AvA: Resurrection

By noogai9876

2.6K 122 42

Two years since the end of Endgame. Two years of peace and tranquility and no battles. But also, for two year... More

Ch. 1 - The Result
Ch. 2 - The Earthquake
Ch. 3 - Answers and Suspicions
Ch. 4 - The Guardian
Ch. 5 - The Void
Ch. 6 - Plans and Alliances
Ch. 7 - Battle in Darkness
Ch. 8 - Thoughts and Memories
Ch. 9 - Disappointment
Ch. 10 - The Base
Ch. 11 - The ViraMorph
Ch. 12 - Battleblock
Ch. 14 - The Murder
Ch. 15 - The Conference
Ch. 16 - Team Member Selection and Hope
Ch. 17 - Regret
Ch. 18 - The Chosen Blade
Ch. 19 - Civil War
Ch. 20 - Close Calls
Ch. 21 - The Mineshaft
Ch. 22 - The Woodland Mansion
Ch. 23 - Emotions
Ch. 24 - An Unexpected Encounter
Ch. 25 - The War Must Commence
Ch. 26 - Old Memories
Ch. 27 - The Last Straw
Ch. 28 - The Resurrection War
Ch. 29 - Unified As One
Ch. 30 - Disgust and Revenge
Ch. 31 - The Last Stand
Ch. 32 - Epilogue?
End Credit Scene

Ch. 13 - Surprises

48 3 0
By noogai9876

King and Purple exited King's room to find Dark waiting for them.

"Did you get it?" he asked.

"Yep." Purple held out the two Minecraft blocks.

"Brilliant!" Dark exclaimed, grabbing Purple's hand and pulling him towards his room. King followed.

As they entered Dark's lab- by which time Dark had let go of Purple- they caught sight of another passage next to the refrigerator. Deciding to ask Dark about it later, King turned to look at what Dark was doing.

Dark was typing some commands into his console. As he typed, a machine next to him clicked and whirred. Thin, red laser beams danced through the machine, creating a sort of wristband.

"Is that a 3-D printer?" Purple asked curiously.

"Something like that."

Dark hit the Enter key and extracted the band from the printer.

"And now, the magic happens. Purple, hand me one of those Blocks."

Purple held out a Block, and Dark took it. A ViraFrostbite scuttled over, handing Dark a ViraIcicle. Dark aimed for the middle of the Block and stabbed downwards. The ViraIcicle passed through the Block and into the band.

Immediately, the Block exploded: electricity flashed everywhere; King and Purple ducked.

A glowing orb rose from the remains of the Block. As Dark watched, the orb shot into the band, the electricity along with it.

King and Purple looked up. The Block was gone. Dark was holding up the violet band with a smile on his face. Then, he turned to look at Purple. "Try it on," he said.

"R- really?" Purple reached out and took the band. As he stretched it as Dark had, purple electricity sparked around the band. The band snapped onto Purple's wrist, and he felt immense power coursing through his veins, waiting to be unleashed; he didn't do so, however.

"Good?" Dark asked.

"Couldn't have been better."

"Okay, now hand me the other one."

Dark repeated the band-making process and gave the finished product to King, who slapped onto his arm eagerly. "This was a wonderful surprise, Dark," he exclaimed.

"You guys needed it."

"Yeah, especially Purple."

Purple blushed.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot," Dark said suddenly, turning around to face the new passage King had noticed earlier, "our 'army' is ready."

Purple sprinted into the passage with excitement and anticipation. King and Dark followed.

As they exited, King inhaled sharply.

Rows and rows of ViraMorphs filled the room. Purple was looking around happily.

"Are they ready to be initiated?" King asked, turning to face Dark.

"Yep. They're ready."

"Right. So? What are you waiting for?"

Dark typed some commands into his band and the ViraMorphs clicked in unison. They rose into the air as two large iron doors slid open. The ViraMorphs flew out of the room, soaring through the early morning sunrise and disappeared upon the horizon.

"There goes our army," King said, "Now, let's get to planning."

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