Derpy [Nene Onemine x M!reade...

נכתב על ידי Idiotic_Moron

43.1K 1.5K 871

I suck at descriptions lol. A (somewhat) normal student is placed in a very odd high school. He tries his bes... עוד

A rough start (Prologue)
Reader's Profile (REMASTERED)
Detroit: Become student (Ch. 1)
Meeting Komi [GONE FISHING!!!] (Ch. 2)
Bro, you deadass built like a 🗿 (Ch. 3)
I'll have uhh... 2 number 9s... (Ch. 4)
Turning Red: The Anime (Ch. 5)
It's Just a Fever! Plus More! (Ch. 6)
Yandere Simulator (Ch. 07)
[Insert obscure reference] (Ch. 8)
Vineboom sfx (Ch. 10)
Gochujang hot sauce (Ch. 11)
Obligatory pool episode (Ch. 12)
Edgy title name here (Ch. 13)
The Festival (Ch. 14)
Awkward confessions lmao (Ch. 15)
Soy wojak (Ch. 16)
Another festival (Ch. 17)
Damn bro, that's crazy (Ch.18)
The 3rd damn festival (Ch. 19)
Bruh 🗿 (Ch. 20)
Bing chilling (Ch. 21)
Vergil reference (Ch. 22)
Yoo, christmas time (Ch. 24)
When you uglier than the snowman 💀(Ch. 25)
Happy new year! (Ch. 26)
Oh hey, mildly sexual activities (Ch. 27)
She trip on my field til I bus (Ch. 28)
The masculine urge to kiss the boys goodnight (Ch. 29)

The date (Ch. 23)

861 32 13
נכתב על ידי Idiotic_Moron

(First Person POV)

Man, studying is sorta boring. I'm glad I'm not studying alone. I still complain about studying even though I get grades that are considered good.

Nene: Is there something you don't understand?

Y/N: No, just spacing out.

Nene: Ah, I see.

Y/N: Soo... I'm sorta nervous.

Nene: Why?

Y/N: Y'know, the date...

Nene: Why are you so nervous about it?

Y/N: Like what if I screw up or something?

Nene: How would you screw up?

Y/N: I don't know... I just seem to find a way to do so most of the time.

Nene: Don't worry, we're just gonna be there to have some fun together:

Y/N: Alright...

Nene: I'm also a little nervous, if that makes you feel any better.

Y/N: You seem very good at hiding it.

Just as I finish talking, I feel a pain on my head. The librarian just hit me with a newspaper for talking too loud.

Y/N: Oof...

Nene: Break time is almost over.

Y/N: Yeah, we should head back to class.


There are people that are nearly perfect, there are people that are imperfect, there are people who are batshit insane and then there's you, mediocre. Well, actually you're fine. Anyways, as someone who is mediocre, it's always expected to forget something at times, like breakfast. However, unlike the perfect goddess in the same room, you had eaten your breakfast. Also, for some god forsaken reason, you've never missed breakfast on a school day.

Anyways, we currently skip to lunch break. You were busy talking with Nene about random things and your inevitable date with her. It's not like you disliked the idea of dating, it's just that you were still a nervous wreck. Oh shit here comes Katai.

Katai: Y/N...

That made the both of you jump slightly. You turn around to see Katai, standing behind you. He had his lunch out and quickly put 2 and 2 together.

Y/N: Do you wanna have lunch with us?

Katai breathed a sigh of relief when you said that. It seemed you understood, it's almost like you have a good sense of reading the room. Still not as good as Tadano though because that guy is an absolute giga chad.

You felt a lot of eyes on the 3 of you, most of the students were worried for Nene. I don't know why people think you're scary, like it really doesn't make sense. Ah whatever.

Katai: *menacingly* Should we leave?

Y/N: Sure.

Nene: Actually, I think Kaede-San asked if I could eat with her.

Y/N: That's out of character.

Nene: Well, you guys can go.

You and Katai get up. Most of the class seemed sorta intimidated of you 2. You decided not to question it. As you both head further into the hallway, you hear Tadano call out behind you.

Tadano: Hey! Y/N and Katai-kun!

Katai: 'These 2 must be close! Calling him by his first name!'

Y/N: Hey dude.

As you 3 look for a place to eat, you decide to go to the rooftop. As you are, Katai and Tadano talked. Katai was of course very nervous and Tadano had started a conversation.

Tadano: Oh your food looks good Katai-kun!

Following that is an awkward silence, which is broken by Katai, who asks a few awkward questions.

Katai: What are your hobbies?

Tadano: Uhhhh... I think they'd be manga and games.

Y/N: Games and cooking.

Katai: *menacingly* You can cook?

You felt a shiver down your spine but you chose to ignore it. Katai noticed and turned to the corner, now looking even more nervous.

Katai: 'I'm doing so bad! Master won't approve of me!'

Y/N: Yeah, I cook. You guys want some?

You brought a bento box, quite rare if I do say so myself. You packed quite a bit mainly because your parents left before you finished cooking breakfast. You know, you're surprisingly responsible as a character, considering your traits and what not.

Tadano: Oh sure!

Katai: *menacingly* Hand it over. 'Ahhhhh! Not again!'

You passed both of them a salmon filled rice-ball, courtesy of Nene's recipe. They were both delighted, which made you happy.

Tadano: This is good!

Y/N: Nene- I mean Onemine-san taught me how to make rice balls.

You turned to Katai, who had a very weird look on his face. He was delighted and his aura was happy, with rainbows and sunshine. Wooh, very colorful, might affect the epileptic people.

Katai: T-thank y-you...

Y/N: No problem dude.

He smiled at you and you 3 continued eating. While you guys ate, you turn to the entrance of the rooftop and notice someone hiding nearby. A wild Komi sat, observing the 3 of you.

Y/N: 'So that's where the chill came from...'

You pretended not to see anything by turning your head but are only met with Katai feeding Tadano. Looked kinda gay if I do say so myself.

You felt an even colder chill down your spine, Komi was watching and was probably jealous, or confused, she was probably conflicted. Katai was even more nervous than before, after noticing Komi looking at you guys like that.

Katai brings you guys close to him, he was noticeably stiff. He seemed sorta scared for some reason. It was probably something to do with Komi. Or maybe he was just awkward with you, trying to be polite.

Tadano: You don't have to force yourself you know?

Y/N: While I may be a little confused... You don't have to be so stiff around us, you can relax, we won't judge.

Tadano: It'll make us happy

Wow, a bromance has formed between the 3 of you. You would be happy but, there's something bugging you.

An insanely cold chill.

Tadano: Komi-san? Do you wanna join us?

After having reluctantly accepted, Komi and Katai sit awkwardly while Tadano tries to introduce them.

Najimi: Shh, you can't do that.

Y/N: What the hell? Where were you?

Najimi: That's classified, anyways, you mustn't speak a word. It's more interesting that way.

Tadano: Ehh?

Najimi: Also get outta the seat, L/N-san.

Y/N: Hmm? Why?

Najimi: Imma eat here.

Y/N: Fair enough.

Tadano: 'He gave in that easily!?'


Worrying about dates are normal. Well, just because it's normal doesn't mean you're normal. Anyways, you were in the bathroom, just staring somewhere.

Y/N: Oh god...

You tried your best to avoid the mirror as that would probably kill your fragile ego even more. Anyways, a planned date was coming up soon. It was how most couples spend their time together.

Y/N: Calm down... We already know what we're doing.

Yeah, you sure seem like it... Anyways, you washed your face and thought to yourself a bit more. You decided to not overthink (finally a good decision) and head back to the classroom.

Y/N: What's the worse that can happen anyway...

A lot of things can happen, you some how get dumped because of how wimpy and sad you are, you trip and spill food on her, she gets bored or you inconvenience her so bad she leaves.

Y/N: 'Not helping...'

Oh shit you can hear me, my bad. Anyways, once you head back to class, you see the Normie squad talking to each other, while Tadano sits alone. You grab your chair and sit next to Tadano.

Y/N: Hey.

Tadano: Hi.

You noticed him listening to whatever the Normie squad was talking about, you just joined in to listening.

Well, after hearing what they were talking about, you sorta just, relaxed a little. I'm too lazy to mention what the Normie squad was talking about, some hypothetical dating scenarios.

Tadano notices you visibly relax, he looks a bit suspicious but says nothing. Tadano can pretty much read you like a book.

Tadano: 'There's definitely something going on between him and Onemine-san!'


You were fully prepared for your date. You weren't mentally prepared at all however. You brought quite a bit of dessert, enough for 2 people. You decided to wear trousers, a t-shirt and sweater, bringing along a scarf, more for hiding your face.

Y/N: 'This is quite nerve wracking, I need to calm down...'

Then it hit you, literally. Something hit you, it was your sister.

S/N: Why are you looking so nervous Onee-san!?

Y/N: Ah... Nothing...

S/N: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yeah, anyways, I saw a dating sim game on my computer, was that you? 'Nice! I changed the subject!'

S/N: H-Huh!? W-What are you talking about?

Y/N: 'Wait, don't tell me...'

S/N: Uhh... Oops, I should get going! My friends and I are meeting up soon!

As soon as you were sure she left, you grabbed your little basket full of sweets you made and left for the little hill area.

Y/N: 'Holy cow it's happening, everybody stay calm! Stay calm! Stay calm damnit!'

When you arrived, you realized you were a whole hour early. Even more surprising, was Nene just sitting at the hill with a mat laid down.

Y/N: A-Ah... Hi...

Nene: Wow, you're early.

Y/N: I c-could say the s-same for you...

She starts having a little giggle after noticing you trembling. It made you even more embarrassed.

Nene: You're so nervous!

Y/N: W-well, uhh.

Nene: Just sit down already.

She was calm and excited at the same time, quite different to how you imagined it would be (and the guys at school).

As you sat down and pulled out your basket full of sweets, you start overthinking.

Y/N: 'What if she doesn't like it?! What if she gets bored?!'

Nene: Calm down.

Y/N: Huh?

Nene: You're so tensed! Just think of it like us hanging out.

Y/N: Huh?

Nene: That's what dates are, 2 people hanging out together, right?

Y/N: Yeah... You're right.

Nene: Let's dig in shall we?

After a couple situations (see what I did there? No? Aight fair enough) of random mishaps, you and Nene felt a lot more at ease, all the nerves gone. You were even comfortable enough to start feeding each other. How cliche... At least you guys are having a good time.

Y/N: This is quite nice...

Nene: Yeah...

Before you realized, you had kissed. It started from a light peck on the lips from Nene, then you pulled in for, well a kiss with the tongue. How romantic. Two teenagers making out on the top of a hill...

Without thinking, you had reached somewhere that was probably inappropriate. You had used 1 hand to grope her. Yes, grope her.

Nene: Mmm~

Then you snapped out of whatever trance you were in. You noticed what you were doing and pulled away.


Nene also snaps out of it and blushes. She turns away.

Y/N: I-I'm s-so s-sorry!

You were scared, very scared. You thought that you had rushed things and well... touched her without her consent. Even though, you were well, making out. Still good to know though.

Nene: I-it's fine! R-really!

Just then, your phone started ringing. Your mother had called. You quickly picked up.

M/N: Hello? Y/N?

Y/N: H-hello?

M/N: You should head home soon, it's getting quite dark.

Y/N: A-ah, yeah sure.

You quickly ended the call and turned to Nene.

Y/N: Uhhh, I have to head back now... Uhh, yeah...

Nene: Y-yeah! I actually have to go back too!

You both wave each other goodbye and head back home (after having retrieved your baskets). You head back home and greet your parents. You then rush to your room and lock the door.

Y/N: Ah... 

You were pretty excited, or well... A body part of yours was excited. After hearing that moan, you just well, your imagination went wild, let's say that.

(Note: Sorry for the long delay, I was really unmotivated. This chapter is sort of rushed but I'm still sorta alive.)

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