. Luffy can date whoever he wants. I have no say in that."

"I don't want to date anyone, Nami."

"Idiot..." Nami saw that Vivi was disheartened. Knowing Luffy, he was oblivious to the fact that Vivi was asking him just that. "Don't worry Vivi, I'll talk with him later."

"The weather's been nice. Not too hot like last year."

Robin saved the day. Nami was able to relax and the small talk ensued. A few laughs were shared and the chat ended on a good note.

Luffy still was not all that there yet so they decided to spend the day in.

He remained on the couch watching anime and Nami was in bed reading some notes for the upcoming semester. She wanted to be prepared. Flunking was out of the question.

Then her friends called. Namely Robin and Vivi. Nami answered right away.

"Nami, oh my God. Robin told me. I had no idea."

Nami blinked. Her eyes danced around the room.

"Robin did?"

"I knew you wouldn't mind," said Robin.

"It's my fault for not telling you, Vivi."

"Can you forgive me?"

"Forgive you? Of course.

"I may have reacted badly back there. I too am sorry about that but no hard feelings."

"That's okay... So, when are you telling him?"

The excitement was in Vivi's voice. She thought Nami had this all figured out.

She didn't.

"I don't know yet or ever or-"

"Come oooon, Nami."

"I know. But why don't you give it a shot? I'll try to convince Luffy and you two can see how things go. Who knows, maybe it can work out... you two. I mean, if it's you, Vivi, I don't think I'd mind that much."

"I wouldn't do that to you. We're friends, aren't we? Friends don't date each other's crushes. But you need to hurry Nami or else-"

"Yes, Luffy?"

Vivi and Robin went bone quiet. Luffy was now present.

They heard mumbling and then heard Nami say "Sure".

Then came some shuffling and then silence.

"Are you still there, Nami?"

Vivi wondered where she went.

"Still feel like crap?"


"Poor baby."

"Shut up... Can you play with my hair a bit?"

"How much are you paying me?"

Luffy groaned and Nami laughed and a peaceful quietness fell between them.

After 10 minutes, she scrambled for her abandoned phone.


"Took you long enough."

"I'm sorry about that, Luffy stepped into the room and I completely forgot about you two. And I- I... I'm a mess."

Robin had to laugh. Nami was too cute.

"Is he still there?" Vivi was curious.

"Yeah. He just fell asleep on my lap."

Vivi squealed and wanted proof. She used to ship them before. Now her ship was getting closer and closer to sailing by the day. And just knowing it wasn't sinking anytime soon made her bubble with joy.

Nami rolled eyes and turned on the video, showing Luffy with his arms around her waist, snuggled comfortably on her lap. Her fingers were buried in his hair. He was adorable and Nami didn't think it was ethical to keep the cuteness all to herself.

Vivi squealed again till she noticed something.

"Are you guys in bed?"

Nami quickly shut the camera off and blushed hard.

"Yeah... The room only had one so we ended up sharing. It's not so bad... We have these rules, you see."

"What kind of rules?" Robin was intrigued to say the least.

"You know... Normal rules."

"I've been meaning to say this for some time but didn't expect you to take so long, Nami," began Robin, "but I think that if you guys started dating seriously that things might just work out. Luffy obviously can't keep his hands off you."

"He looks at you like you're everything to him."

"And he treasures you."

"I'm not buying it. You guys have never properly seen him look at a piece of meat. He gets all besotted and all sorts of ways. You're clearly seeing things. Luffy is not that way with me."

"What makes you think that?"

"It's the denial for me."

"Vivi!" Nami expected better. She really did.

"I am not in denial."

Her outburst earlier stirred Luffy and Nami shushed him back to sleep.

"Well if you don't mind being replaced, I'd say you're on the right track."


All that could he hear was Robin taking a sip of tea.

"Luffy's a great guy, Nami."

"Of all people, you don't think I know that?"

"All I'm saying is don't let another girl come and see that for herself."


"Cat got your tongue, Nami?"

Luffy was wide awake at this point. His sleepy eyes looking at her and the hold tightening on her waist, made her heart get all soft like dough.

She read his mind and laid beside him on her side and brought his head to her chest while her chin and hand buried in his clean hair.

"I'll call you guys back."

Nami hung up without waiting for goodbyes and turned to the centre of her world.


A nod followed and Nami closed her eyes and allowed herself to be pulled closer to him.

"I'll help make it better."

To be continued...

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