Our Incomplete Story[KL Rahul...

By cricketloverAk_18

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I downloaded this cover from Pinterest, Book #1 in loveforever series... Disclaimer: This story is complete... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6(Part-1)
Chapter 6(Part-2)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
New Story
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
About this Book (QnA)

Chapter 14

191 24 12
By cricketloverAk_18


After a week.

Nisha blocked Rahul's number and his Instagram account, she doesn't wanted to create more mess between the families.

But Rahul is not happy with what all happening.

In boys hostel.

"I can't understand why is she behaving like this.?" Rahul said.

"Think from her perspective Rahul, both of your families have a bad history and she don't want to continue that in future." Kailash said.

"Yeah I know, but we can be friends right, as friends we can solve our family problems na." Rahul said.

"Do you miss her.?" Lucky asked.

"Of course I do miss her, she was my good friend, I miss her very badly." Rahul said sadly.

Kailash and Lucky can understand the sadness in Rahul's voice.

"Excuse me." Rahul said and went out when his phone started ringing.

"Kailash, He sounds too sad." Lucky said.

"Their bond was more than friends, it's obvious that he is feeling sad." Kailash said.

"So your are saying that they are more then just friends.?" Lucky said.

"May be or may not be." Kailash said.

"Do you think they like each other?" Lucky asked curiously.

"That they both only know." Kailash said.

Meanwhile outside

Rahul is talking with Naksha in phone.

"So is everything ok?" Naksha asked.

"Yeah." Rahul lied and heard big music "Naksha , where are you now?" Rahul questioned.

"Hmm, ac.. Actually it was my friends birthday so I'm in her party." Naksha lied and looked around in a pub and found a boy was looking at her, she waved her hand towards him and he waved back.

"I think it's late night, careful while going back." Rahul said.

"I know, I will go safely, don't worry." Naksha said and saw the guy whom she waved at was coming towards her.

"Ok, listen..." Rahul was about to say, Naksha cut-off his words "Baby, I need to go, party is about to start." Naksha lied and that guy came to her.

"Sure message me when you reach bye, love you." Rahul said.

"Love you too." Naksha winked at that boy and cut the call.

"Boyfriend huh.?" That guy asked.

"Kinda of." Naksha said.

"Can I buy a drink to you?" that guy asked.

"Of course" Naksha smiled.

After two to three shots, Naksha become too touchy with that guy.

"So, your place or mine?" that guy asked.

"Any place is ok." Naksha went near his ears and whispered "Even washroom is also comfortable." Naksha laughed.

That gave a sensual smile and dragged Naksha towards the washroom.....

Meanwhile, Rahul went inside his room.

"So?" Kailash said

"So, what?" Rahul asked.

"What you are gonna do next?, What's your plans about to reconcile with Nisha.?" Kailash said.

"I know that very well." Rahul smiled, they got ready and went out.

Meanwhile Nisha was in hospital duty and checking the patient.

"Nisha, it's not ok." Sam said.

"Did I give wrong injection.?" Nisha questioned.

"No, why you blocked Rahul's number.?, you like his company right?" Sam questioned.

"Listen, Sam I don't want to discuss about that, friendship between us is over and out." Nisha said and went to check the next patient.

Sam turned towards Avani

"Ava, Say something." Sam said.

"What to say?, she knows what's good for her, who am I to interfere.?" Ava went outside ward.

"Don't you think they have something between them.?" Sam followed Ava.

"I know that but it's her life she knows what best her, I support her every decision." Ava went from there and Sam followed her........

After few days

From the last few days, Rahul started creating coincidences, which he used to do few months, when he wanted to make friendship with Nisha.

Hotel, canteen or library wherever Nisha used to go, she used to sit in the same seat beside Rahul or same table with Rahul. One fine day even though Nisha tried to trick Rahul by going the hotel which she hated the most but instead of that she got tricked my Rahul, as he was sitting in the table of restaurant which she went, she lost her patience ,she started walking out in angry.

Rahul ran behind her and stopped her "Nish, stop where are you going? , at least talk with me."

"Don't call me that, and please stop creating coincidences please it's a request." Nisha said.

"Nisha , please don't say that, we were good friends before right?, then what's your problem with friends with me.?" Rahul asked.

"Oh friendship really, after that what's next? Next love huh?,after that your gonna betray me like your grandma said." Nisha said sarcastically.

"Nisha , I don't have any that type intention." Rahul said.

"Oh really, Listen Rahul if your creating all this make me fall in love with you, then love should happen naturally and nature should helps us to fall in love, leave that why I'm telling all this to you?, you are committed already, even if we fall in love that will be an 'incomplete' love story ." Nisha angrily said and went from there and Rahul stood their confusingly.

"Nature and all what was that.?" Rahul thought.

Next day that is present day

Place:Shiva temple, Mumbai.

As usual Nisha went to temple alone as Avani is out of town,she will come today, while going on Scotty she noticed that a white car is following her.

"Idiot, I told him not to follow, but he won't listen to my words, he is busy creating coincidences." Nisha thought.

She took many turns to avoid the car but that car was following her, she got angry, went to the temple and stopped Scotty in the parking lot and the car also stopped 100 meters away from her, removed her helmet. Took her mobile and dialled his number.

Rahul who was jogging in University grounds, with his friend, stopped jogging when his phone rang, he saw the name.

"I know Nisha, you will call me, you can't stay away from me." Rahul thought and picked up the call and said "Hello"

"Rahul Keshava Reddy." Nisha said in an angry tone.

"Ahh... my name sounds good in your voice, even when you are angry." Rahul tried to flirt.

"Stop your flirty thing and how dare you.?" Nishabda asked angrily, Rahul sensed something is wrong

"Nish, Calm down, tell me what happened?" Rahul asked.

"Don't call me in that name, you have lost the right, go back stop following me." Nisha went towards that car but that car went a little backwards.

"Come out of your dreamland madam, I'm not following you." Rahul said.

"Stop joking, you are here only right?, in that white car, wait I'm coming, don't you dare to go." Nisha cut the call and started moving towards the car.

"These 6 months are good with him, but enough is enough, let's come to one solution today." Nisha thought while moving towards the car and knocked the front door window, door opened and someone dragged her inside the car forcefully that made her phone to fell in ground and drove the car away from their.

Meanwhile in the ground.

"Hello Nish, Nisha don't g... go th..." before he could complete the sentence the call was cut.

"Is everything ok.?" Rahul's friend Kailash asked.

"I think Nisha is in danger, come let's go." Rahul and Kailash started running as the temple is near to the university where they study.

While running Rahul got the call from his girlfriend Nakshatra but he didn't pick up.

"What magic you have done to me Nish, before meeting you I was something after meeting you I'm something else, I think I shouldn't have agreed to what my grandma told to me to do, six months ago." Rahul thought and ran towards to temple with his friend Kailash.

"Rahul, look their." Kailash pointed towards Nisha's mobile.

Rahul took the mobile and was about to open but their heard a voice from behind "Guys, what's happening here?, why you both are here?" they turned and saw Avani there.

"Where were you? And why didn't you come with Nisha here?" Rahul asked furiously.

"What happened?, I was coming back from my town, I told her to wait for me, but she didn't listened to me, what are you doing with her phone?" Avani asked.

"She won't listen to anybody" Rahul told everything to Avani "I...I think someone kidnapped Nisha" Rahul said.

"What?" Avani asked shockingly........

Hi everyone

What's gonna happen next ??

Sorry for the late update
Next update:
15 July

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