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The braxtons have been abused by their father for many years but what you might not know is that they have a... More

chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

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Summer's first day was spent mostly following Sasha around and having Sasha talk non-stop at her. Summer didn't mind though because it eliminated any awkward silences that may have occurred. At break they met with April and Casey and the same again at lunch time. Casey had hoped that this would put Summer at ease but according to Sasha, Summer had become even quieter in front of Casey.

Casey pondered this as he sat in Bianca's class; he stared towards the front of the class whilst he wondered what he could do to help Summer settle in. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't notice the bell ring for the end of the school day nor his peers leaving until Bianca and April stirred him.

"What's going on Casey? You've not been with it all lesson." Bianca smiled, any other teacher would have berated him for it.

"I've just been thinking about Summer and everything that's happened." Casey responded dejectedly.

"I know it must be hard to take in but just think how much this is affecting her." Bianca sat down in front of Casey whilst April remained at his side. "All you can do is be there for her right now; she will come out of her shell in her own time."

"In the meantime we can just make her feel as welcome as possible." April smiled and then looked up to see Sasha standing at the door with Summer.

"I didn't know what your plans were after school. I've got to go back home and wasn't sure whether Summer was comfortable walking home alone." Sasha smiled and Summer nodded.

"Hey Sash, what a lovely thought." Bianca smiled.

"I have to hit the books for this biology assignment, so I'll leave you to it." April smiled before leaving behind Sasha to let the Braxton's bond.

"Hey Summer are you ok?" Bianca asked noticing the young girl shivering.

"Yeah, just a little cold." Summer smiled lightly rubbing her arms.

"Here have my jacket." Casey said handing his sister his school jacket, which she took gratefully. Casey laughed as she put it on only for it to completely drown her, Summer laughed too and the barrier was broken down just a little bit more.

The youngest Braxton's walked together along the bay front, the silence wasn't quite as uncomfortable as before. Casey looked at his little sister in wonder, he still couldn't comprehend how he could forget his little sister. "You ok?" Summer asked suddenly, perhaps Casey had stared too long drawing her attention to him.

"Yeah." Casey shrugged, unsure of what to say. "Do you want a coffee? Are you even allowed coffee?" Casey asked.
Summer gave a slight giggle at having caught her brother staring before answering, "Yes I'm allowed a coffee. That would be lovely, I'm still pretty cold despite your tent."

Casey put his arm around his little sister and guided her towards the diner, pleased that at least now she had started to talk to him. But he couldn't help but feel guilty for having blocked her from his memory, not that he remembered much of his childhood anyway.

Having bought their coffees, Casey and Summer walked along the pier and settled sitting on the fencing towards the bottom. Summer's head was still spinning, this time last week she had been living with her uncle and now she was back with her 3 brothers; whom she hadn't lived with since she was 4 years old. She desperately wanted to form a new life in Summer Bay but she was struggling with the sudden amount of family in her life, she'd always been on her own.

"So you must have been 6 when I left?" Summer asked, breaking the ice.

"I think so." Casey pondered for a minute, "Dad went to prison when I was 7."

Another silence fell upon the youngsters but Casey pushed the issue, remembering Brax's concerns "What do you remember from back then? Was it for the best that you moved away, with Richard?"

Beneath the pier, Brax stopped in his tracks as he heard Casey talking to Summer. Not wanting to make his presence known, he remained underneath the pier waiting to hear Summer's answer.
"I don't know, I remember Heath being hurt all the time and I don't know I'm only 11. I do remember a lot of yelling and you crying as Brax hid us in a corner away from him." Summer spoke quietly. "I remember it all stopped when Brax took me to Richard's, but I was so confused and Richard wasn't exactly supportive.

Brax's breath caught in his throat, was he about to learn Summer's secret? About her life with Richard? But just then, Casey ruined it. "It's ok Sum, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Casey said, putting his arms around his sister. At that moment Brax cursed Casey's sweet nature, he had been so close to being able to find out what was going on. Brax shook his head and was about to head home when the siblings spoke again.

"I know everyone wants to know about what happened." Summer said quietly, her voice strained as a tear escaped her eye. "I just can't right now. I know Brax and you all will be angry with me, I've caused so many problems."

Brax's heart broke in that very moment, how could she think that? There was no way he would be angry at her, if anything she should be angry at him for abandoning her. He'd tried to continue his visits to see her but Richard had threatened them on their last visit.

"I've caused my fair share of problems kiddo and Brax has never turned his back on me. Whatever you think you've done, which you've probably not actually done, Brax will still love you." Casey said wiping his sisters tear away, looking into the younger girls eyes; so vulnerable. "And when you want to tell us what is going on in your head, we will be here for you."
Brax smiled to himself, finally leaving his hiding spot and heading home. Casey had a wise head on those young shoulders, there was certainly more to the young River boy than met the eye. As Brax walked, he couldn't help but feel tears form in his own eyes as he grieved for the childhood his siblings had been denied, despite his best efforts.
Casey and Summer continued to sit together on the pier. Casey quite enjoyed the idea of no longer being the youngest Braxton. "What was it like living with mum?" Summer asked suddenly, hoping secretly that Cheryl Braxton despised all her children equally, not just her.

"It was a real hoot." Casey said bitterly. "If she wasn't at the pokies, she was flat-out in front of the TV."

"An alco-co-holic?" Summer struggled to say but Casey shook his head.

"Yes, he claimed she was suffering from depression after dad got taken away. Would just lie there for hours doing nothing other than yelling at us to get her stuff. She wasn't a complete waste though, sometimes she would care enough to turn up to parents evening or actually hold a conversation with you" Casey smirked slightly, "I remember she threatened one of my teachers because I was failing maths."

Summer smiled at her brother, but was then overwhelmed with jealousy and sadness "Mum hates me." She muttered.

"I don't think she hates you. She seems to think you were the reason dad got put away, but that was more to do with the crimes he committed." Casey nudged Summer gently, "I will never understand the admiration she has for dad, especially after everything he did to Brax, Heath and you."
"And you?" Summer questioned,

"I'm not sure, I don't really remember. I remember hiding with you and sitting on the beach with Brax, I don't think he went after me; unless I'm blocking it out?" Casey sighed, feeling guilty himself now for what his siblings had gone through.

"But it's in the past now right?" Summer asked hopefully but with great hesitation.

"We barely see mum now and dad won't be getting out anytime soon. We love you Sum, nothing else matters." Casey hugged his sister before guiding her home.

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