Our War ||Shingeki no Kyojin...

Por VcJuly

115K 3.7K 590

≺≺𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿⋆ 橱ぱ I hope you like it -Warning, this story will be long, since I'm going... Mais

Տeason 1
S1 [To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshia, Part 1]
S1 ‹That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2›
S1 ‹A Dim Light Amid Despair: Humanity's Comeback, Part 1›
S1 ‹The Night of the Closing Ceremony: Humanity's Comeback, Part 2›
S1 ‹First Battle: The Struggle for Trost, Part 1›
S1 ‹The World the Girl Saw: The Struggle for Trost, Part 2›
S1 ‹I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost, Part 4›
S1 ‹Whereabouts of His Left Arm: The Struggle for Trost, Part 5›
S1 ‹Response: The Struggle for Trost, Part 6›
S1 ‹Idol: The Struggle for Trost, Part 7›
S1 ‹Wound: The Struggle for Trost, Part 8›
S1 ‹Primal Desire: The Struggle for Trost, Part 9›
S1 ‹Can't Look Into His Eyes Yet: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 1›
S1 ‹Special Operation Squad: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 2›
S1 ‹What Needs to be Done Now: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 3›
S1 ‹Female Titan: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 1›
S1 ‹Forest of Giant Trees: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 2›
S1 ‹Bite: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 3›
S1 ‹Erwin Smith: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 4›
S1 ‹Crushing Blow: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 5›
S1 ‹Defeated: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 6›
S1 ‹Smile: Assault on Stohess, Part 1›
S1 ‹Mercy: Assault on Stohess, Part 2›
S1 ‹Wall: Assault on Stohess, Part 3›
Տeason 2
S2 » Beast Titan
S2 » I'm Home
S2 » Southwestward
S2 » Soldier
S2 » Historia
S2 » Warrior
S2 »Close Combat
S2 »The Hunters
S2 »Opening
S2 »Children
S2 »Charge
S2 »Scream
Տeason 3 Part 1
S3 »Smoke Signal
S3 »Pain
S3 »Old Story
S3 »Trust
S3 »Reply
S3 »Sin
S3 »Wish
S3 »Outside the Walls of Orvud District
S3 »Ruler of the Walls
S3 »Friends
S3 »Bystander
S3 »Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall
Տeason 3 Part 2
S3 »The Town Where Everything Began
S3 »Thunder Spears
S3 »Descent
S3 »Perfect Game
S3 »Hero
S3 »Midnight Sun
S3 »The Basement
S3 »That Day
S3 »Attack Titan
S3 »The Other Side of the walls
Տeason 4 part1
S4 ‹The Other Side of the Sea›
S4 ‹The Other Side of the Sea› Part 2
S4 ‹Midnight Train›
S4 ‹The Door of Hope›
S4 ‹The Door of Hope› Part 2
S4 ‹From One Hand to Another›
S4 ‹Declaration of War›
S4 ‹The War Hammer Titan›
S4 ‹Assault›
S4 ‹Assassin's Bullet›
S4 ‹Brave Volunteers›
S4 ‹A Sound Argument›
S4 ‹Deceiver
S4 ‹Deceiver part 2
S4 ‹Guides
S4 ‹Children of the Forest
S4 ‹Savagery
S4 ‹Savagery part 2
S4 ‹Sole Salvation
S4 ‹Above and Below
Տeason 4 part2
S4 Part 2 ‹Judgment
S4 Part 2 ‹Sneak Attack
S4 Part 2 ‹Two Brothers
S4 Part 2 ‹Memories of the Future
S4 Part 2 ‹From You, 2000 Years Ago
S4 Part 2 ‹Thaw
S4 Part 2 ‹Sunset

S1 ‹Small Blade: The Struggle for Trost, Part 3›

1.8K 73 1
Por VcJuly

Over a hundred years ago, humanity suddenly found itself faced with a new predator, They were far more powerful than humans. Humanity was immediately pushed to the brink of extinction. The survivors built three walls: Maria, Rose, and Sina. 

There, they enjoyed a century of peace. 


In the year 845... the Colossal and Armored Titans, suddenly appeared, destroying the wall, along with the life we'd known. Humanity abandoned Wall Maria, losing twenty percent of its population and a third of its territory, to retreat within Wall Rose. 

In the year 850... The Colossal Titan reappeared and breached the wall, allowing the Titans to invade yet again. Two hours later, the population had been successfully evacuated. No one was lost to the Titans. No one except the soldiers who had gone to intercept them. 


[Soldier]: Wait, Captain! If the Titans attack, we supply troops won't be able to protect this place alone. Please! Stay here!...

[Captain]: Out of the way. I must organize the reinforcement squads...

[Soldier 2]: Within the inner gate, where it's safe?...-The three soldiers look at the commander nervously, with sweat on their faces-

[Captain]: What are you trying to say?.. This is our procedure! It is our duty as soldiers to follow procedure!...

[Soldier 3]: B-But if this place falls..

[Captain]: Silence!...-He yells while pointing his sword at the girl, making everyone look at him in shock- Another word, and I'll be forced to deem you traitors and punish you right here!..


Mikasa lands on top of a tower, she looks the surroundings until she finds some people talking to each other.

[Mikasa]: I heard the bell sound a temporary retreat. Why does no one try to climb the walls?...-She murmured, but when she looked to her left, she gasped-

The HQ was crawled with Titans, trying to grab the humans inside the building. The soldiers overturned the tables when they saw the Titans. One peeked over the table to see a Titan staring at her.

[Soldier]: It's over... It's all over...

The four soldiers were sitting on the ground while one cleaned a shotgun. Everyone moans more and snuggles into place. 

[Boy]: Got it...-The boy mutters as he finished cleaning the shotgun. The girl next to him looked at him confused-

[Girl]: What good will that do?...-She sees him as the boy put the shotgun in his mouth and pulls the trigger, his blood splashed on the floor, the walls and some drops on his face. Everyone screams in horror-


[Connie]: Hey, Jean! What should we do?...-he yells at him, but Jean shakes her head-

[Jean]: There's nothing we can do... They finally issued the order to retreat, but without more gas, we can't climb the walls. So we're all going to die... Because of those cowards... 

[Connie]: The supply team... What happened to them?! Were they wiped out?...

[Jean]: They're too terrified to move. I can see why... But abandoning their mission to resupply us, to hide inside HQ? Unbelievable.. And sure enough, the Titans have swarmed them, so we can't go get mor gas... 

[Connie]: Then we must take a chance, and try to destroy the Titans around HQ!..-Jean looks at him silently- We won't be any worse off than sitting here... The Titans will be here before long! And if we keep running, we'll just waste the gas we have. Without use of our Maneuver Gear, we really are done for!...

[Jean]: I'm surprised to see you using your head for once, Connie...-Jean looks away, while Connie looks at him silently- But do you think we can do that, given our numbers here? Most of the veterans in the vanguard were killed. Which of us trainees could lead a suicide mission like that? Well, even if someone could, we can't fight the Titans. I bet the gas supply room is chock full of 3- to 4-meter class Titans.. Obviously, we can't refuel with them around...

[Connie]: So we're doomed?...

[Jean]: What a stupid life...-He sighs, putting his head in the palm of his hand- If I'd known this would happen, I would've told them...

[Sasha]: Let's do it, guys!... Come on, stand up... If we all work together, we'll be fine! I'll take the lead..She tried to encourage them, but they were all traumatized. Sasha looks at her hand before noticing that Armin was leaning against a wall- Armin, let's all...-But she stops when she sees his expression. Sasha sighs-

[Annie]: Reiner, what should we do?...-She asks him, Reiner and Bertolt look at her- 

[Reiner]: Nothing yet. If we do it, we do it all together...-He answers. Marco stares off, mumbling-

[Marco]: It's hopeless....-Reiner, Annie and Bertolt look at him while he kept talking- There's no way any of us can make it out of this town alive. I knew I could die... But what am I dying for?...

[Soldier]: Mikasa?...-He exclaims, looking at her- I thought you were with the rearguard...-But Mikasa ignores him and keeps running towards Annie-

[Mikasa]: Annie!...-She calls her, making the girl turn around- I have a basic idea of what's happening. And I'm sorry to involve my personal feelings, but did you see Eren's team?...

[Annie]: I didn't see them, but no one's made it up the walls...

[Reiner]: Actually, Armin's over there....-He points behind him- 

[Mikasa]: Armin!..-She shouted his name, making him shudder- 

[Armin]: Mikasa! No! How am I supposed to face her? I survived for nothing. I wish I'd died back there with him! And (Y/n)... I wish I had helped (Y/n), she is dead now..-The memory of (Y/n), falling down the Titan's tongue and Eren's death, reaches his head from him-

[Mikasa]: Armin, are you hurt?..-She kneels in front of him, looking at him worried- Are you okay?..-But Armin doesn't answer, she sighs as she gets up, looking around in search of her two friends- Where is (Y/n) and Eren?...

He gritted his teeth as tears appeared in his eye, Mikasa placed a hand on his shoulder. He looks up, tears streaming down his cheeks. Mikasa breathes with difficulty.

[Armin]: The members of Trainee Corps team 34... Thomas Wagner, Nack Tias, Milius Zermusky, Mina Karolina... (Y/n), Eren Jaeger!..-Mikasa looks at the ground, her hair black covered his eyes- These six died valianyly in the line of duty!...-They all looked at him in disbelief-

[Soldier]: Team 34 was almost wiped out, then? If we try to face the Titans, the same will happen to us..

[Armin]: I'm sorry, Mikasa..-He squeezes his hands tightly- Eren... He sacrificed himself for me.. I tried to help (Y/n)... I... I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry....-he sobs, Mikasa places her hand on Armin's-

[Mikasa]: Armin..-He looks up, surprised by her face. Her eyes were dead, her glow was gone- Calm down. This isn't the time to get emotional..Now, stand up...-She helps him stand up, Armin looks at her still with tears- Marco, if we eliminate the Titans swarming HQ, then we can refuel and climb the walls. Isn't that right?..

[Marco]: That's right, but... But even with you here, there are too many... 

[Mikasa]: I can do it..-She grabs her swords and turns to look at everyone- I am strong! Stronger than you guys. Very strong. Therefore, I can defeat those Titans! Even on my own. You are not only weak, but you are spineless cowards. I am disappointed in you. Just stay here... Stay here and watch...

[Girl]: Hey, Mikasa! What are you saying?!...

[Boy]: You're going to fight all those Titans by yourself?! There's no way you can do that?!...

[Mikasa]: If I can't, I'll die. But If I win, I'll live. If I don't fight, I can't win...-She tells them before jumping and flying without hearing the screams of others-

[Jean]: What's disappointing here is your vocabulary... Was that supposed to be an inspirational speech? This is your fault, Eren!..He brings out his blades- Listen up! Were we trained to let our fellow soldiers fight alone?! Do you really want to become cowards?!...-He ran out, followed by Connie-

[Reiner]: I wouldn't want that...-Reiner mocks. He and his group walked away as Armin wiped away his tears before walking. Marco sighs deeply and slowly follows Reiner-

[Sasha]: Come on, coward... Wimp.. Idiot!..-She tells the others before flying-

[Jean]: Hurry! Follow Mikasa! We do this fast. We need to storm HQ before our gas runs out!...

[Connie]: Mikasa's amazing, though... How does she move so fast?...

[Armin]: No, she's using too much gas!...-Armin looks at her with concern- She'll run out fast! No matter how good you are, without the Maneuver Gear, you're helpless!...

Mikasa removes her hook from the tower and approaches to cut the nape of a Titan. She was getting closer to the ground, but luckily, she stops in time and walks away from her.

[Armin]: I knew she wasn't her usual calm self. She's trying to ignore her shock by taking action! At this rate, she'll...

After that thought, Mikasa's gas ran out, making Armin gasp with concern. She falls back, hitting against a roof and sliding down into an alleyway.

[Armin]: Mikasa!...-He shouts and quickly approaches her-

[Jean]: Damm it!...

[Connie]: Jean, you take over. I'll go after Armin!...

Before Jean can answer he, Connie was already walking away to go after Armin. Jean watches him in worry, shuts his eyes before looking forward again.


Mikasa was lying in a garbage container, looking at the sky.

[Mikasa]: Again...-She raises his broken sword towards the sky- This, again... I lost my family once more...-She got up and started walking, but falls to her knees- Do I have to remember the Pain again, and start over again from here?...

Suddenly, the ground began to vibrate. From a corner, a Titan walked slowly towards her, but Mikasa did not move, she was lost in thought of her for the death of her two friends.

[Mikasa]: This world is cruel. And also very beautiful. It was a good life..-The titan was getting closer, but he didn't take his eyes off the sky-

The Titan had finally reached her, he raised his hand to grab her. Mikasa felt something on her chest and quickly cut off the Titan's fingers. She got up and jumped when the Titan was going to grab her with the other hand.

[Mikasa]: Huh?....-She looked confused at the ground, the Titan raised her hand again, she jumps and hits her back against a wall- Why?..-The Titan tries to grab her again, but Mikasa jumps to dodge him- I thought I'd given up..-She rolls on the concrete as she inhales sharply- Why do I keep standing up? Why am I struggling?...

Her gaze went to a rotten fruit on the ground. The Titan struggles to grab her once more, but falls due to the debris on the ground.

[Mikasa]: To what end?..-She gets up slowly- There's no point in living anymore. What is driving me?...-The Titan takes a step towards her, looking at her. Mikasa takes a step back, makes a sharp turn to start running, but another Titan appeared. Eren's voice appeared in her mind- Eren...-The words kept repeating in her mind-

[Eren]: Fight... Fight!.. Fight... Fight!.. 

[Mikasa]:.....-Her eyes became bright due to the tears, finally they fell down her cheeks- I'm sorry, Eren. I won't give up anymore. I'll never give up again. Once I'm dead, I won't even be able to remember you. So I'll win, no matter what...

The Titan ran towards the other and hit him hard. Blood splattered the walls as Mikasa slid across the floor, covering his head with protection. When he stops she looks up.

[Mikasa]: What happened?...

When she saw the titan, she gasped. In front of her, there was a Titan as it roared, causing Mikasa to cover her ears at the loud scream. She looks up when the titan hits the other. Mikasa uncovered her ears and looked at him surprised.

[Mikasa]: A titan... killing... another Titan?...

The titan stopped trampling the other and looks over to its left, Mikasa looked at him with her mouth open.

[Armin]:...-He was looking for Mikasa with his eyes, worried- Please, Mikasa... Be safe!...-A small roar makes him turn to the right of him and he sees Mikasa standing without moving- Mikasa!...-he yells as he descends. He grabs her tightly and they land on a nearby roof- Mikasa, are you hurt?..

[Connie]: Are you two okay?...-He yells, landing next to them. Armin nods quickly, looking at him- We need to move!...-The sound of footsteps draws his attention, making him look up- Oh, no! Two 15-meter class Titans!...

[Mikasa]: No, that Titan..

Armin looks at her confused before looking at the skeleton Titan body. The black haired Titan roars being answered in the same way by the other Titan. He gets into position, causing all three of them to gasp slightly. The other titan roars again and starts running towards the other, but stops when he receives a punch in the face, separating his head from his body as he flies and takes down a tower.

The body falls to the ground while the one with black hair looks at his hand. He regenerates quickly before noticing that the body is about to rise. It stops it from doing so by stomping hard on its nape.

[Armin]: H-He finished it off? He knew where to hit it, to kill it?...

[Connie]: We've gotta move before it comes after us!..

[Armin]: No. It's showing no interest in us... Even though it should've attacked us by now...

[Mikasa]: It appeared to know rudimentary combat skills, too... What is it?...

[Connie]: We just have to assume it's another abnormal!... We know barely anything about them... Anyway, let's get to HQ..

[Armin]: Wait!...-He stops him, Connie looks at him- Mikasa's out of gas...

[Connie]: Hey, seriously? What are we supposed to do without you?..

[Armin]: There's only one thing to do...-He says, kneeling on his knees and opening his gas canister- I don't have much left, either. But we need to exchange the canisters, now!...-Mikasa shook her head- There's no other choice! There's no point in my having them. But... Don't waste it this time. Use it to save everyone...

[Mikasa]: I led everyone into battle without being willing to protect them. And for a minute, I gave up on living, not feeling responsible for them in the least. And all for personal reasons... I... 

[Armin]: Okay, the starter device still works. I gave you all my blades. But please let me keep this one..-He grabs the only sword with his hand and looks at the reflection of him- I don't want to be eaten alive...-Mikasa grabs the blade and throws it from the ceiling- N-No..

[Mikasa]: Armin...-She takes his hand, making him look at her- I won't leave you here... At the time, I was filled with confusion. I'd never heard of a Titan killing another Titan. I also felt a glimmer of exhilaration. I felt, the rage of humanity itself was embodied in what I saw...



A Titan that slays other Titans. The 104th Trainee Corps members are shocked into stunned silence by the spectacle. And soon, they see... 

Next episode: ‹I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost, Part 4›

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