Ailwéns Story

By HelenBanks

34 0 0

A story of love between three people. When Bucky finds he and a Steve are being hunted as part of a SHIELD tr... More

Trouble is coming
Self Preservation
The Wrong Room
Home for good

Working Hard

11 0 0
By HelenBanks

Ailwén Righter sat at her desk working her way through the paper work Stark had left for her. In the distance she could hear Starks New Years Party. Sighing she realised she had lost the will to work and decided to go home. She looked briefly at her party dress hanging in its dry cleaning bag on the back of her door and for a moment she knew how Cinderella felt.  Sighing she locked the papers in her filing cabinet, grabbed her coffee cup and headed down the back stairs in the opposite direction of the party. If she could get out of here in the next five minutes she might make it to the bar below her apartment for last orders.
Once in the car park she slipped her helmet on and climbed on her Triumph and zipped out of gate. Not noticing the sleek black bike that followed her. Out of habit she parked in her usual spot, placed her helmet on the handle bar and ran into the bar. As she suspected Kelly was sat at the bar working on a crossword.
"Hey old man Happy New Year" She called and he raised a hand in acknowledgement pushing a waiting glass of whiskey towards her.
"What happened to the party?" he asked calmly, eyes still on the paper. "Did you work through it?" Ailwén laughed and nodded as the bar door opened and a lone biker walked in. "Welcome stranger. Sit. Drink" Kelly called and rolling her eyes Ailwén moved behind the bar to serve him.
"What will it be Sir?" She asked the  blue eyed man.
"Beer please" he replied and Ailwén passed him a bottle.
Three hours later Ailwén made her excuses and closed the bar sending Kelly to his bed and persuading the lone drinker to go home.
"Is it alright to leave my bike here?" He asked and Ailwén shook her head stretching as she did so.
"Bad idea, but I know where you can leave it" She replied with a sigh wondering why she was being so kind tonight and allowed him to roll his bike into her apartments bike safe. "So do you have somewhere to stay tonight?" The stranger shook his head and Ailwén groaned inwardly "well it's the season of good will so you can have the sofa. The only thing I have worth stealing is parked next to yours so I figure it's safe. Come on" She sighed and lead him upstairs.

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