Playing With the Boys

By Mandalorian-T-70

12.9K 287 210

Rose Bradshaw has worked hard to get to where she is, being the only girl to keep going out of the small grou... More

~Hello There~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
ON Hold, I'm sorry.

Chapter 4

955 22 22
By Mandalorian-T-70

As the night went one was on my third glass of cola and the boys on their second bottle of beer, nothing much was happening we were just having a good time, laughing, joking talking to some of the other pilots finding out that not all of them are big dickhead such as Slider and Iceman,

"All right the bet is $20"

Goose called out after we were just sitting for a little bit, I forgot all about this bet thing the boys have made up for themselves.

"You have to have carnal knowledge, of a lady this time, On the Premises"

Goose informed Mav who just repeated whatever Goose was saying, I stayed out of it's got nothing to do with me but it was fun to watch, I'll give them that. I could see Mav looking around the room before looking at me, giving me a goofy smile as he leaned on the Bar

"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"

All I could do was laugh as Goose told him off, would have been the easiest $20 of his life.

"Not Her Mav, that does not count, just no"

Letting Goose pull him away Mav just smiled before looking around the room again, then nodded his head over to the other die of the Bar where a woman sat in a pink cardigan with a white polo shirt under it, blonde slightly curly bobbed hair, she looked pretty.

"What happens if I lose?"

Mav then asked making me chuckle like he was going to lose, any woman would happily pull him home with them, Goose looked at him then looked up at the roof thinking of something,

"You by the next round of drinks"

Was Goose's answer, not much of a bad thing to happen, Mav then took a big mouth full of his beer before patting us both on the back and moving in for the kill.

I watched him walk around the bar coming up to the side of the woman saying something to her, making her smile, and waving her hand to the set next to her which Mav then took, I watched them talk for sometime before feeling like someone was watching me looking to my side I saw Goose looking at me,


I asked him trying to work out why he was looking at me and not watching Mav.

"Am just waiting for the day that you and Mav stop doing this dance you both have going on",

My eyes widened at his comment, thinking I had covered up any and all feeling I had for Mav so no one would see, but I guess you can never cover anything up from your brother, they are like mothers they always know, I guess since I did not say anything back Goose kept taking,

"I know you're going to say there's nothing there, but am not blind or stupid Rosie, no matter what you, Mav, or my wife says, I can see it, Carole can see it she always asks in her letter and phone calls if you two have finally gone for it and I have to keep telling her no, they're stupid,"

He stopped talking to take a sip of his drink, looking away from me to Mav.

"You've not dated anyone since, god I can't even remember, and Him, all he does is have one-night stands, and even if he does get a girlfriend they only last a week if not less, take blondie over there, he probably just going to have a one night stand and then forget all about her,"

Taking in a beath breath thinking of my words very carefully to try and lie my way out of all of this,

"Goosie there is nothing, me and Mav are not dancing around anything, Hell if Mav even likes me, why would he wanna go out on dates and sleep with other women, would he not be trying to get it on with me? Also if you want me and Mav to get together then why did you pull him away when he make that cheesy comment before when you made the bet"

Goose placed his bottle on the bar turning so he was fully facing me, leaning down a little to get almost eye level with me, looking me deep in the eye,

"Because, you both probably think this friendship is too good to mess up, your both worried that if you stepped over that line you both won't be the same as you are now, and Mav, he probably worries that Mine and his friendship will change, when Rosie out of every man I have seen hit on you, that I have seen you date, Mav is, and I mean this when I say this, is the only person I ever wanna see you with, but I want you two to find that out on your own and not have me pushing you together,"

I took in his words, knowing they were true, it is the one thing I worry about, but I never thought Mav would feel the same way, I closed my eye for a moment before opening them again having Goose still looking at me, not wanting to look at him anymore I looked over to where Mav was still talking to the woman but even then I could not look at that knowing what may happen with them,

This has to be the only moment in my life I wish I drank alcohol.

"Goosie, I ... I don't know what to do Goosie, your right, as always but, I can't"

I did not know what I was trying to say, and I think Goose know that, putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me into a hug, kissing the top of my head, whispering it's going to be ok into my hair.

As we hugged I did not see Mav getting up and making his way back over to us,

"Everything ok?"

He asked getting to our side, Goose pulled away answering before I could think of anything to say, I just looked at Mav blankly, waiting for him to say he was leaving with his new lady friends,

"She just sleepy that's all, you know what she like, works too hard that she can never have fun"

As Goose spoke he messed up my hair, Mav looked at me giving me a sweet smile, moving close to me taking my arms and pulling me into him, hugging me as well, Thank you Mother Goose for being fast-thinking,

"Well we best get you home then sweetheart"

I pulled away from him, smiling pulling my glass down, I do feel sleepy but I like being out with the boys,

"It's fine Mav, Goose and I can head home, You go have fun with your lady friend"

I tell him, to which he makes a funny face, shaking his head.

"Believe it or not, it didn't work out, I guess she is not that into the best of the best pilots"

My first thought in hearing Mav saying that was, Has she been hit on the head,

"WooW Drinks are on you next time, don't think just because we are not drinking them now that you're get away with it, Really she was not interested, You must be losing your touch Mav"

Goose said laughing hitting Mav on the shoulder.

As we headed out of the Bar Mav Picked up his brown leather bomber Jacket that he, Like a smart person had taken with him knowing the nights can get cold when the sun goes down, but instead of putting it on, he opened it up the inside facing me, telling me to put my arms in, I did what I was told, ones my arms were in Mav came to stand in fount of me pulling the zipper up, but stopping just belove my collar bone.

"I can zip a jacket up Mav"

I tell him as I pull the slaves up so they were not hanging off my arms, not my first time in this Jacket but it still makes me laugh on the inside at how big it is on me, am starting to believe everything is big on me and my twig body,

"Just being a gentleman sweetheart"

Mav replied putting his arm around my shoulder and leading us out of the bar, the walk home was not long but it was nice, I kept asking Mav if he was cold and wanted his Jacked back but he always answered No, But Goose would say Yes asking when it was his turn to get the Jacket and if I moved to take it off Mav would take a hold of my arms with his free hand to stop me, telling Goose he should have taken a jacket with him,

Once we were home, I took a fast shower grabbed a glass of water, giving Goose a goodnight kiss on the cheek as he wanted to stay up just a little longer to write Carole a letter, yeah he calls her but he loves to send her letter with photos he takes and Carole, she loves getting them, the last time we were home she showed me a box that she had full of letter from him keeping every one of them, they are so sweet it makes my lonely heart hurt, but it also makes me happy to know my brother has found the love of his life and that she loves him back just as much as he loves her.

The next day we all sat in a hanger, chairs, and tables set up with a chalkboard and desk at the front like a little classroom, yet this one had a view of our Fighter jets just sitting outside the big hanger doors, all in our Flight suits as we are going in the air today, won't say am nervous it more wondering what everyone will think of my flying,

I sat with Mav and Goose, BullDog was sitting next to Slider, who was next to Iceman, they did not say anything to us as we walked in, but then again most of them all with sunglasses on in a hanger where the sun was not really getting in so I go with they all had a little so much fun and no have a headache from it,

Sitting between Goose and Mav listening to Jester talk, Goose was drawing in his notebook as, Mav players with his Pen,

"Now, you'll also be trained and evaluated by a few civilian specialists. The civilians are here because they are our very best source of information on enemy Aircraft. One of the most qualified is our TAGREP, Callsign, Charlie, She has a Ph.D. in astrophysics, and she's also a civilian contractor, so you do not salute her, But you better listen to her, Because the pentagon listens to her about you proficiency"

Jester gave us a big speech, a woman, be nice to see another woman in a room full of men, I looked up just as she turned around and almost choked on my salver, it was the same woman from the bar last night that Mav was trying to chat up,

Goose leaned over commenting on it as he takes off his sunglasses, as the same time Mav puts his sunglasses on, I wonder if he feel embarrassed that she said no, or that she turned out to be someone working at Top Gun,

One thing I did know going from the sound of chairs moving around me, was all the men now sitting up in their chairs, as Charlie said hello to us all.

I leaned close to Mav to whisper to him,

"Good thinking Batman, she not going to recognize you Clark Kent, Do you think she remembers you and is now kicking herself for not going home with you?"

"Maybe and No, she was very much not interested the moment I sat down, my ego is a little hurt"

I laughed softly as his comment,

"We will be dealing with F-5s and A-4s as our MiG simulators, Now, then as most of you know the F-5 doesn't have the thrust-to-weight ratio that the MiG-28 has and it doesn't bleed energy below 300 knots like the MiG-28, However, The Mi|G-28 does have a problem with its inverted flight tanks, It won't do a negative- pushover"

I stopped listening to her the moment Goose leaned over me to talk to Mav.

"Do you think she knows about our MiG?"

"If she did then she know that I could"

Mav replied, making me smile as they both went on for some time talking about it, Charlie's voice becoming background noise as I just listen to the boys,

"Or maybe she knows and she just wants to see if any of us know, could be a test"

I butted in, Goose made a funny face, sounding like a child when he says he hates tests, but it appears that our little chat did not go unnoticed by Charlie

"Excuse me, Lieutenant. Is there something wrong?"

She spoke making us stop, Goose went back to drawing as I and Mav looked at Charlie, I just smiled.

"Yes, Ma'am, the data on the MiG is inaccurate"

Mav tells her, to which she just smiles at him, the same smile someone would give a kid when they tell the stupidest story ever about a dragon and a unicorn being friends,

"How's that, Lieutenant?"

I take it back, having another woman around is not going to be fun is she going to act like some stuck-up lady in a soft plush chair in her office that just knows stuff from what she read and not from what she seen and felt in the air,

I turned my head to watch Mav as he took off his Sunglasses looking right at Charlie.

"Well, I just happened to see a MiG-28 do"

"We, We"

Goose jumped in as Mav spoke, I laughed at the look on Goose's face, of 'How could you forget about me

"Sorry Goose, We happened to see a MiG-28 do a four-G negative dive."

I tried holding in my laugh when seeing a big smile form on Goose's face when Mav repeated what he said before but added in 'We', Charlie, on the other hand, was still not buying it, Asking Mav where he saw it,

"That's classified"

After saying that Mav turned to look at me and Goose and gave us a wink with his eyes that was out of Charlie site, I just rolled my eyes at him still smiling like an idiot, God this man can not go a day without being a cheeky shit head,

"It's what?"

She asked, giving him a confused look before looking at me and Goose I just shrugged my shoulders, as Goose did the same but added his hand into the mix, Really I should just say it's not, since she does have clearance but I wanted to see where Mav was going to talk this,

"It's Classified, I could tell you, But then I'd have to kill you"

What he said has other people laughing, Part from Charlie.

"Lieutenant, I have top-secret clearance, The pentagon sees to it that I know more than you,"

She sounds Pissed and not having any of Mav's shit, which makes this even better, I'm now leaning on my left elbow on Mav's small table that is attached to his chair, my chin resting my a closed fist as I let my eyes dart between Mav and Charlie like a game of tennis

"Well, Ma'am, It doesn't seem so in this case, now does it?"

Part of me is telling me to stop Mav before he puts himself into a very big hole but the other part of me is having too much fun,

"So, Lieutenant, Where exactly were you?"

Charlie asked, sitting herself down on the desk, Mav turned his head to look at Goose then to me winking again making me smile like a school girl,

"Well We"

He stated emphasizing the 'We' getting a Thank you from Goose, as he then starts to use his hands to tell his story as if his hands were the jets, something that I always love him doing, it's cute but also something else at the same time.

"Started up on his 6 when he pulled through the clouds, Then I moved in above him"

"Well, if you were directly above him, How could you see him?"

"Because I was inverted"

Mav told her moving his hands to show the Jets again but this time one of his hands lightly tapped my nose as he moved his hands around, I pulled my head back it did not hurt but it made me jump, Mav mouthed a Sorry at me just as someone coughed a "BullShit" from the other side, looking over I could see Iceman with his hand in front of his mouth as Slider and BullDog laughed, .. DickHeads

"No, He was, man, It was a really Great Move, He was inverted"

Goose pipped up, to which I just nodded my head, I was there after all,

"You were in a four-G inverted dive with a MiG-28?"

Does this woman still not believe him, still questioning things,

"At what Range?"

She then asked

"About Two Meters,"

Mav said looking at me and Goose,

"Well I said it was about one and a Half"

I finally jumped in, to which Goose added he has a Polaroid of it, that he said he would bring in some time and show everyone,

"What were you doing there?"

Charlie asked, I still don't think she believes any of this, Goose then cleared his throat


"Keeping up foreign relations, I was you know, giving him the bird"

Oh was she not happy about that, the sound that came out of her mouth is the one you hear from your mother when you tell her something you thought was really cool, but in fact, it was really stupid and she now has to sort it out, But Goose did not read into it, thinking she did not know what the bird was,

"You know, the Finger"

Goose said putting his middle finger up as he said it, and once again Charlie is not looking amused

"Yes, I know the finger Goose"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I hate it when it does that, I'm sorry,"

In saying that everyone was snickering, I don't know if it was at Goose or with him, Charlie then looked right at me, then moved her eyes down, going on where she was looking it was at my Name patch,

"Lieutenant Bradshaw, Did you see this?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"And where were you?"

Great now it's my turn to get the 20 questions,

"I was behind them Ma'am, I had my missiles locked on just in case they did anything funny"

I tell her, as she nodes her head, looking away from me to look around the room before landing back on me again,

"Lieutenant, were your RIO?"

Without looking I pointed behind me to where BullDog is sitting,

"Over there"

"And why are you not sitting with him?"

Oh, here we go, I took in a deep breath of air before puffing it out, sitting up more in my chair,

"Because Ma'am I'm not his mother I don't tell him where to sit"

Once I said that I could hear people making Oh sounds like they're in high school and someone just talked back to the teacher, Charlie just looked at me in silence for a moment as if she was working something, out,

"No Callsign"

"No Ma'am"

"And you always sit with them"

"Yes Ma'am"

I really could not make out where she was going with this, but she seem to be working something out going by the look in her eyes.

"All right Gentleman, we have a hop to take, The hard deck on this hop will be 10,000 feet, there'll be no engagement below that"

The moment Jester started taking everyone started to get putting all their stuff away, heading off to the changing rooms to get our anti-g suit on.

Walking in the middle of Mav and Goose we were laughing about Goose giving Charlie the finger when a woman's voice shouted Lieutenant, making us all stop and look behind us to see Charlie there, speak of the devil and he shall appear.

When Seeing Charlie Goose turned to Mav

"Okay, well, Don't be late again, You look great honey"

He tells Mav as he sorted out his fight suit collar, Running off before Charlie got any closer.

"I'm just going to go with him"

I said pointing my thumb in the directions Goose ran off in, Mav smiled stopping me before I could move to place his hands on either side of my face looking my face over, getting a What from me

"I'm just checking your face I did hit it remember"

"Mav it was just a top, am fine"

I tell him, seeing out the corner of my eye that Charlie was standing there waiting, I don't know if Mav was doing this to by himself more time in not having to talk to her or if he was still in a cheeky mood and wanting to piss her off some more by making her wait, because I know that he knows it was only a soft tap nothing more,

"Look if it bothers you so much, you can kiss it better after the hop"

I said teasing him getting a big bright smile from him, as he let my face go, the moment he did I was moving backward,

"I'll hold you to that"

He shouted after me, as I hurried along to the locker room, hopefully, I can just get into my locked get my G-suit and put it on without having to deal with all the men, No one should be changing I hope, I really don't wanna see any naked hair asses.


Here we are Chapter 4 sorry for the wait, am a little under the weather right now.

Hope you all Enjoy this, I don't know if am going to make Rose and Charlie hate each other or just have Rose be annoyed by Charlie now and then LoL.

ALSO sorry again for the long chapter, Unless you like longer chapter then have fun. 

As always tell me what you think Good or Bad I don't mind =) 

Until next time =) 

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