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This is a mortal Percabeth story. Percy is the most popular kid at Goode high and the school heart throb. He... Еще

The New Girl
Worse Than Hell
I Need a Plan
The Proposal
Truth or Dare
Et tu Brute? Et tu?
Welcome Home, Dad
Twenty Questions
The Search

The Story

439 6 7

POV Annabeth

Tears were streaming down Percy's face when he left.

He was a mess.

A broken mess.

So was Calypso.

I was surprised that she cheated on him. I had no idea.

Hazel tried comforting Calypso. But what do you say to your friend who cheated on your other friend? It's okay? I don't think it is. You shouldn't feel bad? You should.

I guess I don't know the whole story. Percy could have treated her badly, I guess. It just doesn't sound like him. But maybe.

Even though he is my fake boyfriend I still don't really like him. I just hate him less.

I don't know the full story. But if I don't find out soon I'm pretty sure my head will explode. It seems like a pretty fresh wound.

Calypso pushed Hazel away and ran to the bathroom.

We all looked at Leo. He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. "What?"

Jason scoffed. "You! Are! Such! An! Asshole!" He yelled "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?!"

"Oh please, you asked him personal questions that you knew would make him uncomfortable. You were being nosey. I know I screwed up, ok?! Can we just forget about it?!" Leo replied.

"What I did was different! He is lying to us! I know it! The fact that you brought this up proves that you are heartless! You know what she did to him! What?! Did you do this because he embarrassed you in a game you wanted to play? Or was it because you want to be with Calypso? Because if that's so, you just ruined your chances!" Jason yelled


Reyna and Thalia kept sneaking glances at each other but they were primarily glaring at Leo. Piper looked like she was going to punch Leo in the face. Jason too for that matter. "I-" Jason began before I interrupted "Holy Shit, don't you guys see? You are both fucking heartless!" They suddenly became very interested in their feet. "How bout instead of arguing try and fix your problems. Leo, start thinking of ways to apologize. And Jason, you know what you have to do."

For the rest of the night we all tried to pretend everything was okay. We plastered smiles on our faces and mustered up some laughs but you could tell the dread and guilt was starting to get to both Leo and Jason. Percy, Thalia, Reyna, and Piper can all be very intimidating if need be.

Calypso stayed in the bathroom for a while before coming out and leaving. You can't blame her. Everyone has tried to repress what happened. Leo bringing it up tonight brought a lot of unwanted attention to the situation. Let's just say that in the foreseeable future Leo isn't going on a date with Calypso.

Percy wouldn't answer his phone for the rest of the night. Or the next day. He also wasn't at school. He didn't talk to any of us during the weekend.

Then he showed up on Monday.

We hadn't discussed anything about our fake relationship in a while. I wasn't sure where we stood.

I met up with the group by my locker. Percy hadn't arrived and class was starting which meant he probably wouldn't.

Luke is in my first period algebra with Mrs. Dodds. I didn't think algebra could get any worse until he sat next to me. I would have loved to get up but Mrs. Dodds was taking roll and I was not in the mood for a detention. I have to pick up my brother's after school because Helen is going with dad on one of his business trips.

It's a worthless attempt at spending time together. As far as I'm concerned dad sleeps at the office.

Helen just figured they'd be able to spend time together and talk if she came along. But what she doesn't realize is that on business trips it's all about business. Wherever you are you don't get to do any sightseeing. You don't go to fancy restaurants. You spend most of your time in a decent hotel by the airport.

Ah yes, when I think of romance I think of a romantic room service meal at 11PM, dead tired, waiting for my partner to get back from work, ending up having to eat all by myself, getting awoken at 3AM by your partner who just got back from work, having no energy to argue because you stayed up until 1AM waiting for them, and once again being awoken at 6AM because they have to go back to work. To top it all off imagine being a stay at home mom and this is your first vacation away from you kids in 8 years. If that doesn't scream romance and spending quality time I don't know what does.

Luke kept stealing glances at me. I could tell he was already nervous about his decision to sit next to me considering Percy. That luckily kept him from talking to me. He would open his mouth then close it. He looked like a fish.

Half way through class he finally mustered up the courage to speak. I expected him to say something douchy. Or ask me something personal. Instead he said "What's the answer to number 6?" I still rolled my eyes because I would never GIVE him the answer. Even when we were dating I would just help him. I never give anyone the answer. I scoffed in response to him question and he shut up.

About 10 minutes later. The door opened. It was........... Yup, you guessed it Percy Jackson.

He was wearing an all black outfit, which was very new for him, he had on black ripped jeans, a black hoodie, and a leather jacket over it. A little to much for me but he didn't look bad. Infact I think people looked at him more today. He had his hood on covering his eyes. You couldn't get a good look at him which means something happened. "MR. JACKSON! DETENTION FPR 3 DAYS! And take your hood off. You know the rules!" Mrs. Dodds told, sorry screamed at him. Mumbled something under his breath and sat down in the back of the class. Drew Tanaka was practically drooling over him. Mrs. Dodds had gone back to teaching, badly might I add, and the attention went off of Percy. I tried texting him but I didn't want a detention so I refrained.

Once people stopped looking he finally took of his hood when he noticed Mrs. Dodds had put him down for another detention. And what I saw horrified me.

If Percy has been walking around wounded every single day for the past year, or maybe even longer, I wonder how nobody has come to the bottom of it yet.

Something is so obviously going on with Percy. I'm not stupid. But it's usually a couple of bruises. A few scratches. Maybe a limp but what I saw today was different. A massive cut was on his face. It started a little below his eye and disappeared into his hoodie. This was some next level shit let me tell ya. He also had a black eye. He kept his hoodie half up so it wasn't exposing too much but his black eye was open for everyone to see.

Luke looked nervous when he saw Percy come in. He started to sweat and rub the back of his neck. He kept glancing at Percy. After a while Percy put his hoodie back on. He also added sunglasses to cover everything. He looked normal now. He kept staring back and forth between me and Luke. Probably surprised I hadn't judo flipped him already. I could practically see the pleasure on his face when he made Luke squirm.

Luke didn't speak to me for the rest of class. Once it was over he practically ran out of the classroom. I tried to catch up with Percy but he disappeared as soon as the bell rang too. I didn't see him until lunch. He and Grover had gotten there before anyone else in the friend group and sat at a table. It wasn't our usual table so the group got confused but we just joined them. Percy and Grover ignored us for a while until Jason and Leo tried to "clear the air". Leo cleared his throat catching Percy's attention. As soon as Percy looked at Leo and Jason he left. He glanced at me. And just walked out of the cafeteria. This wasn't like him. I know I haven't known him very long but it was still weird. He's not one to hold a grudge. Last time he and Jason had a fight they just talked and made up. Something else was up. Jason is right. He is hiding something from us.

Leo buried his head in his hands and groaned when Percy left. You would think someone like Leo (sometimes blunt and emotionally incentive) would be used to people being mad at them but I guess not. Calypso glared at Leo for a while until she went to sit with some of her other friends. Yeah, Calypso definitely isn't agreeing to a date with Leo any time soon.

Percy hadn't taken off his sunglasses and hoodie during lunch so nobody noticed what happened to his face. Grover seemed to know though. He also left shortly after Percy. Probably trying to track him down.

Percy seemed to skip a lot of classes he was there for Greek Mythology with Mr. Brunner but that's pretty much it.

After Greek Mythology I had Biology. I've always had a pretty high tolerance for cutting open frogs and looking and bacteria and shit. But I do have a few weaknesses. Including spiders and barf. I'm not the best with

Drew Tanaka is in my Biology class and let's just say she doesn't have the highest tolerance. We were, coincidentally, disecting a frog today and Drew Tanaka threw up all over it. I immediately offered to go get a mop from the janitor's closet. And the janitor. My teacher, Demeter, gave me a hall pass and a practically sprinted down the hall.

The school is pretty old. Not exactly the nicest. A few really good teachers. A few that suck. The halls and bathrooms are clean enough to pass health inspection but I wouldn't go running around with white gloves. The school only has 1 janitor and a "school cleaning" once every 3 months. Which is basically just child labor. All of the students help clean the school and in return get a pizza party or something stupid like that. To be honest it isn't the worst idea. But it isn't fun either. Naturally their aren't very many janitor's closets either. I closest one was practically on the other side of school. I took my time not exactly eager to go back. I bumped into the principal, Zues, and informed him of the situation. He told me he'd take care of it. But I instisted I'd help. Of course, I just didn't want to go back to class.

I got to the door of the janitor's closet and swung it open. "Oooooooooouch" someone slurred. The smell of marijuana hit me smack dab in the middle of the face. So did the smoke. I looked to see who was behind the door and it was Percy. In all his glory. He still had his hood on but lost the glasses. When he saw me he smirked. "Hey fake babe, did you seeeee Lukey's face during Algebraaa?! Lessprice. Oh wait, priceless. Wooopsies." He was giddy. Slurring his words. He also could barely support his head. To be honest I didn't expect this from him. He wouldn't even sniff a drink at Piper's party. I didn't even know he smoked.

I sat down beside him. He seemed to, I don't know, sober up? He just seemed to snap out of his highness a little. He sat of straight and stiff. We were silent for a little while. He continued to smoke but made sure to blow it away from me. I'm not sure if the made any difference, though. He also cracked the door open a bit. My curiosity about everything was building up inside me. I had a few questions. Like what happened to his face. And what happened with Calypso. Knowing that I would get a vague answer about his face I decided to ask him about Calypso. "What happened?" He stiffened even more. I knew he knew what I was talking about. But he played dumb. I think it was probably the first time he ever had to play at it. "You mean to my face?" I shook my head. Even though the light wasn't on I knew he felt the motion. "Between you and Calypso." He took a deep breath. Also inhaling his he smoke. "She broke my heart into a million pieces. What else is there to know?"

"The story,"

"Remember? I said no secrets." I remind him.

"Yeah and I vetoed that rule." He told me. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I looked him in the eyes. I could see all of the pain in them. And so he gave in. He told the story.

The story:

Calypso and Percy dated for a year and a half. Their relationship began May 20, 2020 and ended November 13, 2021. It is now January, 2022. They broke up 2 months ago. This is the story of their break up. This part will most likely be in Percy's POV because that's easiest. If that changes I'll notify you. Annabeth isn't hearing the whole thing. She doesn't hear about the abuse. Or his mom. I just thought it would be better if I painted the whole picture for you guys. The version Annabeth hears they didn't fight about his wounds or abuse. He just made something up. He'll tell her the gist. I hope this isn't too confusing. If you don't understand then comment or contact me and I'll explain it better. I'll go back into Annabeth's POV when it's over. Thx.

POV Percy

November 12, 2021

My mother has been sick for a while. And I still haven't told Calypso. I also haven't told her about Gabe. I just don't want to ruin anything. She's the first girl I've ever loved. I don't think I can ever love anyone more than I love her. I'm worried if she finds out about Gabe she'll either think I'm weak or tell the police. And if I tell her about my mother I'm worried she'll get mad at me for not telling her sooner or not want to be with me because of all of my problems.

Most of our fights are about the bruises, cuts, and broken bones I have. She knows something is going on. I know she does. She just doesn't know what. I want to tell her. But I can't. For her sake. Not for mine.

Gabe got me good last night. Grover had to bring me to the hospital to get stitches on my chin. He also had to pay for the medical bill. We told the doctor I was in a skateboard accident. (I Don't think this is how it works in the real world) I hate borrowing money. But the worst part is that I have to lie to Calypso. Again. I begged the doctor to let me leave and go to school. If Gabe finds out I went to the hospital he'll get paranoid and mad. I kept my face down while I walked to Calypso's locker. She was talking with Rachel. I snuck up on her and grabbed her by the waist. "Hey baby," she squealed and started slapping my arms. I lifted her up in the air and she yelled at me to put her down. Both Rachel and I were laughing out asses off.

Rachel and Calypso didn't start hanging out with my friend group until we started dating. Calypso gave Rachel "the look" and she left to go to her locker. I turned Calypso around but still held her close. We kissed for a while then pulled away. I really didn't want to but Zeus isn't a fan of "PDA" in the halls. "Hey handsome,". I'm not gonna lie when she calls me handsome my ego goes up a bunch. But I love it. Pro tip ladies. You can't go wrong with calling your partner handsome. She was looking into my eyes and I wanted to keep it that way. My stitches were somewhat hidden but if you look you could still see them. She was grinning ear to ear but it went away quicker than you could say "oh shit". She gasped. "What happened to your face." I tried to play it off with a smirk but a mad Calypso is one of the scariest things ever. "I fell on my skateboard. I'm totally fine." She let it go. I could tell she was skeptical but I also knew that this was neither the time nore place. It wasn't totally unbelievable. But she knew me all to well. However, at the time I was stupid enough to think that we would have a mini squabble and that'd be it.

We don't have many classes together which sucks. Its kinda hard to breath when I'm not around her. Luckily we have the same lunch period. She and Rachel sat at my table for lunch and hung out with my friends. There wasn't enough room around the table so she just sat on my lap. Okay, there might have been a little room but it was more fun this way.

Leo oooooooo'd at us as always. He's always been very immature. I could tell he had a crush on Calypso. I mean who wouldn't? She's gorgeous. At parties and just during school I catch him staring at her. I hate it. I'm not intimidated by Leo but I still get worried. I always give him a "fuck the fuck off" look or I have the others remind him of bro-code. He's one of my best friends I know he will never act on it.

We were all eating lunch in the cafeteria. I had to tell them what happened to my face but I had already prepared an exuse so it wasn't a big deal. Piper was trowing this massive party to commemorate the beginning of the school year. Calypso and I always go to things like this. We both don't drink though. She told me her dad was an alcoholic and her mom wasn't around because of that and I have Gabe. I just can't end up like him. So we are usually the DD's. Gabe was playing poker with his friends and he usually passes out in their basement so he wasn't a problem. My mom loves it when I go out as long as I text her when I'm back.

The party started at 8:00 so after school I hung out at Calypso's until it was time. I drove her car and we got there early to help Piper set up. She would love to have Jason help her but he never offers and she doesn't feel comfortable to ask. There relationship is.... Ummmm.... Odd. But they really care for each other. I'm just not sure they really know it yet.

Calypso was helping set up but after five minutes she sat down and talked to Piper. I didn't mind. I want her to relax.

I was walking by the girls to set up the drinks when I tripped over the vacuum cord and spilled the drink all over the place. In addition a fell face first onto the floor. It felt like I broke my nose. But I didn't. Yay. Luckily there was no carpet and they were sitting on chairs so I didn't stain anything. In my rush to get up I failed to notice that I spilled all over Calypso. "I'm so sorry, Babe." She screamed. "BABE! This is a brand new dress!" I have Piper "the look" and she left to grab some towels. This wasn't like her. Usually she would be upset but she never yelled. I would always apologize and help her whenever I screwed up and we would usually be okay. "Callie, I'm so sorry. How much was it. I'll buy you a knew one." I felt awful. "YOU ARE ALWAYS SORRY!" Now I was confused. "WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE AND DON'T FUCKING LIE!" She was really mad. She never curses unless she's mad. "I-I-I-' I stamered. She yelled in frustration and left the room. I got paper towels from the kitchen and cleaned up the mess.

Calypso didn't talk to me for most of the night. Everyone came to the party. However, Leo only came for a little bit. I'm not really sure what happened.

I saw her once downing a techilla shot and since then I've been trying to track her down. The third floor was off limits so I didn't think to look for her there. I asked around and no one had seen her.

Piper asked me to put some of the coats in a room on the third floor so I did. Most of the doors were locked except for one. I walked in and saw Calypso. She was adjusted the skirt she borrowed from Piper and buttoning up her shirt. Her hair was tangled and her shoes were off. I dropped all of the coats and just stared at her. My jaw was practically on the floor. When she saw me her eyes flew out of her head. "Baby, I-I-I-" she started to cry. "Callie," I whispered. "Baby, it's not what it looks like." I looked at her. Barely able to say a word. "And what does it look like?" I asked barely above a whisper. She couldn't get the words out of her mouth. "I'm so so sorry." She kept muttering. I could see she was sorry. "Who was he?" She replied quickly "No one. It meant nothing. I love you." I knew that. But how could she. I also couldn't muster up any words. I was crying. Practically blubbering. I ran out of the room. I could hear her calling after me. She followed me down the stairs too. I pushed through the crowd and got outside. Our friends noticed and ran outside with us. "HOW COULD YOU?!" I yelled. I'd never really yelled at her before. My friends were whispering to each other. She continued to mutter "I'm sorry. So so sorry." I sprinted down the street and ran home. I could hear Grover tearing into Calypso and Jason following me. He couldn't keep up though. I was too high on adrenaline and sadness.

I cried myself to sleep that night. I cried about everything. Gabe. Mom. And Calypso. I couldn't stop.

We hadn't officially even broken up. The truth was I didn't want to break up with her. I wanted to stay with her. I love her. But I don't think I could look her in the eyes and kiss her knowing she did the same with another dude. I couldn't handle it. She was blowing up my phone the whole night. I knew she was sorry but I couldn't accept it.

I went over to her house the next day. It was hard to look at her. She was still gorgeous but she had black circles under her eyes. "Percy," she led me up to her room. We didn't speak. At all. We just sat there. I was just looking at her. I couldn't take it. I kissed her. I put more passion in that kiss than all of them combined. And I was already very passionate. I just had a feeling that this might be the last time. We broke up then. I will always love her. She was my soulmate. My first love. I feel that I may have another soulmate. The soul likes to date around and love too. I'll always carry around a torch for her though. I don't think I can ever love anyone more than I love her.

Percy didn't share the passionate parts of the story with Annabeth. Or the part we're he went to her house. He just told her they broke up at the party.

~end of story

Back in Annabeth's POV

"And that's how it happened," Percy told me.

I didn't go back to class that day. We just sat there silent in the janitors closet. Listening to the cigarette sizzle and burn.

Ok I have a problem. Originally this was supposed to be a Percabeth story. But I'm wondering if I should change it to a Perlypso story. I could also just write a different Perlypso story. Please comment and let me know what you think. I'm totally on the fence.


I need help! 🤣😫

Thank you so much for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and comment if you want to and check out my other stories. Thanks.

Word count: 4289

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