Bound Through Time (Douxie x...

By Oliver_Kilo_9

34.1K 679 867

)))Tales of Arcadia: Wizards Douxie x fem reader((( Don't really have a summary bc it's really just the show... More

{Before You Read}
History in the Making
Witch Hunt
Lady of the Lake
Battle Royale
Killahead: Part One
Killahead: Part Two
Wizard Underground
Dragon's Den
Our Final Act
Rise of the Titans
Rise of the Titans (end)

Rise of the Titans (pt2)

1.5K 30 34
By Oliver_Kilo_9

{Douxie POV}

I step through the portal last, everyone having already gone through

As I step foot into the castle the portal disappears behind me

I look around s everyone begins to talk quietly to one another, noticing Yn wasn't with them

"Where's yn," I ask

The others look around but shake their heads, unsure

"I think she went to her room," Jim offers

I nod, worry settling in my stomach as I head off towards her room

The sounds of the other's voices become distant as I approach her closed door

I knock on it softly

It creaks open slightly and I look through the crack to see Yn sitting on the bed, her head in her hands

I open the door wider, walking into the room and shutting it behind me

I slowly approach the bed, sitting down next to her

I don't say a word

"You scared me," She says suddenly, lifting her head from her hands and staring at the wall

"You scared me too," I say quietly

She looks at me in confusion

"Archie told me you healed yourself, you know the dangers of that," I say, making sure to say it in a way that wasn't chastising her but merely expressing my worry

"And you performed a mind swap spell. A spell that could have destroyed your brain if anything went wrong," She says back in a similar tone to what I had used

We weren't mad at one another

We knew we could handle ourselves

I let out a soft laugh

"Well it seems that although we trust one another, we can't help but worry," I say

She gives me a smile, but tears fall down her face

I pull her into a hug as she holds me tightly

"What are we gonna do," She says into my shoulder

I knew she was no longer speaking about our magic worries

"We will stop them, and save the world. Just like we always do," I say as I pull back, looking down at her

She looks up at me with doubt in her eyes

But she nods

"Then let's go make a plan," She says, standing up and offering me a hand

I nod, accepting her hand as we walk out of her room to join the others in the main hall

{Yn POV}

I hear the news playing in another room

I lead Douxie over and we watch from the back as the report plays on a hologram

"Incredible, folks. What you're watching is from our affiliate. After multiple attempts to communicate, Chinese forces have been ordered to forgo peacekeeping measures," The woman on the news reads out

"Sylvia, is someone riding atop that thing?" The woman's cohost asks

"I can't tell. But the question at hand is, why have they surfaced, and what do they want," The anchor replies

"It's begun," I say quietly to Douxie

Steve suddenly cries out, startling me

I can't understand what he's saying but I was informed of his pregnancy so I could only guess

Aja and Krel stay by the news as Douxie and I walk off into the main hall

He and I stand around the table, Jim and the others already there

No one says anything yet

Aja and Krel join us all after a few moments, and Jim starts our meeting

Douxie and I opt to stay back, leaning against statues nearby

"How long until they converge," He asks as the table rises, revealing a hologram of the earth and showing where the three titans were located

"18 hours, 6 minutes," Aja replies

"I've crammed for final exams in less time. We got this," Toby says, trying to encourage everyone

"So what do we do?" Claire asks, turning to Douxie and I

"We take Nari at her word," Douxie tells her

"Trollhunter make Tenth Configuration. Krohnisfere will make right," Krel resites

The hologram disappears as Blinky speaks up

"Perhpas this Krohnisfere holds the answer to combat the Titans," Blinky theorizes

"Then we need to find it," Claire responds

"Its last known whereabouts had it in the possession of TrollDragons. A race so secret, so ruthless, even I have not seen them with all my eyes," Blinky says

Everyone looks at one another unsure

"What? TrollDragons? Sounds madeup," Steve says

"My dad might know, He used to keep rough company," Archie offers

"Even with the Krohnisfere, we still don't have a Trollhunter," Aja says

No one says anything as Jim visibly deflates in defeat

"We must summon the largest Akiridion ships and evacuate earth," She tells us

Blinky gasps in shock

"Evacuate earth?" He shouts in an accusing tone

"Run? No, not an option," Krel speaks up

Aja turns to him in annoyance

"You know as well as I, brother, there are other planets," She tells him

"Not like this one," He fires back, "running away is not the answer,"

"Neither is fighting! Krel listen-," Aja tries to get him to understand

"Where is your trust in our Trollhunter," Blinky says, interrupting Aja

Aja spins towards Blinky

"Does he even trust himself," She accuses

I grab Douxie's hand in mine as I watch the argument unfold

"It's suicide. We need others," Nomura says, walking forward

"The Trollhunter is still the Trollhunter," Blinky continues to argue

"We're not safe here. There are so many other places we could go," Aja says

"Are you insane?" Blinky accuses

"Running away is not the answer," Krel repeats

Everyone's voices begin to muffle together

I watch from the side with Douxie

Everyone had good points.

We needed to trust Jim, he was still a part of the team

However, he didn't have his amulet which meant he was also a liability.

Fighting the order was almost definitely suicide, but there was no guarantee that if we left the planet, they wouldn't follow.

We need to stand up for what was right

But we also needed to take into consideration all the lives at stake.

There was no right answer to this argument.

"Stop!" Jim shouts suddenly, silencing everyone

"Hush," Arrrgh backs Jim up

Everyone looks over to Jim, waiting for him to speak

"We're facing the end of the world. We cant argue with each other, and we cant play it safe," Jim tells is, "I've made mistakes, but the amulet doesn't. It brought us all together for a reason. It chose me for a reason. I have to trust it, and I'm asking all of you to trust me."

"Anytime, anywhere, Jimbo," Toby responds immediately, "It was the two of us at the start and it'll be the two of us until the end,"

Jim nods at Toby, turning back to the others at the table

"What about the rest of you," Jim asks

"Sister," Krel urges

"Ships are coming. But until they arrive, we'll do things your way," Aja says

"You said the stone in the new amulet was from Akiridion-5," Jim resites from earlier

"Yes, i took it myself," Aja confirms

"The amulet comes from Merlin. The stone needs to carry the same magic," Jim realizes

"But Merlin's staff was destroyed," Douxie says sadly

"But Excalibur wasn't," I offer

Jim's eyes widen at my statement

"Excalibur! By Gorgus, the stone in the hilt!" Blinky realizes

"Three titans, three courses of action," Jim starts, "Stuart and Krel, get me Excalibur,"

"We shall get right on it," Stuart says as he salutes Jim

"Claire, you lead a team to find the Krohnisfere," Jim turns to her

Douxie and I look over at Archie

Douxie nods to the familiar and Archie rushes over to join Claire and her team

"And the rest of us?" Douxie turns to Jim

"Amulet or no amulet, we do everything we can to take these tians down," Jim finishes

Everyone shouts in agreement, ready to fight for the world

Aja walks off and I watch as she converses with Krel and Eli

Douxie grabs my attention

"Will you help me get Nari back?" He asks me

I turn to him with a smile

"Of course, we'll get her back together," I respond

Douxie smiles slightly before leaning down and kissing me quickly

We both then headed to meet with the others Jim assigned us to go with

Evryone began to leave the castle, putting Jim's plan into motion

I turned to Nomura and Arrgh, the two joining us to get Nari back

"You guys ready?" I ask

"Ready as I'll ever be," Nomura responds

Before we can leave Blinky calls to Arrrgh

"Aarghaumont," He calls

Arrgh hums in response, turning and walking over to Blinky

"Should one of us fall, well, know this. It has been an honor to have known you," Blinky tells him

Arrrgh grunts sadly in reply

Blinky continues

"There was never one as brave and as loyal as you. I pity anyone on the receiving end of your fury," Blinky jokes, hitting Arrrgh lightly

"I pity anyone on either end of your wit," Arrrgh responds, getting ready to hit Blinky back

Blinky quickly puts his hands up, preventing himself from accidentally getting thrown into a wall by Arrrgh's strength

Blinky laughs lightheartedly at Arrrgh's response

"Ah, yes, my wit has been known to reduce the bravest to tears," Blinky smiles

Nomura suddenly speaks up, tried of waiting

"Of boredom," She interrupts, "Let's go,"

I glare at her and she shuts her mouth, grumbling quietly to herself as she turns away

Arrgh and Blinky say their final goodbyes as Blinky walks off, Arrgh walking back toward us

I notice him stop and look over to Blinky one last time

I place my hand on his arm in an attempt at comfort

He smiles at me before we rush forward to meet up with Nomura and Douxie who had walked ahead

I look at everyone, silently asking if they were ready

They all nod and I nod in response before casting a shadow portal, letting everyone walk through before me

Before I entered I look back to see all that was left in the castle was Jim and Claire

They embrace and Jim looks up to see me

I offer him a nod and he smiles back

I then turn and join the others through the portal.

I walk out to see everyone looking towards the portal

"About time," Nomura complains

I ignore her as I close the portal

I look around to see we were in a forest of some kind

The ground rumbles underneath us and I look to see a titan walking through there trees nearby

I let out a sigh

"Well, here goes everything," I say

I try to summon a portal but green vines quickly surround it, covering it and forcing it closed

"What the-" I say as I try once more, only to have the vines force it closed again

"Damn it, they are preventing me from portaling," I say to the others

"What now," Nomura asks

Douxie holds his chin, trying to think

Arrrgh then lowers himself to the ground

"Jump on," He says to us

I nod, understanding his plan and climbing up

"Thank Arrrgh," I say as I lean down, offering Douxie a hand as he climbs up after

"I'll follow behind you," Nomura says

Arrgh gets up and behind to race through the trees, trying to catch up to the titan

He runs through the trees, swerving to stay in the shadows and avoid the sun

We get closer to the titan until we are running in its shadow

"Arrrgh, we're catching up," Douxie announces

Arrgh grunts as a ray of light hits him, causing him to swerve to the side

"Keep on with its shadow," Nomura urges as she races through the trees, jumping ahead of us

She grabs onto a vine hanging off the titan, using her blades to help her climb up its body

"There, there. Take us there," Douxie shouts as he directs Arrrgh

Douxie shouts in surprise as Arrrgh grabs him, throwing him through the air towards the titan

"Oh, fuzzbuckets," Douxie shouts in surprise as he begins to fall

Nomura quickly turns and grabs his hand, saving him

She then tosses him into the air once more, sending him to the top of the titan

Arrrgh then grabs me next, throwing me through the air

I focus and use my staff to form blades identical to Nomura's, attaching myself to the titan

I look up to see Nomura smirking down at me

I smile back and then begin to climb up

I stop in my tracks and I watch in fear as Douxie shouts, being thrown through the air by a vine

"Douxie!" I shout in worry

I sigh in relief as I watch Arrrgh catch him

Nomura lets out a groan as she watches Douxie fly through the air

"Sloppy," She says, continuing her climb up at the titan

I refocus quickly and begin to climb up after her

Nomura makes it to the top before me, beginning to jump across the ribs of the titan

I pull myself up to see she was already halfway across

I use my magic to help me jump higher successfully clearing each jump

The titan moves suddenly, causing us to begin to lose our balance

I hear a shout and I look over to see Douxie casting a spell, binding the titan's legs with a magic rope

He manages to stop the titan in its tracks and Nomura takes the opportunity to make her final jump, arriving at the head of the titan

"Nomura wait!" I shut, urging her to wait for me. I was only halfway across the titan

She ignores me, slowly approaching Nari from behind

Nari suddenly turns her head and glares at Nomura

Nomura jumps at Nari, but Nari stops her with a vine, throwing her into the ground

"Nomura!" I shout, urging myself to go faster as I race across the titan

Nomura slices at the vines, but they continue to push her back as she dodges and attacks

I reach the titan's head just as Nomura gets captured by Nari's vines

The vines grab each of her limbs

They begin to lift her toward the sun

"No!" I shout, using my magic to keep the vines still

I yell out as I struggle against Nari's powers

I didn't notice another vine sneaking behind me until it slams me into the rock beside me

I shout in pain, losing my grip on my magic

I hear Nomura shout and I look up to see the vines holding her in the sunlight

"Nomura!" I scream out, trying to save her, but the vines wrap around me, preventing me from doing anything

My eyes glow F/C as I try to mutter a spell, but a vine muffles me

My eyes turn back to normal, tears spilling out as I am forced to watch Nomura turn to stone

She lets out one final scream as she dies, the vines then shattering her now stone figure

The titan begins to move forward and I know Douxie lost his hold

I sit there, struggling as Nari's vines kept me bound, forcing me to tag along as the titan continues its journey toward Arcadia

{Douxie POV}

I look to Arrrgh, both of us saddened at the loss of Nomura

It then hit me

Yn was still up there

I whipped my head back and looked to see her struggling in the grasp of Nari's vines.

"Yn!" I shout

Arrrgh turns and sees her as well

We then turn to each other and nod

Time for another attack

I jump on top of Arrrgh's back once more as he races after the titan

"Alright, throw me," I shout

Arrrgh grabs me once more and tosses me up to the titan

I gran onto a vine, slipping slightly but regaining my grip

I start to climb up it, finally reaching the top

I look to see Arrrgh had thrown me cleanly across half of the titan

"Heh, thanks bug guy," I say to myself

I then turn and race across the rest of the titan, using my magic to help me jump across the remaining ribs

I finally reach the front and I see Yn hung up against the wall

She looks over and her eyes widen at the sight of me

I race forward, quickly cutting her down

Nari quickly notices, sending vines straight at us

"Douxie," Yn says and I look at her

We couldn't fight Nari. Not like this

I grab her hand and run towards the edge, jumping off and yelling s we hurtled towards the ground

I pulled Yn into my arms as I braced, squeezing my eyes shut

Luckily I felt stone arms catch us and I opened my eyes to see Arrrgh holding us to his chest as he rolled across the ground from momentum

I pull back and look down to see Yn safe in my arms

She looks up at me with a smile

"Thank you guys," She says as we all stand up

I turn my attention back to the titan

"We need to regroup, we can figure out another plan with the other's help," Yn says to me

I turn to her, nodding

She tries to cast a shadow portal, pausing to see if the vines would close it again

When they didn't, she gave us the all clear to walk through

Arrrgh entered first, me following behind with Yn bringing up the rear

I walked out to see we were at the Arcadia National Park

We were the first ones there, but the others arrived seconds after Yn closed her portal

Aja lowered her spaceship and she stepped out with a larger alien accompanying her

"How did you guys fair," I ask everyone as Claire emerges from her portal with Jim and the others

I learned we lost Strickler and I informed them of Nomura's death

Claire looks at me sadly, taking what I figured to be the Krohnisfere from Blinky and handing it to me

I look to see Archie wasn't with them and my stomach dropped

I looked into the spare and watched a replay of Archie being trapped in the troll market

"Tell Douxie I said goodbye," He says as the wall seals him off

My eyes begin to water

We had lost so many

But losing Archie felt like someone had taken a piece of my soul and burned it

I turn around to see Yn already looking at me

She pulls me into a hug and I hold back sobs as I hold her tightly in my arms

"I hope he's happy," I say sadly, releasing Yn and turning back to the others

"I'm sure he is," Jim comforts, "He's with his dad,"

I smile at him, happy that Archie finally gets a chance to be with his father once more

Jim walks forward towards the edge of the cliff we were all standing on

"Arcadia is on the other side of that ridge," He says, "We have to stop them here,"

I look down at the Krohnisfere, still saddened by the loss of Archie

But I knew we needed to move forward

I turned and handed the Krohnisfere to Blinky

"At least we have the Krohnisfere," Blinky says as he inspects it

"How does this bring us victory," Tha large alien asks, taking the Krohnisfere from Blinky's grasp, "Do you bludgeon your foe with it?"

Toby jumps up and grabs the Krohnisfere from the alien's hand

"Sort of looks like a blinged-out magic eight ball," Toby says as he shakes it slightly

Jim walks up, taking the Krohnisfere from Toby and inspecting it himself

"How is this supposed to make things right," He asks, annoyance evident in his tone

"I... don't know," Blinky says in defeat

Jim then looks over to Yn and I

I shrug my arms, unsure myself as to what the Krohnisfere could do

Yn mirrored my shrug

Merlin never told us anything about a 'Tenth Configuration'

Jim hands the Krohnisfere back to Blinky, walking away for a moment

"If only Nari were more specific," Toby says

"Let me talk to her," I urge, "I need to try again," I say

I needed to save her

I wasn't going to just sit back and let this happen

"She's fused with that titan and you saw what happened to Nomura," Aja argues

"If Douxie can break the spell she's under, then we can ask her about the Krohnisfere and we'd be able to use it to stop the other titans," Yn offers, backing up my plan

I look over at Yn with a thankful smile

She offers one back, but I can see the worry hidden behind it.

After all, I was planning to do magic with my mind again and she hated the idea before.

"I was inside her head once before, I can do it again. But I need to be with her," I explain further

"You will," Jim says as he places a hand on my shoulder, "And you won't be alone,"

I look to Jim, a grateful smile on my face

"Aja, where is Nari right now?" Jim asks

Aja throws a piece of tech on the ground and it began to hover

A hologram of the earth formed

Little dots on the map marked where each titan was

The little green one, Nari, was in Chihuahua, Mexico

{Yn POV}

I hated the idea

But I knew if anyone could free Nari, it was Douxie

"Alright, Claire, Douxie, and I will go to Nari and try to bring her back," Jim instructs

I go to speak when Douxie beats me to it

"Yn too, we are going to need her help," He says

Jim nods in understanding

"Okay then, Claire, when you're ready,"

Claire casts a shadow portal and I take a deep breath before walking through with the others

The others were ahead of me, exiting the portal, but before I can, vines begin to force it closed as they did before

"Yn!" I hear Douxie's voice as I rush forward

I race the vines and I make it just before they fully close it

I grab the vines and begin to force them open more

I use my magic to fight against Nari's powers

I force them open just enough that I push myself forward, launching me through the portal just as the vines snap it shut behind me

I roll across the top of the titan, stopping at Douxie's feet

I look up to see the others being held back by vines

I feel something grab my feet and I look to see vines starting to drag me

I quickly blast them with magic, turning and blasting the others free as well

The vines retreat for the moment

We then all turn to face Nari who was being held up by vines at the top of the titan

"Nari! Nari?" Douxie shouts to her

"She can't hear you," Jim tells him

"I have to believe, you're still in there, Nari," Douxie says as he approaches her slowly, ignoring Jim, "If you can hear me, please, give me a sign,"

"Douxie-" I want, noticing the vine rising behind him

I give the warning too late as it wraps around Douxie, trapping him once more

More then go after Jim, Claire, and I

Claire lets out a scream from behind me, but I am focused on keeping the vines away from me

"Hurry Douxie!" Jim shouts and I look to see him and Claire being dangled over the edge

"oh, no, now that's- not a good sign," Douxie says as he reaches for Nari, struggling against the vines wrapping around him

I knew saving Nari would save Jim and Claire

So I focused my magic and loosened the vine's hold

Douxie looks back at me in surprise

"Go!" I struggle out, grunting as I fought Nari for control

I felt vines curl up my legs, but I ignored them

I focused on Douxie and getting him close to Nari

"Blast it, Nari, Fight it," Douxie says as more vines grab onto him, his hand inches from her

"Douxie," Claire shouts

I increase my magic, taking control of more vines in a last attempt and forcing them to release Douxie

"I'm staying with you, no matter what," Douxie says

The vines release him all at once and Douxie grabs Nari's hand quickly, casting his mind spell

"No ore running, remember, no more running," Douxie tells her

Seeing him grab her hand, I release my hold on the vines

They take the opportunity to trap me instantly, holding me up in the air as they had Nomura

"No more running," I hear Nari say before she lets out a scream

The vines suddenly release us, dropping Jim, Claire, and I out of the air and onto the titan

I hear Nari groan and I look to see Douxie holding her in his lap as she comes to

The titan itself stops, powering down

Nari sits up and looks at Douxie

"Douxie?" She questions

"Nari," Douxie says in releif

"Where am I?" Nari asks, looking around

"You're with us," Douxie tells her as he pulls her into a hug

Nari lets out a giigle

"You're with us," Douxie repeats

He then pulls back and Jim leans down in front of Nari

I stay back with Claire, watching

"Nari, we have the Krohnisfere, but we don't know how to make the Tenth Configuration. How does it make it right?" Jim asks Nari

"Trollhunter make Tenth Configuartion. Krohnisfere will make right," Nari tells him

"Please Nari," Jim urges

"Time unfolds differently, like a flower," Nari explains, using her magic to form a flower in the air, "Only Trollhunter will know."

Jim takes the flower in his hands and grunts in frustration

He closes his hands, causing the flower to revert back to the magic

"That doesn't make any sense," Jim says

"Well, at least we have Nari now," Douxei tries to help

"No," Nari says, using her vines to lift her back into the pilot seat of the titan, "You have a tian,"

"Yeah, a titan miles away from the other titans," Jim points out

"Not for long. I know how to get you there," Claire says, stepping forward

"No, Claire, the titan is too big," Jim says immediately shutting down the idea

"Maybe for one, but two shadow mages should be able to do it with a bit of willpower," I say, stepping forward as well

"No, Jim's right," Douxie says worriedly. He had seen what overusing shadow magic looked like once before

"We can do this," Claire and I say to them, preparing our shadow magic, my eyes highlighted in F/C as the magic built up

Claire and I walk forward, I could feel Douxie and Jim watching us worriedly

Once we reach teh edge of the titan I turn my head and look at Claire

She looks back at me

"One-" I start

"More-" She continues

"Time!" We finish together, reaching out hands forward and starting to open a portal

We drop down in the National Park, quickly turning to face the open area

We focus our magic on the space in front of us, casting a portal in the sky for Nari's titan to drop down from

I can feel my magic pouring out of me, but I could also feel Claire's combining with mine

It was an odd sensation, but I felt the drain fast and it was painful

I yell out as I force my magic to keep working

I can hear Claire shouting from beside me

I see a portal form in front of us, gradually growing bigger

Seeing it form encouraged me and I let out another shout in determination as I cast another wave of magic at the portal.

The titan final begins to appear

Just a few



The titan drops fully out of the portal, landing behind Skrael's ice titan

The second Nari was on the ground, I released my magic, as did Claire

Exhaustion hit me right away

I collapse forward, but I feel myself being caught by a pair of arms

I keep my eyes closed for a moment, letting myself take a breather

"Its ok yn, I got you," I hear Douxie say to me

I slowly open my eyes and smile up at him

"Told you we could do it," I say

He let out a laugh as he helped me to stand

"I never should have doubted you, love," he says

I leaned on Douxie as I looked out to see Nari and Skrael fighting with their titans

I glance over Douxie's shoulder to see Jim helping Claire to stand

She catches my eye and I send her a smile which she returns

A blast of magic takes my attention back to the fight

Everyone around me is holding their breath as we watched

We cheered as Nari gained the upper hand, but it was quickly lost as Skrael strikes her with a boulder, sending her flying backward

"Nari, get up,"

"Look out,"

"Nari, get out of the way,"

"You can beat him,"

Everyone encouraged her from the cliff

Nari knocks Skrael into a mountain, causing the rocks to bury him

Her titan races towards his, jumping up to squish him

However, Skrael used his titan to pierce Nari's titan's chest

"oh no," I mumble

"Nari," Douxie shouts, reaching forward

Jim grabs him and holds him back

"What? What's happened?!" Toby asks, scared

"Each member of the order is bonded with their titan. Mind, body, and soul, so whenever the titan is hurt..." I start

"...Nari is hurt," Toby realizes, "Oh no,"

Skrae begins to freeze Nari's titan from the inside out

But before she goes down, Nari's titan pierces Skrael's titan where his heart would be, beginning to infect him with vines from the inside out

We hear Nari scream and I watch in horror as the two titans fall to the ground

"No, No!' Douxie shouts

Claire gasps

"Oh, no," Jim says quietly

I say nothing, staring at the titan's defeated forms, unable to look away

Douxie races forward towards the titans, i snap out of my trance and race after him

"Nari," He shouts and I can hear the pain in his voice

I slow down and come to a stop nearby

I watch as Douxie walks up on a small hill, magic surrounding him

The others run up and come to a stop next to me

"Nari," Douxie says as a speck of magic floats into his hand before it all disperses into the air

"No more running," Her voice echoes

With that, she was gone

I walk up to Douxie

He was looking out at the sun

I stand beside him, looking over at him

He finally turns to me

"She saved us," he says

"She saved the world," I say

He grabs my hand and we walk over to the others

Toby slammed his helmet on the ground and shouted in anger

"She did it," Jim says, "Nari stopped them from uniting,"

A transmission comes through on Aja's band

"Apparently the fire titan did not get the memo," Krel says over the transmission, showung the fire titan still marching forward

"Seklos and Gaylen," Aja says in shock

"What?" Claire asks confused

"It's still marching," Aja explains

"And it's approaching Arcadia," Krel says through the transmission

"But why? The three can no longer unite," Jim asks confused

He turns and walks over to Blinky, "Blink, you're sure you read the grimoire right,"

"Of course," Blinky says defensively

Jim then turns to me

"And you're sure you remember what Merlin told you correctly,"

"The old man wouldn't let me forget," I say confidently

"Then how is this possible," Jim questions

I think to myself, trying to think of the possibilities

Realization suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks

"What if the three titans uniting is only one possibility," I say

Everyine turned to me

"Blinky read the passage again please," I ask

"When the three unite, earth will be reborn, back to the age of first creation," He reads

Jim suddenly reaches and grabs a page of the grimoire, pulling it apart

Some sort of gunk had kept it sealed shut, cutting off the prophecy

"But if only one succeeds..." Douxie reads

"That will be the element from which the world will be reborn," Blinky finishes

Everyone is silent for a moment

"You forgot to turn the page?" Toby accuses

"It was stuck and moldy," Blinky defends

"And you didnt notice? You've got six eyes,"

"The world was ending. I was rushed,"

"Why wouldn't Merlin tell you about this," Jim turns to me

"There never is a way to tell Merlin's true intentions when it comes to these things. And there is no use theorizing about it now. What's important is we know now, so how are we going to stop it?" I say, trying to get everyone back on track

Douxie takes the book from Blinky, flipping through the pages.

"That's why the titans are coming to Arcadia," Douxie says, "They didn't have to unite with each other. They have to unite with a Heartstone,"

"That actually makes horrible sense," BLinky says, taking the book back from Douxie, "The reason all of these trolls, extraterrestrials, wizards happened to come here is because under Arcadia is the only surviving primordial Heartstone. As I said, Arcadia is the center of the universe,"

"So to stop Bellroc, we need to prevent them from reaching the Heartsone," I clarify

Jims nods before turning to Aja's transmission, Krel still connected

"You got Excalibur?" He asks

"Yeah, we've got it, and a little something-something," Stuart replies

"Meet us in Arcadia," Jim instructs

"Okay, right," Stuart agrees

"What? Arcadia? We just came from there," I hear Steve shout

Aja ends the transmission and Jim turns to all of us

"Its time to end this, for Nari," he says

"For Nari," I repeat

-Mini Time Skip-

We sped down the road in our tacho truck and pickup truck

I watched as we passed hundreds of cars fleeing Arcadia

We approached the entrance to the town, the military moving their blockade to let us through

"Yeah, now that's the way you greet a taco truck," Toby shouts

"Move those baricade corporal," The sergeant instructs

"Right away sir," Corporal replied as he moved them, letting us through and into the town square

We all unloaded as quickly as possible

Just as we got out, Krel landed his ship nearby, lowering Excalibur, and the rock it was still stuck in, onto the ground.

"Go on, Jimbo. Take it," Toby encourages

"You got this," Claire adds

Jim looks unsure as he looks at the blade

"Come on Jim, this is it," Douxie says

Jim walks forward and stands in front of the sword

"This is your destiny," Blinky says

"Go Jim go. Go Jim go," Toby hypes him up

"You can do it, Jim," Steve tells him

"You are worthy. You are, the Trollhunter," I say to him

He looks at me for a second before returning his focus back to the blade.

He takes a deep breath before reaching for the blade

"Yes, pull," Blinky encourages

Jim tries to pull it, grunting as he changes his grip, but the sword doesn't budge.

"Come on, come on, come on," Jim tells himself

I look on with worry as the sword stays firm in the stone

After a few more tries, Jim gasps in pain from his burnt hand and backs down, away from the sword

He winces at his still injured ribs, avoiding everyone's eyes as he stares at the ground in defeat

"I really thought that was going to work," Toby says to Blinky

Aja sighs beore speaking up

"We gave your plan a try. When my ships arrive, we will evacuate," She informs us

Eli sighs out and I look over at Douxie sadly

"Uh, guys?" Eli says, grabbing our attention

We all look to where he was looking to see the fire titan walking right for us

Steve kets out a scream in fear

"Oh my gosh, ah!" Eli yells in fear

"Now what?" Krel asks

I feel the ground beneath us begin to shake and everyone looks to see the Heartstone rising from the ground a few yards away from us

"Oh fuzzbuckets," Douxie says

"We're really out of time now," I say

Thunder crashes in the sky as I turn to see the titan slowly advancing towards the Heartstone

"Great Gronka Morka," Blinky says in fear

"Heartstone," Arrrgh says

Steve suddenly screams out and I look over along with the others to see him grasping his stomach

"My insides are coming out," He shouts

He slides down to the ground in pain, Eli, Aja, and Krel rushing over to him

"By Gorgis! What else could go wrong?" Blinky soust

I share a look with Doxuie before looking back towards Steve

"Take that back. Childbirth's a beautiful thing," Eli defends

"You cannot fight in this state, my beautiful spherical Steve," Aja says to him, holding his face in her hands, "But I can't leave him like this," She says turning to Eli

"Don't worry, I'll be by his side," Eli says, standing up and removing his helmet

Aja helps to load Steve in the truck as Eli gets in on the driver-side

"Wait, Aja. Where do Akiridian babies come out of," Steve asks

I raise my eyebrow at his question, curious myself

However, I sag in disappointment as Aja whispers the answer to Steve

Steve gasps in shock but seems to relax rather quickly

"Okay, I've handled worse," He assures her and likely himself

Steve then starts to scream once more as Aja closes the door and Eli speeds off

Jim grabs the amulet from his pocket, looking down at it

"'The Trollhunter will know...', 'The Trollhunter will know...', What do I know?" He asks himself

We all stand before him, looking at him with worry on our faces

"'The Tenth Configuration.' Okay, ten. What is..." Jim continues speaking to himself, "the Tenth Configuration, Tenth Configuration,"

He makes eye contact with me and I offer him a smile

He seems to get an idea as he looks back down at his amulet

"The Tenth Configuration." He says with realization

He looks up at us with eyes wide, not saying anything as he makes eye contact with each of us

"The Configuration is us," He finally states

"The ten of us," Claire realizes

"We can pull Excalibur," Douxie says

"Together," I add

Everyone looks at Jim with smiles on their faces

"Everyone, put your hands on the stone," Jim instructs, "Surround me,"

I walk over, placing my hand on the stone

Douxie walks over, placing his hand next to mine

I turn my head to look at him and smile when I see him already looking at me

"Together," He says

"Together," I repeat

Everyone else adds their hands quickly as Jim climbs up the stone once more

Jim looks down at us, silently asking if we were ready

I nod in response, everyone else following suit

With our confirmation, Jim nods to us before taking a breath and grabbing Excalibur once more

He starts to pull and a blast of magic erupts from the sword as it begins to slowly slide out of the stone

With one final tug, Jim pulls Excalibur from the stone completely, holding it high in the air in triumph

The sword shoots a blast of magic into the sky causing a beam of light to shoot back down, lighting Excalibur with flames

Jim looks at it in amazement before reaching and grabbing the stone from the hilt

A whistling is suddenly heard and we all turn to see Stuart walking out from behind Krel's ship

Stuart stops in his tracks when he sees Jim standing upon the stone, Excalibur in his hand

Stuart visibly defleates, "I knew I shouldn't have take that bathroom break," He says

Jim beckons him over, handing him the amulet and Merlin's stone

"Take this back to Camelot. Replace the amulet stone with Merlin's. I know it goes unsaid, but make it quick," Jim instructs

"Okay, right," Stuart nods in understanding

"Should Douxie or I go with him," I ask, "Make sure he does it properly?"

Jim thinks for a second but shakes his head

"No, we need both of you here if we have any chance of stopping the titan. I trust Stuart will know what to do," Jim says

I nod in understanding and watch as Stuart flies away, off toward Camelot

"'Destiny is a gift,'" Jim quotes

"Our loved ones gave their lives, but we are here in this very moment of quiet desperation," Blinky says

"And we've learned that what feels like a burden pushing down on our shoulders..." Claire continues, looking to Douxie

"Is actually a sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights," Douxie finishes, looking over at me

"We are Arcadia's protectors, and we will no longer run away. The losses we have faced, the challenges we have overcome, have all led to this moment " I say

"Wait, are you guys doing that 'hero speech' thing?" Krel asks excitedly, "I love the 'hero speech' thing,"

"Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valor," Aja steps in

"That to strive in triumph in the face of fear is what makes us heroes," Krel adds

"Don't think," Arrrgh starts

"Become," We all finish

Aja and Krel's alien friend begins to yell, almost as battle cry

I summon my staff as Douxie summons some rune circles

Everyone preparing for the fight

We load up in the taco truck, Blinky driving as the rest of us held on to the top and sides

"Ah, how I've missed driving," Blinky laughs from the front seat

I look back to see the titan still making its approach behind us

"If we stop Bellroc, we'll stop the fire titan," Jim shouts to us

He taps the truck, turning to address Blinky through the open window

"Blinky, we need to be right next to it,"

"Wait, you want us to get on top of that thing? I can't even get to the top of the rope in gym class," Toby says to Jim

"Don't worry, I've got just the thing," Douxie says to everyone

He summons his staff as he shouts a spell

"Lignum Aeternum," He then slams the staff to the taco truck, sending us all flying off into the air for a moment before we are pulled back to the truck

I lift my hand to see the spell had worked, we were able to stick onto the truck, and eventually, the titan

"What was that? I feel all tingly," Toby asks as he lets go of the truck, standing parallel with the road beneath us as his feet stay stuck to the side

He screams in fear, reaching forward to grab the side once more

I stand up, gaining my balance quickly

Douxie walks off and sticks to the side, throwing his arms out in a dramatic fashion as he laughs

I shake my head as I laugh with him at his antics

"Some sort of magical stickum. Varvatos approves," Varvatos says as lifts his foot to test it

"Let's knock Bellroc off her perch," Jim says as he stands up as well, raising his sword

We continue to drive as the titan gains on us, swinging its arm and spraying lava toward us

Blinky manages to dodge the shot and I watch as the lava hits a nearby car

"Slow down, Blinky," Jim instructs, "Get closer,"

I grip my staff in my hand, playing with my ring slightly in anticipation

I feel someone place their hand on mine and I look to see Doxuie's hand with our ring still on his finger

I smile up at him and he smiles back

"Prepare yourselves... now!" Blinky shouts as he slams on the breaks

"Alright, trolhunters, get ready," Jim shouts, "Now!"

He leaps off the truck, Douxie and I following suit as everyone else jumps off one by one

I fly through the air towards the titan, grabbing onto it with my still spelled hands

I smirk at Douxie's magic when suddenly the titan swings its leg, causing everyone to scream

I grip onto the rock as hard as possible until the leg came to a stop

"Come on, Trollhunters," Jim shouts as he begins to scale the titan, everyone climbing up after him

I looked around at everyone as I climbed but I noticed Toby wasn't with us

I turn my head to look back and see him still stuck to the truck

I relax a little knowing he was at least safe with Blinky

I return my attention to the titan as I continue my climb

Jim leads the pack, but he stops at a cliff

"Aja, scout ahead," He shouts

"On it," she responds as she uses her hoverboard to fly around to the front of the titan

We continue climbing as her form disappears around the titan's body

The titan suddenly comes to a stop and I look around the edge to see the Heartstone moving towards us slowly

Determination fills me as I knew we needed to end this here, and now

Jim finishes his climb, as everyone followed behind him

We all pulled ourselves up over the ledge and looked to see Bellroc standing before us

Douxie, Arrrgh, Jim, and I were on one side of Bellroc, the others on the other side

We stood on a rock bridge, lava on either side

"Trollhunters, but you cannot hunt a god," Bellroc says to us as yells out, blasting lava at us

Douxie and I quickly cast a shield, blocking the blast from hitting us as Varvatos does the same for the people on his side

The blast breaks our shield, sending us flying back

Jim lets out a yell and I look up to see him flying off the edge

"Jim!" Claire yells out as his form disappears

I look back towards Bellroc as they prepare another bast

We needed to focus on stopping them, I needed to rust that Jim was ok

"Not good," Arrgh says watching Bellroc

Douxie steps closer to me as we watch as Bellroc begins to float, chanting in an ancient language

Lava flies up from both sides of the bridge

I cast a shield, deflecting the lava as it dies down

I hear a shout and I look to see Varvatos charging Bellroc

Bellroc captures him in a magic cage, stopping his attack

"Be gone," They shout as they launch him through the air and off the edge of the titan

"Varvatos!" Aja shouts in worry but turns and begins to shoot at Bellroc with her cannon

Claire begins to use shadow magic to attack as Krell shoots at them as well

Douxie and I cast our own spells, joining everyone else as we blast Bellroc

Unfortunately, Bellroc had put up a shield, so our blasts were deflected easily

Aja yells as Bellroc hits her with a rock, sending her over the edge of the titna

"Aja!" Krel yells but is quickly forced into combat once more as Bellroc shoots at him

He and Claire scream as Bellroc lifts the rock they were standing on, sending it over the edge

Claire jumps down at the last second, but Krel yells as he falls through the air

"Arrgh get Aja. I got Krel," Claire shouts as she shadow portals away

"Go," Douxie encourages

Arrrgh offers a thumbs up as he runs toward the edge

Now all that was left was Douxie and I

Bellroc shot at us and I quickly deflected, using my staff to send a blast toward them

Bellroc hits it to the side, taking in a breath before shooting a fireball at us

"Tenebrius Excilium," Douxie and I shout together, casting as spell to block the blast

The fireball begins to push us backward, but I add my shadow magic, hitting the fireball back at Bellroc

It manages to hit them and Bellroc shouts in anger as they fall to the ground

Douxie takes the opportunity to rush at them, preparing his staff to hit them,

I follow after him, but my eyes widen as I see Bellroc gripping their own staff

"Douxie," I shout, changing my momentum and pushing him out of the way just as Bellroc strikes

I let out a scream as their staff cuts across my chest, causing me to skid backward

I am still on the titan somehow

I can't seem to focus as I hold a hand to my chest, feeling a warm liquid on my hand

"Yn!" Douxie shouts as he sees me on the ground

His eyes turn blue and he yells as he runs at Bellroc,

However, Bellroc hits him aside, sending him skidding over next to me

He looks down at me and I can't manage to look at him, closing my eyes out of pain

I feel another blast hurtle towards us and a blue light tells me Douxie cast another shield

I feel him grab my arms, guiding me onto his back

I hold onto him as Bellroc forces him backward

He lets out a shout as Bellroc breaks his shield, sending us flying backward off the titan

I hold onto Douxie as we free fall

I gingerly extend my hand, casting a shadow portal and dropping us safely on the ground

I let out a grunt as I slam onto the ground, Douxie slamming down next to me

"Yn," I hear him say as he quickly sits up, leaning over me

I cough, feeling something come up my throat as I did so

"Oh no, no no no no no," I hear Douxie mumble as I feel a pressure on my chest

I groan out at the feeling

"You're gonna be okay" He says to me, but I can tell he didn't believe it

"Doux-," I mumble out, my head turning from side to side

"No, love, please, stay with me," Douxie begs

He reaches up and takes his sweatshirt off

I feel him tie it around my wound, ensuring the knot was tight

"Come on, let's go see the others, they can help," He says to me

I nod and he helps me to stand

I wobble, my eyesight flickering in and out as my mind tries to focus

All of my weight was on Douxie

I could feel him collapse, being hurt himself

"Careful," I hear a voice say and I look over to see a blurry Arrrgh supporting Douxie

I smile at him in thanks and we walk over, joining the others

"He's alone, no armor," Claire was saying as we approach, "we need to help him," She turns away from the titan and sees Douxie and I

She gasps out at the blood likely leaking down my torso

"yn-" She says quietly

"no, we- need to- to- help Jim first," I gasp out, "We can heal me- later,"

"Yn," Douxie starts

"Doux," I reply

He sighs before turning to Claire

"Can you shadow-portal us back?" He asks her

"I've tried. I'm spent," Claire says, "And Yn is clearly in no condition either. Besides, Bellroc's magic is too strong," She says defeated

"Wait," Toby gasps out, "Magic,"

He rushes into the driver's side of the taco truck and we watch as he speeds towards the titan

We call out for him, but he drives right past, determined

My legs begin to give way and I feel Douxie help lower me to the ground, a coughing fit hitting me

I cover my mouth with my hand and once the fit was over I look to see it was covered in blood

"Yn!" I hear the others say my name with worry

I use my hand to put pressure on my wound, feeling the blood that had soaked through Douxie's sweatshirt

"Does anyone have anything to help her," Douxie asks, worried,

Everyone shakes their head somberly

"Merlin never taught me healing that stubborn old man,"Douxie says to himself as he moves my hand, placing his in my place

Suddenly I see a green light fly through the air

I reach my hand out toward it, pointing at it weakly

The others shift their gaze to see it

Claire gasps with happiness

We all knew what it was

Merlin's amulet

Jim was ok, and he had a chance of winning against Bellroc

He watched as a blue light flashed against lava on top of the titan

All of us holding our breath

A ray suddenly shot from the ground and I shifted m head to see it was coming from the taco truck

"Toby- yo-you genius-" I murmur with a smile on my face,

I feel Douxie grab my hand, holding it in his as we all watch, helpless

I trusted that Jim would end this, he was the trollhunter afterall

There is an explosion near the titan and I see Jim leaning over the edge

He had done it

He defeated Bellroc

"He did it," Doxie says happily

But we don't get much time to celebrate, without its pilot, the titan begins to crumble

A blast of magic shoots through the air, Douxie leaning over me to protect me from the falling debris

Once the dust settles the others race off in search of Jim

Douxie leans down and helps me to stand as we follow behind

I hear the others shout as they continued their search

I limped along the road, stumbling often

We finally catch up to the others who had stopped in their tracks

"Where is he," Claire asks

I look over to see Jim walking toward us

"There," I say quietly, pointing

Claire hears me and looks to see Jim limping toward us

"Huzzah!" Blinky shouts

"Jim!" Claire cries happily as everyone races towards him

Douxie and I hang back, my head feeling lighter as the blood loss catches up to me

"Douxie," I mumble and he looks to see my pale face

He rushes me to the side and rests me against a nearby rock

He brushes the hair out of my face and I smile at him weakly

"Hey," I say to him

"Hey," He says back, his voice cracking

"We did it," I say

"We did," He repeats

I look over to see Eli and Steve arriving in their truck

"Everyone is safe," I note

Douxie looks back to see Steve walk out with kids in his hand

"Not everyone, " He says looking back at me

I reach out, trying to touch his face, but my arm wouldn't extend

Douxie grabs my hand, guiding it to his face

"I love you, Doux," I say as my eyes begin to flutter

I hear him sniffle as his grip on my hand tightens

"I love you too," he says as he leans down, resting his head on mine

I see the others race off, likely looking for Toby

I sigh out, glad to know they were safe,

They didn't know I was dying, but they didn't need to, they just needed to live on happily

I close my eyes, but there was one last thing I needed to say

"Doux- ie," I mutter, barely able to speak as I squint up at him

He leans back and looks at me

"Yeah," he asks, his voice breaking

"It's not- your fau-lt. I cho-se to save you. Be-besdies, you already- go-t to d-ie. M-y turn," I say with a smile forming on my face

"You buttsnack," Douxie says, his laughter quickly turning to sobs

With that I sigh out, black began to seep into my vision

Before everything goes dark I see a burst of green light

And then, I feel nothing

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