{Discontinued}A Mutual Feelin...

By WiseStrawberryFroggy

4.4K 59 38

Wanted to make one of these for a while. Hope y'all enjoy it! :] Y/N is your custom character. Imagine Y/N ho... More

Character Information
Part 1-"I Never Thought about becoming a Hero"
Part 2-"Why Now?"
Part 3-The Hero Exam
Part 4-You've Piqued Our Interest
Part 5-Bitter Work
Part 6-Clothes Shopping (not literally)
Part 7-Some Serious Gourmet (Shorter Chapter)
Part 8-"I didn't say it on purpose!"
Part 9-"There's something about you"
Part 10-Under the Clear Sky, or rather a BIG F*CKING ASTEROID!
Part 11-You know what, f*ck a cool title. Here's this.
Part 12-Ladies and Gentlemen, The moment you've been waiting for.
Part 13-Bad Character Development
Part 15-A rematch with a familiar Ninja

Part 14-The Deep Sea King

110 2 0
By WiseStrawberryFroggy


The Deep Sea King walks curiously through City J, looking for at least a little bit of resistance. Meanwhile, a few hundred meters away, the hero Lightning Max is observing the Deep Sea King from on top of a building with a small scope.

Lightning Max: (I see, that's the one that got Stinger. But he's the last of 'em. Should I wait for backup, but if it's one-on-one then maybe I can,) before he can finish his contemplating, he feels a presence behind him. The Deep Sea King looms silently behind him, and Lightning Max turns around and is startled.

Lightning Max: "AHHHHHHHH! WAAWEYOUUUUUGAGA, HAAAA!" he screams. He leaps up in the air and kicks the Deep Sea King in the chest, causing an explosion to rise from the impact since his shoes were modified.

He lands back on the ground, looking up at the beast that looks back at him with a disappointed look. The monster crosses his arms on his chest with a slight scratch on its muscley torso.

Deep Sea King: "That stings a little, why would you do this?" he says with a condescending tone.

Lightning Max: (Damn it, how did he get behind me!? I was so surprised I did something weird with my voice, plus my gun powder charged lightning kick had zero effect. I can't win!)

Deep Sea King: "And who might you be?" he questions curiously.

Lightning Max: "I am the hero, called Lightning Max. Fight me!" he demands trying to look brave.

Deep Sea King: "Fight you?"

Lightning Max: (I'll run for it as soon as I-) "Uahhhh!"

Lightning Max gets punched in the stomach and sent flying across the street and into another building, breaking windows and lots of office décor. He lies on the ground with the wind knocked out of him. The Deep Sea King walks ominously towards him, and Lightning Max only moves his upper body to look back at the Deep Sea King, who's crouching with a fist on his chin. He chuckles at the easiness of the hero's defeat despite his moxie at first. Lightning Max gets up and changes his footing, preparing to attack. His show opens up and he does a fantastic flip routine in the air towards the monster.

Lightning Max: "Lightning Flying Backwards Roundhouse Kick!" he yells.

He kicks the monster on the side of its jaw and light flashes from all over the building, being able to see from outside. Max gets thrown out the side of the building, crashing out of the concrete and plummeting towards the ground. He falls for some time until he was caught by a burly flamboyant man in a prison outfit. The man has makeup on his face and almost resembles a drag queen. He catches Max bridle style and quickly carries him away from the debris following his previous descent. The man halts his running his slows down to put Lightning Max down gently.

Puri Puri Prisoner: "I'm the class S hero Puri Puri Prisoner, I escaped prison, just to see you." he says.

Scene Change

CC continues his running and stops to catch his breath. He pants with his hands on his knees, sweating, and tired. He then realizes that he doesn't know anyone of any political power. He just nodded to get away from the situation. However, he still is within earshot of the fighting taking place, which makes him think that the monster is still chasing him, so he calls you. He barely takes his phone out of his pocket due to his shaking. He calls you and waits terrified for you to pick up.

Scene Change

You keep running and everything is moving past you like a blur. You continue until you feel a vibration in your pocket, realizing it's your phone. You gradually slow down to check who's calling you, and it's CC. You assume that he's calling to complain that you aren't there yet, but why the hell would he still be at the scene instead of running away? You hang up. You are about to start running again when he calls you again. This time you answer.

Y/N: "I know what you're gonna say, 'waa why aren't you here yet' 'waa hurry up!' so this better be different." you grunt frustrated.

CC: "Uh, well you kinda just took the words out of my mouth. The crying and everything." he jokes. You're about to hang up when he stops you. "Before you hang up, I need to warn you about the monster," he says.

Y/N: "What do you mean?" you ask.

CC: "There's one monster left, and seems to be the leader of these sea creatures. He has a crown and everything."

Y/N: "Is he strong? Wait, how would you know?" you taunt.

CC: "Ouch. But how's taking out Class A rank 11 Stinger with one punch from his giant fist?" he says.

Y/N: "What! And how do you know all that?"

CC: "He announced his information quite confidently."

Y/N: "God whatever, anyone else you see get their asses kicked?"

CC: "Well some guy in prison uniform and make up was heading towards the scene. He kinda got grabby with me." he said with slight awkwardness.

Y/N: "Ah, that must be Puri Puri Prisoner. Ya he's like that." you reply.

CC: "Well when you reach Class S, tell him to give me a call." he jokes. "How far are you?"

You check your location on your phone, and you are halfway through City A. You tell him, and he again, tells you to hurry up. He hangs up and you continue running.

Scene Change/Timeskip

Puri Puri Prisoner gets pummeled by the Deep Sea King and sent flying into a building. Sonic looks at the Deep Sea King and does the same.

Deep Sea King: "Well isn't this fun?" he sing songs.

Sonic: "All right, who are you?"

Deep Sea King: "I am the Deep Sea King, as King of the clan of the sea folk, I claim this world as mine to rule." he explains proudly. He then glares at Sonic, "Do you dare defy me too human?"

Sonic smirks back.

Sonic: "You don't honestly think you have the strength to rule the surface by yourself do you?" he says defyingly. "How pathetic."

Deep Sea King: "Oh, then I suppose I'll have to kill you."

Sonic: "That's my line. It's a shame really, I would've let you live if you showed me the respect I'm due. I'm not a hero but you'll still be eliminated."

The Deep Sea King pauses for a moment to observe the gentle rainfall. He seems to like it. He laughs and charges at Sonic to punch him. Sonic jumps out of the way and taunts the Deep Sea King.

Sonic: "Too slow!" he yells before rushing downwards to kick him. "Wind Blade Kick!" he exclaims. He lands on the ground and triumphally stands before the Deep Sea King. "I can see right through your moves Deep Sea King!" he says. 

Just after he says that a worm with razor-sharp teeth strikes at him, which Sonic barely dodges. The clothes around his stomach are eaten off exposing his pale, toned midsection. The worm came from the Deep Sea King's mouth, seemingly acting as his tongue. Sonic rushes towards the monster and forces his mouth closed, separating his tongue from his mouth. 

Sonic: "There's no way in hell I'd ever lose to you!" he says. 

The Deep Sea King throws barrages of punches at Sonic, who effortlessly doges them, antagonizing the Deep Sea King while doing so. 

Sonic: "It's useless, you may have power," he says dodging another punch dramatically. "But you're far too slow, you'd never defeat me!" he then gets in front of this monster and jumps past him. "Thank you Deep Sea King. Fighting something with strength like yours, just confirms how strong I really am!" he says jumping onto a nearby building. "My moves are the fastest and the strongest."

The Deep Sea King leans back quite a bit and looks at Sonic, his eyes twitching in annoyance. The monster laughs maniacally and when Sonic doesn't notice, he jumps at him, annihilating the roof of the building. Sonic dodges in the nick of time and is shocked by the sudden change in power.

Sonic: (He's faster!?) he lands on a building and observes the dust coming from it. (Stronger too! Where is this boost of power coming from?)

Just then, the monster lands behind him standing bigger than he once was. Sonic looks at it and acknowledges the same, and the Deep Sea King senses his shock. 

Deep Sea King: "Hmm, yes. The air up here on the surface shriveled me up a bit. But now this rain makes me feel more like myself. Your attacks don't hurt me, EVEN A LITTLE!" he yells.

Scene Change

Talk Show Host: "Today as our guest, we have the top-ranked Class A superhero, he's also been the top of the popularity rankings for the past 28 weeks. But the list doesn't stop there." he explains. "He's also a successful model, actor, and singer. Please welcome Handsome Kamen Amai Mask," he says. 

The camera quickly pans to the blue-haired wonder as he sits forward in his chair. 

Amai Mask: "Thank you for having me." he says.

Talk Show Host: "Anytime. First off is this, we are currently facing a threat level Demon, how do you assess the situation?" he asks. 

Amai Mask: "That's a difficult question," he begins. The talk show host asks for his explanation and he does. "Truth is, the reason I'm here today is to promote my new song." 

Talk Show Host: "Oh, my apologies. Let's, discuss your song." he says. 

After discussing more, the host changes the topic. 

Talk Show Host: "Now, I don't know if this is news to you. But within the hero association, some person has flown through the rankings and is now in Class A. Do you might know who this is?" he asks. Amai Mask's mood changes dramatically. 

Amai Mask: "Yes I have."

Scene Change

You are in City J, and you drink the last bit of your beverage and through it into recycling. You then continue running. 

Talk Show Host: "Do you think they cheated, maybe bribed officials?"

Amai Mask: "No, the association's integrity is too strong. This person is not ordinary. Their recent exploits have proved them powerful, and the speed they're climbing the ranks at is nothing I've seen before."

Talk Show Host: "Do you think that they'll outrank you if you don't mind me asking."

Amai Mask: "I am the top-ranked Class A hero for a reason. I've confronted evil numerous times. They'll have to defeat multiple threat-level demons or dragons to even come close to my accomplishments."

You continue running, you don't stop. 

Talk Show Host: "I see, well then, thank you for being here Handsome Kamen Amai Mask." 

Amai Mask: "No problem." he says.


You gradually stop moving at the sound of destruction. You stop and look around, you feel a presence. 

Y/N: "Hello?" you ask allowed.

Just then a thin naked man jumps walk down from across the block. You avert your eyes start talking to him. 

Y/N: "Hey, shouldn't you be evacuating? Also maybe find some clothes." he suggest.

Sonic: "You're on your way to stop the sea monster aren't you." he says. 

Y/N: "Yes, I am. Wait, do I know you?" he say squinting at his face. 

Sonic: "Another hero huh? I ran into one of you guys earlier, they had the same idea. It's a shame to see that you pathetic heroes think so highly of yourselves."

Y/N: "Hey, you better watch it. Wait a minute, you're that ninja guy!" you finally realize. "Speed-o-Sound Sonic yes?" you ask. 

Sonic: "Flattered to see that I'm known even to you heroes. If you know who I am, then you know that you will step out of my way now." he threatens. 

Y/N: "Is that a threat? If it is, then I'm not moving, I'm gonna bring you in."

Sonic: "Well I had just escaped, putting me back would be a waste of your time." he then glares at you then gasps. 

Y/N: "What is it now?"

Sonic: "You're that runt Saitama was talking to." 

Y/N: "Why are you so obsessed with Saitama?" you ask.

Sonic: "I am Saitama's rival. He is the only person that can match my power, but I will surpass him. And KILL him." he says slowly getting into a fighting stance. "And what better way to do that, than with live bait!" he yells. 

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