Disney House of Villain's Red...

By turtleangel10

27.5K 624 189

When the Disney Villains are sent into a different world and given a chance to prove there is good in them wi... More

The First Villain
Alona's Home
New Rooms
Transformation central
Octopus and Dragon
Girl's Day Out
Our Love
It's Not Me It's You
What's Gonna Happen Next
Now Published

The Truth Is Finally Revealed

1.3K 37 19
By turtleangel10

It was a dark night and the villains were all gathered in front of the tv watching a movie. Alona was on Hades lap drinking a juice box and a tiny bowl of popcorn while the villains drank wine, soda, or beer and had bigger bowls of popcorn. Their peaceful evening was cut short when a loud screech filled the room.

"Not her." Jafar groaned.

Yzma stomped into the room and saw all the villains just sitting there staring back at her.

"Oy, lets cut this short." Hades said. "We don't know how we got here, we don't care, I adopted the owner of the house, and as long as you don't hurt this kid and you pull your weight around here, you can stay."

"Holy Toledo!!" Everyone heard a voice from the kitchen. "This is my dream kitchen!! Yzma! Come look at this!"

"That big dope is here too?" Iago said. "How is he a villain?"

"Your minion is a cook isn't he?" Maleficent asked Yzma.

"Yes." Yzma rolled her eyes.

"Well, there is his use." Ursula said satisfied.

"Actually Yzma, I could use your help." Evil Queen told her. "You know how to make potions that can turn humans into animals right?"

"Of course, I turned the emperor into a lama." Yzma scoffed.

"So you can turn animals into people right?" Ursula clarified.

"Yes I know how to do that too, I'm a brilliant scientist."

"You'll do fine then." The Horned King said before going back to drinking his wine.

Kronk was really good with kids so Alona warmed up to him right away and Yzma thought she hated all kids but Alona wasn't anything like Kuzco and she was very sweet so she treated her fine too.

Kronk was too innocent and too sensitive to hear about Alona's past so they just told Yzma while the imps kept Alona busy. Kronk was indeed an amazing chef and since there were so many cookbooks he made new dishes every day with his own specialties.

Yzma showed the Evil Queen how she made her potions and it was just in time too since Shere Khan and Scar both managed to show up.

The others were worried about this is Shere Khan hates humans and Scar isn't afraid to kill so they threatened they would be skinned alive if anything happened to Alona. Hades even flamed up to scare them real good since Shere Khan has a fear of fire.

Alona went down to the kitchen later that night for some water but she heard voices outside. She grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and went to look outside to see if maybe some more villains came but it was only Scar trying to calm Shere Khan as he saw the fire near the hot tub.

Seeing the problem Alona walked over and poured her water on the fire making it go away. "There you go."

"You... A man-cub... Did that for me?" Shere Khan asked.

"Uh-huh." Alona nodded. "I want all of you to be comfortable here, you don't have to sleep outside if you don't want to."

"We've always slept outside young one, it doesn't bother us." Scar assured her.

"Ok, but if you change your mind let me know." Alona told them before going back in the mansion. She threw the empty water bottle in the recycle bin since Kronk told her that's where they should go before grabbing another bottle and going back to her room.

In three months time all the villains showed up at the mansion and there was just enough room for every single one of them and every single one of them loved Alona and Alona loved all of them.

Hades being her main guardian spent the most time with her but he made sure the others got their fair share too. However, he knows she's been having nightmares and they've been getting worse and worse. He decided to bring it up to the next meeting when Alona was fast asleep. It's been harder to do that, but each villain had their own way of getting her comfortable enough to get her to close her eyes and eventually fall asleep.

"So two things." Faciliar said as he stood up beginning the meeting. "First I'm sure you've noticed Alona's nightmares are getting worse."

"I looked into it." The Horned King said. "She is feeling the guilt of killing those that harmed her."

"Still?!" The Evil Queen snarled. "Those beasts deserved it."

Everyone agreed.

"We'll figure something out." Hans spoke. "What was the second thing?"

"Alona needs to have a new song by the end of this month if not she won't get paid." Facilier explained.

Suddenly the lights started flickering.

"Facilier, Hook, did you not pay the bill?" Hades glared at them but the windows blew open and a bright light filled the room.

A woman floated in and stared at all the villains.

"Intruder." Maleficent glared before pointing her scepter at it.

"Wait, I am here to give you your answers. I am the one that brought all of your here." The woman told them gently.

"Why?!" All the villains asked.

"I think you know the answer in some way." She told them.

"For the child." Evil Queen said.

"Yes, and also for yourselves. The girl prayed every night for a new life and for the one she had before to end. I gave it to her cause she is special as you all have figured out and also this was a test for all of you. You all only had one shot of redemption and you all passed." Soon portals of all the Villain's old homes appeared. "Your work here is done, you may all return home and all of your enemies will forget what you have done, you can all start over."

All the villains stared at the places they use to call home. Forgiveness? Redemption? A chance? It all sounded too good. Most of them can go back to being royalty, some of them can correct their failed plans, and some could go back to doing the jobs they loved. Hades was the first to back away.

"I'm not going back." Hades said. "I never had a happy life there and I never wanna see my so-called blood family again. I have a kid now, I'm staying here."

The imps cheered and started celebrating.

Soon all the other villains backed away from the portals as well. They all made their choices and they choose to stay.

The woman smiled at them. "I knew you all couldn't do it."

"But why did you just show up now?" Hook asked.

"Because tomorrow is the child's birthday, this is my gift to her." She explained.

"HER BIRTHDAY!!" All of the villains started freaking out, wondering how they were gonna give Alona her very first birthday party. They had no cake, no decorations, no gifts.

"Calm down." The woman said. "All will be fine."

"Way to tell us last minute lady!!" Iago screamed at her.

"Tomorrow she'll be eight." The woman continued. "And I have a gift for all of you as well. I won't let your stay here go unrewarded. The child won't age and her voice will remain beautiful. I will not let her grow old and die. Your sacrifices are what will keep the child you need."

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