Tom Holland - Dad One shots

By Spideysbae24

7.9K 39 16

Orginally posted on my tumblr :p More

Baby Bath, Baby Love
Strawberry Problems
Strawberry Problems Part 2 - Tom Holland
First Words
Daddy's Little Girl
Tears and Cookies

I just wanted a cookie

1.2K 5 13
By Spideysbae24

Summary: Reader went to go get a cookie and she got way more than that

Warnings: swearing, crying, anxiety attack, childbirth (literally), and horrible writing (tbh this is my worst piece)

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"I still don't understand," Tom says as he takes a pringle into his mouth and munches it loudly "why would Janis hate Regina so much?"

"cause Regina's a cunt" Harry answers as he bites his red vine "and because Regina called her a lesbian"

"but isn't Janis a lesbian?"

"that's not the point Thomas" I grumble as I grab another snack that was on the bed "you can just go to someone and call them a lesbian, even if you are, it's the way she said it" I shift to get my eight-month baby inside my stomach comfortable since it was kicking slightly "she uses it as an insult towards Janis, so obviously- Oh!"

"What's wrong?! Is the baby okay?!" Tom panicked and looked at me, and so did everyone else in the room, Harry, Sam, Tuwaine, Haz, and paddy.

"jeez tom," I say rolling my eyes "yes it's okay, the dude just wants a cookie, and me too so..." I try to get up from the comfortable bed, but it was too hard since I was carrying a watermelon size belly

"let me get it for you" paddy offered but I just declined

"nop, it's okay, i can go get them," I say as I finally stood up, but paddy was already at the door "nononono its okay, the doctor said it's good for me to move more so, plus you're about to reach the Halloween party so pay attention!" I exclaimed and pointed at the tv.

They all looked back at the screen except for Tom who was looking at me worried. I smiled and mouthed "I'm fine, relax" and he sighs and goes back to the corridor to go downstairs. As I walked down the little kid kept kicking me as if he wanted to dance the samba or something.

"jeez bro, chill" I look down at it and rub my stomach " I can't go that fast k? I'm trying to go as fast as I can'' I gobbled down the stairs and just stopped as I got a little tired. "Listen, mate, if you keep on kicking slower , am I going to walk, ok? so please be patient, I want that cookie too"

I walked to the kitchen and went to the oven but they were all gone. I baked them this morning and there were none left!?

"TOM? DID YOU EAT ALL OF THE COOKIES I MADE?!?!!!" I shout angrily, I couldn't believe that son of a bitch-

"no, they're in the pantry" he screams calmly

"oh, okay, thanks" I yell back

I kept waddling to the pantry and found a jar where we used to keep the cookies but on the top shelf. jeez. I walked towards it and stood on my tippy toes trying to reach them, but he kept kicking and kicking me like crazy, so bad it started to hurt.

"Jesus" I whispered trying to reach the cookie jar and trying to hold the pain but once I got a hold of the jar, my whole stomach clenched and I screamed loudly making me drop the jar and break into a million pieces all of them falling around my bare feet.

"SHIT!" I placed my hands on my hair "NO! shit! nonono, the cookie jar!"

"Y/N?!" I heard a bunch of feet running down the stairs, then I saw Tom in front of me but a few feet away. his jaw on the floor looking at me

"omg, tom please don't hate me, i know you loved this jar, but i could reach it so-"

"oh my god" tom whispered under his breath

"then this mother fucker just karate chopped my stomach and i dropped the jar-"

"oh my god!" tom exclaimed

"I only wanted a cookie!"

"OH MY GOD!" tom shouted and jumped and placed both of his hands on his chest

"What are you talking about?!"

"YOUR WATER JUST BROKE! I'm gonna be a dad!!!!'' Tom went to hug me but his brothers and friends stopped him since I was surrounded by glass shards. I look down and see my pants and the floor completely wet.

"ups'' I looked at them embarrassed, I just pissed myself in front of the guys, "uum- i guess we should rest little one- aaagh" pain from my uterus just comes in by surprise making me wince and then just laugh at it off as if it was nothing. "im okay, just a little contraction there" then out of nowhere it started to feel funny, like it tickled, so I just giggled "im sorry, it just feels weird"

"Ummm" Sam broke the silence "y/n? how many weeks are you?"

"I don't know?" I shrugged and started to walk out of the kitchen with one hand on my back to keep my balance "33? 34?"

"Should we take her to the hospital?" paddy asked as they looked at me as I walked out of the kitchen

"Ummm" tom runs to my side and helps me up the stairs "i don't know? darling, how are you feeling? Is your...... thing okay?"

"Are you seriously referring to our child as a 'thing'?" I snapped back as we kept going upstairs

"not the baby, your...... vagina? is it okay?"

"yeah, I just need to change trousers and socks, a cookie and maybe a sandwich," I say as I entered our room, took out some sweats, and went to the bathroom to change.

"oh," tom said confused as I closed the door to change "erm, okay, imma clean downstairs and I guess, we can keep watching the movie"

"okay!" I yelled back as I started to take off my damp pants carefully, and then I sat on the toilet to take off my socks and put on the first leg into the pants and repeated the same with the other and took a piss and dried myself.

"Y/N!!" I heard Tom screaming and then banging on the door "Y/N!! WE NEED TO GET YOU TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!" The desperation and panic in his voice made my whole body freeze. Tom burst into the bathroom and sees me on the toilet and instantly he hugged my chest and lifted me from the toilet and pulled my trousers up to my waist

"What's going on? tom? what's happening?" I ask as he hurries off to our room while I just wash my hands and waddle over to him. He was running from side to side picking up stuff and putting them in a bag. He stops for a moment and looks at me, runs towards to kiss me, and says

"Get in the car with the boys right now, I'll explain everything later, I promise, just go downstairs" he kisses me again and starts running around the room once more. As he told me, I went downstairs as fast as I could to meet the boys all doing their own thing. Paddy was on the phone calling someone, Tuwaine looking at me and helping me step down the last few stairs and guided me out of the house

"what's going on?" I look up at Tuwaine and then notice the boys walking out of the house too

"so sam knew something was off so, he searched in google and it said that if your less than 37 weeks long and your water break, it said you should go to hospital right away, so we are taking you there, tom is gonna meet us there once he finishes the bags"

"what? no" I stop walking and stay outside of the house "if tom's not coming with me, I'm not leaving"

"y/n we have no choice," Harry says from the back with the car keys in his hands "it's really dangerous"

"says who?"

"the internet, now get in" he gets into the car and I just knew I had to do it too. So Twain sat on the passenger seat and I was in the back seat laying down trying to keep calm.

"WAIT FOR MEEE" out of nowhere paddy opens one of the back seat doors and lifts my legs and places them on his lap as he sits down, "tom told me to come and help," he says as he takes some crocs from a bag and places them on my bloated feet.

"Okay, now let's go" Harry starts the car and starts driving to the hospital.

"k, how are we feeling back there?" Tuwaine asks as he searches for something on his phone

"um, great? I feel normal but like the little dude is kicking again, which is uncomfortable, but other than that I'm okay, wait no, I'm starving, does anyone have something to eat?"

"yup, I have some" paddy take this bag where he kept my shoes, "tom told me to bring some of the leftovers from the movie, so I have pringles, gummies, and m&m"

"oh, baby want gummies" paddy hands me the package and as I grab it an immense pain comes from my stomach making me squeeze the hell out of the gummy package and scream in pain, I close my eyes shut and tried my best to make it look like it was nothing but the pain was too unbearable.

I can feel the pain wash away and laugh it off so the boys don't worry about it but once I look at Paddy and Tuwaine looking at me pale and freaked out.

"I'm okay, it was nothing" I just sink down into the seat and blush in embarrassment as I stuff my mouth with the gummy bears.

"That was not nothing! that sounded horrible!"

"Tuwaine, which way do I turn?" harry asked as he kept driving like a maniac

"Left, wait no RIGHT!" a sharp turn made to the right making the car's tire screech loudly and the other cars were honking their horns at us angry. I slowly started to panic and ate more gummies aggressively as I tried to calm down. I started to do my breathing exercises for my anxiety.

"don't worry y/n we're almost there," Harry said and I sat back up and placed my hand on my bump and rubbed it, calming the little lima bean on my stomach as he kept kicking as if he or she was throwing a tantrum. I just waited for a few minutes and we were in an underground parking lot and I started getting ready to jump out of the car and run to the hospital, but once harry parked the car and I opened the door but I felt like I was in a turtle position because I couldn't get up, I felt like I was stuck.

"help, i need help, i can't get out" I yelp as harry grabbed my hands and pulled me out, and the sat on the wheelchair Tuwaine brought me and just plopped down, and they took me straight to the emergency department

"What do we do?" I hear harry freak out

"go to the center table and tell theEEM!-" I squeal as another pain comes in. I've never experienced something so strong and I couldn't help but scream in agony catching everyone's attention.

I felt Tuwaine's hand on my shoulder as and a strange skinny cold hand on top of mine, I opened my eyes to see a nurse looking at me terrified

"sweetheart, your contractions must be horrible" as the pain calmed down I looked at her confused

"contractions? I thought they were just.... normal pains. I can't be having contractions, baby's due next month"

"but that sound like a contraccion,"

"i mean my water broke but, im 33 weeks, so i'm not giving birth"

"your water broke?"


the woman stood up and looked at Tuwaine

"Are you the father?" she asked seriously

"oooooooooooooooooooooooooo nooooooooooooooo," he says uncomfortably "no he's not here, but his coming"

"okay, ma'm we need you on a bed right now, you are going to have to give birth today, you have no other option," she said as she walked away and I panicked

"oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!"Tuwaine walks around the wheelchair and kneels in front of me as I kept repeating the same sentence over and over again

"y/n? look at me, you're gonna be fine"

"Where's tom?"

"i don't know but he's going to be here"

"I need him, I'm scared, I'm not ready yet, I still have another month to go, and the nursery isn't even finished. I don't want my baby to sleep in an unfinished room? What if the baby hates the room? this wasn't supposed to happen, a-a--aand my mum isn't even here, i-i-iiii i'm not ready to do, what if the baby doesn't make it? What if I don't make it? How will Tom survive on his own with his child? i can't- i can't breath- i ca-"

I start to spiral like crazy until I hear his voice, my tom.

"darling you there?" I heard him through the phone and I clutched it, hardly opening my eyes, feeling Tuwaine roll me into one of the hospital rooms.

"tommy? where are you?"

"I'm almost there darling i just need to pick up something really quick"

"tom they said i had to give birth, i'm not ready, i don't want to do this without you"

"I know I know, I'll be there as fast as I can, okay?"


"Now just keep calm and try not to overthink. pass me to harry"

"Okay, I love you, please be fast"

"I love you too," I hear him say as I give the phone to Harry and I see him walk away and talk to him.

They get me to this room where there's a wide bed and 3 nurses ready for me, the boys leave me with them and they change me to a hospital outfit and they lay me down on the hospital bed. Then Tom comes and opens the door and runs towards me.

"Thank god you're here" I whispered as he hugged me and placed his hand on my bump, and he kissed me "where were you?"

"i went and got this" he takes something from his back pocket and shows it to me. A ring.


"i wanted to do this the day our baby was going to be here, and since this surprise came in such short notice i didn't have time to pick it up"


"Please marry me, pretty please. i don't have a speech, nor a plan, nor the gut to say the words in front of your family, neither mine, but please do this with me"

"You want me to marry you?"

"more than anything"

"okay" I swiped a tear and a contraction came in "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TOM" I screamed as I squeeze the railing of the bed and this time it hurt like a bitch, tears ran down my cheeks and I gritted my teeth as hard as I could trying to ease the pain. He brushes my hair and kisses my forehead. I start sweating heavily and breathe deeply as I try to calm myself down. As the contraction flows away I lay back on the bed and I see the boys re-entering the room with gentle smiles.

"hey guys," I said exhausted as I wave at them

"she said yes," Tom said as I look at him fondly, he seats next to me and he grabs my hand and kisses it

"YEAH" they all screamed leaving me and tom in shock. they come in jumping and celebrating

"That's ma boy!" Haz says while hugging Tom and me at the same time. Once they all celebrated, they chilled out on the chairs next to the bed trying to distract me from my discomfort but I just felt too stressed to be around them, or anyone to be honest, but Tom. I needed him.

"um," I say, breaking the conversation between the guys, they all look at me scared and I just try to get comfortable. "Would you guys mind if I could be alone with Tom for a second?"

"Sure," they all say collectively and leave fastly.

As Harrison finally closes the door I let out a sigh and close my eyes to let a few tears out. I'm stressed and exhausted. My stomach aches and my core burns heavily, I was hot and sweating like a pig and I didn't feel like being around so many people. Plus I'm still spiraling. I was deeply scared.

"darling?" Tom asks as he dries the tears on my face with a tissue "how are you feeling?"

I look up at him and try to smile and tell him I was alright but I just let out a sad laugh and then it turns to sobs. He pulls me closer and I bury my chest and my head on the pillow trying to disappear and be invisible. I hated the fact that Tom had to see me like this. So weak and fucking needy. I am usually independent but I couldn't help but feel weak and like a child on its own. Then as if it couldn't get worse, another contraction came in making me scream louder than before, I just gave up on trying to keep it in, I didn't hold back at all and I just let it all out.

Out of nowhere, I feel a pair of hands on my cheek, but they're not tom's.

"oh, my baby y/n" I opened my eyes to see my mom looking at me with a soft smile, I pulled myself up to cling to her neck hugging her hard. I was never close with my mom, but I just.... for some reason needed her.

"Mum, please make it stop,"I begged her. she had already gone through this so she must know something about how to ease the pain

"Okay, shhh, it's okay. '' She pulled away and looked at my fiance.Tom went to ask someone to go to the cafeteria and bring ice chips. darling, i need you to sit straight and we are going to add some pillows on your back," and when tom came back, my mom looked at him and said "Tom don't you dare leave her alone, okay? and please no jokes, men usually think it will calm the woman down but it only stresses us more. she has to be with you at all times, and just know that the words she screams at the contractions are normal so just try to calm her, it you get scared, she will to so, be there for here at all time"

"there's nothing I'd rather do" he confesses as he looks at me with a smile and I just blush but it just blends with the redness of my face from the heat and tears. He walks to me and plays with my hand. I just stay there and adore him.

"you can do this" he whispered in my ear and kissed my temple over and over calming me down "I know you can, you're the strongest person I know"

As time went by, my contractions got closer and worse, and then they took me to the room where I would deliver the baby. they changed my bed to a different one where there were things where I could put my feet and keep my legs open. The doctors give Tom a little apron and a net for his hair. and just like that, I got here, pushing my boy/girl out of my being and yelling my lungs out.

"Okay, miss y/n we need you to push, okay? as hard as you can"

"Okay" I nod as I just look at Tom and hold his hand, and as the doctor said, I pushed. and I did that for 3 hours straight. This was a pain I have never experienced but the reward, in the end, was the best.

"It's a girl" the doctor announces and I hear Tom gasp.

They clean her up and they give her to me. At this point, every part of me was trying to keep awake to hold her and remember this moment. She had blue eyes and was the chubbiest chick ever. I placed my finger on her head and tried my best to convince myself that this was real. My baby was here with me.

"My girls," Tom says and I look up at him and he has his face soaking with tears. I giggled and grabbed my daughter's wrist and made it wave to tom

"that's daddy," I smiled and I looked as tom covered his mouth in shock

"and I'm your mummy!" I say but then I see a nurse next to me starting to take my baby "wha-"

"ma'm we just have to check if your child is completely alright, since she's early she might need to be incubated"

"Okay" they took her away and I was left alone. I felt like my little joy was gone and I once again felt completely drained of energy.

"Sleep my love, you deserve it" Tom coos and kisses my forehead and I close my eyes to sleep.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───

I wake up to the sound of someone talking.

"Look at those chubby fingers, yes there your's"

"you look just like your mummy"

"can wait for you to meet Tess"

"yeah, you look just like her, it's adorable"

He was holding our baby, which was wrapped like a taco on a cute yellow blanket. I smile as I see him pet the few strings of hair on the top of her head, she looked like a doll, it was almost unreal.

"my 2 favorite people," I say tiredly, my body still exhausted from the birth. Tom turns to me and smiles at me and leans to kiss me.

"sleep well?"

"Never better," I said as I tried to sit up but my lower stomach still hurt so I just stayed in the most comfortable position "can I have her?"

"sure," he gives me the baby and I hold her in my tired arms but once I had her on my I felt like my whole recharged to the max, "the nurse says that she is completely good and healthy, we are so lucky, but we still have to leave her for some tests"

"she's so beautiful" I whispered as I laid a soft kiss on her forehead "Have you chosen a name yet?"

"no, I have to wait for you," he confesses as he takes out his phone and takes a picture of us, which makes my whole heart warm up. "oh, I wanted to ask you, um, is it normal for her to have blue eyes? cause they're not mine and...."

"Tom, every baby are born with blue eyes, and through their life they change color to their definite color, but yeah, she's yours don't worry"

"oh okay," he says relief, and laughed letting his worries flow away "I got scared"

I laughed with him until we both heard a little while from the little creature in my arms, and then she started to let out louder whines and cries.

"oh umm," I panic "she must be hungry" I untie the hospital gown to let one of my breast out and lifted my bae to the nipple, and with my hand, I pushed it against my nipple and she latched right away and started suck hurriedly, making me laugh at the new feeling "Oh! someone's hungry"

"She's just like her mother then" Tom joked and I looked at him with my best death glare but I just broke and started laughing.

"yeah she is" I whispered

"What about Lily?"


"Yeah, like the flower, white and pure. The name in itself means purity and innocence. And if she ends up being a swimmer, we could call her Lilypad, like the flower too"

"I like it" I looked down at our daughter who was still sucking my milk fast as if she hasn't eaten in days, "my little lily pad"

"Lily Holland, it is"

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