Fractured (Female Creepypasta...

By TheLunaticAngel

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I got nothing here yet, just enjoy the story. All rights go to there respective owners. More

Something that needs to be said.
Chapter 1 - Summer Break.
Chapter 3 - A Close Call

Chapter 2 - Near Death Experiences.

241 7 0
By TheLunaticAngel

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Bee-

Alex: "Shut up!"

I toss the alarm clock across the room. I then try to go back to sleep. But I open my eyes realizing what time it was.

It was 5pm. I set the time late because I didn't get much sleep yesterday. I get up immediately and began to do my daily things.

After doing my daily things, I grab the things I need and put them in the car in the garage. I was bringing fruits and vegetables.

Alex: "That should be most likely everything. He did only want this stuff."

I sigh and walk back into the house and look around. I then hear thunder erupt very loudly and it would make me jump.

Alex: "JESUS!"

I look out the window to see it pouring.

Alex: "God DAMN that was loud! Maybe shut up Zeus!"

I step away from the window and grab my jacket and keys.

Alex: "I suppose I should just get going. I don't want to waste any time."

I then look at the T.V. and began to ponder.

Alex: "Maybe I'll listen in on the news . . The rain out there is pretty bad to what it looks like."

I walk over to the T.V. and turn it on. I then switch to the news to see the forecast . . But apparently I just missed it and a different settings appeared.

News Reporter: "Just this morning, police officers had found another body. It was a young Cadet Officer who had recently went missing."

Alex: "Oh shit . ."

News Reporter: "He was found cut up limb from limb and thrown into a dumpster outside of a apartment complex he was recently investigating. Please, if anyone sees any suspicious activity, report it immediately. In other news-"

I turn off the T.V. immediately.

Alex: "What the hell is with all these disappearances and murders lately . ."

I look out my window.

Alex: "This isn't exactly ideal . . These didn't even start happening until maybe 6 months ago?"

I sigh.

Alex: "I shouldn't worry about this at the moment . . Or this'll get me paranoid-"

There was a knock at my door.

Alex: "Hm?"

I walk over to the door and open it to see Evan, Jack, and Frank.

Alex: "Come to send me your regards?"

They walk in and I close the door.

Frank: "We we're leaving tomorrow and just wanted to let you know."

Jack: "You sure you don't want to come?"

Alex: "I'm sure."

Evan: "I'm glad we're taking a couple months away from here . . Especially from what's been going on?"

Alex: "I hear ya. Just be safe you three. Hawaii is a strange place."

Evan: "Yea . ."

Jack would hit my back and I would stumble forward.

Jack: "Don't get into too much trouble without us man."

Alex: "Yea Yea."

Frank: "We'll see you brother."

Frank would open the door and walk out, along with the other two who wave their hands goodbye. I close the door behind them.

Alex: "That was . . A short goodbye I guess?"

I pull up to a house in the middle of grass fields. There was other houses next to it but they were very far apart. I then grab the bags of fruit and vegetables and get out. I close the door and walk up to the house.

I step on the porch and it would make a loud creak. I shook my head and just walk up to the door and knock on it. I heard someone walking over to the door and they answer it.

James: "Oh, your here!"

Alex: "Sorry if I'm late. There was an accident on the highway."

James: "It's raining real bad out there. Come in."

I walk in and see my aunt come over and hug me.

Alex: "Hey, Angelina."

Angelina: "It's so good to see you! The kids are already at the table and everything is already ready."

Alex: "Sweet. Also.."

Angelina: "Hm?"

I hold up the two bags of vegetables and fruit.

Angelina: "Oh! Thank you."

She'd take the bags and scurry off towards the kitchen. I then felt a hand on my shoulder.

James: "Come on."

I nod.

We we're eating dinner in silence. I guess everyone didn't have much to say. Including my two cousins. I am morely still surprised they still live with their parents. But I guess they don't like the idea of living on campus in college.

Angelina: "So . . Alex . ."

I look up and put my fork down. I grab a napkin and wipe my face off.

Alex: "Yes?"

Angelina: "Have you been doing alright? You know our offer still stands on living with us instead-"

Alex: "I'm fine."

I said that with haste.

Angelina: "I see . ."

Alex: "I rather just be alone . ."

James: "I get the feeling . ."

Angelina: "It still gets to me as well . . My own sister killed . . She was always the strong type . ."

Alex: "I'm morely surprised that they both hooked you two up."

I tried changing the subject. James just laugh and Angelina just chuckled.

James: "Same as I. But I saw it as destiny when I got with her."

Angelina: "Ohhh you~"

???: "Gross . ."

???2: "Not at the table please."

James: "Sorry kids."

I look at my two cousins who didn't make eye contact with me once ever since I got here.

Alex: "So . . Angel . . Abigail . . How is college?"

Angel: "Fine."

Abigail: "It's alright."

They didn't really try to make conversation.

Alex: "I see . ."

I sigh and get up.

Alex: "I should probably just go-"

James: "Come outside with me."

James would get up and push his chair in. I'd do the same and walk outside with him. He'd sit on the porch and I'd do the same and sit next to him. We'd sit in silence for a bit and watch the rain fall as thunder and lightning strike.

James: "You know . . I use to do this a lot. Sit outside and watch it rain. It was my coping system. It was my way to take a breather. It seems I have installed it into your brain as well."

He'd look at me and smile but I wouldn't look at him.

Alex: "I just feel like I'm a bother . ."

James would sigh in sadness as he turns away from me and looks at the rain.

James: "Your father always told me on how much of a good kid you are. Everyday when we went to work, I'd see your mother and father and he'd always tell me that you are a magnificent kid. He also talks about your sisters as well but not as much as you."

I look down a bit.

James: "My point that I'm getting across is that it isn't your fault. They still loved you in the end . . Maybe your older sister's never showed it either, but I know deep inside that they did and they don't blame you."

I stay quiet for a bit.

James: "Angel and Abigail are just still shocked their two cousins are dead."

Alex: "They both never liked me either, James."

He'd chuckle a bit.

James: "Not true."

I turn my head towards him finally and he'd do the same.

James: "I hear them all the time talk about you. And how they wish they wouldn't treat you like they do. But they only do it because they want your attention. They want to hang out with you. They love you. Just like how your sister and parents loved you."

Alex: "Hm . ."

He'd wrap his arm around me and bring me close.

James: "Never stop being you, kid . . You are my nephew. And by God am I not going to let you die. I will do everything I can to keep you safe."

I would nod to him.

James: "Leaving already?"

I nod.

Alex: "Yea. The feeling of being away from home isn't nice. I just been paranoid that ever since what has been happening that someone will break into my house."

Angelina: "Then shouldn't that be a good thing you aren't home?"

Alex: "My dad has a Five-Seven in his safe and other stuff. I took it out not too long ago and hid it under my pillow. I'll be fine. Just don't want people stealing shit is all."

James: "I hear you. But do be careful though. I don't understand these murders either . . But hopefully we'll figure them out soon enough. The SWAT is now getting involved."

Alex: "Hence why you never get days off that much anymore."

James: "Which is a pity."

Angelina: "Have a safe drive, Alex."

I nod and smile a bit. I then look over at the window to see Angel and Abigail staring at me. I just do a little wave and that surprises them a bit. I turn around and run towards my car so I wouldn't get soaked in the rain.

I open the door and get in and start the car. I then feel a buzz from my phone and see an alert that the thunderstorm is going to be worse and possible flooding.

Alex: "Am I going to have to take a detour? Shit . . I'll have to take the back roads then."

I put the car in reserve and back up quickly doing a drift. I then put it in gear and take off.

Alex: "God I love doing that with this car!"

Alex: "I can't tell what is worse . . The back roads or the goddamn highway . ."

I was basically driving through a forest. It was practically a dead road.

Alex: "This shit is making me feeling uneasy . . Especially the rumours about some 'Slenderwoman'."

I hear a beep come from the dashboard. I then take a look and see my engine was beeping.

Alex: "What the hell?"

I then feel the car turn off and just drift slowly to a stop.

Alex: "No no no no DONT DO THIS TO ME NOW!"

I try to start the vehicle over and over but it wouldn't start. I then hit the steering wheel in frustration. I at least turn on the lights since the battery still worked.

I turn on my phone and see I have no service.

Alex: "Shit . . I'll just have to see what's going on with the engine . . I knew I should have brought the damn gun . ."

I pop the hood and get out. But I keep the door open. I walk to the front and open the hood. I did not see anything wrong with the engine at all.

Alex: "This is really weird . ."

I grab my phone from my pocket once more and slowly turn around holding it in the air, not caring that rain was getting all over it. I tried to find a spot for service and I gotten 1 bar successfully.

Alex: "Yes!"

I then look for a contact and see one to call.

Frank Tex

I dialed his number and wait for a answer. It didn't take long however.

Frank: "Alex it is like 11pm . ."

Alex: "Frank I don't know how much time I got but I need you to listen."

Frank: "Huh? What is it? You alright? What's going on?"

He sounded very wide awake now, concerned for his friend.

Alex: "My car broke down for some unknown reason. The engine looks fine but it could be my mind playing tricks on me. I also have barely any service right now."

Frank: "Well . . Send a picture over."

Alex: "Give me a second then."

I take the phone away from my ear and take a picture of the engine. I then find Frank's message and send the picture. I then put it back to my ear.

Alex: "Did you get it?"

Frank: "Yea- Wait, are you in the fucking woods?"

Alex: "No shit Sherlock."

Frank: "How far are you from home?"

Alex: "Walking distance is maybe 1 and a half to 2 hours? Driving is 45 minutes. I had to take the back roads."

Frank: "Ok . . Whatever you do . . But don't freak out when I tell you this."

Alex: "I'm already freaking the hell out, Frank!"

Frank: "Ok just listen. You need to get out of that place soon. There has been rumors that 4 highschoolers have gone missing in that same woods you are fucking in."

Alex: "Oh great. Now I feel like I'm going to be next."

Frank: "Think from the positive side. Your engine is fine. Just try to give it a few cranks and get going SOON as possible."

Alex: "Ok- Ah shit!"

Frank: "What is it? What's going on?"

Alex: "My battery on my phone is on 4%. I swear to God I charged this thing!"

Frank: "Alex. Just focus on getting out of there. Call me when you get home so I know you are alright."

Alex: "Thanks dad, sheesh."

Frank: "I'm serious. I don't want to lose you man."

Alex: "I got it. I'll call you-"

I then hear rustling in the bushes. I look over to where the noise was coming from.

Alex: "Hold on Frank . . Hey! Is someone there?!"

Frank: "Alex, what is going on?"

Alex: "I don't know . . Hey! Look, if this is your land, I'm sorry! My car broke down and I'm trying to leave!"

There was no response other than the noise of the bushes stopping.

Alex: "Ok . . I need to leave."

I close the hood fast and get into the car, slamming the door shut.

Frank: "Alex?"

Alex: "I'll call you when I get home!"

Frank: "Wait, Alex-!"

I end the call. I then began to try and start up the car. But it wouldn't turn on. I probably tried starting it 7 times and it wouldn't.


I hit the steering wheel again in frustration as I was trying to start the car. The car finally started.

Alex: "Yes! Fuck you!"

I then look at the rear view behind me . . And what I saw began to haunt me and slowly crawl up my spine . .

There was a woman maybe 30 yards from the car holding a chainsaw. My eyes just widen in fear and I put the car in gear as soon as I see her walking towards the car. I drive off immediately.

Alex: "What the fuck! What the fuck! WHAT THE FUCK!"

I thought I was finally out of it as I slowly try to calm myself . . I was probably at least 4 footballs fields worth away from whatever I saw until a deer came out of nowhere from the bushes, presumably scared, and accidentally rammed itself into the side of my car. I began to spiral out of control and then I hit a tree with the front of my car. I then go unconscious . .

It was only maybe 7 minutes that I blacked out as I finally awaken. I take a look around of my surroundings. The glass all over the car was either cracked real bad or broken. I try to open my door but it wouldn't budge since the dear rammed into it. So I just kick it open. I get out but I fall to the ground in pain. Not because I had something in my leg, but because it knocked the wind out of me and I was trying to control my breathing. My body also hurt from the crash in general.

Alex: "F-Fuck . . My body . ."

I then hear something that was recognizable in the distance . .

A chainsaw revving up . .

At this point I didn't care that my body was hurt, I just got up and made a mad dash into the woods . .

It probably has been 30 minutes since I've been running nonstop. My legs hurt so much that I felt like collapsing. For the first 10 minutes I thought I heard multiple and rapid footsteps chasing me from behind. I had to zig zag between trees and stop to make them, whoever they are, loose either sighting of me, even though it is extremely dark because of the clouds covering the moon. And because I needed to use the rain to cover my sounds as I stop.

One of them did successfully slice my arm earlier with a knife, along with my leg. I'm practically still bleeding.

But right now I was just running like my life depended on it. But I was slowing down because my entire body was hurting more and more because I was beyond my limit. It was adrenaline that was taking it's course.

But thankfully I spotted a huge building . . To what looked like a mansion. I ran up the steps quickly busted through the front door, breaking the lock. The whole place was dark but I didn't care. I just needed a place to hide.

Alex: "Fuck fuck fuck fuck, where to hide where to hide!"

I then feel the pain finally from my arm and grab hold of it, putting pressure. My leg I could also feel pain now since my adrenaline was fully gone.

I take a look around, and around quickly. I was in a great deal of panic and dizziness from the blood I lost and how tired I was. I felt like I could pass out on the floor anytime.

And well . . I did . . I collapsed and a blood pool slowly formed underneath me. I guess they successfully struck a vein or something along those lines. Or maybe I was running too much that something was tearing in my arm from the open wound.

Alex: "I-I don't . . Want to die . ."

I slowly began to crawl towards a door. But I couldn't get to it as my consciousness slowly fades. But before I go fully under, I see the door open.

And that's then my consciousness fades to black.

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