What Are The Chances

By Raven0822

3.2K 117 29

*Altered timeline*Mature content* It's early 2014 and Celeste is about to have a chance encounter with the ma... More

Fancy seeing you here
Something more
Hold the phone
Hey there, firefly
All about new favorite things
It's a party

A surprise reunion

353 13 7
By Raven0822

After a long and exhausting week of trekking across half of Europe with stops in California and Colorado, Celeste was finally home. She didn't want to leave her soft comfortable bed, but she'd made dinner plans that she couldn't miss. After not seeing Tony for so long she hadn't wanted to reschedule especially after his thoughtful gift of her favorite flowers that he'd sent to her hotel room in Rome. When she'd walked in to see a sea of varying shades of pink peonies covering nearly every table in the room she knew exactly who'd sent them before she had found the card that came along with them. She'd had half a mind to rip into him for the expensive gift, but couldn't bring herself to do it when they'd made her smile and sweetened the air with their delicate perfume.

Instead she'd sent him a thank you text and had made a point to drop in at a jewelry store she was passing by that had a watch that just screamed Tony Stark. Paying for it she made sure that it would be delivered to him via their New York store so he could have it the next day. She didn't usually do gifts when it came to the man who had more money than god but she saw it and couldn't resist. It was a bit hypocritical of her to send him gifts and not accept them in return. The thing is, Tony didn't know when to stop.

If allowed he'd shower her with whatever he thought her heart desired or give her the most random expensive thing his overworked brain came up with in the middle of the night. For example, the first Christmas they'd known each other he had sent her to a marina while she'd been staying in Malibu where he presented her with a yacht. An honest to God yacht. With a full crew to man it all because she mentioned in passing how much she missed going out on the water. After telling him how much she appreciated the thoughtful gesture Celeste had him return it and donated the money to a charity of her choice. That's when she'd instituted her gift rule. Sometimes though she couldn't resist.

Scraping herself off of the bed Celeste stripped down and made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. After her flight she'd planned to take a nap and then get ready, but things that had been pushed back for the gallery in her absence needed her immediate attention, eating up her time. Making it quick she was in and out in fifteen minutes before drying and brushing out her hair. Deciding to keep it simple she focused only on her eyes and lips knowing that Tony didn't care if she was all dolled up like she'd been the night they spent together. Walking naked to her closet she slipped on a matching black sheer lace bra and panty set because as much as she had told herself it had been a one time thing she wanted to be prepared just in case.

Roving her eyes over her expansive dress selection she decided to go with something that wouldn't give him easy access. Choosing a pair of black high waisted slim fit slacks and a form fitting midnight blue crushed velvet suit jacket that could double as a top. Forgoing a shirt she buttoned up the jacket tossing her long hair over her shoulder to fall down her back in soft waves as she slipped on a pair of classic red bottoms and went over to her jewelry cabinet. Picking out a pair of simple diamond studs, she pairs them with a silver double layered necklace that had a moonstone on the longer chain and sprinkling of silver stars on the shorter one. This should be nice enough for Daniel's without looking too much like she was dressing up for a date, Celeste thinks to herself. At the last second she plucked out two of the rings Tony had made for her, slipping them on her middle and index fingers.

Checking over her reflection one more time in the closet's full length mirror Celeste huffs out a tired breath before exiting to the living room beyond where her purse is sitting on top of her still packed luggage. Dinner with no more than two drinks and then home she promised herself as she hopped into the back of the cab she hailed. Surely Tony would understand her exhaustion since she was technically supposed to be back yesterday, but her newest gallery in LA had needed her when she touched down to refuel. She'd just opened a second Firefly Galleria last year after all of the badgering her father had done about her spending so much of her time on that particular coast. He didn't understand that that reason had a name, but after Tony and her had cut ties she hadn't been spending as much time on the west coast as she once had.

In the end she knew her father was right. It had been good for her brand and image, not to mention it gave her a base of operations for expanding her foundation. So she'd spent a full year scouting for the perfect locations away from Malibu, vetting staff and artists up and down the west coast before getting it all set up. The space wasn't as big as the gallery here but it was doing fairly well all the same. These last two years had been spent focusing on work to keep her mind off of Tony and it had worked, for the most part. Having Joanna keep an eye on his whereabouts made it so that she could avoid him and Pepper depending on where in the world they were to keep awkward run-ins to a minimum. There were of course times they couldn't avoid each other at charity functions, the Met gala or something similar to those. Being adults about it they'd say a polite hello, but never without Pepper right there. 

Sitting there thinking about it Celeste was realizing how much she'd rearranged her whole life to skirt around theirs and was glad that she no longer had to do that. She wasn't naive enough to think things would immediately go back to the way it had before between them, she could hope, but still she would need to guard her heart better this time. Celeste knew she couldn't go through the heartbreak of losing him twice. These last two years had been hard enough but to lose the man permanently ate at her stomach until she felt nearly sick at the thought.

Soon enough the cabbie pulled up outside of Daniel's just as she received a text message that she ignored as she payed. Getting out she carefully made her way through the crowded evening sidewalk to the door where a couple of familiar faces were just about to open it. A pleased grin spread across her lips as she called out, "I'd recognize these two handsome men anywhere!" 

At the sound of her voice they both turn around. And at the sight of her they give her wide warm smiles. Rushing over to scoop her up into a bear hug the Asgardian god of Thunder brushes a bristley kiss to her cheek. Setting her carefully back down on her heeled feet he greets her. "Lady Celeste, it is good to see you again. It's been too long." 

Moving over to give Bruce a one armed hug because he was still holding the door open she nods. "It has been a while. It's crazy how small New York can be sometimes." She says as she walks inside, missing the look exchanged between the two men. As they wait to give the hostess Tony's name she half turns around to her friends. "I'm here to meet up with Tony for dinner. If you guys are fine with it maybe we can see about getting a bigger table. I'm sure he won't mind." 

Before either of them could reply a laughing trio of Natasha, Steve and Clint come walking up behind the two men. What in the Avengers reunion is this, Celeste thinks to herself as she happily gives Nat a quick hug and a warm greeting. Looking around at them all as they greet each other it takes her all of five seconds to realize what was going on causing her to shake her head. "Tony did this, didn't he?"

Bending down Steve kisses the top of her head as he folds her into his arms with that cute smirk of his on his handsome face. "We're all apparently running a little late because it was supposed to be a surprise reunion." Tipping her head back to look up at him she chuckles.

"It's definitely a surprise, Spangles. A good one." Glancing around at everyone she gets a little choked up because they hadn't all hung out since before, well before. "You guys came here just to see me?" It meant a lot to her because she knew Rogers and Romanoff had relocated to Washington DC and didn't come back to the city much because of work keeping them so busy.

Tugging her from Steve's arms, Clint takes his turn to hug her. "Of course. Did you really think we'd let Stark bogart you once we found out he'd managed to pull his head out of his ass? We've missed you, Blake." Tightening her hold on the archer for another second at his heartfelt words Celeste lets him go just as the hostess tells them their table is ready. 

They follow behind the woman towards the back of the restaurant where Tony had apparently booked out a whole section to sit the famous six and their guest of honor. Stares were common for all of them for various reasons so it didn't faze them much anymore, but there was a little niggle of worry in the back of her mind that one of the pictures taken of them would get back to Pepper. Her and Tony might not be together anymore, but the habit of trying to steer clear had become so ingrained in her that Celeste allowed herself to be hidden between Steve and Thor's tall bodies, sure that no one will notice her too much.

Knowing exactly what she was doing Natasha hooked her arm through hers and tugged her over into her side asking loudly, "Now that you're dating Stark does that mean we'll be seeing you more around the Tower?" Because she was what now?

Celeste practically choked on her sharp inhalation of air as she whipped her head to look at the redhead who was amusedly looking back at her. Lowering her voice to a hash whisper when they passed a table who was not hiding at all that they were avidly staring at them. "We're just friends, Tasha. You know that." All she received in response was a lifted manicured eyebrow that said, 'uh huh, sure'.

Is that what everyone thought, that they were dating? She replayed that brief conversation back and knew she'd made it clear that it was a one time thing. That they were just going to go forward as friends, no extra benefits like before. Although when they arrived at their table she saw that apparently Tony hadn't gotten the message because he was waiting with a large bouquet of pink peonies and white roses in his hands. Passing her off to their friend, Natasha walked around to sit next between Bruce and Clint with a pleased smirk on her face. Was this some kind of set up? If so she wasn't amused and refused to be pressured into whatever this was.

Hiking her purse up higher on her shoulder Celeste crossed her arms under her breasts, narrowing her eyes at the smiling man waiting to greet her. At her hostile stance Tony's smile faltered for a second before he came over to hand her the beautiful flowers. "Sweetness, how was your trip?" When she doesn't take the flowers he sets them on the table and walks them a little way away from the table for some privacy.

Not bothering to lower her voice she asks him straight out, "What is this, Tony?"

A slightly nervous expression flits over his face as he gestures towards the table behind her. "Dinner with our friends who've missed you."

"Really, because Tasha thinks we're dating. What did you tell them, Tony?" She hisses at him as she takes a half step into his space. "I thought I made it clear the other night was a one and done thing—"

Glaring over at Romanoff who sat there pleased as punch, he turns back Celeste, gently grasping her upper arms as he pulls her further away. "You did. I never told Natasha we were dating. She must have misunderstood what I meant when I told her about tonight." They both knew she hadn't misunderstood anything and was trying to play matchmaker. His whiskey colored eyes worriedly stared into hers as he begged her to believe him. "I swear, Sweetness. I heard you loud and clear. This is just dinner with our friends to catch up and reconnect." Relaxing her hash expression Celeste huffs out a breath of relief.

Don't get her wrong. She was doubtful of his answer because of the way he was holding her. As if she'd bolt at any second if he let go. That could be because this was their first real outing together or it could be something more. Of which Celeste felt trepidation because what does that mean for them? He agreed to being just friends, that's all they'd ever been to each other, but now Natasha was talking about them as if they were dating and Tony was being weirder than normal for Tony… Choosing to believe that he was just nervous that she would be angry at him she tipped her head to the right towards the table and offered a small smile. "Good, then let's eat and catch up."

Taking her purse off she walked back over to the table where the flowers lay and sat down next to Thor. Following behind her Tony slipped into the chair next to her with Steve on his other side. For a minute there was an awkward lull in conversation before Celeste waved down their waitress for drinks. Drinks were a must if she was going to settle down.

Already knowing what she wanted she chit chatted with Thor about what was good and what she thought he might like. After deciding on several dishes, she took a long sip of her simple whiskey on the rocks and relaxed back in her seat as her eyes roamed around the table at her friends. It was like she'd never left. Although there seemed to be some serious flirting going on between Natasha and the good doctor Banner. He was completely oblivious but eventually he'd get there or Nat would do something drastic to get him to see how she felt. Thinking that they'd be a cute couple she glances over at Tony who was ribbing Steve about his lack of lady friends. Instantly interested in this line of conversation Celeste pays attention.

Resting his right arm along the back of her chair Tony leans back as he lifts his own glass of bourbon. "Oh come on, Steve. You've been out of the ice since 2011 and in all of that time I haven't seen you go on a single date. I know Romanoff has been trying to set you up, but you've turned down every woman for one lame reason or another." Rolling his eyes Steve leaned back crossing his arms over his impressive chest.

"We don't spend every second together, Stark. For the record; I have gone on a few dates since I woke up. None of them have worked out, is all." Having had many talks with him over the last two years Celeste knew he was still mourning what could have been between him and Peggy Carter. She also knew he wasn't jumping at the chance to date, but she agreed he needed to get out there. Get out of his comfort zone and live a little instead of living in the past.

Setting her glass down Celeste braced herself on the table by leaning her forearms on it. "You know, I know of the perfect woman for you. If you want to get her number I'm more than happy to give it to you." Shaking his head no, Steve shifted in his seat ready to turn her offer down. Holding up a hand she quirked an eyebrow at him. "She already knows you. Knows your history and isn't bothered by your old fashioned ways. In fact, she's mentioned to me a time or two how she wished there were more men like you nowadays."

Frowning but intrigued Steve begins to ask who she means, "Who—"

Excited, she interrupts him as she sits back a little putting her nearly in Tony's lap as she eagerly tells him. "Joanna."

Head turning in her direction, Tony's warm breath ghosts across her neck making her shiver just a tad. "Your assistant?" At her nod he purses his lips as he stares over at Steve contemplatively. Celeste wants to pull away, but the need to stay close wins out. "I could see it. She's smart, beautiful. Has loyalty in spades. Once you've been accepted into her circle there isn't anything she wouldn't do for you." His eyes were on Steve's as he spoke, but at the feeling of his fingertips on her arm she wasn't sure if he was talking only about Joanna.

Clearing her throat she snaps her fingers for Steve to hand over his phone which he does reluctantly. Celeste kept his phone tight in her hand when he leaned over to take it back after she added Joanna to his contacts. "I'm not going to tell her that I did this in case you chicken out so she isn't waiting for your call. If you call her then be sure about it because if you ghost my friend not only will I kick your ass, I'll hold her purse while she kicks your ass. You got me, Spangles?"

"Yes, ma'am, I get you." Celeste knew that he did because he'd met her assistant a few times and understood that Tony was talking about more than just Joanna when he said she was loyal. Celeste was feirce when it came to people trying to screw over her friends or the people she loved. The younger woman might have started out as only her assistant but you can't spend that much time together and not get close. She'd become like her little sister and she wanted her to be happy which just so coincided with her wanting Steve to be happy as well.

After the waitress took their orders, talk turned to what everyone had been up to recently. Per usual it became nearly impossible to follow along with them because they went on about ten tangents, but as a one they all turned to her when Tony asked what she'd been up to. Bruce, Clint, Thor, Natasha and Steve already knew everything she'd been up to because she'd stayed in contact with them. It was only Tony who didn't know. When she'd been forced to cut him out of her life Celeste thought that meant she'd have to cut them out as well, she'd been wrong. It started out with the occasional phone call and text message to say hi. Then it turned into running into them when she least expected it which then turned into lunches and dinners and hanging out at her place. They refused to let her go just because she couldn't be around Tony anymore for which she would be forever grateful because they had become her extended family.

Downing the last of her whiskey she briefly tells him about the last two years. "Well, I opened a second Firefly Galleria location in LA last year. It took me nearly a year to find the right spot and the right staff to run it for me when I'm home in New York or wherever I am for work. I also got a location for the foundation that's under construction and should be opening up in the next couple of months. Which is why my schedule has been so busy because I need to fund it and I want to be able to devote my full attention to it once it's ready."

The proud expression on Tony's face had her insides warming up. He knew how much her work and how much the Firefly Foundation meant to her and to see it growing after he'd tried so hard to encourage her to do so made him extremely happy. "I'm so happy for you, Sweetness. I know you've been dreaming of expanding for a long time. Let me know when it's ready and I'll be there. We'll all be there, right?" He corrects himself when he sees her slight frown. Looking around the table at his friends and teammates who all eagerly nodded.

"That would be amazing. I'll have Joanna get in touch with JARVIS and all of you with the information once I can confirm we're ready." A beaming smile that had Tony's heart pounding in his chest when she directed it towards him on her face when she leaned into his side for a second. "We've got an amazing lineup of artists already who volunteered as soon as they heard we were setting up shop. I guess we've made a lot of noise here in New York which has been making me think about seeing about taking the foundation nationwide. That'll take a while of course, but I want us to help every community that we can."

Changing the subject, because she could talk for hours about her vision for her Firefly Foundation, Celeste settled back to listen and laugh at the story Natasha was telling them about Steve. Distracted by wanting to make the woman beside him happy, Tony leaned towards her to whisper, "If you'd like, I can have my lawyers walk you through what it'll take to make your dream come true with Firefly."

Smiling at him Celeste nods as she stares into his eyes. Getting a little lost by the depth of feeling in the warm chocolate color for a second before she realized she should reply. A light blush tints her cheeks when she breaks their intense eye contact. "I'd like that. Thank you, Tones."

Before he could tell her he was more than happy to do anything for her Celeste's text tone went off. Apologizing, she took her phone out to see that she had a missed text from Henri Richelieu asking if she made it home alright, along with this new one telling her that he was going to be in the city later this week and wanted to meet up. Since things were slowing down a bit with her schedule she confirmed an appointment to check out his apartment. Feeling like she was being watched Celeste looked up to see Tony trying to get a peek at her messages. With a puzzled frown she clicked off her phone and put it back in her purse to focus on what was being said.


His stomach twisted when he saw that Celeste had been making plans with a man to go to his place in a few days. Question after question began to fill his mind and ratchet up his anxiety. Had she met someone? Before or after they slept together? Was it serious or was it still in it's early days? He'd barely got her back and already he was close to losing her again, only this time it would be to someone else. How was he going to show her that he wanted her if he had some unknown competition taking up her precious time? Signaling to the waitress for a top up of his bourbon, Tony chewed on the inside of his cheek as he thought up ways to keep her occupied and her mind and hopefully her heart on him.

*Author's note*

Story got a little delayed after I took a tumble yesterday while unloading the camper from my vacation. Hurt my arm and leg pretty bad so I had to wait until this morning to finish the chapter.

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