One man, one woman

By FlavLyngstad

543 23 5

America's tour, 1979. When Benny and Frida's relationship is on the verge of breaking, can the sight of a lif... More

Somehow we'll help each other
Through the hard times

Two friends and two true lovers

217 8 2
By FlavLyngstad

America's tour, 1979.
Mention of Lena/Björn relationship.

September, 1979.

"Come on, come on! We have a huge night ahead of us!" shouted Stig, their manager as Frida and Agnetha made their way in the plane.

It was already 4.00 pm in New York and they had to take the plane to go to Boston for the last of their concerts.

"One hour and a half..."Frida heard Agnetha whisper behind her.

The brunette knew how much her best friend hated touring. And planes. She took her hand and smiled at her which, by the smile on the blonde's face, was very welcome.
They entered the plane and Frida looked around for Björn or Benny. Her eyes fell first on Björn already sitting in his usual place. With Lena.

'Of course.' Frida smiled tightly at Björn and dragged Agnetha by her hand.

"Do you want me to sit next to you?" The brunette asked as Agnetha made her way to her seat next to the window.

Agnetha looked at the ground and frowned.
"What about Benny?"

Frida felt a pang in her chest and looked around. He still wasn't there.

The blonde only nodded and gestured for Frida to sit next to her. Once they were settled, Frida couldn't help but stare at the plane's door, still open for Benny.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I know I'm late but-"

"No time for excuses Benny! We have to take off now!" Their manager said and sat at the front of the left range.

Frida watched as Benny made his way over to her but when his eyes fell on Agnetha he slowed. Frida locked eyes with him, waiting for him to say something, anything. But no. He said nothing and sat on the left range, opposite to Björn so they could probably talk.

"What's going on?" Agnetha said quietly but enough loudly so it put Frida out of her thoughts.


"Look," The blonde pointed to the window. "These men are talking pretty animatedly, don't you think?"

Frida leaned over Agnetha to look out of the window. Their pilot was indeed talking with two other men but he seemed pretty upset.

"You're right... It's weird..."
Frida looked at the sky and realised how black it looked for 4.30 pm.

"Frida?" The brunette felt a hand take one of hers.

She looked up and Agnetha was looking right in front of her, breathing rapidly.

"Anna." Nothing. "Anna!" The blonde slowly turned her head. "Look at me, nothing is going to happen, okay? Everything's going to be just fine."

The blonde smiled tightly and Frida began to rub circles on her back. When she turned her toward the front of the plane, she locked eyes with Benny. He was definitely looking at her. He really looked like he was going to say something-

"Alright! Let's go now! Are all belts fastened?" The pilot smiled at them before making his way to the cockpit.

Frida looked back at Benny but he had his back at her. She sighed and concentrated on Agnetha.


It was half an hour in the flight when Agnetha began talking again.

"I don't know what I would do without you."

Frida chuckled at that.
"Well, a lot of people say that, and I always answer 'not a lot'!" They both chuckled and Frida's eyes fell once again on Benny's back.

"You should talk."

"What?" The brunette turned her head so fast.

"Benny and you. You should talk."

"I don't think it's a good idea. Every time we try to talk we end up yelling at each other."

"Frida, you have to figure something out here!"


"No really! Benny and you are meant to be together! You-you're like the spring and the sun or the ying and the yang! You are like the supreme couple, you know! And as your best friend and colleague I've always and will always believe in bennyfrid supremacy."

Frida raised an eyebrow at the 'bennyfrid supremacy part'.

"Well guess what? You and Björn were my supreme couple! I believed in Björnetha supremacy too! Now look."

Frida closed her eyes and sighed as hurt crossed Agnetha's face.
"Sorry, I mean..."

"Frida. Björn and I have a totally different story. We've married at such a young age and-and...well he had someone now, he was capable of moving on." The blonde looked at the back of Björn's seat, two rows ahead and sighed.
"When I see the way you and Benny look at each other, not even for a minute I can see either of you even thinking about something else. You have to figure that out! If not for you then...for me."

Frida put her head on Anna's shoulder and sighed. It has been a while now since they've begun fighting like this over everything and nothing. They were both so tired of tours and interviews and radios and-. They were only lashing on each other. When Frida looked through the space between the seats in front of her, she could see him. He was smiling, like always. His cute smile that showed off his dimples she loved to kiss so much. Every feature of his face is a part of Frida now. She loved Benny. As much as they were always yelling and fighting...She loved him.

"You're right..." She slowly lifted her head from Agnetha's shoulder and smiled. "I'm gonna talk to him." When she heard no answer, she turned her head and found the blonde fast asleep.

She smiled and put her blanket on her best friend. She slowly stood up, not wanting to disturb her. At 7.00 pm, they had to give their last concert in Boston and she knew her friend needed this sleep. By the time she was fully standing in the alley, Frida realised how dark it really was in here. She slowly made her way to the front.

"Wow." The plane was swaying from one side to the other and the brunette had to lean on every seat to keep from falling.

When she finally reached the second row, she looked over at Benny's place but it was empty.

"Hm?" He answered, half asleep.

"Where's Benny?"

The plane suddenly rocked to the right and Frida would've fallen on Björn if not for the strong hands on her waist.

"Here." Benny said as he let her go.

"Thank you." The brunette turned around and smiled at Benny.

"Is something wrong?" Benny then asked with a frown.

"I think we need to talk and-"

The plane began shaking violently and Frida gripped Benny's forearms. A huge thunder lighted up the sky and the brunette closed her eyes.

"What the hell?!" Björn exclaimed and got out of his seat.

Benny locked eyes with the woman before her but his frown deepened.
"I'm going to see what's going on."

The brunette let go of Benny and gripped the back of his seat. The plane was now in the dark except for the small lights provided by the plane. Something settled in Frida's throat and she gulped loudly.

"As I say, everything is under control here, okay?"

Frida heard the pilot saying loudly. She frowned and as she began to make her way toward them another thunder echoed outside.


The brunette opened her eyes. Agnetha.

"I'm here honey! Wait!" The brunette ran to her best friend's seat and found a tearing Agnetha.
"Shhh. No honey, calm down, I swear everything is under control!" Frida tried her best to calm the blonde, repeating the pilot's words to reassure her.

Or maybe to reassure herself, she didn't know anymore.

"No, no, no! Haven't you looked outside?!" The blonde was now yelling over the thunder's noise.

Frida leaned over her best friend and looked with horrified eyes as rain poured on the plane and thunder came nearer and nearer.

"What's the f-"

"Come on, fasten your belts!" yelled a woman over the noise.

The brunette's eyes widened. WHAT?!
"Something's wrong? Please tell us!"

The woman only shook her head and ran to the front.

"I'm going to see what's wrong!"

"No! Frida please!"

"Anna, I'll be back right away, I swear!"
The brunette stood up, trying to stand still as the plane rocked from one side to the other.

"FRIDA!" Benny yelled from a few feet away. "Go back to your seat! It's too dangerous standing here!"

"So what are you doing standing here?" The brunette replied defiantly as she reached him.
"What's happening, B?"

The woman watched as her husband looked everywhere but at her.

"Benny?" He knew better than to try.

"Okay fine. There's a huge tornado coming our way."

Everything slowed around her. A tornado? And they were in the middle of nothing.

"But-but-but we-"

"Frida, look at me." He took her hands in his. "Go back to your seat. You're not safe standing there, okay?"

The brunette stood still for a few seconds before slowly turning around.

"Frida? What with the face? Is something wrong?" Anna called over the noise as Frida reached their row.


"Hey! Come on," The blonde pulled Frida next to her. "Tell me."

"There's a huge tornado coming our way...Anna...I don't wanna die."

Unexpectedly, Agnetha put her arms around Frida and started drawing circles on her back.
"Okay. So I was right...Something was definitely wrong."

The noise was louder and louder. Anna looked out the window and saw a big black cloud in the distance, only guessing it was the tornado.

"Frida?" the blonde shook her friend who refused to let go of her.

How funny was that? Role reversal.

"Frida, look at me now." The brunette pulled away from Agnetha, her eyes filled with tears. "You are going with Benny at the front, okay?"

The brunette shook her head. "I can't! He told me it was too dangerous!"

Agnetha raised an eyebrow. "And since when do you listen to what anyone says?"
This made her chuckle.

She slowly nodded but before standing up she took her best friend's hands in hers.
"What about you? I can't leave you here alone, Anna! I-"

"Listen, if anything was to will not...I want you to be with Benny! Not with me, I'm only your best friend! Plus, Bennyfrid supremacy, remember?"

Frida hugged her best friend tightly, knowing she was trying her best to hide her fear. She rapidly stood up and made her way to the front again. The noise was now so loud, everyone was screaming in every way. She couldn't see Benny.

"Benny! Benny!!!"
That's when she felt a hand gripping her arm.

"Frida! What did I tell you?"

The brunette gave him a look clearly saying 'so what?'.

"I'm not going to sit there when everyone is so animated!"

Benny only nodded and rubbed his forehead with his hand, the other still holding Frida in place.
"Frida...I have to tell you something-"

A huge thunder exploded just outside, near the plane. Too near. The plane slid completely to the left, sending everything flying this way. Including people. Frida fell directly on Benny who himself fell on two seats, his head hitting the window.

"Benny!!!" Frida screamed as he winced. "Are you alright?" She tried her best not to crush him with her body.

"Yes...Yes, don't worry." He said, opening his eyes and smiling at her.

Time seemed to stay still for a second. Benny sitting here, smiling up at her as if nothing in the world could destroy what they have-

"Your forehead is bleeding!" Frida sat up straight and looked around for a kleenex or something. "Lemme wipe this off!"

Benny shook his head but let his wife gently wiping the blood off.
"You'll need some band aids..." The brunette put the kleenex away and looked around.

"Frida! Oh my god, you're safe!" Anna was standing in the alley now, walking over her.

They hugged but the plane was still rocking from one side to another.

"Are you?"

"Yes, I still had my belt on so nothing's wrong."

Benny stood up slowly but Frida put a hand on his back.

"Frida, that's okay, I just hit my head, nothing's wrong!"
The brunette looked at him disapprovingly.

"Everyone! Please listen up!"
The pilot called from the cockpit. He was holding on to a bar for dear life.

Everyone was holding something for dear life. Frida was holding Benny, a hand gripping his shirt, for dear life.

"I'm so sorry!" The pilot was starting to cry which made everyone even more nervous.
"The tornado is even bigger than anyone had forecast! The plane is being directly absorbed by it and I can't do anything!"

Everyone gasped and Benny slid his right arm around Frida's waist, hugging her side.

"YOU will find a way!!! I'm not dying here!" Björn began to yell.

"I CAN'T! EVEN IF I WANTED TO, I CAN'T!!!" The pilot yelled over the deafening noise outside.

"WELL, YOU WILL!" Björn made his way to the pilot and lifted him by his collar.

"BJÖRN! STOP!" Agnetha and Lena yelled at the same time.

Stig and other staff members separated the two, all yelling. That's when the brunette saw a young man behind them, looking all pale and sick. Something was wrong.

"SHUT UP!" Frida yelled over everyone, they all stopped and looked over at her.

She gestured to the young boy to talk.


The pilot nodded for him to continue.

"We're running out of fuel."

Frida felt the world spinning around her, like spinning more than it already was.
"Benny." she gasped as she took both his hands.

"Frida. Listen to me, we're not gonna die, I won't let it happen! You hear me?"
The brunette only nodded but Benny pushed past her.

"YOU WILL FIND A PLACE FOR LANDING! NOW!" he yelled at the pilot who just started crying again.
Benny punched him right in the face before Frida could say anything.

That's when she finally realised what was happening. Benny was so calm and joyful all the time. Punching someone was definitely not part of him. It wasn't part of anyone until one was facing it. Facing death.

"Benny, please stop! BENNY!" Frida took both his arms from behind and tried to calm him.

"I'll try." the young man from earlier screamed over the noise. "I'll just need your help."

The brunette nodded toward him.

"We're running out of fuel so we need to cut everything that's useless. No lights."

Frida looked at him in the eyes and realised that it was their last chance.
"Cut the lights then."

The boy re-entered the cockpit and took the microphone, making everyone stop.

"Please. I'll try to land in New England but for this, I need your help. Because of the fuel being low, I'll need to turn the lights off. Every light." He sighed. "So everyone go sit somewhere, the front being the best place for the time being and wait."

Benny pulled Frida with her. He sat next to the window and Frida sat, pulled her knees below her chin and curled next to Benny. Björn made his way back to his seat with Lena and-

"Anna?" Frida whispered, fear had totally taken over her body.

"I'm behind you." Agnetha whispered back, her voice coming from the gap between the seats.

The brunette closed her eyes and let a tear fall down her cheek. But Benny was there. He wiped it off and put her belt around both of them.

"Lights off."

Everything became dark after that except for the thunder outside. Frida heard Agnetha's prayer behind her, Björn and Lena's sweet words to each other and the other people staying silent, waiting impatiently.

"Benny..." Frida lifted her head from Benny's shoulder and locked eyes with him.

His eyes were as glassy as her must be.

"If we're going to die-"

"We won't." He smiled slowly.

"You can't be sure of that." A tear fell down her cheek.

"I am. I may die in this life but I'll find you in another. I'll always find you." Benny slowly stroked her cheek as the plane turned violently to the left.

"Stop saying like that." Frida smiled slowly. "We both know there's not a chance we get out here alive."

"I think there is. I see this as a sign God's sending us."

"You don't believe in those kinds of things." Frida let out a small chuckle.

"Well, right now I do." They looked at each other for a few seconds. "Right when our relationship was going wrong, this happened. Like to remind me of the lucky man I am, the lucky man I am to be your husband and to be able to call you my wife."

Frida squeezed his hand and tears came pouring from her eyes.

"We're going to get out of this plane alive, because I've not been lucky to have children who look just like you yet, because I've not brought you to this tropical loveland you talk all the time and because I've not had enough time to tell you how much I love you, Frida Lyngstad-Andersson."

"I love you, too." Frida closed her eyes and kissed her husband soundly. Not caring about anything.

If she had to die then that was how she wanted it. Kissing her husband. The love of her life until the end of time.

A huge shock made them jump apart but Benny brought her tightly to him, her head pressed against his chest, where she felt the safest. He protected her head with his hands and leaned over her. They heard a deafening sound once again, then a crack and-

"HE DID IT!!!" screamed their manager.

They both immediately looked up and when Benny looked out of the window he saw the ground. THE GROUND.

"We're alive!" Frida jumped at Benny's neck and kissed him all over his face. "I love you more than words will ever say."

"Me too." Benny replied before kissing her back.

"Oh my god." Frida broke the kiss to look behind her at Anna, who looked pretty pale.

"Call an ambulance." She said before closing her eyes.

"ANNA!" Frida screamed and jumped next to her.

Benny ran outside and rang the ambulance.

"Anna, stay with me!"

"What's happening?!" Björn asked from next to her.

"She just faint!"

After several minutes, an ambulance took Agnetha and they were all out of the plane.

"Well..." Stig began, rubbing his neck. "We have a concert in forty minutes...Without Agnetha we will-"

"Wait...Were you expecting us to play tonight?! AFTER EVERYTHING?!" Benny began to shout and Frida really didn't have it in her to stop him.

"Benny, calm down...We have a tour to finish and-"

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!! Agnetha just went to the hospital, we almost DIED in this plane and you expect us to play?!" Everyone stayed silent. "We're not going to play today, nor tomorrow, nor anytime soon."

He took the brunette's hand and started walking toward their taxi.

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