By Pandeysoumya285

57K 5.1K 1.6K

He wanted to hold her hand, but couldn't. He wanted to wipe her tears,but couldn't. He wanted to comfort her... More

Character introduction
Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chap 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chap 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chap 27
Chapter 28
chap 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51 (epilogue)

Chapter 16

1K 109 56
By Pandeysoumya285

Sanskar freed Swara from his embrace. Her eyes were closed. She was in a deep slumber. He placed a kiss over her forehead and went outside.

"Ma! Where is Shekhar uncle?" Sanskar asked.

"He was discharged this morning only! We have informed Ayush. He is on his way." Sujata informed.

Sanskar nodded.

"Where are you going?" Annapoorna asked.

"Sanskar's wrath is dangerous. That Kabir is gonna face it soon!" Durga Prasad said with a smirk, "Beta! Leave some of its part for me too."

Sanskar nodded. But now, his eyes were red with rage. How dare he touch Swara! How dare he slap her! How dare he tie her up! How dare he threw water on her face! How dare he treat her that way!

The murders of alap and Hemant were just a little contributing factor. But now, Swara's involvement in all these things escalated it too far.

"Sir!" Ali came in between, "You please take rest! You are not in the condition!"

"Don't stop me now! You have seen her condition na! You have seen the way he treated my Swara!" Sanskar was gritting his teeth.

"Sir! But you can't utilize your full potential on him." Ali tried to explain him.

Sanskar removed his wrist watch and the ring he was wearing in his hand, "It's good that I will not be able to utilize my full potential. Otherwise he would not have been alive by now!"

"Can I join you too?" Ali asked.

Sanskar folded his shirt's sleeve and smirked, "Sure Ali!"

It was just half an hour when Kabir was lying down. But his eyes were still shining with pure hatred. There was no remorse.

Sanskar held his hair, "You know Kabir, this half an hour was for Alap and Hemant! Now you imagine what would happen to you when I take revenge from you for the pain of Swara! Imagine and be terrified!"

Kabir smiled, "I wish I could have killed her earlier. But my child, he caught pneumonia. It prolonged her life. Imagine what would have happened when you have seen the body of your beautiful love, cold! Imagine and be terrified!"

Sanskar's blood boiled.

He was about to show his some more skills when he received a phone call. His forehead frowned.

After sometimes, he took Durga Prasad to his car.

"What happened beta?

"Bade Papa! I need your help!" Sanskar said, "Badi ma! May be yours too!"

Both of them were confused. But they followed him.

Sanskar's face was serious. Duga Prasad's too.

"I sense something very fishy!" Sanskar said, "I know I have to be calm but when it comes to my family, I lose my sense."

"And that's why you called us, right!" Durga Prasad said.

"Let's go to meet Dr Shekhar then!" Annapoorna said.

"We should wait till dawn!" Durga Prasad said and started again when he saw Sanskar's mouth opening to say something, "No beta! Trust me! Dr. Shekhar haf just undergone angioplasty. He needs rest."

"Yes beta! Swara would have never aproved of this!" Annapoorna too agreed.

Sanskar, though reluctantly, but agreed. He came inside the building. Ayush was sitting on a bench outside. With his hands covering his face, his body was limp.

Durga Prasad went near him and side hugged him. Ayush tried to wipe his tears and greted him politely.

"Swara had taught you good manners na! Greeting others, humbleness, being down to earth." Durga Prasad said

Ayush just nodded.

"Time was tough, I know! But it's over! Now your didi is with you!" Annapoorna patted his hair and forwarded a cup of coffee to him.

"All due to Sanskar sir!" Ayush finally felt a little better. He looked at Sanskar with gratitude, "three times sir! You have saved my didi three times! I cannot repay this even with my life!"

Sanskar smiled at him and ruffled his hair, "Bachhe! You are a kid to me. And kiddos don't look good saying such huge words!"

"No sir! I know I am quite younger than you. But trust me, I can do anything to keep my di happy. And since you have saved her, I can do anything for you too sir!"

Sanskar wiped Ayush's tears, "Then do one thing! Your didi told me that you want to become a singer. I have a friend who is producing a movie. I can suggest your name for one of the songs. You have to give your 100% for that. But remember, I can only suggest. It's on you that you catch that opportunity or not, got it?"

"Sir!" Ayush was shocked. Sanskar was giving him his break.

"And don't tell this to your di. Let us surprise her!

Ayush nodded amidst his tears and tried to smile.

It was morning. Swara had woke up just for her medicine once and dozed off again.

"Why didi is not waking up? She is fine na?" Ayush was worried.

"It's good that she is sleeping! The more she gets rest, the more she will get better sooner!" Ram assured him.

"But papa, I mean he wanted to make a video call to her, like for few seconds!" Ayush asked.

"He is a very good doctor! He will understand! In fact he will be happy to see her recovering!" Laksh assured him too.

Whereas, Sanskar was on the way to the hospital where Uttara was doing internship. Annapoorna and Durga Prasad were also accompanying him.

"Beta remember! Be calm!" Annapoorna was continuously trying to calm down Sanskar.

Uttara was busy doing some work when a peon came running, "Ma'am! Dean sir has called you!"

"Why?" She asked

"I don't know!" Peon replied.

Uttara's face became pale as soon as she opened the door of dean's cabin. Sanskar Durga Prasad and Annapoorna were sitting in front of him.

"Dr. Uttara! You never told me that your sister had been kidnapped. You did not even told me that your father is in this condition!" Dean was smiling, "You proved that you are just like your father and sister! You will become a very famous doctor with high regard for patients!"

Uttara's breath became shallow. She tried to smile and lowered her gaze. Drops of sweat appeared over her forehead.

"This is the day off for you! You need to rest!" Dean said.

Uttara did not want the day off. Fear was overcoming her senses. She wanted to run but before she could, Annapoorna held her hand and smiled at her. But her eyes were saying something different.

Sanskar opened the door of car.

"Where are you all taking me?" Uttara demanded.

"Nothing Uttara! If you have not done anything than be calm!" Durga Prasad said calmly.

"He is lying! I did not know what he was upto. He just said that he wants to prove my didi's research wrong." Uttara almost yelled.

Sanskar turned at her once and stares her with such eyes that could make even the stone shiver.

"Listen Dr. Uttara Bose! Be thankful that you are Swara's sister and she loves you! Otherwise, you don't know what we do with yelling suspects. So keep your voice low and talk to everyone here with respect!" Sanskar's voice was shiver with anger.

"Sanskar! No! Calm down!" Durga Prasad said, "She did not do this intentionally. Her motive was never to harm Swara!"

Sanskar took a deep breath and stared at Uttara. Her eyes lowered and tears fell from them.

"Drive the car!" Annapoorna said

Sanskar stopped the car in front of head office. Ali met him outside, with deep resentment towards Uttara on his face.

Sanskar made Annapoorna sit outside, "badi ma! Please don't see what I do to criminals!"

"I don't want to see that even!" Annapoorna chuckled, "but treat her with patience. She really did nothing with intention of doing wrong!"

Sanskar nodded.

Ali opened the door of the room where Kabir was kept tied to the chair. Sanskar, Durga Prasad and Uttara entered.

"No!" A silent whisper let out from her mouth.

"Oh hello beautiful! So you finally reached to discover my real identity!" Kabir smirked.

"Do you know him Uttara?" Sanskar asked

Uttara could not say anything.

"Uttara!" Sanskar's voice got bitter this time.

Uttara shivered. She nodded.

Sanskar then showed her a toy, a pink rabbit, "Did he give it to you to place it in Swara's car?"

Uttara again nodded

"Did he ask you to arrange propofol and morphine sulphate?" Sanskar again asked.

Uttara finally started to cry, "yes! He did!"

Sanskar tried to calm himself down by drinking water.

"And do you even know that he kidnapped your sister with that propofol only?" He tried to be as calm as his mind was allowing.

"No! Never!"

"That morphine sulphate was among one of the options which he was thinking to use to kill your sister! Did you realize this?"

Uttara collapsed on the floor with her face hidden in her hands. Tears of guilt and shame were washing her face.

"Sanskar! Shut your mouth! I told you to be calm!" Durga prasad scolded him.

"Bade papa! Her jealousy could result in Swara's death! You have not seen and neither I have described the way they all treated my Swara! My anger is justified!" Sanskar was now fuming with rage.

"Then let me handle her! You just keep quite! You were right to take me with you!" Durga Prasad said.

He patted Uttara's hair and offered her a glass of water. She was sobbing.

"Beta! You are Swara's sister! However stark opposite the siblings may, few things will always be in common among them. Hai na! One of them is not being able to harm others. I know you cannot harm any human being!" Durga Prasad said while making her sit on chair.

"She and Swara have nothing in common!" Sanskar fumed.

"Sanskar Maheshwari! Keep quite!" Durga Prasad scolded him.

"Sir! I can't see the face of this man! He is scaring me!" Uttara said pointing at Kabir who was smirking at her.

Durga Prasad nodded.

"You want to slap him?" He asked Uttara.

"What?" She was confused.

"This man threw water on your didi's face when she asked for water. She was burning with fever, shivering in cold but he kept her tied to a pillar on the cold floor. He slapped her, not once but many times. He used you. He took advantage of your insecurities. Don't you want to punish him?" Durga Prasad said calmly. His eyes pierced her soul.

"I.... I am afraid!" Uttara was stammering.

"Dr. Shekhar told me once! You were being teased by a few boys. Your didi was 17 that time. She not only slapped them, but took them to police too! She was never afraid to save you. But you are afraid to even slap the person whose intentions were to murder your didi! That didi who gave you the love of a mother! That didi who loved you with all her heart even after knowing how much you despised her!"

Durga Prasad's words were creating magic over her. Her heart was filling up with guilt, shame and regret. For the first time in her life, she had realized what sort of person she actually was! She realized the level of her jealousy she had in her heart. This jealousy had lead to Swara's this condition.

"Ahh! She will be pleased to see Swara's condition!" Sanskar interrupted her thoughts.

"Let's move outside! I don't think she is in a condition to face him more!" Durga Prasad said and took Uttara outside to another chamber. Ali and Sanskar too followed him.

"Ali! Bring a handcuff and a duct tape!" Durga Prasad ordered.

Uttara was terrified. Look of horror made her eyes open widely.

Ali brought handcuff and duct tape.

"Now! Tie up Sanskar's hands behind him and duct tape his mouth!" He ordered.

"What?" Sanskar was confused and so was Ali.

"Ali! Do as I say!"

Ali chuckled at a confused Sanskar. He did as Durga Prasad had said.

"Very good! Now Sanskar won't interrupt us! Now it's okay Uttara?" Durga Prasad asked.

"Mmmmmm! Mmmmmmmm!" Sanskar was trying to free himself but couldn't.

"I thought those were for me!" Uttara blurted out.

"I know you will tell us everything truthfully. Those are not needed." Durga Prasad patted her hair lightly.

"Kabir and I met around 10 days ago, at a club. He said that he was didi's old classmate. And then our fling started." Uttara drank some water and continued, "we both instantly bonded over our mutual hate for didi!"

Sanskar stared furiously towards Uttara.

"Ignore him!" Durga Prasad said.

"In her final year of pediatrics, didi had published a research paper about the new uses of propofol and morphine sulphate in adults and it's harmful effects on children during surgery. He said he wanted to dismiss this theory. He told me that didi thought she knows everything. And he wanted to prove her wrong."

Durga Prasad sighed and looked at Uttara, "And you were so keen to prove your didi wrong, you arranged propofol and morphine to him!"

Uttara nodded, "I never knew that he will harm my didi by the drugs I provided. I wanted to prove her wrong by every means. But I never wanted to harm her. I can never imagine to harm her. I know she loves me!"

Sanskar's blood boiled again.

"And then, one day, he said that didi is doing another research too. And he wanted to hear about that. So he gave me this teddy so that whenever didi is talking about that research, with the help of microphone, he got access to that. I placed it in the car because didi loves soft toys. Her car is filled up of these." Uttara finally stopped, " i know I am a horrible horrible person. Nobody deserve a sister like me!"

Sanskar stomped his feet. Durga Prasad looked at him, "Do you want to ask something?"

Sanskar nodded.

"Ali! Open him! But Sanskar, promise me that you try to be gentle!"

Finally Ali opened his hands and removed tape from his mouth.

"I will try my best to be gentle! But the crime she had committed, the utterly irresponsible, impulsive, irrational act she had done does not deserve to be forgiven so easily!" Sanskar was fuming but trying supress his anger with deep breathing.

"I deserve to......" Uttara was about to say something more when Sanskar interrupted, "Do your melodrama somewhere else Dr. Uttara Bose! You don't even know the punishment you should get for this act of yours."

"Sanskar!" Durga Prasad tried to stop him.

"No bade papa! I am sorry but Uttara is not a kid! She is 23. At this age, without even thinking once, she smuggled dangerous drugs to a man. She leaked her own sister's privacy just to satisfy her ego. And she trusted a stranger without even having a background check! Do you think she deserves to be treated in a nice way! And even if the world thinks so, I can't treat her nice way, not this time at least!" Sanskar almost yelled at Uttara.

"Sanskar sir! Please calm down! You are not well too!" Ali tried to intervene.

"How can I! I will never tolerate anyone doing bad to Swara. That day, when I talked to Swara that way! You know I have not even forgiven my self for that worst act of mine! And she, the greatest sister of all time, thinks she will be forgiven by me by all this melodrama!"

"I am sorry! I am really sorry! I never knew....." Uttara tried to say something more.

"Oh great! You never knew that leaking your sister's privacy can lead to her kidnapping! Oh my god! How innocent you are!" Sanskar's sarcastic remarks were pushing her more in the sea of guilt.

But this anger and all the tiredness of these days took toll over his body. Suddenly he felt as if his head was spinning fast. He sat on the chair with a thud. Ali ran towards him for his aid.

"Sanskar! You need rest!" Durga Prasad said touching his forehead, "You have fever."

"One last thing Uttara! Did you know that this man was involved in Swara's kidnapping?" Sanskar asked

"I swear on everyone, i did not know this!" Uttara finally said, "But when I got to know that propofol was used in didi's kidnapping, I suspected him."

"Then why didn't you inform us?' Ali asked.

"I.... I was afraid!"

"And your cowardly nature would have taken the life of your didi! You know Uttara, if you have told us the same day na, I would have caught that Kabir immediately. But you did not!" Sanskar said holding his head, "Congratulations! You succeeded in proving your di wrong! She trusted you, she thought that you will never stoop so low. But alas! She was wrong. Go and celebrate your success! But don't let this secret out. If your didi get to know this, she will break down. And I don't want to see tears in her eyes. She is already in pain."

Uttara left the head office along with Annapoorna and Durga Prasad. Guilt and shame was filled up in her heart.

"I know what you will be feeling beta!" Annapoorna patted her hair, "But don't you think you should repay that?"


"Take care of Swara! I have seen her! She is weak. And a little bit traumatized. Be with her! But do it with your true heart only. Otherwise better leave her alone!" Annapoorna carresed her face lovingly, "God had snatched your mom! But you did not see that Swara sacrificed her childhood, her wishes, her everything for you and Ayush. She even sacrificed her part of love from her father for you two! Don't you think that in place of responsibilities and neglect and harsh words, she deserves a little love, respect and care?"

Uttara nodded. She wiped her tears and tried to smile.

"Your smile is as beautiful as Swara's! Keep your heart beautiful too!"

"Sanskar sir will never gonna forgive me na?" Uttara asked.

"To be honest, he will not forget this. He is like this only beta. Don't pay attention to his rude words. But with time, his bitterness will be reduced." Annapoorna explained.

In the hospital, Sanskar came with Ali. Sujata was sitting outside the cabin.

"Ma! Where is Ayush?" Sanskar asked.

"That kid is here since morning! So I sent him to his home for a few hours. He needs rest too!" Sujata replied, "And I too have responsibilities towards my brave bahu na!"

Sanskar blushed a little.

"How is your brave bahu now?" Sanskar asked.

"She is fine! Just a little fever! But a lot of weakness. Don't worry! I am here na! I will make her drink dry fruits milkshake two times a day with my own hands, and then I will see for how long this weakness last!"

"You like her na ma?"

"I love her beta! She is so good and pure. I will try to take care of her as much as I take care of you Laksh and Adarsh! She is the girl I have always wanted you to be with." Sujata ruffled his hair, "Go inside if you want to meet her. I have just pleated her hair. She was awake then!"

Sanskar smiled and opened the door. Swara was lying there with her eyes closed.

"Swara!" Sanskar called her gently.

Swara opened her eyes which glittered with pleasure seeing him.

"You are not taking rest na! You did not have your lunch too this afternoon! Mr Maheshwari! I will make sure to beat you up for this!" Swara glared at him.

"How can you be so scary even in this condition?" Sanskar who was expecting some lovely words from her was shocked.

"How can you be so irresponsible even in this condition?"

"How can you be so irritating in this condition?"

"Don't talk to me!" Swara looked away from him and closed her eyes.

Sanskar smiled at his antics. He came near her and placed a kiss on her cheek.

Swara blushed hard.

"How can you be so beautiful in this condition?" Sanskar asked huskily.

Swara blushed again. Sanskar kissed her forehead lightly and intermingled his fingers in between hers, "I love you!"

Swara blushed again and closed her eyes.

"Why don't you reply?" Sanskar asked.

"Because you know the answer! Now don't waste time! Go and have your dinner please! And please, take your multivitamins too along with a paracetamol! You have a slight fever!" Swara instrcted him.

"Are you the patient or me?" Sanskar raised his eyebrows.

"We both! I am under care of Ram uncle and you are..... Under care of....." Swara kissed his cheek and whispered, "Me"

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