Burning Butterfly (Prefect #1)

By PikaKris17

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(Book #1 in the 'Prefect Trilogy') [COMPLETED] Gwen Gardens is an exemplary Wizardess, since she happens to b... More

1. When Can I See You Again?
2. Broken Ones
3. Headphones
5. I Know You
6. A Drop In The Ocean
7. Chasing the Beat of My Heart
8. Hurt
9. You Lost Me
10. Little Do You Know
10.5. Steady My Heart
11. Truth or Dare
12. This is War
13. Illuminated
14. Fairytale
15. Move Into Light
16. Sisters of the Light
17. Fight Song
17.5. Oxygen
18. Love Will Remember
19. Memo

4. Your Biggest Mistake

182 7 5
By PikaKris17

A/N: Hope you all enjoy ^.^

Dedicated to that one person who threatened to kill me if I didn't update this ;D Lol

Song above is 'Your Biggest Mistake'  by Ellie Goulding in the Nightcore version :3

Image above is roughly how I imagine Loki :3


I sighed and finally gathered the last bunch of frogs as I set them free outside in the Courtyard.  I groaned, and stretched my arms above my head to get the kinks out of my back from bending over in the last hour or so.  Sitting down on a nearby bench under the scorching sun, I went over the events of what happened in class mere moments ago.

"MISS GARDENS!" Professor Ivangard bellowed, and I flinched, the frog atop my head hopping down onto my desk.  I was never really fond of frogs before, but I suppose being around so many at the moment, I grew to like them.

"Yes?" I squeaked, and Rian shifted in his seat uneasily beside me.

"Would you care to explain why there are amphibians in my classroom?"  He glared at me with narrowed eyes, and I flinched at his tone while fiddling with my fingers.

"Um. . .my Magic tends to act up and only works on animals," I mumbled, and he shook his head just as a frog plopped itself on top.  I bit my lip to hold back my laugh.  Professor Ivangard's eyebrow twitched with irritation.

"Then you shall stay after class and release every frog into the Courtyard, since this was due to your amateur Magic skills."  I groaned, and slouched down in my seat.  There was that word again.  Amateur.  Was I ever going to live this down now?  And how was I supposed to make any new friends if I made it rain frogs in class?

"I could help you with the frogs if you want?" Rian had offered after class, and I merely shook my head at him.

"No, I can do it on my own.  It is my fault they're here in the first place, after all.  I wouldn't want to trouble you any further," I laughed nervously and proceeded to gather up the frogs myself.

Coming to out of my reverie, I sighed and curled my legs up to my chest, laying my head on my knees in exhaustion.  I just wasn't cut out for this sort of thing.

"That's not the way a lady should sit."

I snapped my head up in surprise, before glaring up at the boy before me.  What was he doing here?  "And I told you that I was a lady when exactly?"

Prefect Eli turned his head away from me, his silvery-gray cloak flowing behind him in the gentle breeze.  I noticed a light pink blush staining his upper cheeks.  "Well, considering you're showing a wonderful display of underwear to any male in sight, I figured I'd point it out."  I gasped and quickly dropped my legs to the ground as I pulled my skirt down over my legs, my face starting to burn from embarrassment.  Did he really just see my underwear?

I glanced up at him under hooded gray eyes.  "You saw?"

Prefect Eli turned his head away, the light pink blush turning a darker shade of red.  "I refuse to dignify that with an answer."

I growled in anger and hopped up to my feet, hands balling into fists at my sides, my own cloak flowing behind me lazily.  "You did see!  You're such a pervert!"

He snapped his blond head back around to face me, his cheeks fading back to pink.  "I am no such thing."

"Oh, quit the formalities!" I shouted, just about fed up with him.  Add on the fact that he refuses to even notice me as his Buddy, I was beyond pissed.  I was just having a bad day to begin with.  "You're such a prude that you refuse to acknowledge my existence as your Buddy, and now you're staring at my underwear on top of that!"

"Be quiet!" he hissed, and gripped both my forearms so tightly, that I flinched from the force of it.  "Other people can hear you-"

"What's this I hear about the Perfect Prefect finally getting a Buddy?" a voice spoke out above Prefect Eli's whispering, and we both turned to see who had engaged in our conversation.

A boy with angular features and dark brown hair approached us, the tips of his hair dyed a bright meadow green to match his eyes.  He wore a slim smirk on his full lips, his cleft chin defining more of his face, hands in the pockets of his uniform that he seemed to have adjusted to more of his liking, the silvery-gray jacket unbuttoned and his shirt untucked, and I suppose he decided to ditch the cloak as well since it wasn't currently sitting upon his shoulders like ours were.  An emerald green earring hung from his right ear, which I would have almost missed if he hadn't turned his head to the side just slightly.

"Loki, head back to the Dorm," Prefect Eli narrowed his eyes at the boy who slightly towered over him, and the boy merely chuckled.

"Now why would I do that when I've just heard the most juiciest gossip around?" the boy—Loki—smirked over at Prefect Eli before turning to face me with a wink.  "Hey, cutie."  My cheeks immediately heated at the pet name, just as Prefect Eli released his hold on my arms and shoved me behind him.

"As Prefect of Brickstone, I order you to return to the Dorm," Prefect Eli repeated with narrowed blue eyes, and I frowned.  What was his deal with this Loki guy?

"Pulling the authority card on me, huh?  You should know by now that doesn't work on me," Loki grinned mischievously.  "Hard to believe this little beauty is your Buddy, though."  He glanced over Prefect Eli's shoulder at me.  "Tell me, sweetheart, is it all that bad being the Prefect's Buddy?"

"Stop calling her that," Prefect Eli growled lowly, and took a menacing step forward.  I narrowed my eyes.

"It's worse, actually," I spoke up, and saw Prefect Eli halt in his advance on Loki, his own hands balling into fists at his sides.  I crossed my arms.  "I've tried my best, promising to study hard for both our sake's, but he refuses to relent that stubborn attitude of his."

Prefect Eli turned on me, his blue eyes growing dark, and I swallowed nervously.  "If anyone is stubborn here, it's you, amateur."

I growled, and balled my hands into fists, stomping on his foot for leverage, matching him for height as I leaned into his personal space.  "Stop calling me that!"

His blue eyes widened slightly, before they narrowed into slits, invading my own personal space as he pressed his forehead against mine aggressively, one of his hands reaching up to grip my arm.  "I can call you whatever I want, Buddy."

I reached my hand up to smack him, just about fed up with his attitude, when Loki spoke up from beside us, "Wow.  Who knew all this sexual tension would appear when you're both practically kissing each other?"

My hand froze mid-way in the air, and I blinked rapidly, Prefect Eli doing the same.  It was then I noticed how close we had gotten in the last few seconds.  Our foreheads were pressed together, one of my hands raised to smack him, not noticing his free hand had come up to grip my wrist to keep from hitting him.  His other hand—which had previously been gripping my arm—was now settled on my waist, and pulling me ever closer to him.  My face burned, and I hastily used my free hand to push us apart, Prefect Eli stumbling backwards on his feet as he quickly released my body parts and turned his head away, casually adjusting his uniform tie as he did so.

"What sexual tension?" I mumbled, while cradling my hip that suddenly became hot from Prefect Eli's touch.  I winced.  Why did it hurt so much?  Looking down, I gasped.  My uniform had been burned through, the skin of my right hip bare and bright red.  He burned me.

"Gardens," Prefect Eli breathed, staring down at my scorched side with quivering blue eyes.  Was he afraid?

"Hey, you need to see the Nurse," Loki said with a frown, worry reflecting in his green irises.  I shook my head.

"I'm fine.  It's just a burn, no harm done."  I forced a smile through the pain, and Loki narrowed his eyes at me.

"Gardens, I'll escort you to the Nurse."  Prefect Eli took a step towards me, and I glared up at him in return, immediately stopping him in his tracks.

"I said I'm fine," I reinforced, and stood up straight to prove my point, even though my skin was now starting to itch and swell.

Loki sighed, and before I could stop him, he had pinched my burning red hip and I cried out in pain, falling to my knees only for Loki to catch me in his arms mid-fall.  "Loki!  Just what do you think you're doing!?" Prefect Eli bellowed, and immediately grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.  My hip stung, and I winced, squinting my eyes from the pain.  Ouch.  Who knew getting a burn would be this bad?

Loki glared over at Prefect Eli and yanked his hand away from his shirt, all while keeping me balanced between his arms, before heaving a heavy sigh and lifting me up bridal-style, being sure not to touch my throbbing side.  "Something that you refuse to do, clearly.  You may not accept her as your Buddy, but the least you can do is be a friend.  Or did you deny her that courtesy as well?" Loki sneered, before walking off with me in his arms, leaving Prefect Eli standing in the Courtyard speechless.

I couldn't help but feel slightly bad for him.


"Ouch!  Watch how tight you're putting that thing!" I hissed up at Loki, and he merely rolled his eyes, continuing to wrap my burn with gauze.  My face hasn't stopped burning, what with my Uniform shirt halfway up my body in order for Loki to be able to wrap my side.  Once he finished, I hurriedly pulled down my shirt—my cloak discarded for the moment—and glanced up at the boy with a bad attitude.  "So, um, thank you, for, you know, taking me here to the Infirmary."

Loki shrugged and leaned back against the windowsill that overlooked the bed the school Nurse had seated me at.  I waved my feet back and forth idly.  "It was no problem.  So is your roommate on her way yet?"

I nodded.  "Yeah.  The Nurse sent her a Magic Message and let her know that I was here."

Loki nodded and stuffed his hands in his slacks pockets.  " Alright then."

I raised a curious eyebrow.  "You don't have to wait here with me.  It's okay if you have better things to do than sit here with the novice," I frowned at my own words, even though they were true, to a point.

"And who says hanging out with you isn't something better to do?" Loki winked, directing one of his charming grins over at me as I rolled my eyes.  I've learned in the span of two seconds that Loki was a major flirt.

A flurry of footsteps sounded off to my left, and suddenly I was being thrown off balance by the person responsible for restraining me in such a tight embrace.  "Gwen!  I'm so glad you're alright!  What happened?  The Nurse said you burned yourself while practicing Magic!" Ashlynn cried, and pulled back enough for me to glimpse the worry in her bright green irises.

I chuckled nervously and lifted my hands in a calming motion.  "Yeah, it was a total accident."  At least, that was the story we had told the Nurse about me practicing extra Magic in order to get better, and ended up hurting myself in the process.  Loki was against me lying for Prefect Eli about my injury, but I just didn't feel right telling the Nurse what actually happened.  It was an accident, after all.  "And thanks to Loki, I'm good as new."

"Well, don't scare me like that!"  Ash stiffened suddenly.  "Wait, did you just say 'Loki'?"  I nodded.  "Oh, boy," Ashlynn sighed and slapped a hand against her forehead.

I frowned, and tilted my head.  "Is something wrong?"

"Ah, so you're roommate is Lynn, huh?  What are the odds?" Loki finally spoke up, and turned to look out the window.

Ashlynn turned on Loki then.  "I thought I told you never to call me that ever again!"

I blinked.  "Am I missing something here?"

Ashlynn's fingers twitched into tight fists.  "Loki here happens to be my ex-boyfriend," my roommate ground out through clenched teeth.

I stared over at them both.  "No way!" I bellowed, and directed a finger between the two of them.

"Believe it or not, sweetheart, we used to be a thing," Loki directed a smug smirk over at me, once again using the same pet name from before.

"And there you go again, you two-timing jerk!" Ash yelled at him, and landed a swift one to his gut, causing him to hunch over as he coughed.

"Now I don't need a reminder of fighting a pissed off chick, okay?  I'd like to keep my balls intact this time," Loki choked out through a grimace, and forced a smile.

Ash growled out, "As long you keep it in your pants and away from my roommate, I'll try not to break them the second time around.  Ya' hear me!?"

"Loud and clear.  Anyways, I'm out."  Loki walked around us and lifted a hand in a solemn wave over his shoulder at us, not once looking back.

I was still reeling from the fact that Ash and Loki used to be a couple, that I almost missed the bright red flush to Ash's face.  Almost.  "This is just too bizarre," I voiced, still blinking rapidly from the shock of learning that my roommate and Loki were-

I shivered.  For some reason, the two of them together frightened me more than anything.

Ash sighed and turned back to me, her hands on her hips.  "Promise me you'll steer clear of him, okay, Gwen?"

I snapped to attention and smiled softly up at her.  "I promise."  Although I doubt he'll stay away from me.

Ash smiled then and held out her hand to me.  "Come on, let's get back to our dorm and discuss the whole 'frog incident' from today in class, shall we?"

I groaned, and took her hand as she helped me up on my feet.  "Don't remind me."



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