Toxic Love!

By spicyromantics

9.2K 56 10

When you got a new roommate, you never expected for it to get so frustrating... or so tempting... or so painf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

1.1K 8 0
By spicyromantics

Over the next couple of days, you avoid (b/n) as much as possible. Which means leaving hot water for him in the morning. Your frustrating thoughts about (b/n) and his hands has only gotten worse since the shower together... and he's right, none of the guys makes it better, so you stop bringing them home.

Your best guy friend from home comes and visits you over the weekend. You go to the movies, get a few drinks at the bar, bring home pizzas and hang out in the living room, laughing and gossiping about everyone you know, catching up on all the drama. When (b/n) comes home, he takes a look at the two of you, frowning and shaking his head before going to his room. (Bff/n) whistles lowly and looks at you, "you never told me your roommate is super hot!" Oh yeah, he's gay... did I forget to mention that? You roll your eyes and sip your drink, "he's a total asshat. It kind of dampens the whole hotness everyone seems to think he has." Your friend raises a brow, and you tell him everything that's happened, including the shower.

"You showered with him?!" (Bff/n) exclaims and you quickly shush him, putting a hand over his mouth, "not so loud! He'll know we're talking about him!" He moves your hand away, still in shock. "You showered with him..." You sigh deeply, "yeah, and it's fucking with my brain now. No matter what I'm doing, I see his hands all over me. He's so fucking annoying, and yet my body wants him." (Bff/n) smirks, "and you're letting him get away with it why? Why aren't you making his life just as miserable?" You laugh softly, leaning your head back and closing your eyes, "he has no reaction to me. Naked with me in the shower? Soft the whole time." "There's no way he was unaffected! I've seen you after a shower and your body is gorgeous. Any straight man would look twice if they saw you like that." You smile at your friend's motivational words.
You and (bff/n) start planning out ways to mess with (b/n). You're being quiet, making sure not a hint of the conversation can reach him.

Step One: Act like a couple with (bff/n) until he goes home. Show (b/n) that you have someone and his behaviour doesn't affect you.

You and (bff/n) stick to your plan. He's sleeping in your room anyway, sharing your bed, so that bit is easy enough. You cuddle and hug each other often, especially when (b/n) is around. You call each other babe, because that's freaking hilarious to the both of you. You don't kiss though, that would be too weird.
Even though you try not to watch (b/n) too often, you can't help but feel triumphant whenever he seems extremely uncomfortable with all the affection going on. More often than not, he's glaring at (bff/n).

When (bff/n) goes home on Sunday, (b/n) is quick to barge into your room, "so you're dating someone now? Next time he comes over, could you not be so fucking obnoxious?" You turn your head and look at (b/n), "and why would we do that? We barely get to see each other, so of course we're gonna be obnoxious when we do." (B/n) frowns, his hand clenching at his side a few times before he turns and walks out, slamming your door on the way. You smirk to yourself. You don't think you could have gotten a better result than that.

Step Two: Wear more revealing, or less clothes around the house. Make sure there's something to catch (b/n)'s attention.

The next morning, you switch your usual t-shirt out with a tank top, straighten your panties and make your way to the kitchen. You make yourself your usual cup of coffee and bowl of cereal, sitting on your usual stool and check your phone. All in all a pretty normal morning. When you hear (b/n) walk down the hall towards you, you nervously fix your hair. It's silly, he's seen you naked and you're worried about him seeing your panties? Jesus... (B/n)'s eyes linger on you a moment longer than normal, his eyes trailing up your legs, pausing on your ass before continuing up to your chest. You're not wearing a bra and he's seen it. He quickly looks away and makes his own coffee, his back turned to you. This gives you a chance to admire his muscles flexing, his bare back speckled with little freckles. It's actually kind of cute... no, wait. You're not supposed to think like that!
(B/n) keeps his back turned to you for what seems like ages, apparently very intent on making sure his coffee is properly stirred. When you're done eating, you walk up beside him, rinsing your bowl and mug. (B/n) seems tense next to you, but his face gives nothing away. You go back to your room and look in the mirror. Okay, maybe you need to step it up a notch. Anyway, time for your shower.

When you get home from school and work, you change back into your tank top from this morning, and a pair of sweats. You take off your bra, it's more comfortable like that. Picking up the novel you're reading in one of your classes, you go lie down on the couch in the living room. You can get a chapter or two in before you have to cook dinner.
You're deep into chapter three when (b/n) comes home. Looking up at him, you see him watching you with a confused frown, but he doesn't say anything, he just walks away. Finishing the chapter, you start on dinner. (B/n) comes back when he hears you opening and closing cabinets, sitting down on a stool and watches you. His brow is furrowed, his eyes looking you up and down, "What's with the change of style today?" he asks, voice low and... different? Looking at him, you definitely see some tension in his face this time. "What do you mean? I always wear this?" you say, acting confused. "Not like that you don't. For one, you never go bra less besides in the morning, and you always wear your t-shirt so it isn't as obvious. You only wear sweats with your matching hoodie, and tank tops are usually a no go because you don't like your belly much... so what's going on?" You look at him in surprise... just how much attention has he been paying to you?

When you don't answer (b/n)'s question, he sighs and gets up, walking around to you and gently push you up against the counter, arms caging you in, "is that asshole making you wear it?" His tone is so gentle you're not sure what you're most surprised about. That or his close proximity? You blush a bit and look up at him, "no? Why would he do that when he's not here?" "Snapchat is a thing, so is FaceTime. He's not as far away as it seems." His jaw is clenching a bit, eyes blazing as they stare into yours. "No one makes you do anything you don't want, okay? No one." (B/n) glances down at your lips, wetting his own before looking into your eyes again, "promise me you won't let anyone control you. No one gets to push you down and make you quiet." You're so overwhelmed by the intensity in (b/n)'s eyes that you can't speak, so you just nod. (B/n) shakes his head, "no, say it. No one gets to drag you down." Swallowing thickly, you repeat his words, "no one gets to drag me down."
When (b/n) is satisfied, he steps back, "good." With a single glance down at your breasts, he turns and leaves... what in the holy heavens was that?! Flustered, you go back to cooking, your mind racing with thoughts of (b/n) all over you... and not just his hands anymore... now his lips has joined the party... fucking yay.

You're starting to think this whole plan is backfiring on you. You FaceTime (bff/n), needing his opinion and insights. As you're relaying everything to him, you actually start rambling. You keep going for a minute or two before stopping abruptly, eyes wide and shocked as you look at your wall, "I'm falling for him... I'm actually falling for him!" Looking at (bff/n) on your screen, you see he's just smirking knowingly, wiggling his brows, "surprise bitch! How did that take you so long to figure out?" He chuckles and sits up, "it sounds like (b/n) is attracted to you, possibly into you. He's definitely protective of you, and if he didn't care at least a little, he wouldn't have picked up on your insecurities. So start flirting and see what happens, babe! Get your man!"
Feeling emboldened, you become extra daring the next morning. You wear the panties and tank top get up again since it was such a hit yesterday, use all the hot water and you're not disappointed when (b/n) storms in, ready to yell at you... but you were waiting for him.

Wearing your favourite matching lingerie set, you're standing in front of the mirror doing your hair. Whatever (b/n) was going to say seems to have evaded him. Looking at him through the mirror, you see his mouth hanging open, eyes slightly widened and some colour creeping up his neck. You smirk, "(b/n)? Did you want something?" His eyes flicker to yours in the mirror. He quickly hides his embarrassment and closes his mouth, "you used all the hot water again... thought you were done with that." His tone is too gentle to be reprimanding. Maybe he can't be all that mad at you after the view you've given him. With an incomprehensible mumble, (b/n) leaves... but not before taking another look at you. Bingo.

For the next couple of weeks you do everything you can to frustrate (b/n). You wear skirts to school, showing off your legs. You use all the hot water, slowly wearing smaller panties in the morning and rolling your top up to your bellybutton, showing more skin. You can tell it's working. (B/n) always takes a longer look at you, he's started cleaning up after himself more, he even brings you food whenever he gets take out. He also seems to have slowed down on his sexcapade, which you're quite happy about, listening to him fuck someone else is really not something you can even tolerate anymore now that you've admitted your feelings to yourself.

It's Friday night and there's another party happening. You've just arrived, greeting people and getting a drink when you see (b/n) looking at you over the shoulder of another girl. He keeps his eyes locked on you as he grips her hips and kisses her neck. You frown at him, anger and jealousy flaring up in you. Looking away, you fake a smile for the people around you as you excuse yourself, thinking being in another room might make it less terrible. In your anger, you down a couple of shots, wanting the alcohol to kick in hard so you can forget all about (b/n).
You know he isn't really yours... but he is, and then he has the audacity to touch someone else while looking at you! Fuck him! You don't need him anyway, it's just a stupid reaction because your body wants him, nothing more! "You should slow down or you'll throw up." You spin around and see (b/n) in the door. He just had to follow you.

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