My Cold Mate

By Bae0409

576 40 0

"I Hate you" the trueblood alpha muttered She heard him saying something unfamiliar . Probably she never he... More

Author note
Characters 1
Chapter 2
Characters 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapters 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

52 5 0
By Bae0409


When a crismon sun is begun to hide ,a cool breeze careesing the honey skin, gently her gaze is very strong yet emotionless but those eyes have a gorgeous look , her rasberry lips is moving with delight, ocean's wavy long hair brushing against her unclothed small waist ,her pretty veiny hands holding a expensive mobile and having a conversation with unknown. she's placed herself on a bench in a park where no people roaming,only few pups and their mums living their own world happily.To be exact they're just minding their own business unlike others
Suddenly a little alpha pup looking so soft and small ran into her with cute giggles and seems like he trying to make a small talk with her
But why ?


Out of all the people who are willing to pour the extreme love to the pup?  She's just a omega unlike others , the omega is nothing but a emotionless, stone, cold wolf.

She don't have interest in anything such a boring omega right?
This dark hair head only used to living like a stone with no emotion and her gaze is still blank and have no interest

The little alpha tried to hug her but she suddenly raised her both hands to prevent  it from happening

"Hello"the alpha greeted her

"Go away" the omega said with a blank face


"I like you, you're so cute~" the little alpha cooed at her

Suddenly a beta women came towards her and sighed heavily,the grumpy omega sensed that she's probably the mother of the little alpha but not blood related ,maybe a mother figure

"Sorry miss ,He's bothering you"the women said with a apologetic look

"Nahh, Its okay"the omega mummered

"Mommie , I like her , let me hug her" the  alpha pup begged with puppy eyes

"No baby , She's busy , don't disturb her.... come on sweeie" the women said and dragged him with her (softly)

And the omega left alone in the park with her moblie and the call is still connected

"Hyy Mian"said in the other side of call with a sweet and melting voice

"Ah ..... yeah" Mian said , and Yes the omega name is Mian .The cold and frozen heart omega name is "THE MIAN"

"When you're coming here"the other said

"I'm comming soon lia" Mian said and hang up the call

I'm no longer cute , you little alpha she thought in her mind and left the park

WHY ? Why she's avoiding pups ,the truth is every omega in this world meant to be a caring person .They all are giving the mother love to the pups , even if they not blood related they'll cherish other pups But she's different from other omegas and even though she's a "trueblood omega"

Why she hate pups? Because of what? The truth was, she's don't desereve these kind of happiness from her point of view .
even though the omega loves pups , But she don't want to expose the love and affection to any pups .Because the omega considered herself as a monster and evil ..

BUT the truth is .................................




The omega acting like a cold, emotionaless person and rude

But why?

(Any guesses?)


Hi guys 😇 hope you'll like it 🤗 atleast like 10 people like my story💕I guess

In this chapter everyone have a wolf and they also can shift human form to wolf form, to be exact they are like soulmates ,both human and their wolf share the same body . of course this info is for people who is new for this type of genre

I also want to share some info here about werewolves scent and Trueblood werewolves

Scent - Every werewolves had their own natural scent . They use the scent as their personal calling card, making it easier for wolves to identify their pack mates and any potential rival wolves from another pack.

Trueblood - Truebloods are higher than alpha and they very strong and powerfull then alphas and other wolfs... Truebloods were only born if the mother and father are same rank like...... two alphas or two omega parents and it's hella rare because rarely two alphas become mates............and they can make submit any wolfs include alphas , betas , omega , Trueblood kinds too

unlike other wolfs Trueblood omegas will only find their mate after turning 19 or older than that

And That's all🙇‍♀️

Bye guys 💜

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