mafia & love

By prickly_princess

5.5K 240 82

How would you feel if you were suddenly told that you should marry the person you hate To save the future of... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23

chapter 9

195 14 2
By prickly_princess

Charlotte and Yami parents plot a joint operation between the two families , for several reasons, the first of which is to see how well their two sons are in harmony And most importantly, the possibility of creating a new mafia .
None of Yami and Charlotte could object, they should quickly carry out the operation, Especially since this process is dangerous and a great challenge for them.

   Charlotte got into the car with Yami, the road was quiet and neither of them spoke , Charlotte was thinking about the operation, as little information was given to her Except that there are documents to be stolen from the house of a businessman  . And when it comes to work, Charlotte is very focused.
Charlotte peeked at Yami, who was wearing a suit and left the buttons of his top shirt open , she suspected the buttons would lock due to his huge body , she won't deny that he looked a little different and attractive in it .

Suddenly her eyes met with Yami and she turned away and looked away from him, her cheeks turning red as he caught her looking at him .
" Why are you wearing a suit?" Charlotte asked .
" I didn't know , Nacht asked me to wear it, and asked us to meet him in the outer servants' room before entering the palace"  Yami answer .
"Nacht," said Charlotte, as she tried to remember the name that sounded familiar, and suddenly she remembered it was Yami half-brother who was with them at  same school. And he was scary and weird .

Moments later, they arrived at the palace, and crept into the servants' room outside , where Nacht was waiting for them .
"You were late,  Have you been flirting" nacht joking.
“With this idiot, of course not.” Charlotte replied ، And noticed people lying on the ground behind Nacht.
Yami looked suspiciously at his brother .

" My own investigations came to There's a party at the palace today and the documents were hidden in a private room, and to get to them you have to go through the party hall , So the best plan is to go in through the door ، And since the procedures are strict, you will enter as the Payson couple" nacht reply .
“But we don’t look like them at all,” Yami replied, pointing to the woman and man lying on the ground.
" The party is a masquerade so people don't know each other and will wear masks Nacht answered.

"But my clothes, if you tell me about this I was wearing something fitting like yami " Charlotte replied while looking at her dress.
"I think this woman clothes suit you  And you must wear her clothes so as not to arouse suspicion, But for Yami I doubt there's something to suit him،
I will wait for you outside  " Nacht replied as he left the place .
Yami walked with his brother to the door while Charlotte took the women clothes .

When Yami came back in, Charlotte was trying to unzip her dress to take it off But she was having a problem with this because he was from behind.
"Can you help me open it?" Charlotte asked .
Yami hesitantly walked forward and started to unzip Charlotte dress, He doesn't know why he felt so hesitant towards her, and felt his fingers tremble when she accidentally touched Charlotte body.
Yami walk away a little while Charlotte was getting ready to take off her dress.
" Are you really going to take off your clothes here?" Yami said in shock , he couldn't believe she would take him off here even though he was there .

Charlotte noticed Yami hesitation and looked at him over her shoulder, looking at him.
" So ?, What's wrong with that?" Charlotte said, a mischievous smile on her lips, and turned to face Yami And got close to him.
" Look at this, women boy is ashamed to see a naked girl , Don't tell me you're still a virgin " .
"It's not like that, But anyone can enter, so be careful " Yami muttered
" Ok  Fine ، Now turn around because you made me worry about your actions " , Charlotte replied.
“I’ll wait for you outside with Nacht.” Yami replied and go outside.

Yami went outside and pulled out a cigarette to smoke However, Nacht prevented it and He gave him his mask, when Charlotte came out in new dress.
And she gave her clothes to Nacht, who looked at her wondering
"What? I wouldn't I leave something belong to me behind me?" Charlotte said, taking her mask and putting it on.
" You should learn to be careful Yami like her, I'll wait for you in the car, ready to escape," said Nacht and He left .

Yami and Charlotte managed to sneak into the party and act normally .
"I'm going to sneak into the room, cover me," Charlotte whispers .
Yami nodded , although he wanted to object to This, but he knew Charlotte offside skill , tso he decided to trust her.
Charlotte was able to sneak into a room and take the documents and get out easily, she was expecting him to catch up But he did not come, do he really trust her, and her abilities?  .
When Yami saw Charlotte and she signaled the success of the plan,
he went outside before Charlotte .

Unfortunately for them, the guards found two people hidden inside the servant house.
Yami was recognized as he was going down the stairs and And they started exchanging fire  .
Yami managed to escape from them when they were interrupted by Nacht by car , And Yami went up with him .   
he notices Charlotte running onto the stairs of people and shooting, He got out of a car window and shot people to give her a chance to escape.
Charlotte jumped off the steps when she saw Yami sticking out of the car window and pointing the gun at her.

" Get down on the floor " Charlotte heard Yami screaming, she might hate him, but if she trusts anything about Yami, it's him His shooting skills .
Charlotte lowered her head when a bullet passed over her, injuring a man behind her And hurried and got into the car .
  Nacht sped off, crashing into the gate, and escaping quickly before anyone caught them.

" That was close, why did you leave me behind?" Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief as they walked awy .
" You are strong, and this is easy for you.” Yami replied and lit a cigarette .
Charlotte tried to hide her smile, maybe her father a mafia boss, but she struggled to prove herself and her strength , hearing that someone had trusted her and her strength like that.

" You two really fit together,” Nchtat said.
" No" Yami and Charlotte responded with one voice.
" Come on, she's better than the pink-haired girl."
"  Do you have a girlfriend? We have to put an end to this farce so you can get back to her” , Charlotte said as she leaned in the driver seat and looked at Yami sarcastically .
" And what about you, don't you have a boyfriend to get back to him?" , Yami replied angrily .
" I do not have boyfriend" Charlotte answered and sat down in the chair .
"Of course if you keep acting like this you won't have boyfriend " Charlotte heard Yami voice and gave him a murderous look that made him shut up all the way.

After the papers are handed over and Charlotte returns home, Yami came out and found Nacht lying on the car Nacht pulled out a cigarette and gave it to Yami, who lit it and leaned over to his brother side .
“Why do you hate her? she is strong?”  Nacht asked.
" She's a spoiled girl and doesn't suit me" . 
"Really? And not because she's the only girl who rejected you at school، And spilled ketchup on you "   Nacht asked cunningly.
"That's not right" Yami coughed as he answered and opened the car door and sat down .

Nacht smiled and got into the car and moved, Yami tries to convince himself that what Nacht said is not true

to be continued.....

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