Heroic Spirit

By Reigch12

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Arthur Pendragon, one of history's greatest legend that ever lived. He was once the king of Britain. After be... More

Arthur Pendragon
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Merlin Ideas
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

683 14 9
By Reigch12

Somewhere in

A knight came forth to a round table

???: The king has been sighted... We'll find him and re built what he made


Few weeks has passed

Selene mission is already finished, after hearing Bronya's situation, Arthur immediately called the girls to know their situation, After few hours of talking to each other, all the girls went to sleep and so he hang up the call himself. He sighs

Rin: Somethings bothering you, what is it?

Arthur: It's... about my friends

Rin: Oh, you're really worried, huh. You're truly a knight. Anyways, let's continue finding other heroic spirits

Arthur: Yes

The next day while exploring the city, Arthur and Shirou is currently exploring the place they once stayed in. The Emiya was still there which they went and knock on the door. Waited for few seconds no voice came out, knocking the door again waited no one is still there. Shirou took something out off his pocket and it was the key of the residence. Opening it they were welcomed with their own home. They explored inside and their own property was still there, Shirou's clothes, Taiga's, Sakura and as well Arthur and Artoria's clothes.

Arthur: These clothes... They're mine

Arthur took a white long sleeve formal shirt with a navy blue pants

Shirou: ... Saber's clothes too...

Shirou picked up the classic white long-sleeved formal shirt for women paired with a blue dress

Arthur: The even may have distorted time and space which creates chaotic event that lead to multi-versions and such to occur

Shirou: Indeed, let's continue one, yes?

Arthur: Yes, Shirou


 they continued exploring and bought groceries along the way. While walking they both Encounter a Lancer. It was Cu(proto)

Cu: There you are

Arthur: Lancer

Cu: I got carried away, sorry

Arthur: Same here

Cu: To think that we'll fight again... It's an honor

Arthur: Yeah

Cu: Next time... I'll kill you this time...

Arthur smirked

Arthur: I can't wait to kill you again!

Arthur's eye sparkled as the Lancer chuckled 

Shirou: 'Is he really like that kind of terrifying'

Both Shirou and Arthur walked out a few steps

Cu: Before you leave...

Arthur and Shirou stopped their steps

Cu: I encountered someone few days ago that they came from the Round Tables. It's a saber class

Arthur: Who's he?

Cu: I believe it's a guy on white armor, he said that to me

Arthur: I see... I shall find him

Cu: Okay... I'll try to kill you tonight, yeah?

Arthur: The honor is mine, Lancer

Cu: Well then... I'll see you soon


Reigch: Akira

Akira: Yes?

Reigch: Did you contacted the matter to the Chaldea?

Akira: Yeah, I told them to not interfere with the war. Then Bribe them off. However, the kid was stubborn. He'll be here with Mash anytime soon

Reigch: That's rough

Akira: I'll make sure he won't die though, after all he'll be the important piece of our play

Reigch: Agree~

Reigch stretched his arms as he sigh

Reigch: Wait shouldn't that be done on 2nd honkai war?

Akira: What do you mean?

Reigch: Heroic Spirits turning into no-master-servants as if they were just reincarnated

Akira: Ahh, the heroic spirits took time to figure out the matter even battled in 2nd war. However this official war is the one that is very noticeable, couldn't believe it's decade and more since then.

Reigch: I see...

Rin and other's is currently investigating again. They found and fight then leave... And then Theresa called. A new mission coming the next day was made by Theresa. Shirou sigh and sent Arthur in. 

And now finally...

Arthur stretched his arms as he came back in the in the Academy, he was welcomed by girls

Kiana: Arthur, is that really you? Arthur in flesh?!

Arthur: Who do you think it is?

Kiana sigh as she hugs Arthur

Bronya: Subject Arthur, welcome back

Mei: How was the mission?

Arthur: It's still not done. But Captain is going to finish with some companions 

Mei: I see

Arthur: So How you girls been doing?

Bronya: The Bronya is feeling happy

Kiana: I'm feeling good!

Mei: We're just good to see you on now that you're here. Arthur

Arthur: I see.

Mei: Principal is waiting at the dorm. She'll discuss the upcoming mission

Arthur: Then shall we go?

Bronya: Da!

Squad V Dorm

As the Squad Arrived at the dorm Theresa welcomed them

Theresa: Welcome back, specially you Arthur

Arthur: I'm back, Principal. I heard that you were worried over me. I was saved by a man so It's okay now

Theresa: You dying isn't okay

Arthur: As King of Knights! I only allow myself to be killed with a fellow knight. I also still have pride as a knight you know~

Arthur pouts

Theresa: *sigh*... I guess your right... Anyways, there's a new mission that is assigned in New Zealand. That is to get one of the 4 gems

Arthur: 4 gems?

Theresa: Ah... It's the gem of desire, We needed all 4 gems which is first the Gem of Desire then Serenity, Haste and Conquest. All four to use the Selene as a perfect weapon against honkai

Arthur: I see

Theresa: It's still afternoon and it's still not late. Let's get this done and we'll be home with the host by late afternoon

Arthur: It has a host huh, Sure. Let's go


New Zealand 

Arthur is being separated from the squad as strange events had happen, rather... a signature of heroic spirit battling.

Arthur: Red Fire... Large blow... and such... They seems to be a heroic spirit indeed.

Himeko: Just done talking with the girls, so what's the situation

Arthur: I feel presence in 50 yards... 40... 30.. 20... I shall fight now. Do not inturrupt

Himeko: Good luck and don't die

Arthur: Will do, Major Himeko

Himeko cut off the line as a Servant clashed with Arthur. Arthur's Identity remained unknown as he did not use his armor and just merely black hoodie, Just a casual leggings and as well that includes shoes. the enemies appearance has a full body armor with red patterns and appears to wield an excalibur 

Arthur then frowns, then quickly changed his appearance by a bit

Arthur: It's unexpected for a servant to come. What is your purpose here?

His voice were cold as someone who 

???: I've been fighting for 3 years and I came here to kill you

The knight said with rather quite feminine voice which clarifies Arthur's thought

Arthur: Is that so...

Arthur "fix" his hair to the side then put on his eye glasses

???: You looked familiar

Arthur: Perhaps... But I hope you still do, Mordred. I do hope you will forgive me

Arthur charged into the knight as their weapon clashed. Mordred goes to right upward vertical slash as then Arthur blocks it. Mordred burst her strength as it throws Arthur away. Arthur charged at her as then he disappeared as then he appeared in clones 

Mordred: Heh, you're serious about this

Mordred dodge it perfectly as then she already raised her sword as red beam appeared from the tip of the sword

Mordred: Clarent! Blood Arthur!

Mordred dive down her sword as then Arthur knew that invisible air alone won't do much. He revealed his identity by revealing the true holy excalibur as then he sliced the red beam. It lasted long as his hair no longer fixed and returned to its original Arthur bangs. As the beam ended Mordred's grin changed to rage

Mordred: There's no way... Only the righteous king wield that sword...

Arthur: Yes, indeed, my son.

Mordred panicked


Arthur closed his eyes as he sigh

Arthur: Think about this as a sparring. Fighting is the only way you convey your feelings, right Mordred, my dear son?


Arthur: Then perhaps I should call you my daughter

Mordred said as she then screamed in top of her lungs changing to Arthur with full strength blows. Arthur suffered but not severe as he backed down with only to just block her attack while thinking about his regrets from his time in britain. The regrets of not recognizing her as her own son. On Arthur's face his frown could say what he's feeling. But Mordred thought this of being deceiving against her

Mordred swing her sword against her father but seems to be nothing that goes through him again

Arthur: Try pacing up and be on my level

Mordred: You mocking me?! the Kings of Knights?!?! I'm the righteous king here not you cruel king!!!

Arthur: Only a true king shall prevail, no matter what

Mordred: Tch... you never understand do you!

Mordred's rage has come full as she tries attacking him with her actual full strength. Arthur flinch and starts to pacing up.

Mordred: You never understands!

Arthur: I don't know what you're talking about

Arthur said as he swings into Mordred and hurt her it process

Mordred greeted her teeth

Mordred: You never accepted me as your son! You were selfish and only thinks about the country being perfect despite suffering under your reign!!

Arthur was about gave her another swing but he stopped as flashback came to his mind. It wasn't pleasant. Even that last fight, wasn't pleasant

Arthur: You don't understand. Only if I wasn't the king then I must've been more happier

Mordred: Yet you ignore something might make you happy!

Mordred goes all out again as Arthur failed to block one swing as it throws off his hand.

Mordred: I was there! willing to be under your shadows just for your attention!.. I was happy when I learnt that I was your son yet... you just ignored me.

Mordred pointed her sword towards Arthur

Mordred: Yet why even this day, you still ignore me as if I was nothing!!

Something glows under Arthur, indicating that he's summoning something so that he can still fight back

Arthur: Yeah...

The light suddenly disappeared

Arthur: I failed to that, I have nothing left in this world except those girls. I don't even need these weapon. Perhaps I need to face my sin once and for all. Mordred, Kings of Knight, my dear son. Kill me how you wish

Mordred: Then so be it

Mordred as about to slice Arthur as she raises her sword but then stopped as a lance projected between them

Arthur: Bianka...

Durandal: That's enough! If you're going to kill Arthur. Then Face me, unnamed knight

Mordred: It's Mordred

Durandal: 'Arthur's... son?!'

Mordred: Dare you meddling on family problem and provoking a Pendragon, lady

Durandal: 'His voice is quite feminine yet strong' I cannot let you kill someone who I respect greatly

Arthur: Please... don't...

Arthur's voice were soft but this didn't convince Mordred

Mordred took the lance as she then felt her life sucking out off it, she threw it as she soon felt the pain. Durandal picked the lance

Durandal: Those that are rightful wielders of Abyss Flower shall only can wield it. Not to an ungraceful son as you

Mordred: Ungrateful? Son?... Is that so? Then, I will show you how much of an ungrateful I am! 

Mordred charged at Durandal who then blocked her attack. Mordred backed her sword as then diving it down back. Durandal manage to block it again while the Clarent made pass as then slashing to another direction on horizontal. Durandal as well manage to blocked it

Durandal: As of now, I am not following the overseer's orders... If someone to hurt Arthur, I shall rescue him. I don't care the cost, as long as I save him. Everything will be alright

Arthur: No... Bianka... leave yourself out of this 

Durandal: But Arthur! This Son of yours, he's-


Arthur's voice were heavy, a voice of a king as well a roar of a lion.

Durandal: On the Arthurian Legends... you did not-... I see. I shall go now then

Durandal said as she then tries to flee in which. Arthur blocked her path 

Arthur: I won't let you stop the girls

Durandal: Herrschers are dangerous, I must take her back to the HQ

Arthur: Forgive me, Bianka, but I must stop you

Durandal: Arthur, I do not have time for this!

Arthur: They will help the Herrscher of Wind then extract the Gem of Desire by the end of this mission

Durandal: That's impossible

Arthur: Then I'll just have to do it myself... I still have the Avalon. And here you cannot stop me from stopping you

The glowing particles came back to his hands as soon as he stood back up right before Mordred. Durandal sighs

Durandal: Well then... Prepare yourself, Einherjar Arthur

Arthur: I do not intent to hold back, Valkyrie Durandal

Durandal said as she float as then two stands revealed with each one wielding a sword and a shield. Light then blinded the both.

Arthur: Once the Excalibur is out of the premise then shall the lance of the beginning and the end of the world. One weapon shall be used. I see it now

Durandal: We seems to have something in common

Arthur: Spiral lance, lancer. But for me... mines stronger

Durandal: If that's how you do it then, let me show you what death is

Durandal's summoned turns black as well her armor and then the lance was affected by black handle which itself was the actual lance

Arthur: You can never kill a dead man, just saying

Durandal: But you can never avoid death

Arthur charged at her as then he made his first move to attack him but was then block and gave him a paralizing effect for a second as then the king swing its sword to Arthur but then blocked it. It was powerful as Arthur grunts

Arthur quickly burst his strength to go all out as it throws the sword of king. Arthur charged again as she pulled queen with her shield however... it's the same thing that happen on St Freya. Queen couldn't move. She tried to swing King with the sword but then blocked by the Avalon as Arthur extended his arms while supporting it with mana. In any rate the Queen's shield would be destroyed and the Avalon is too strong to pierce through. She has to it with hand.

Durandal: Queen, King. Stay put... I'll end this soon

Durandal approach Arthur as then stances showing that Arthur will receive multiple hits. As Durandal attempted to, She was then interrupted by Mordred

Mordred: What... is this battle

A light came in the illusion(reality marble) as he then attacked King which then King tries to kill the attack

???: to think that the King is here of all places

Arthur: Bedivere...

Bedivere then looked at Mordred from behind since he alone couldn't block much since he's weaker

Mordred: Tch... Fine, but let me kill Arthur after this battle

King left Kevin as then to assist Durandal. they were clashing swords as Mordred is getting overwhelmed. 

Bedivere: I shall support you both from behind!

Bedivere said as Arthur manage to break Queen's shield as it then back out into nothingness. Arthur then went on charging to Bianka. Durandal backed off as the Illusion breaks

Durandal: I see now, I will even train again much more harder. I haven't seen your fullest, Arthur

Arthur: If it's a sparring or battles, then I'd be grateful too. You were able to hold 3 knights at once in such a long time

Durandal: Heh, make sure to look after your son.

Arthur: ...

Otto: "Bianka... the subject has been stolen. You can stay and keep the fight going or leave as the mission has failed"

Durandal: So they got her

Otto: the Anti Entropy did

Durandal: Anti Entropy...

Otto: "The Herrscher of Thunder was as well taken. I bet Theresa will handle a new mission"

Arthur backed off then took Mordred with him as she was about to kill Durandal

Mordred: Hands off me!

Mordred screams as she was restrained by Bedivere

Arthur: Calm down, Mordred. I want to hear my something. Bianka, what did the overseer said

Durandal: You knew?!

Arthur: Sorry for listening. What did he said?

Durandal: The Gem of Desire was taken by Anti Entropy... and well... go find Miss Kiana and don't panic

Arthur: I'll go now... We'll meet again Bianka, Mordred, Also you Bedivere

Mordred: Where are you going?

Arthur: To some friends... you can go along or leave me be... I have no rights to order you again. You may go your way and attempt to kill me 

Mordred: You talk as if you care when you actually don't

Arthur glared at Mordred

Arthur: Join... or we'll kill each other again. In the end we will kill each other even... But that's far more than my ideal death... I decided to not be killed by servants rather be killed in glory, by the honkai to be exact

Mordred: Remember this Arthur! I will kill you as promise

Arthur: Well then... If you win then what should you grant?

Mordred: Heh, taking your position of course, to take true excalibur

Arthur: I see

Mordred: Huh?

Arthur: It's selfish, I know... Well then... We'll see each other again 

Arthur said as he took a motorcycle and drove it to his destination. As well the knights coming to her

Percival: Mordred! Find anything?

Mordred: That guy... was here

Gawain: Who?

Mordred: Arthur, King Arthur

Gawain: We should hurry up and meet up with them then

Lancelot then hold Gawain shoulder and move his head sideways telling him no

Gawain: But-

Bedivere: The King must have more important duty


As Arthur arrived into a grass field. He only seen Kiana in so much despair. Bronya and Mei couldn't be even found. Arthur rushed to Kiana then hugged her

Kiana: Arthur... Arthur... they... They took Mei and Wendy!

Kiana cry out

Arthur: 'Took... They what?'

Kiana: What did they said before leaving

Kiana: They called Mei and Wendy subjects

Arthur: is that so...

Arthur's eyes become lifeless but full of rage. Arthur held Kiana closer to his chest

Arthur: Don't worry, we'll get them back. 

Kiana: Arthur...

Arthur: A promise of a king should never be broken again

Arthur's eyes become yellow pale

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