A Chillier Summoning [Discont...

By ufi_ii

1.7K 108 8

[Discontinued due to me not knowing how to continue it + having a lot of things happening in my life.] In the... More

0 - Republic of Chiruna
2 - Meeting
3 - Diplomacy
4 - Delegations
5 - Negotiations
6 - Accidental Spark
7 - Battle off Suwima
8 - Naval Battle

1 - Confusion and Contact

258 15 0
By ufi_ii

9 September 2022, 0955
Parfeski, Chiruna

Parfeski, the capital of Chiruna and also it's largest city. Home to more than 100,000 people, almost 17% of Chiruna's population, it's also a destination for many tourists.

In the Prime Minister's Office, Rusamlinghús, Haki Blæsson, was doing his paperworks, passing and declining bills normally. Everything seemed well for him, until the sky went brighter and brighter.

He thought he was hallucinating, but then the sky went completely white. He couldn't help but cover his eyes and close the curtains due to the brightness of the light. Eventually, 5 or so minutes would pass and the light slowly dissipated.

Haki sighed in relief, hoping that that was just a hallucination due to him working too hard. But oh boy, was he wrong.

A sudden knocking on the door would shock the prime minister. He opened it and it was his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frisja Orlansson.

"Excuse me, your excellency. I have urgent news from the foreign affairs ministry", said Frisja.

Haki asks, "Calm down, Mr. Orlansson. What's the urgent news?"

"All embassies within our nation couldn't contact their own nation! They're worried if this is some sort of an attack from foreign nation."

"No way... That bright light wasn't me hallucinating?"

"I'm afraid you weren't hallucinating, your excellency."

Haki then says, "Inform the Rusamlingi to gather in Meeting Room 1 in 20 minutes. We'll need some information on our situation before we make any assumptions and pass new bills if necessary."

"I will, your excellency", said Frisja before he left to tell the Kalbingi to gather.

Haki sighs, "What in the world is going on? I'm only on my first year as a prime minister..."

20 minutes later
Meeting Room 1, Rusamlinghús

Rusamlingi, the unicameral parliament of Chiruna, one of the oldest in the world in fact. Some members of the Kalbingi has their offices in the Sathinghús while others have their offices within the vicinity of it.

In meeting room 1, all members of the Rusamlingi was gathered by the Prime Minister to gather information on the current situation.

Haki then stood up from his seat, "Since everyone has arrived, the meeting shall begin. Does anyone have anything to share regarding our current situation?"

"I do, your excellency", said a man in his late 20s. He is the Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Erik Ljornsson.

"Go ahead, Mr. Ljornsson."

"After the incident, there were reports from fishermen that they spotted strange species of sea creatures that hasn't been documented before. One of them resembles a large octopus or as people call it, a "kraken". The current situation is still ongoing as the kraken is being dealt by the Navy."

"Krakens, huh... This is strange. Has the incident do anything to our agriculture?"

"Fortunately, there isn't any. Some farmers reported that their cattles panicked a bit during the bright light but managed to calm them down."

"Thanks for the report, Mr. Ljornsson. Anyone else?"

A woman, who seemed to be in her early 30s, raised her hand, "Your excellency, may I?"

"You may, Ms. Flókadóttir", said Haki. The woman was the Minister of Defence, Annika Flókadóttir.

"I just received this report just moments ago. Two of our ships from the Navy, CNS
Nesjahvík and CHS Svalvík [1], reported that they spotted a fleet of wooden ships, numbering at 10 ships, was sailing towards them. Our ships are currently heading towards them to ask who are they and what is their purpose."

Haki almost couldn't believe it. Wooden ships? What are wooden ships doing in a modern world other than for museum purposes? Haki then asks, "Ms. Flókadóttir, is it possible for you to show us the live footage from one of the ships or sailors?

"I'll try to ask the officer of each ships to prepare a camera for it. It'll take a couple of minutes, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a bit."

Haki replies, "Well that's okay. Take your time."

People in the room were growing restless. Who are these people? What are they doing in our waters?  Why are they on wooden ships?

Then, the commanding officer of CNS Nesjahvík agreed to have one of the sailors to bring a camera, which was a smartphone, to capture the meeting. Annika then gained permission to use the projector in the room.

"I'm showing the footage now. I apologize for the quality of the footage due to the fact that it's being captured on the sailor's smartphone."

"It's understandable", Haki replied.

The projector then showed the footage from the sailor's smartphone.

The ships are just around 190 metres away from the strange fleet. The commanding officer of CNS Nesjahvík, Captain Líus Hólmarsson, got on the loud speaker of the ship and said, "This is CNS Nesjahvík of the Chirunan Navy. To the foreign ships in our waters, state your nationality and intentions! I repeat, to the foreign ships in our waters, state your nationality and intentions!"

Somehow, the captain of the other fleet responded, "I am Captain Javien Gordon of the 7th Squadron of the Royal Marinsean Navy. I am here to patrol the waters of my nation!"

Captain Líus was confused. First, a bright flash of light, second, a squadron of wooden ships, and now another nation they haven't heard of?

He then had to ask again, "Apologies for this but Royal Marinsean Navy? I haven't heard of such nation or navy before."

Captain Javien then replied, "Same as yours. We haven't heard of a nation called Chiruna. Who are you people?"

Back at Kalbinghús, in the meeting room, the Kalbingi is gathering ideas on what to do now.

Then, those said ideas would be voted by the Kalbingi. The idea that got voted the most is to tell the Captain Líus to meet the other captain in person.

Little did they know, their situation has gotten a lot more chillier after their summoning.

[1]: Both ships are Umdæmi-class, similar to the Hayabusa-class.

Hayabusa-class patrol boat

A/N: first chapter of the rewrite. i tried making it different than the old one. as always, please provide criticism if you have any.

stay hydrated and see you later.

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