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Par -alldeadalldead

660 38 10

- "๐˜–๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ." ๐‘บ๐’š๐’๐’—... Plus

- SEASON 3 -
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ‘ : Isolated
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ’ : Tapes
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ“ : Walk at the Park
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ” : Feelings
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ• : Love, Love, Break
- SEASON 4 -
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ‘: Championship
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ’ : Hello?
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ” : Concern
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ• : K-i-s-s-i-n-g
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ– : Catching Up
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ— : The Upside Down
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ˜ : First Time, Again
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ™ : We'll Meet Again
canon ending [ unlocked ]
๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ™ : We'll Meet Again
head canon ending [ unlocked ]
what if...

๏ผ๏ผ๏ผ“ : Investigation

27 2 0
Par -alldeadalldead

After all of that, Sylvie was back home and slept. Next day, she woke up, Dustin told her in her walkie that they'll be going to Eddie again to check up on him and give him food. So she got ready and waited for Steve's car to pass by. As soon as she got in, they went to the closest store.

Steve and Sylvie hopped out to go buy. As they got in, they immediately searched for the food Eddie asked for in the talkie whilst the car ride. "Where the hell is the honeycomb?" Sylvie sighed. Steve looked at her. "Hey uh Sylvie?" Steve asked, "yeah?" She continued looking for the honeycombs. "What do you and Eddie have?" Steve asked, "what?" She looked at him.

"Its just that, when you were there, he couldn't help but just look at you." He explained, "maybe because I was talking?" She said, "no, its different. It was like how men look when they're in love." Steve said, "you're saying that Eddie likes me???" She looked at him, "no, well I don't know. I mean maybe he does maybe he doesn't we don't know." Steve said, grabbing the honeycombs. Was it possible? Did he still want her like how she does badly?

As Steve went to pay, Sylvie just couldn't get the thought out of her head, he likes her? For the whole car ride, she thought about it. "Hey," Robin tapped her shoulder, "oh yeah?" She looked at her. "You thinking of something?" Robin asked, "oh no, just... zoning out." She said, looking at the window.

Once they arrived, they hurried into the house. "Should we knock?" Sylvie asked, "nope," and then Dustin bashes the door. "Jesus!" Eddie jumped, "delivery service," Dustin smiled. Sylvie waved softly. As they all settled in, "so we got uh some good news and some bad news, how do you prefer it?" Dustin asked Eddie, eating his honeycombs and drinking his chocolate milk.

"Bad news first, always." Eddie took a sip of his milk. "Alright, bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you." Dustin said, Eddie had this look of disturbance. "Also, they're uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy." Dustin continued.

"Like a 100% convinced." Max butted in, making Eddie look at her. He then looked back at Dustin, "and the good news?" He asked. "Your name hasn't gone public yet. But if we found out about you, its only a matter of time before others do. And once that gets out everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you." Robin explained.

"Hunt the freak right?" Eddie looked down, "exactly," Robin said. Sylvie looked at him with pity and worry, she felt bad, she wanted to help him recover and be cleared from this, this was his first time after all.

"Shit." Eddie muttered, "so, before that happens. We find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence." Dustin smiled, "thats all Dustin? Thats all?" He looked at him with uncertainty and unbelief. "Yeah no thats about it." Dustin added.

"Listen, Eddie. I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this before." Robin said, "I mean, they have a... a few times. And... and I have once. Mine was more human-flesh-based and theirs was more smoke-related. But the bottom line is, collectively, I really feel like we got this." Robin added.

"We usually rely on this girl who has superpowers. But uh, those went bye-bye so.." Steve spoke, "so we're technically more of the-" Robin thought, "kinda.." same with Steve. "Brainstorming phase." Max said, everyone nodded and agreed. "Brainstorming." Steve nodded. "There's... there's nothing to worry about." Dustin smiled.

Eddie looked at both Steve and Dustin who only had smiles on their faces like this shit was normal. "Ok you guys, you're making him confused and you all sound crazy. But don't worry Eddie. Its true, we've been through these stuff and we learned tons of stuff and we can help you. We'll clear your name and it'll be back to the way it was. Well, expect some people still hate you but yeah." Sylvie tried to put a comforting smile at him.

Eddie sighed softly and nodded, looking into the horizon. "We've got this." Dustin said, "yea, we just need a plan." Sylvie added. And then out of nowhere they hear police sirens.

"Shit." Steve muttered, "tarp!" Robin told Eddie, "tarp tarp!" She continued, Eddie then wrapped himself in the tarp as all of them look out the window, they saw tons of police cars going to the further part of the road.

Fred's body was discovered, his bones cracked, his skin pale, his eyes sucked in, blood in his sockets, it was a horror show. Nancy was there, talking with the chief of Police. "And after you talked to Wayne, what happened?" The chief asked.

"I heard barking from the dog and then... he was gone." Nancy answered, "Did you see anyone lurking about? Who looks like they shouldn't be there?" Another officer asked. "No. No, no. There was nobody there." She spoke again. The officer then wrote it down, mumbling "nobody..."

"And I already told this to officer Daniels." The three look at him, "did you look into Victor Creel?" She asked, "sorry what?" The chief asked, "Victor Creel. Wayne got it in her head that the old nut did this." Officer Daniels spoke.

The chief looked at Nancy and clicked his tongue. "Victor's locked away. Don't need to worry about him, alright?" He spoke, Nancy looked down with fear and uncertainty. "Now, you said you last saw Fred, he was by the picnic tables, do I have that right?" He asked.

Before Nancy could answer, she heard a car approach, she looked and saw Steve get out the car, same with Robin, Dustin, Max, and Sylvie. Once she saw Sylvie, she felt a relief in her chest. Steve waved a little, Nancy waved back.

After the whole questioning, she went to them. "Oh god Sylvie!" She gasped, hugging her. "Hey Nance, sorry I left the car without telling you." She smiled softly, "god I thought you ended like Fred." Nancy sighed. "What happened to Fred?" She asked, "take a look..." Nancy said, Sylvie looked from afar, a medic accidentally removed the white blanket, and she saw it.

It was the same as Chrissy, no eyes, blood on the sockets, and bones snapped. "Oh my god..." Sylvie gasped softly. "Yeah... but did you get any evidence that we can use?" Nancy asked her. "Yeah, I think we have a lead." Sylvie looked at her.

They all settle into the picnic chairs in the trailer. "Okay so whats the lead?" Nancy asks, "ok so. We think, its something from the Upside Down, no way in hell could Eddie do that. Nor could Victor Creel even though we don't know that much about him. Eddie said that he saw Chrissy flying up in the air before getting her bones cracked out of nowhere and her eyes sucked, thats not a human thing." Sylvie explained.

"So you're saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy, its from the Upside Down?" Nancy asked, "if the shoe fits." Steve responded. "Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse. Now whether or not he's just doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens, we don't know." Dustin explained.

"All we know is this is something different. Something new." Max added, "doesn't make sense..." Nancy looked down a bit. "Its only a theory." Dustin looked at her. "No, Fred and Chrissy don't make sense. I mean, why them?" Nancy questioned.

"You have a point... why them? It could've been us instead knowing that they've encountered us and we've beaten them." Sylvie added to her question. "Maybe they were just in the wrong place, were both in the game, and near the trailer park." Dustin said.

"We're at the trailer park." Steve spoke up, all of them looked around a bit. "Uh, should we maybe not be here?" Steve added. "There is something about this place." Nancy said. "Fred started acting weird the second we got here."

"Acting weird as in...?" Robin asked, "scared, on edge, upset..." she answered, "not to mention, when he was talking to the officer in the entrance he looked off, it was like he saw something, even the officer noticed it." Sylvie added. "Max said Chrissy was upset too." Dustin put in.

"Yeah but not here, she was crying in the bathroom at school." Max spoke. "Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right?" Robin spoke up, "so maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this vecman-" "Vecna." Dustin corrected.

"Dunno about you guys but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone." Steve says, "Maybe they did." Max realized, "I saw Chrissy leaving Ms. Kelley's office. If you saw a monster, you... you wouldn't go to the police. They'd never believe you. But you might go to your-" "your shrink." Robin included, "yeah."

All of them decide to go back to Steves car and investigate, but then Steven notices Nancy going the different way. "Woah, woah, Nance Nance!" Steve calls out. Nancy turns around, "Where you goin'?" Steve asked.

"Oh theres just something I wanna check on first." Nancy said, "something you wanna share with us?" Dustin calls out. "I don't wanna waste your time. Its a real shot in the dark." Nancy added. "Yeah, no. Are you out of your mind?" Steve retorted, "flying solo with this Vecna on the loose?" "I'm on Steve's side for this one Nance, I don't think thats a good plan knowing that this Vecna can attack anytime-anywhere," Sylvie added.

Before Nancy could even answer, Steve spoke again, "No, it's too dangerous. You need... You need someone to..." He thinks, "Take the car, check out the shrink." He gives his car keys to Robin. "I don't think you'd want me driving your car." Robin said, "why?" "I don't have a license." "why don't you have a license?" "I'm poor."

"How about you, Sylvie?" He asked her, "oh yeah no, the last time I drove I almost killed my neighbor." Sylvie shook her head as Steve sighed. "I can drive." Max spoke, "No, never again. please. Anybody but you. No." Steve immediately put out, Dustin looked at him, giving a look thats putting out 'I can drive the car' and of course, "No chance." Steve says back. Dustin frowned a bit "come on." he whined.

Robin sighed, "All right, okay. This is stupid." she said as she picked up one of Dustin's flashlights in his backpack. She then grabbed Sylvie's arm, "Us ladies will stick together." she gives the keys to Steve as she stays beside Nancy, and so does Sylvie.

"Unless you think we need you to protect us." Robin put out, Steve looked at her and she smiled. "C'mon," Robin walked and Sylvie tagged along. Nancy looked at Steve and shrugged her shoulders as she turned around and followed them. "Be careful!" Steve yelled, Robin looked at him and give him the peace sign.

"Just gonna stand there and gawk?" Dustin asked, "shut up." Steve spoke back. "Why don't we get in the car? Okay?" "Just shut up and get in the car." He sighed. "Wipe your feet." Steve mentions before going in. Dustin then rubbed his foot on the inside carpet of the car. "On the outside! Not on the inside." Steve sighed as he went in the car.

"Always the babysitter." Steve muttered as he turns on the car, "Always the goddamn babysitter!"

Meanwhile, Sylvie, Robin, and Nancy got in Nancy's car and went off. "So where are we heading?" Sylvie asked, "Library, we're gonna go to the archive about Victor Creel. There has to be proof." Nancy spoke. "Why though?" Sylvie asked again. "Because, Eddie's uncle, Wayne - thinks that Victor escaped from Pennhurst and he's running around killing."

After minutes of driving, they've arrived. As they went in, "ok, help me get this straight." Robin said as they walked up. "Eddie's uncle, Wayne, thinks that Victor Creel escaped from Pennhurst Asylum and that he's the one running around Hawkins committing these murders?" She explained.

"Pretty much," Nancy said, looking at her with a smile. "But, Victor committed the eyeball murders, like, way back in the '50s." Robin questioned. "Well, '59." Nancy corrected as she went in with the two. "So, that means these murders predate Eleven in the Upside Down by about 30 years?" Robin asked.

"Yeah." Nancy nodded, "Which makes spooky Victor Creel like 70 years old?" Robin looked at her. "Yep," Nancy rings the bell. "So, he's a grandpa murderer," Robin says, "who can turn invisible and lift people into the air." "It doesn't make sense, I know. That's why I said it was a shot in the dark." Nancy says as she rings the bell again.

"I know, I just thought that by 'shot in the dark,' you were being modest or hiding something super solid up your sleeve that you were gonna wow us with later." Robin says, "same," Sylvie chuckles quietly. "But this is truly a shot in the dark. Like, we are snipers with blindfolds on who've been spun around 50 times." Robin added.

Nancy then rapidly rings the bell. "Coming!" The librarian says from afar. "Hi, sorry, we're in a bit of a rush. Could we get the keys to the basement archive?" Nancy smiles, "of course, give me one sec." The librarian smiles as she left.

"Did I come off mean or condescending or something?" Robin asks, "no," Nancy smiles, "right." Robin nods. "Sorry, its just that you seemed annoyed. You don't know me well unlike Sylvie and I don't really have a filter or a strong grasp of social cues." Robin continues, "okay," Nancy nodded "If I say something that upsets you, just know that I know its a flaw. Believe me, my mother reminds me daily." Robin added. "Got it." Nancy said.

"Alright, ladies. Here you go, have fun." The librarian comes back and gives the keys to Nancy, Nancy grabs it "yep, we'll try." Nancy and Sylvie go to the basement whilst Robin gives a shrug look at the librarian before following them.

A bit of an hour later, the three were looking for clues. Nancy and Robin were looking at the newspaper archives whilst Sylvie was looking in the books, clues for the murders and everything that happened during Victor Creel's murders.

"Anything... juicy over there?" Robin asks, "nothing new." Nancy said, "How about you Sylvie?" Robin looked at her. "Nope, just full of dust and just things about him and the murders." Sylvie said. "Yep, same here." Robin nodded. "Victor seemed like a normal guy, dead family, missing eyes, took a plea deal, sent to Pennhurst. Blah, blah, blah." Robin ranted a bit.

Nancy looked down a bit and sighed quietly. Robin tilted a bit, "what are we looking for exactly?" Robin asked, "Nance?" Robin asked again, this time knocking on the wood rhythimcally. Nancy then tilted too, smiling. "Any mention of dark wizards or alternate dimensions?" Robin asked. "Things in that vein?"

"I don't know, okay?" Nancy spoke, "It's starting to seem like this was just a big waste of time." Nancy stood up and walked, "you're obviously bored, why don't you call Steve? I'm sure he'll pick you up. And I mean, me and Sylvie are not really in danger here so..." Nancy left the room, Robin had this shocked look like she was either offended or was just flabbergasted with what Nance just said.

"She doesn't think he and I are a thing right..?" Robin looked at Sylvie slowly, "I mean, she doesn't know you well... so..." Sylvie shrugged. Robin and Sylvie then stood up to go to Nancy, seeing her open drawers, looking for clues.

As Robin went down the stairs, "you do know that Steve and I are, like, totally not a thing right?" She put out, Nancy had this weirdly confused look, "what?" Nancy asked. Robin then went to her, same with Sylvie. "So, I figure you and Jonathan are still going strong 'cause you guys are going to college together. You're one of those unstoppable power couples." Robin looked at the drawers too. Sylvie was just looking at the other shelves and drawers.

"But I... I just, I just wanted to make sure you knew that Steve and I are just friends." She went to Nancys side, "Like, platonic with a capital P." She sighed whilst Nancy smiled sarcastically and nodded. "Just incase thats adding any tension between us." Robin added, "it wasn't." Nancy smiled as Robin smiled softly at her.

Robin then looked at the drawer she opened, "holy shit, The Weekly Watcher. I can't believe they have this." Robin took the preservation box, "holy shit really?" Sylvie went to Robin and looked at the box. "Holy shit, Nance! They do!" Sylvie smiled like a kid on Christmas. "Don't they write about like, Bigfoot and UFOs?" Nancy asked.

"First, UFOs are absolutely real. Bigfoot I'm still on a fence about. But may I remind you we are looking for dark wizards?" Robin asked, holding the box and showing Nancy. "If someones gonna write about that, its gonna be these weirdos." Robin added. "This is our last chance Nance." Sylvie said. Nancy looked at the two with a little bit of realization.

They then set the box on the machine, the machine then whires a bit. As Robin looks into it, "ah, 'Elvis cloned by aliens'." Nancy nodded, "you never know." Robin looked at her, the two then looked at eachother and then Nancy walked away a bit. "What? Ok anyways continue." Sylvie had a look of confusion.

As Robin whirred through the machine, both Robin and Sylvie had their eyes widened. "Victor Creel claims a vengeful demon killed family. The murder that shocked a small community." Robin immitated a male voice. "Haha, thats very funny." Nancy said, not looking. "I'm not kidding." Robin said, "get over here." She added. Nancy then went up there and saw the headline.

"According to several insiders, Victor believed his house was haunted by an ancient demon. Victor allegedly hired a priest to exorcise the demon from his home." Robin continued reading, "pretty novel for the '50s, exorcist wasn't out yet." Robin added. "Keep... keep going." Nancy shook her head. "Okay, so Victor claimed this exorcism failed, but it angered this demon which then murdered his family, removing their eyes. Victor believed he was spared as a punishment.

"Thats pretty convenient for Victor." Nancy spoke, "yeah or super inconvenient." Robin said which made Nancy look at her, "Victor was declared legally insane by the court, right?" "Yeah, he was." Sylvie answered. "What if this is why?" "It sounds insane, it just didn't go public because-" "The plea bargain, the records were sealed." Nancy interrupted. "What if a demon did invade Victor's home? Its just this demon wasn't any old demon." "It was Vecna." Nancy answered, Robin smirked and nodded.

"Nancy, I think we got our answer." Sylvie looked at her, Nancy looked at her too. And then seconds later, they were out of the library. Robin then grabbed their walkie and started talking, "Dustin, do you copy?" Robin asked, "Yeah I copy," Dustin answered. "So, Nancy's a genius. Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959, her shot in the dark was a bull's-eye."

"Okay, thats totally bonkers but I can't really talk right now." Dustin said, he sounded tired or pumped. "Wait what are you doing?" Robin questioned, "breaking and entering school to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files." Dustin explained. "Can you repeat that?" Robin asked again, "just get your ass over here, stat. We'll explain everything." Dustin said.

"I thought they were talking to Ms. Kelley???" Nancy asked, "we leave them alone for two hours." Robin turned off the walkie, "god, these three. Lets just get there fast, they might get caught." Sylvie added. They then all went into the car and started driving to the school.

Continuer la Lecture

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