Stronger (18+)

By VeGirl

237K 5.8K 249

Some of you have gotten to know me as a hard core woman who dictates the life of others, but it has not alway... More

1. Foundation
2. Icing on the cake
3. Business
4. Paris
5. Expectations
6. A brand new start
7. Frustrated
8. Excitement
9. Girlfriends
10. Education
11. Acceptance
12. Pressing boundaries
13. Processing
14. Hometown
15. Tangled
16. Alternative Christmas
17. Innocence lost
18. For better and worse
19. The good life
20. To be or not to be
21. In sickness and health
22. Despair
24. Game time
25. Something lost and something found
26. Tying the knot
27. Promise of a future

23. Next chapter in life

4.1K 159 13
By VeGirl

© VeGirl 2014

After our little sexy game I backed off. Eventually I got brave enough to contact the board of Arnaud's cooperation. They were both surprised and relieved to hear from me and that soothed me. The board was thrilled when I finally decided it was time to strap the spurs on and start to ride the horse that was Arnaud's cooperation. I could never have imagined how it warmed my soul that they wanted me by the steering wheel.

Even if I had closed deals on my own, I had never claimed to be anything but Arnaud's lover. It had been his company. Now it was mine and I was determined to make it work. I wanted Arnaud to be proud of me.

Despite the pain of not having him by my side, I walked the hallways with a polite smile on my face, and entered his office that was still left for my disposal. There was no painful spirit, but a supportive air of hope buzzing in the room as I took his chair. It felt as if he was caressing me where I sat in his lap. Tears blurred my vision, but I smiled. "Oh Arnaud, how I miss you..." I sighed, but there was a weary smile on my face.

A discrete knock on the door interrupted my moment and as I looked up, one of the board members stood in the door.

"Come in." I swatted away a single tear that had escaped and blinked away the others.

Monsieur Bonet stood in the doorway with a sad but supportive expression. "Can I just say how happy we are to see you back Mrs Fabre?"

I flinched by the name, in my mind I was still Miss Kato, but legally I had been Mrs Fabre for months during my absence. I was the rightfully owner of a multimillion euro cooperation.

"Thank you so much, Mr Bonet."

"Are you okay," he asked concerned.

"No, but one day I will be," I said slowly and I knew that was true. "How about calling a boardmeeting?" I smiled.

"It would be my honour, Mrs Fabre." He smiled and turned to see that my order was followed.

Mrs Fabre, I thought. I didn't even have a ring to visualize our marriage I thought at first, but then it hit me that I did have a ring. It wasn't the usual band of gold for your finger. It wasn't for the finger; it was made of black leather and fit my neck. The moment that thought crossed my mind, I realized that we had been married for years.

With a smile I pulled the first drawer out. There was nothing but an envelope with my name on it; the swirling scribble was Arnaud's. My hands shivered as I opened it.

My beloved wife,

I can see that the darkest days finally have let you out of its grip and I couldn't be more proud of you for fighting so hard.

Hopefully you looked up Jayden Sanford and however he was able to help you, I am him eternally grateful. Make good use of your life and I hope that my money can be a help on the way.

I was a fool for not marrying you sooner, but better late than never, right ma petite?

Make use of your days, and please get somebody to accompany you to the clubs that are out there? Maybe Jayden can help you find someone hot enough?

Eternally yours, your wicked husband, Arnaud.

Tears flowed freely as the letter said everything I already knew and I pressed it to my heart.

During my life with him, I had always done my best to please him, just as he did to me, and I would never let him down now on such a petites as him being dead.

I pressed the buzzer and reached Arnaud's secretary who obviously had been relocated but was still in the building.

"Hello Miss Roux, what do you say about helping me set up a schedule?"

"I'd be happy to be of help Mrs Fabre."

My days were suddenly filled with things to do, while I sat next to the board and learned to walk and talk again. Everybody were incredibly supportive. In my own world I never thought it was so obvious how much I had meant to Arnaud and how much he had meant to me, but through the eyes of the staff I learned how strong our love had been.

* * *

While my executive training continued, I couldn't ignore my relationship with Linda and Jayden. The first meeting I had with them after my life was getting back on track again, I will always remember. Their eyes were popping out of their sockets as I strode into their coffeeshop, back in my old clothes and Louboutin's.

"Come on Linn, stop freaking out. We wanted to play a game, we did and now we can strike that off the bucket list."

"Yeah... not awkward at all..." Linda said through her teeth, oozing sarcasm.

I laughed at her embarrassed face. "It's not that I haven't had sex before, or seen you guys have it." It was the most natural thing in the world to watch people have sex; at least in my world.

"You thought I was a little poor girl, didn't you? I actually have a company to run."

"I feel... gullible."

"Actually, you've done more for me than I can ever repay. And I hope you'll forgive me and that we can still be friends."

"You have already done enough by helping us both during Linda's escape and recovery. I'm proud to have you as a friend," Jayden said and his eyes vouched for sincerity.

* * *

I got myself a flat in Liverpool, just by Limestreet, and Linda was there when I moved in. It was easy to hang with her, but I couldn't help throw little innuendos about our shared sexual experience and she blushed embarrassed. Arnaud would have loved to get to know her.

He had been spot on when he sent me after Jayden; I had gotten a new start in life and was determined to make most of it.

* * *

During the months that followed I was busy running my company and get reacquainted with Maria and Paris who had missed me terribly during my absence.

I invited them to my new flat in Paris and they happily showed up.

"It is so good to have you back," Maria sighed content. "You have even put on some weight again; here." She squeezed my bum and I couldn't help but to smile.

"I know a few spots up front that start to regain their former glory as well." Paris was eyeing me in a way that somebody else might have been offended by.

I simply smiled. "Thank you girls, you sure know what to say to make a girl feel pretty..." I might have been a little sarcastic.

"It's just too bad that here isn't a jacuzzi on the balcony." Maria's eyes twinkled as she inspected the flat. "But you still own the hotel, no?"

I pinned her with my eyes. "I do." It was just too painful to see myself back there and I put it off. "Some day perhaps..." I sighed and she hugged me, knowing exactly how much she wanted to take my pain away.

"I have handcuffs that I'm sure we can put good use to if you're up to it." She wiggled her eyebrows, making me laugh.

"If you're nice I'll let you take me to that sadistic wax lady again." I smiled towards her.

"Oh, can I come?" Paris asked excited.

"I can do even better; you can take me to a pedicure and buy shoes for me."

She exhaled sharply. "I love you."

"I love you guys as well," I laughed.

"How are you doing gorgeous?" Maria asked concerned.

Every time I heard that, it was like being stabbed in the gut. It felt like the wound would never heal. "That is a hard limit for me; I take it you're familiar with the phrase."

"I am." Maria lowered her gaze and I noticed that I had used the snapping Domina tone of voice.

"I'll appreciate if you just pretend that everything is okay, because that makes it much easier for me to pretend that I am not totally lost." My voice got weaker and weaker and finally I broke down and tears flowed. Maria wrapped her arms around me and Paris encaged me from behind as sobs raked my body. Eventually the sadness gave away and the girls led me to the couch where they kept holding me tight and caressing me.

Finally I was able to give them a weak smile and Maria stroked my cheek. "I think you need to get laid!"

Laughter immediately bubbled out if me. "Yeah, that is exactly what I need!" I laughed through my tears, actually meaning every word. Sex would snap me back in track.

"Just say when, darling!" Paris added with a cheeky smile.

"You two are the best girlfriends anyone could have!" I kissed Paris right on her mouth and turned to give Maria one as well. "Doll me up now please, I need it."

* * *

My life in Liverpool had to stand back when my life in Paris took up a bigger and bigger part of my attention. I was joggling a minimal social life with Maria and Paris against my work with all the travels that were necessary.

It takes effort to rebuild a life.

Out of the blue Jayden called my private phone and asked me to talk to Linda, who according to him had read too much into an innocent thing and had taken off. Despite their love, there pooled a lot of things under the surface and I got a little annoyed. Why couldn't they just realize that they were perfect for each other?

I told him to fix it himself, but naturally I called Linda and said the same to her.

Life was too short to waste on trivial matters and when it took too long, I interfered. "Hi Linn, would you be my date for a business meeting?" I decided it was time for Cupid to step in and fix the eternal love. "I will beg, and you know how good I am at that." It took some persuasion, but eventually I had her hook, line and sink. I sent a car to pick her up and to deliver her to my jet. It was amusing to see how blown away she was, but it was a travesty to lay eyes on the girl. "I can see that you've stopped eating as well as Jayden."

She flinched just by hearing his name.

"You didn't think he was okay, did you?"

I'm sure that Linn have told you of this time where she thought that Jayden had been cheating of her, and if you haven't heard yet, ask her; she'll tell you. Unfortunately this happened while I was reclaiming my life and business. I wish I had been able to be stronger for them, but I was forced to focus on my new life.

She seemed impressed by my flat in London and said nothing about it being cold and naked. She was in the middle of a crisis and I didn't expect her to be especially attentive on details. It felt good to have her there though. In one way she was family and I needed somebody to take care of.

"Linn, you have to talk to him."

Tears welled up in her eyes. "I can't," she squeaked. "He had somebody else in our flat."

I took a calming breath. "And you know for a fact that he was cheating?"

"They were half naked!"

"But not in bed?" I pointed out. "The question isn't if you can live with that, the question is can you live without him honey, can you?" I wrapped her in my arms as tears flowed.

"But can I trust him?"

I had trusted Arnaud, but he had left me alone in the world anyway. "How much trust do you need? The man loves you and love with a little addition of kink is not easy to find."

* * *

The club in Saint Tropez was in need of a makeover that I had to figure out, and when I asked Maria and Paris if they wanted to come with me, they rejoiced.

The stress relief their companion provided was welcome. Every meeting I had was followed by an appointment with them. They took me to facials, to picnics and shoppingstreaks where they made all my decisions. It was such a comfort to once again having someone to tell you where to go and where to sit and I was immensely grateful for their company. I was brought up to follow order, and now I had to make all decisions.

"You are like a little Barbie we can play with!" Paris said when I brought it up. "We're just waiting for the all go." She wiggled her brows which made it all clear what she meant.

"Aren't you satisfied with Maria, I mean just look at her!" I pointed to Maria who just came from the shower with nothing but a towel around her. Her red curls were wet and slicked her shoulders.

"What are you talking about?" She noticed our eyes on her.

"We're just talking about how hot you are." Paris jumped up and hugged her. "Isn't she Maya?" Carefully she unpeeled the towel that fell to the floor. "Just look at this!" She cupped one of her breasts and Maria smiled at her.

"Yes, she is amazing," I said as a sweet tension started to build inside me. "And so are you." I sat there on the couch watching as they made out and I thanked Arnaud once again for providing me with so much.

"Aren't you joining us?" They stood there with their foreheads together and watching me with puppydog eyes.

I smiled. "Not today."


I laughed at them. "You're insatiable!"

"We are." They wiggled their brows. "Arnaud would want you to have the best, and here we are."

I laughed sad again, but then something hit me. "Did he have other girls like me before?"

Their seduction died out immediately and Maria wrapped the towel around her and they came to sit on either side of me. "Maya, you are unique in more ways than one," Maria said. "He had playmates, but none like you. He never mixed business with pleasure no matter how obvious some of the women's attention were." She put her arm around me. "He usually called me to come to his business meetings when they were getting too close."

I nodded with tears threatening to choke me.

"I've never seen him look at anyone the way he looked at you." She stroked my cheek and Paris did the same on my arm. "He came back from Japan when he had first met you and spoke of nothing but you."

I blinked surprised and my tears halted abruptly.

"Yes," she answered my silent question. "He didn't even go to the Club during those months until you came here."

I felt my brows furrow. "But he did when I lived with him."

"Of course he did," she exclaimed and flung her hand out. "You were a little piece of sex within reach and you do remember you were a virgin, don't you? I'll gladly remind you if you'll ever forget that I was there when you lost that virginity." Her hand wasn't just stroking my cheek or arm now, and neither was Paris. Their hands roamed over my body.

"We can do a recreation, if you like..." Paris was already unbuttoning my shirt.

"Come on now, don't be a cheapskate."

I remembered that particular expression flying through my mind when I had been thrown out of Jaden and Linda's bedroom, and I exhaled something between a sigh and a laughter. "Yeah, why not?"

Their smiles widened and Paris had already my shirt opened and addressed my bra; soon I sat topless before them. Maria had her hands on either of my cheeks and kissed me hungry while Paris fingers squeezed my breasts. My body reacted hungry, deprived of physical pleasure for long.

"You are so hot Maya!" Paris breathed in my ear as she pulled my hair away. "I have longed to take you."

My body tingled and that familiar warmth spread within. "Yes please," was all I needed to say for them to take over.

Maria was the one that stepped up and took charge immediately. "Hold her arms back." Paris was eager to oblige whatever order her girlfriend placed, that was clear. "I'm gonna strip you now," Maria informed and proceeded.

All I had to do was enjoy the ride, and what a ride it was. I was dizzy with arousal when Paris led me there and placed me on the bed.

"Where are your toys?"

"I don't have any..." I answered and they looked at me as if there was something wrong with me. "Okay..." Maria sighed and started to run through the drawers in my walk in closet. She came back with a pair of stockings. "This will have to do." She took one leg and tied it to the corner of my bed, spread me wide open and tied the other one in the other corner with my front down.

I saw Paris eagerly stripping her clothes off while Maria stradled my back to make a tight braid of my black hair. When she was done, she lifted my head up with the braid making the soft jerk send electricity shot through my body. "I'm gonna flog you know, would you want that?"

"Yes Mistress."

She chuckled soft. "Right answer darling."

I was barely aware of movements in the room as they moved around. Hands caressed my skin and that was all I was aware of until the first lash.

* * *

During daytime we shopped and sunbathed either on my balcony while I went through some business that needed attention, or at the wide beach. After Maria had topped Paris and me so skilled, I took my time to return the favour. Paris preferred to be the underdog in our sexual adventure and Maria and I revelled in the control of her.

At nights we partied hard even though I did my best to stay afloat. I had gotten myself out of an addiction and wasn't keen on sinking into that black hole again.

Sex was my drug.

We ended up spending time on the beach where the two of them were about to be arrested for indecent exposure. Their case didn't brighten up much when they made a pass at the police in charge of the arrest either. Finally I had to promise to keep them in a tighter leash and get out of town. The police didn't have a clue what tight leash meant to us three girls.

We went to my Secret Garden.

Paris and Maria was blown away and frankly ticked off that they hadn't known about this place earlier.

Here was a section where I actually could have them in tight leashes, and I did.

* * *

In England, my new friends were going through their crisis. There was too much going on to handle anything but my own problems.

The more Jayden and Linn called me, the tenser I got and I itched for a stress-reliever. Maria and Paris provided me with a little of each, but they had each other and I searched for something else.

That was when Zoe called.

The opportunity made me jump. "Hello Sexy, I've been thinking about you," I started off with and I could hear her exhale sharply. "Have you've been thinking of me?" I smiled as my impression of Arnaud's sugary sweet tone of voice slicked the words.


"I'm pleased to hear that." I was being a bit smug, but I remembered how my body tingled expectantly as soon as I saw Arnaud right from the beginning; long before I knew what he had to offer. "What can I do for you Zoe?" I said husky.

"I just... wanted to ask you out for coffee of something...?"

I chuckled darkly and checked the time. "No you didn't but it'll do in a pinch." I heard her breathing hitch. "I'd love to do lunch with you... and do other stuff..."

We ended up meeting for lunch in her small hometown a few days later. She was a fluttering mess, and I might have been a little mean to her. "Hello sexy, it's nice to see you." I kissed her cheeks and ignored her ogling my designer outfit. "In my dreams you're naked."

"Maya!" she hissed while looking around in the small coffeehouse.

I sat down in the booth next to her and let a hand slide up her thigh under her dress. "Don't you think Mistress sounds better?" I whispered and suddenly knew how Arnaud had played me from the start. I loved this game. "But perhaps just in the game rooms...?"

I noticed her pulse beating in her neck and how her mouth suddenly went dry.

"Do you want to play with me Zoe?"

All air left her lungs, so when she answered it was silent to nothing. "Yes Mistress."

A smile widened my lips and I felt like the infamous cat studying the trembling canary. "Good girl..."

The trembling canary in this case was a girl with sexy long legs and blond bouncing curls and I wondered if I should introduce her to Maria and Paris?

Perhaps later.

"I have a gift for you." I slid a black jewellery case over the table. "Something that would look amazing on you dressed or naked."

She exhaled sharply again.

I nodded for her to open it, knowing that inside was a thin silverchain with a ring in the front; the same one Arnaud gave me. "This ring symbolises that I own you," I whispered as she took it from the box with trembling hands. "Once you put it on, you are to obey me."

She looked at me with eyes that were glossy with need, but they were still shy and halfwhat hidden under her lashes. "What will you do to me?" she whispered and my hand slid teasingly along the edge of her knickers.

"You will find out when you put it on."

With a deep ragged breath she placed it over her head and let it slid in place.

"Good girl..."


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