• Izuku-Centric Oneshots •

By DPauthorgirl

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Welcome to a collection of random Izuku centered oneshots my brain spits out at 2 AM when I'm trying to sleep... More

A Sad Misunderstanding
Perfection is a Mask
Fire: Crack Fic

Izuku Midoriya is an Understanding Person

453 16 1
By DPauthorgirl



Sexual Harassment (Rape)



Disclamer: This page was inspired by a 'Gacha meme' I recently saw on YouTube.

• Izuku Midoriya is an Understanding Person •

Izuku Midoriya is a great person. 

He was kind.

When Bakugo, his childhood-friend-turned-bully-turned-rival-turrned-acquaintance, apologized to him, Izuku forgave him with kind words. 

He was protective.

He would move earth and Sun to his shoulders if any one of his friends or family asked him to. 

He was honest.

Each word he said was pure, innocent, and honest. He never told lies, but when harsh realities surfaced, Izuku could always confront and comfort at the same time.

Most of all, Izuku was understanding.

He understood Momo's cries about being harassed by in an alley. He understood Todoroki's troubles of his abusive father whom he hated. Izuku understood Denki's tirades about being bullied for being different from the rest of the crowd. He understood Uraraka's concerns for her family who recently got an eviction notice. He understood Iida's grief for his brother who passed away in a villain attack.

Izuku understood it all.

And that was one thing Class-1A of UA school adored about their loving green-headed boy. 

They did not know why Izuku understood, only that he did.

Truly, he was all these amazing things because he had experience.

Izuku was kind because he experienced unkindness. He was protective because he never had anyone to protect him. He was honest because he had felt the heartbreak when what seemed an honest promise was broken.

Izuku understood Momo because he, too, had been harassed, multiple times in his life. He understood Todoroki because his father was an abusive parent. He understood Denki because he had been mocked and hurt for his own hobby of analyzing quirks. He understood Uraraka because he worked two jobs every day after school so he could pay off the rent and the expensive price of the school fees, and earn back the money his father wasted on alcohol. He understood Iida because his own mother was taken away from him in a car accident when he was only thirteen years of age.

Sometimes, all these loses that piled up on Izuku made his mind feel fogged and his heart feel heavy. And sometimes, the weight of the world seeped into his skin, making him feel hopeless and afraid. Recently, he'd been feeling worse than he usually did. Complicated emotions bubbled up inside him, making poor Izuku feel miserable and glum. 

So, he turned to the one option he had been using since middle school – self harm.

Life really was unfair to his kind, loving boy who would give up his soul for the happiness of another.

He was understanding, but no one understood him.


Class 1A deeply cared for Izuku Midoriya.

That was why when Momo, Todoroki and Denki noticed his slight change in behavior they decided to share their findings with the rest of the class. So, they held a meeting after classes ended. Once everyone was seated, their discussions began. 

"Ok, fellow classmates," Momo started, "This past week we have noticed a slight change in Midoriya's behavior."

"He more quiet lately and spaces out a lot." Todoroki added quietly.

"According to research experiments, people who feel lonely tend to be possessive over material objects, and Izuku tends to be territorial over his notebooks, his phone, and etc, hence directing me to the conclusion that he feel, phrased literally, "alone in a crowd." Additionally, Izuku tends to cry due to happy things, including surprises, wins and such, hinting that he is not used to them. He has less reaction over sadder things meaning that he either has a high pain tolerance or is already used to such degrading matters." Denki reported, surprising many of his classmates into silence.

"Oi Pikachu, since when did you become the brainy one of the class, huh? Tch." Bakugo yelled.

The said boy just shrugged, "Izuku helped." 

This brought a smile to many of their faces, though Bakugo would never admit to that if he was asked. 

Izuku really was a treasure to them. 

"So, we need to think of ideas to help Izubro?" Kirishima questioned. 

"Yes" Todoroki answered.

"That's so manly!"


So, for the next hour, the class dedicated themselves into helping out their green bean.


Izuku didn't know what to expect when Uraraka came rushing into his room while he was in the middle of contemplating his life decisions and just life in general. She told him it was an emergency, but as it turned out, she only wanted some help with her makeup and clothes, though she insisted that it was an emergency.

Izuku didn't like that, but he didn't complain.

To him, an emergency was when the hospital called to inform him his mother died, or the police telling him he now had to live with his shitty father who left because of his lack of a quirk. He didn't like how she made such a big deal out of something simple, but understood that being raised like he was, obviously, he would have a different outlook on the world. He didn't blame Uraraka, but did feel slight envy towards her normalcy of a childhood despite money problems her family had. 

He helped her apply makeup as quickly as he could, using his 8 years of experience hiding bruises with makeup to help, and, surprisingly, he had gotten extremely good working with makeup. He wanted to get back to him room for alone time, but she seemed adamant about changing her style every time he finished – it was honestly starting to exhaust Izuku, so he finished with his friend and then rushed back to his room, Uraraka trailing behind him protesting him from going back.

When his hands finally, met the door handle, still hearing the faint protests of Uraraka behind him, he turned the handle and was met with something he wasn't expecting at all. 

The a portion of his closest friends from the class of 1A had gathered up in his room.

Sero was hanging up fairy lights on the walls, sticking it with tape from his quirk, Todoroki was warming and heating drinks on his study table, Mina and Kirishima arguing over which movie to watch on his laptop, Jiro was doing something on her phone and music was blasting from her phone (Izuku deduced that she was making up a playlist), Iida was cleaning up bits of paper on the floor and folding clothes neatly into stacks, Momo was using her quirk to make bean bags (she already created two, he observed), Bakugo was bringing up bowls of food which, presumably, he made himself and Denki was directing everyone and helping here and there.

Each paused with whatever they were doing, staring at the door at the intrusion only to see that the intruder was the one they were making the surprise for. To Izuku, they honestly looked like a bunch of five-year-old who were caught stealing candy.

"Izuku! Haha... There's nothing to see here... and I still need your help to do my makeup...!" Uraraka nervously said.

Izuku sighed deeply, scrunching his eyes shut and taking deep breathes in and out. Honestly, all he wanted was some alone time to pity himself and feel sad.

He didn't want to socialize. 

Turning to face Uraraka who was still spouting excuses to get him out of the room, Izuku forced a smile and asked, "What the hell is going on here?"

Uraraka stammered something about it being the wrong dorm and that he should go back to helping her out with her clothes.

"Uraraka... My name is clearly written on the door – obviously, this is my room. Besides, you've changed outfits at least seven times in the last ten minutes."

She blushed in embarrassment and gave up. Her body drooped down like she just deflated.

"Look Midoriya, we were trying to give you a surprise..." Momo mumbled.

"Yeah bro, it was going to be super manly! We were going to watch Jaws." Kirishima commented.

"You mean Mean Girls!" Mina exclaimed.

"Frozen" he heard, but wasn't sure who, though he could take a pretty accurate guess.

Bakugo just rolled his eyes.

Izuku sighed again. He really wasn't in the mood for these movies. He stepped forward and plopped down on one of Momo's bean bags, grabbing his laptop and scrolling through his favorites, finding the saddest movie in his list.

The rest of the class shared glances with each other before excitedly sitting around Izuku, forming a protective circle around him. 

The movie started, and the main character was barely introduced before Izuku burst into tears at his unfortunate life. Those around him hug him, and soon, everyone present in the room hugged him, even Bakugo, and no one asked him what was wrong. 

They just let him let out his pain.

By the time the movie ended, everyone was asleep.


The next morning, all of Class 1A were sitting in class, some doing late homework, others chatting, and the rest doing something else. 

Izuku was part of the group doing something else. He was trying not to fall asleep. Crying so much yesterday had taken a toll on his already messed-up sleep schedule, he barely got an hour of sleep because his brain decided it didn't want to shut down just yet.

"Alright y'all." Aizawa said, crawling out of his yellow cocoon, "Today we'll be getting a therapist from Hosu city use her quirk on you for mental health. Apparently, Nezu thinks its the first step to healing or whatever. This lady here is Miss Kotaraki and all your other teachers will be here as well." 

And, at this moment entered the rest of their teachers – All Might, Ectoplasm, Present Mic, and Ishiyama. Then, Miss Kotakari spoke:  

"Hello everyone! Its a pleasure to see your happy little faces here. Now, my quirk reveals how difficult your life has been using your past memories and amount of dopamine and serotonin in your system to determine that. Now, I will ask you all to come to the front of the class one by one so I can use my quirk on you. Anyone over 15% to 40% will have one session with me. Anyone over that will get weekly session with hound dog for 5 weeks. Some of you might get a free 20 day therapy session if I deem it necessary."

Now, Izuku was wide awake. He realized that someday, his friends and Aizawa Sensei would see how hard his life was and how much fucked up shit had ben thrown at him by fate. He just hadn't though it was going to be this early. Oh well, its the talk afterwards that slightly scared him not the great reveal. 

"Yuga Aoyama"

Izuku watched, intrigued as colors and numbers flashed above the blonde, before settling on a 19% in green lettering. Just like that, went every other classmate of his went to the front of the class to be tested.

"Mina Ashido"     23%

"Tsuyu Asui"        37%

"Tenya Iida"         24%

"Ochaco Uraraka"         26%

"Mashirao Ojiro" 18%

"Denki Kaminari"           49%

At Kaminari's display of percentage, the class loudly asked him what happened and whether he was alright, shouting and speaking over each other so the room was filled with worried chatter. 

"QUIET DOWN PLEASE!" Present Mic said, which caused everyone to hush and rub their eyes at the loud noise. 

"Let's continue on, class! Young Denki, you will be receiving weekly session with hound dog! I sincerely hope you are alright." said All Might.

Denki smiled weakly and sat back down.

"Eijiro Kirishima"    32%

"Koji Koda"            13%

"Rikido Sato"        11%

"Mezo Shoji"          15%

"Kyoka Jiro"           24%

"Yaoyorozu Momo"  53%

Once again, voices overlapped each other, each worried and concerned about their female friend. They all wondered what happened to her (except Izuku who already knew what happened to her) and wondered if she was alright.

"Hanata Sero"      12%

"Fumikage Tokoyami"    23%

"Shoto Todoroki"  84%

A collective gasp was drawn from the class. One of the students, Tsuyu Asui, asked him if he was alright and assured him he had friends if he ever wanted to talk. Todoroki gave a small smile and only said:

"My father is a piece of shit"

Usually, everyone would burst out laughing, but this time, Izuku observed, concerned glances were shared amongst his peers and even his mentors. He saw Aizawa Sensei looking like a protective dad and saw Yamada Sensei trying to control his husband. 

"W-well, this must be one of the highest suffrage percentages I've seen. I met another student like you, and I think I know exactly how to help you!" said the therapist lady.

To be honest, Izuku was getting rather bored of this lady. She seemed nice enough but probably a non-adventurous woman who was rather the stay-at-home type of person. 

Izuku never understood people who wanted to stay at home. 

Like why?

But, he supposed that he didn't want to go home because of his fucked up father whose favorite pastime seemed to be drinking, have sex with barbie doll Karens, and making his life a living hell. If his home was his room in the school dorms, he though he'd probably want to stay here too.

"Toru Hakegure"   26%

"Minoru Mineta"   0%

"Bakugo Katsuki" 6%

"Izuku Midoriya"   100%

Everyone was silent. 

What? they were all thinking, Had Izuku really suffered this much in silence? Without telling anyone?

And, truth is, he did. He really did suffer a lot in silence. He'd sort of accepted that no one would understand his problems and never bothered any with it. 

He sighed out loud:

"What do you want to know?"

Momo raised her hand hesitantly a few seconds later.


"What happened to you...?"

"...well, if you specifically want to understand, someone did that to me too."

Momo gasped, then ran up to him and hugged him with an overpowered bear hug, squishing Izuku as he was the second smallest in the class, with first being Mineta. With tears in her eyes, she whispered, "why didn't you tell me?"

"Someone...did what?" Jiro asked, hesitant to know the answer.

Izuku sighed, probably for the seventh time that day. He looked at Momo for confirmation that he could them them about their 'situation.' She bit her lip and nodded, then looked away.

"It was–it was...." 

Izuku's felt his throat clog up and his face burn bright red in shame. He just couldn't spit the words out. It was just words! What was so difficult about it? But a part of Izuku knew that these words were also a confrontation with his fears and sharing his secrets, which he had never, in his entire life, done before.

He took a deep breath, squeezed his eyes shut and said:


Momo, on the other hand, had her eyes wide open. Rape? Had it really gone that far for her green-haired friend? She was only harassed, touched inappropriately – it had never went as far as rape

"Problem child...?" a gentle whisper rose from the class teacher, as he weaved his way from the back of the class to the front where his two students stood. He embraced them both in a tight, but affectionate hug, and asked:

"Momo... do you want to tell us about it?"

"Well... I-I was walking in a crowd to get to the bus station once and-and a group of boy ran past me and they t-touched my um...my...well, you know. It happened a few more times inn different places but its never gone as far as rape..."

"Child, that doesn't make it any less important. You were still harassed."

"T-thank you sensei! That–that is really..."

"You don't have to thank me, kid."

Momo smiled weakly and walked back to her seat, her emotions feeling much steadier already. Then, Aizawa looked at Izuku.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"...My father was the one who did it to me."

The class gasped, even Bakugo looked shocked.

The blonde explosive asked, "Didn't you dad go overseas to the Americas? And what happened to Auntie Inko?"

Finally, the screw let lose and tears cascaded down his face at the painful memories.

"Mom was – Mom was k-killed in a car accident when I was thirteen. And–and Hizashi did leave Japan but came back for–for our money when I was in middle school."

"Problem child? Did Hizashi ever...hurt you in other ways?"

"Well...he hits me sometimes and locks me in the basement. He starves me and–and obviously rapes me. He doesn't have a job either so I have to work two jobs everyday to have a place to sleep. He-he paid some kids at my school to b-bully me and–and..."

The poor boy broke off, crying and falling to the ground, the final hit home to his heart striking like a bullet. His mind felt heavy with depressing thoughts and shame coursed through his vein, crippling his form. The class and their teachers paced to Izuku and, instead of picking him up, they let him cry out his bottled pain. Instead of picking him up, they sat with him on the ground and cried with him. Only the therapist from Hosu city stayed at a distance, giving them the privacy they needed.

And even though no one in this class could truly understand Midoriya's troubles and pain and want, they stood beside him at his time of need just like the boy in question always did for them.

For once, Izuku Midoriya did not have to be an understanding person.

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