The Lightning Flash

By MCChuckWriting

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This is part two of my "Sword Art Online" fan fiction series and if you haven't read part 1 which is called "... More

Chapter 1: Asuna's Trauma
Chapter 2: Sinon's Trauma
Chapter 3: The Dinner
Chapter 4: The Dungeon
Chapter 5: I Miss You
Chapter 6: Killing for a Reason
Chapter 7: Anger and Hatred
Chapter 9: The Hecate II
Chapter 10: Bullet of Bullets
Chapter 11: Death Gun
Chapter 12: It's Your Fault
Chapter 13: No Backing Down Now
Chapter 14: I Have to Win This Pt. 1
Chapter 15: I Have to Win This Pt. 2
Chapter 16: Being Special Pt. 1
Chapter 17: Being Special Pt. 2
Chapter 18: A Father's Sins Pt. 1
Chapter 19: A Father's Sins Pt. 2
Chapter 20: Aftermath
Chapter 21: Forgiveness
Chapter 22: Round 2 of Bullet of Bullets Pt. 1
Chapter 23: Round 2 of Bullet of Bullets Pt. 2
Chapter 24: Round 2 of Bullet of Bullets Pt. 3
Chapter 25: Round 2 of Bullet of Bullets Pt. 4
Chapter 26: A Startling Discovery
Chapter 27: The Demon's True Face
Chapter 28: Kyouko and Asuna
Chapter 29: Piecing Things Together
Chapter 30: Family
Chapter 31: Bullet of Bullets Round 3
Chapter 32: Kirito vs. POH
Chapter 33: Asuna and Sinon Vs. Death Gun Pt. 1
Chapter 34: Asuna and Sinon Vs. Death Gun Pt. 2
Chapter 35: The True Face of Evil
Chapter 36: The Lightning Flash
Chapter 37: Far from Over
Chapter 38: Man of the House
Chapter 39: It's Not Fair
Chapter 40: The End

Chapter 8: GGO

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By MCChuckWriting

"Today is the official launch of the newest VRMMORPG 'Gun Gale Online' which can be accessed from the Nerve Gear device," a news reporter said on a tv screen inside of a cafe. "The popularity of this genre of gaming has shot up, considerably, since the release of Aincrad Online and it should be no surprise that sales for 'Gun Gale Online' have far surpassed initial expectations.  Despite the game's already immense popularity, there are some residents of Japan, who still question the morality of using the Nerve Gear, after the horrific accident that happened with the initial launch of the video game titled 'Sword Art Online' which was created by Akihiko Kayaba. There's no denying all of the lives that were affected and lost by this tragic event.  However, it doesn't seem like this has affected sales or popularity of 'Gun Gale Online' in the slightest. We'll keep bringing you more updates on the game as the week goes on."

As soon as the reporter was finished talking about the game he had just purchased himself, Klein stopped looking at the tv and began looking at the girl, who was sitting in front of him, Kana, his ex-girlfriend. 

"I'm assuming you bought that one, huh?" asked Kana, noticing that Klein had taken an interest in the news report.

"Haha, yeah, Kirito and all of them wanted to give it a try so I figured why not?" Klein responded.   "Still, I'm a little nervous.  I don't have too much experience with shooters.  I'll probably be out there looking like a fool in comparison to the others but it's fine.  I'm old. Probably should just accept that."

Kana frowned at him and this made Klein worry that he said something wrong.

"I'm not too much younger than you, Klein.  Are you calling me old as well?"

"Haha, oh no...that's not what I meant at all," Klein defended. 

"Still, the fact that you're able to go back into that Nerve Gear after all that's happened to you...I don't know how you do it.  You were able to escape once with your life and hell, you were even lucky enough to come back alright after saving Asuna but you still can't help yourself, can you?"

"Yeah, I guess not," admitted Klein.  "It's weird but I don't even really play video games for the same reason that I used to."

"What do you mean?"

"These days, I only play because I like hanging out with the others.  Kirito, Asuna, Agil, Suguha and now helps me feel a bit less lonely.  I know I'm a bit older than most of them...hell, Agil is too but being able to keep up with them helps make me feel young still. Plus, age aside, they're the only real friends I've got at the moment, other than you.  At my age, I'm beginning to realize the importance of friends and being surrounded by people, who make you happy, rather than working myself to death all the time."

Kana smiled.

"It seems like those kids were able to accomplish something that I wasn't even able to," claimed Kana, sadly.  "The entire time that I was with you...I could tell that work was ruining your life and it frustrated me.  I wanted you to be happy.  I still do.  So, I'm really glad you're finally finding some in your life. Although, I have to ask."


"You referred to a that...all I am to you?"

"U-Uh...I mean, isn't that what you want to be, right now?" asked Klein, confused.  "Lord knows that, more than anything, I'd love to have you back in my life but I didn't think you were ready for that, yet."

"To be honest, I've been feeling more ready, lately.  To give us another chance.  I still want to take things slow, of course."

"Y-Yeah, for sure!"

"Besides, hearing how well you do with those kids, I can't help but think that you would make a pretty great father, one day," commented Kana, smiling.

"I-I don't know about that," replied Klein, nervously.  "That's a whole different story.  I mean, I'm not against the idea at all but I can't promise I would be any good at it."

"Well, I guess we'll just have to see, huh?"

Klein noticed what time it was from a clock that was on the wall of the cafe him and Kana were eating at. 

"Oh, it's getting pretty late.  I promised everyone I would meet up with them in GGO since it's launch day." 

Kana smiled. 

"You shouldn't keep them waiting then.  Plus, I need to get home as well.  Maybe, next time we can have dinner over at your place?  Has your cooking improved any?"

"Um...I think so.  I mean, I've kind of had to learn how to cook for myself since I live alone."

"In that case, I'll be looking forward to seeing if you've improved or not."

"Hey Kana, you should get a Nerve Gear too, one of these days.  I know you aren't the biggest fan of them but...when we used to play video games with each other when we were still was pretty fun.  I'm sure the others would love to meet you too."

"I do have a little bit of money saved up.  I'll think about it."

"Right, well I'll give you a call make that dinner, I mean," said Klein as he got up from the table he was sitting at.

"Try not to keep a girl waiting forever," Kana replied, smiling in a way that Klein hadn't seen her do in a long time.




"Hey Klein, what do you think?" Kazuto asked, as Klein was editing his own avatar's appearance.

Klein turned around and saw that for Kazuto's avatar for GGO, he had gone with a black tailcoat, similar to what he wore in SAO but the thing that stood out most to him was his hair. It was the same dark black color it usually was but significantly longer than usual, reaching all of the way past his shoulders.

"Haha, do I look like a snack or what?" he asked, jokingly.

Klein groaned and replied, "More like a trap. Can you stop screwing around and just finish editing your avatar's appearance, already?  The fact that the girls are finished before us tells us just how slow we are.  Plus, if you don't hurry, I'll call Asuna over here and we can get her thoughts on your...snacky...appearance."

Kazuto gulped, nervously, at the thought of Asuna seeing him with his current feminine appearance. 

"Fine, you're no fun," muttered Kazuto under his breath as he changed his avatar's hair to something more in line with what it actually looked like in the real world."

As for Klein's own appearance, his avatar looked very similar to what he looked like in real life and was even able to find a bandana, similar to the one he always wore in SAO. 

"Are you guys done, yet?" asked Agil, who had just finished editing his avatar's appearance as well. 

He wore a green sleeveless muscle shirt that emphasized his avatar's muscles and cargo pants.  He had the same type of combat boots that Klein had chosen for himself.

"As soon as Kazuto is finished pretending to be a girl, we will be," Klein answered. 

"I-I'm finished, damn it!" hollered Kazuto, from behind Klein.

"Kirito, what does he mean by pretending to be a girl?" came a girl's voice, causing all of the male players to turn around.

Asuna and Shino were both standing in front of the boys, having already finished editing their appearances.  Shino's avatar had light blue hair just like her Aincrad Online character had and her hair was tied up on both sides.  She wore a military jacket with a bullet proof vest underneath it which reduced damage, cargo pants of the same color, black combat boots and a white muffler around her neck.  Asuna had her chest-nut brown hair tied back into a pony tail and braided on one side.  She wore a red and white combat dress that featured a white breastplate.  In addition to this, she wore white leggings that had red stripes and ordinary red shoes. 

"Hm, the same colors as the Knights of the Blood Oath, huh?" asked Kazuto, studying his girlfriend's appearance.  "Was that on purpose...oh, look nice too, of course!  I should have started with that."

"Oh, yeah, I guess I got used to the colors back in SAO and thought they looked good with the outfit," Asuna explained, ignoring Kazuto's usual awkwardness.  "Although, I always felt like I was at my strongest when I was with the Knights of the Blood Oath...that's even around the time I earned the Lightning Flash nickname.  Maybe, sub-consciously, I thought equipping the same colors here in Gun Gale Online would help remind me of that time...when I was stronger.  I's a bit stupid but...still."

"Haha, I don't think that's stupid at all, Asuna," commented Klein.  "When I was a guild leader back in SAO, is when I was my most bad ass and confident too.  I mean, I had to be.  I was the leader.  I had to act like one.  Not like that could compare to being the second in command of the largest guild in SAO, though."

"Despite all of the truly horrible things Kayaba of the things I'm grateful for is my time in the Knights of the Blood Oath...and none of that would have been possible without the  I have to wonder why he chose me, though, to be his second in command."

"It's obvious," stated Kazuto.  "Heathcliff was a monster in both attack and defense but the one thing he lacked was speed which was your greatest stat.  I guess the bastard was aware of his one flaw and tried to find someone to make up for it.  On top of that, he probably recognized your ability as a strategist as well and knew that you would be a big help in coming up with attack plans."

"Yeah, I guess.  As sad as it sounds, the commander would always shower me with praise...more praise...than I ever got from my own parents.  He was an absolute monster, for sure, but...I can't deny that, without him, and you, Kirito, I wouldn't have been as confident and strong as I was while I was with Knights of the Blood Oath."

"Yeah, Kayaba is definitely a weird dude," confirmed Klein.  "Trying to figure out that man will just make our heads explode, haha. Anyways, you should have seen what Kirito was going to go with for his appearance."

Klein could see the sadness in Asuna's eyes as she continued to talk about her time in SAO. He could tell that she missed it, deep in her heart, and wanted to change the topic for her to take her mind off of it.

"L-Let's not talk about, since we're all done editing our appearance, you want to go to the weapon's shop?" asked Kazuto, desperately, trying to avoid the conversation. 

"Oh, I actually know where it is," Shino added. "I did a little bit of research before logging on so I wouldn't get lost."

"That's so responsible of you, Sinon," praised Asuna.  "Good thing we have you with us or I'm sure we would have gotten lost pretty, quickly, especially if Kirito was the one trying to find the place."

"I'm not that bad at directions!"

As Asuna went on to list all of the times Kazuto had gotten them lost back when they were a pair in SAO, Klein couldn't help but be reminded of his own past relationship with Kana.  They used to argue and bicker in the same exact way...he missed much.  Now though, he had a chance. 

Ha, if we can be a couple that's even remotely as compatible as these two love-birds, I think we'll make it, Kana, Klein thought to himself, optimistically.  And this time, I promise I won't go and fuck it up.




So...many...guns, thought Shino to herself, nervously peering around the gun shop they had just entered. 

Hung up on all of the walls of the room were various guns including pistols, shotguns, sniper rifles, grenade launchers and assault rifles just to name a few.  There was also, a handful of melee weapons as well, in case someone wanted to run a melee build or just use one as a secondary weapon.  According to what Shino was reading about the game, each player was allowed one primary weapon and one secondary weapon so this meant two weapons total.  She had no idea where to start, though, and realized that the more she looked at the weapons, the more on edge she felt.

"Just remember, they aren't real," reminded Asuna, standing next to her, looking at the wall of weapons as well. 

"D-Do you know what two weapons you're going to get, Asuna?" Shino returned, trying to take her mind off of her own decision making. 

"Well, I was going to get one of the sabers for my melee weapon since I promised myself I would.  As for the gun, I'm not too sure, to be honest.  In case it isn't obvious, I'm not too familiar with guns."


Shino glanced around the room full of weapons and remembered what Kazuto had said about her speed stat back in the original SAO game she was trapped in. 

"Well, I think a smaller weapon would be better for you," claimed Shino, pointing to the sub machine gun section of the store.  "Kirito mentioned you were a fan of the speed stat in SAO and if you're planning on leveling up the speed stat in this game as well, a smaller weapon that weighs less will allow you to move faster, in comparison to a big one that you have to lug around."

"You mean...a big weapon like that one," Asuna said, pointing to the grenade launcher that Agil was looking at. 

"Haha...yeah, something like that probably wouldn't be the best weapon for run and gunning.  Plus, that big rocket launcher seems to fit him well."

"R-run...and...gunning?" questioned Asuna, unfamiliar with the term.

"Oh, right.  That's a style of play in shooters where you are able to run around while firing your weapon at enemies, with ease.  I think that style of play would be ideal for you, Asuna."

"Wow, you're surprisingly knowledgeable about shooters, Sinon," commented Asuna. 

"Oh, well...before the incident at the post office, I used to play a lot of shooters.  They were probably my favorite type of video game. Unfortunately, after what happened...the idea of playing another shooter just never entered my mind."

"That...makes sense.  Sometimes, I feel the same way when I'm playing Aincrad Online with the others.  That it would be better if I didn't play games with swords, anymore.  But, we can't think like that, can we, Sinon?"

Shino shook her head and smiled.

"No, we can't.  You're absolutely right.  We promised ourselves we would use this game to overcome our challenges.  So, I'll take a saber as well and force myself to pick a gun. Although, I'm not sure—"

"A sniper rifle," Asuna said, smiling. 


"You're so skilled and comfortable with the bow and arrow in Aincrad Online.  A sniper rifle works in the same way, right? It's a weapon you fire from a distance and it specializes in headshots which you are already a pro at.  Plus, being far away from the things you have to shoot might help you feel more at ease, too."

That's a good point, thought Shino to herself. The bow and arrow has always felt so natural to me, probably because of my experience with shooters when I was younger.  Although, the biggest thing with the bow and arrow was that it wasn't an actual gun while a sniper is. Still, it's going to be hard, no matter what weapon I end up picking, and the sniper might be the most optimal choice for the reasons Asuna just listed.  Also, I can just use my saber until I feel comfortable enough to fire the sniper rifle. 

"Hey, Asuna, have you guys figured out what weapons you're going to get?" asked Kazuto as he made his way towards the two girls. 

He tossed something towards Asuna and using impressive reflexes, she caught it.  It was a saber.

"I figured you would want a photon saber, so I picked you out one while I was getting mine," Kazuto explained.  "They also, have photon swords and other melee weapons but I felt like this would be the easiest one for you to handle since it's the least like an actual sword."

Asuna glanced at the weapon and saw a red button on the side.  She pressed it and pink photon energy shot out of the base and extended until it looked like a proper saber. She dropped the weapon and panicked, resulting in it falling onto the floor.  Kazuto walked over, crouched down, and pressed the button, again, to make the pink photon energy disappear. 

"Remember to take it, slowly," Kazuto said, handing the weapon back to Asuna.  "It may not be a sword but it handles very similarly to one.  Your body and mind might still view it as one, out of habit."

"Y-Yeah, you're right," Asuna agreed as she put the weapon into a holster that was attached to her attire.  "Thank you, though.  You even got the color, right.  Pink is my favorite color."

"Haha, I thought it was...I got myself a green one because I thought the photon sabers handled a bit better than the photon swords. Too bad you can't dual wield with them, though.  Although, check this out!"

Kazuto pulled out the weapon...or...weapons that he picked out for himself.  From what Shino could see, it was two pistols but she couldn't tell what exact type just from looking at them.

"This game has dual wielding pistols...pretty cool, huh?  I figured I would make these bad boys my primary weapon and then use the saber as my secondary."

"You love dual wielding that much, huh?" asked Asuna, smiling.  "I guess at this point, dual wielding is just part of who you are."

"I-I don't know about just seemed cool is all.  Anyways, what are you two getting?"

"Oh, Sinon convinced me to buy a submachine gun as my primary weapon so I gun and I'll use the pink saber as my secondary," stated Asuna.

"I-I guess I'll go ahead and pick out a sniper for my primary weapon and saber for my secondary."

"Wow, we all got sabers, huh?  That's pretty cool.  The blue will match your hair, Sinon. And, a sniper would be a perfect match considering how much of a beast you are with a bow and arrow.  I'm pretty sure Klein is using an assault rifle for his main weapon and Agil is using a grenade launcher as his.  Haha, seems like no matter what game we play, our play styles don't change much."

"So, what's the plan for when we are all done picking out our starting weapons?" asked Asuna. 

"Hm, well, it's not too late, yet," said Kazuto.  "We might as well get a feel for our weapons.  We can go exploring, for a bit, if that's okay with you two?  Not only will we be able to level up but we have a chance of finding better weapons along the way."

"That sounds like fun; what do you think, Sinon?" asked Asuna, turning to her friend. 

Shino caught herself looking at all of the guns that were surrounding her and couldn't help but dread the thought of having to carry around a gun while going exploring.  Although, this was the first step of using Gun Gale Online to help her overcome her trauma.  It wasn't going to be easy for Asuna and her both but she didn't want to hold Asuna back from overcoming her own fear so she pushed her doubts and worries to the back of her mind.

Shino forced herself to nod her head, yes, and answered, "Yeah, let's do this."

After Shino's reply, she saw Kazuto take a final glance at the melee weapons, with an unusually stern look on his face.  She hadn't seen him so serious, before.  It was kind of scary.  Shino noticed that the weapon he was looking at in particular was some kind of machete.

"Kirito, are you alright?" asked Asuna, worriedly, noticing the same thing Shino was. 

"Yeah, it's nothing," Kazuto assured them both, no longer looking at the weapon.

Author's Note: Hello, thank you so much for reading this week's chapter! In addition to catching up with Klein, we got our first look at my version of Gun Gale Online. I'm hoping to explore the world building of GGO a bit more in future chapters as I decide how much of it I want to reflect what was in canon. In case any of you were curious, I am using Asuna's GGO appearance that was seen in like one scene in the Alicization arc with slightly different colors to reflect her time in The Knights of The Blood Oath. I always thought her GGO attire was sick in the anime so it'll be cool to utilize it a lot more in my story. I hope you all are still enjoying the series and I will see you, next week!

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