Playing With The Devil

By DeadNights24

22.4K 403 50

Aidan forces his friend to let him tag along to a kink/BDSM party but quickly finds himself overwhelmed, deci... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Completed - Technically

Chapter 3

747 16 7
By DeadNights24

I woke up a few hours later. A clock on Aidan's side of the bed read 3.44 am. A soft groan escaped my lips. I was still hard, or at least I'd become hard again from whatever dream I'd been having. I wasn't quite sure which it was, but regardless, I needed to do something about it this time. Aidan was facing the opposite way to me now, his back pressed into my chest. I shifted my hips upwards to get more comfortable, and maybe so I could move out to the bathroom to deal with it when I heard a moan beside me. Realisation set in as I felt my cock wet and enclosed around something tight.

I looked down at my crotch, the sweatpants down about my knees with my underwear. My length was up in between his thighs and halfway inside him. Countless thoughts ran through my mind as I tried to figure out the most logical explanation. I knew I had told him to look after it if it was still hard if he woke up, but I didn't expect anything like this. I was expecting a blowjob or maybe he'd wake me up and ask for something. I mostly hoped it would simply die on its own and we would wake up refreshed instead. But if he was okay with this, maybe I could go further. Wake him.

I gently shook his shoulder and whispered, "Aidan."

"Hmm?" he groaned.

"Do I have permission to move inside you?" I asked gently. Only halfway in and I was begging for more. I wanted to push myself further, hear him scream. Gabe, calm down. Gentle first.

"Mmm..." he said sleepily.

"I need words," I said. I lifted his leg slightly, slipping my length out of him. He let out a loose whimper, his fingers gripping the pillow under him.

"Ye-... Yes," he mumbled tiredly.

I gently laid him on his back, kicking off the pants and underwear. This was messy, but as long as I kept checking in, we could make it work. I moved on top of him and spread his legs to give me room. His briefs were on the floor next to us. I leaned down and started to leave kisses along his neck, nipping gently after each one. I kept it gentle, but still knew they would leave marks. He let out soft whimpers, his breath becoming shaky.

I breathed in to keep myself in control. I was going to be gentle. I constantly reminded myself. I wanted to make this comfortable and enjoyable for him. My hand went down his body. As I reached his clit, I rubbed my thumb over it. A louder moan left his lips and I groaned at the sound alone. That's what I was looking for. Gorgeous.

"If you get dysphoric, please God, let me know," I whispered. I slid a finger inside him, curling it. "I'm going to make this feel good, not bad."

"Okay... Okay," he whispered tiredly.

I leaned up, moving my finger inside him, slipping in a second soon after. I watched his eyelids flutter open, his lips parting further as his moans became more audible. He was more awake now, able to properly see and understand what we were doing. He looked so adorable in the hoodie; it was so big on him. I wonder how he'd look in one of mine. My fingers slid out of him, and I placed them in my mouth, licking up his juices. Even in the almost pitch-dark room, with just the moonlight filtering through the window, I could see how flustered he was becoming. His hands went up to his face, hiding behind his sleeves.

I lifted his hips, lining my cock with his entrance. I looked to him for one last confirmation and with his nod, I pushed in slowly. His back arched, and a loud whimper echoed through the room. His hands went up instantly to my waist as I slid further into him. His fingers gripped at me, his nails digging into my hips, whimpering louder still as I stretched him. His body tensed causing his walls to tighten around my cock. I was already going slow. The trauma he'd gone through was clearly not out of his system and he needed me to do better. I needed to keep him talking and go slower. I didn't care how slow, I only cared for his comfort.

"Sl-... Slow, slow, please," he groaned. "I'm worried I can't take it all... I tried earlier."

"I noticed," I pressed my lips to his then whispered against them. "I won't go all in. I can get off with just a bit in or half. We're going at your pace, understood?"

He nodded quickly, relaxing his body as best he could. He was still scared about sex, and I wasn't about to ruin it. I was barely half inside him once again and began to move slowly, making sure not to push any more of me inside. His body relaxed further, and soft, sweet moans slipped by his lips. My forehead rested on his, our moans mixing as we moved. His hands moved up my body, taking the jumper with him. He lifted it over my head, and I threw it to the side. He placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as I sped up.

"A-Ah, ah, Daddy!" he let out loudly.

I faltered, gripping the bed sheet beside us, and pressing my fist into the mattress to steady myself. I wanted so badly to thrust in deeper, to hear him scream it more. But I wasn't going to let such animalistic behaviour show itself when he was only just beginning to trust again. His hands moved up and his fingers tangled into my hair. He pulled my head down and pressed his lips to mine. I could feel the words forming against my lips, the soft 'Daddy' he whispered to me as we moved, as we kissed.

"Deeper Daddy, please," he suddenly whimpered. "Try-... Try, please, just a little."

With each thrust, I moved a little deeper. I ran one hand down his body and began to stimulate his clit. His hips thrust forward, causing more of my cock inside him than either of us had expected. I pulled away from the kiss to see a couple of tears going down his face. I gasped, my movements stopping instantly. Despite the pain he had just gone through, he hadn't made a sound yet.

"Wa-... Wait, stop, please!" he screamed suddenly as his mind caught up with his body.

I gently slid out of him, holding his hips in place so he doesn't move. Loud whimpers escaped his precious lips. Oh, God, I'm so sorry, Aidan. I mean it, I'll make it better. I didn't have time to say anything about aftercare when the light flashed on. Our heads turned towards the door. Alyssa stood there, a bat in hand. Her eyes narrowed on me. She was gritting her teeth and I raised an eyebrow in surprise. If she killed me here and now, I'd understand why. He'd screamed in pain, for me to stop. But that wasn't the whole story. She moved forward with determination.

"Give me a reason," she growled. "Get out!"

"He's good," Aidan stuttered. "Please, Alyssa, he just..."

Alyssa's eyes grew wider as she glanced down at my erection. A quick look, but she knew what we'd been doing. Raising the bat, she stared directly into my eyes after. As if her very soul could ignite me and send me away. Far, far away.

"Can I deliver aftercare first?" I asked politely. Please, Alyssa? He needs me.

"Alyssa, I gave him per-..." Aidan began.

"Aidan please!" she yelled, cutting him off and pointing at my cock with the bat. "You're not ready for that."

"I know myself!" he screamed.

Alyssa stepped back. Shock ruled her face as she looked at Aidan. He'd clearly never snapped like this before, and it was hard coming to terms with it. I moved off Aidan and leaned down to pick up the sweatpants. I pulled them on and turned my attention to Aidan. Even if I had to leave after this, I was going to deliver some form of aftercare and make sure he was okay beforehand.

"Do you want any aftercare?" I asked quickly.

"Please," he nodded, pulling the blanket up over his body.

"He seems to know what he wants," I muttered. Walking towards the door, I feel the bat press into my lower back. I grunted softly, turning ever so slightly so I could see her. "What?"

"Two things," she forced out. "One, I'll let you both do whatever you want together but if he ever changes, if he ever looks badly hurt, if he ever ends up in the hospital again, I'm going to murder you myself."

"Understood," I said. Seemed reasonable. "And number two?"

"I'll come downstairs with you and show you his favourite," she said.

Her arm lowered. The bat dragged along the ground as we walked downstairs. It was silent most of the way, with the odd groan or grumble from Alyssa. When we reached the fridge, she pointed out the juice boxes and a couple of his favourite snacks to me.

"I'm trying not to come off as a dick," I began, but that wasn't the best start, I admitted. "I need you to understand that I only did what we both wanted. He did give me consent."

"Did he tell you what happened?" she asked, avoiding my statement.

"He showed me," I replied.

I held out a packet of chocolates for confirmation and she nodded. Though her face told a different story. She was shocked. Her lips opened wide, her eyes tearing up.

"Showed you?" she breathed out.

"He brought up an article and he had..." I breathed in deeply to hold in my anger. Though what came out next was venomous. "He showed me the videos too, and I wanted to do so much to those men... They're not even men, they're monsters."

"Unfortunately, they're more real than monsters," she sighed sadly.

I wanted to tell her I understood now and that I would be good to him. But that wasn't entirely true. I couldn't fully understand. Not to that degree at least.

"I am truly sorry," I said. I looked directly at her this time, hoping she realised my sincerity. "We weren't meant to get physical; he changed his mind and I..."

"Please, just tell me you weren't too rough with him. But, I mean, you also didn't... finish," she gestured at my crotch.

"I kept it gentle, slow," I explained. "He could barely take me; I wasn't going to force it in."

"His body tenses up too much from trauma, it's good you took it slow. He comes to me to ask how to relax sometimes... when he's uh... masturbating. Sometimes that hurts too."

"I noticed how tense he was, but I'm proud of him. He took a step forward but he's probably in some pain though."

"Pain?" she asked, anger flashing across her face. "Is that why he screamed stop?"

"He thrust his hips upwards unexpectedly... It was nothing, I stopped moving. He told me to stop, and I did. Nothing more," I said, putting my hands up defensively.

"He got more of you than he thought he would," she added. "You're doing the right thing right now and... and thank you for stopping. Now go up to him, keep it down. Some people are trying to sleep."

We parted ways at the entry of the kitchen. I looked to where she was heading, seeing quite a bit of rope and a couple of paddles in the lounge room. I chuckled softly at the thought, wondering what role she played. I hopped up two steps at a time to get back to Aidan's room faster. When I reached his room, he was sitting up against the headboard. His phone in hand, scrolling through some sort of news feed. He glanced up when I entered and smiled. It was different from earlier, wider now. Happier. I sat on the edge of the bed, holding out the juice box. He took it and I placed the snacks on top of his whiteboard.

"I brought some snacks as well," I said softly. My hand came up to his cheek and wiped away a stray tear. "I'm sorry if it was rougher than you wanted."

"Felt good actually." He popped the straw into the box, sipping lightly. "I'm... I'm sorry that you..."

"I can deal with it," I shook my head. "I'll go masturbate or... or something soon. Right now, I'm making sure you're okay."

"You should know I wanted it, I wanted you to have sex with me. It just... was sudden and hurt," he said in between a sip then gestured over to his computer chair. "Your phone's been going off."

I opened my mouth to ask another question when I heard my phone buzzing over on the computer chair. Of course, it interrupts our aftercare. Though, I'm happy he affirmed his want for what we did. I rolled my eyes as I got up, jogging over and sifting through my trousers for it. I check the ID first. Irene. She wasn't asleep yet. My eyes looked over to the window and I saw a light turned on next door.

I answered the phone incredulously, "You should be in bed, Kitten."

Aidan was watching me curiously from the bed. I sauntered over to the window and peered out. I spot her at the window opposite, waving to me. I returned the wave half-heartedly. I wasn't in the mood to have my rules thrown out the window simply because I didn't come home as expected.

"Did you just fuck Aidan Walters?" comes through the phone.

I felt a tug on my arm. Looking down, I saw Aidan standing beside me. He held onto me gently, his face scrunched up. Was he still in pain? I would have thought it had subsided by now, though the shock and his pain tolerance would have an impact on that.

"She knows my name," he mumbled. Oh.

I turn the phone on speaker and look back out the window, "You followed the court case I'm assuming, little Kitten?"

"Oh, so you know what happened to him?" she asked. "And you still fucked him? Did he want it?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I growled. "And we didn't exactly... It didn't go as far as you think."

"He's shaking," she said bluntly, ignoring my question for the moment. "And I'm asking because I know how you like to fuck. He wouldn't be able to take it straight away."

I tilted my head down. His left leg was buckling. Shit. I leaned down and lifted him, his legs moving around my waist instantly. I grunted under my breath. Skin-to-skin. Nothing in between. I ignored the fact I could feel his lower body completely against my upper body. Bare. Fuck...

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

"Never heard you this gentle before, Daddy," Irene giggled through the phone, her whole demeanour changing. She whined her next words. "This is new. I want to meet him."

"Don't think that you being all cute is getting you out of a punishment when I come back in the morning," I retorted, my voice becoming softer when I refocused on Aidan. "Sweetheart, please, are you okay?"

He nodded, tilting his head up to whisper in my ear, "I think you stretched me a bit too much when I accidentally... lifted."

"Listen, Irene," I said. "I need to take care of him. If he wants to meet you, he will. But be a good girl while I'm over here."

"Can't make me," she giggled. "But do keep being gentle, it's adorable Daddy."

I hit the call end button and threw my phone towards the chair. Ignoring whether it actually made it or not, I walked Aidan over to the bed and laid him on the edge. If I'd made him bleed or caused more problems between us, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

"Let me check, please," I said. "I won't touch you in any sexual way."

He laid himself back on the bed and hesitantly spread his legs. I didn't notice any blood earlier while we were still on the bed but there was a pinkish tone to him. At least nothing looked torn. And it would probably only mean limping for a little bit tomorrow.

"You look perfect," I smiled. "Nothing torn, it was probably just the shock mixed with the pain."

He pushed himself back up, propping himself up with his elbows. I leaned over and picked up his underwear, holding it out to him. He took it thankfully, pulling it back on quickly.

"Who's Irene?" he asks awkwardly. "You... We didn't um... She's not like a girlfriend?"

"Oh, no, no," I said, shaking my head. "Good friend and roommate. We look after each other, that's all. I can explain it better later, if you want?"

He sighed with relief. "Yes, please. Thank you for telling me."

"I'll go take care of myself and then come back, alright?" I said. "If you still want me here."

"Yes uh... Yes, please," he softly said.

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