Toxic Love!

By spicyromantics

9.4K 57 12

When you got a new roommate, you never expected for it to get so frustrating... or so tempting... or so painf... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

2.2K 9 2
By spicyromantics

You and (b/n) had been roommates for nearly a year. You're both in college, but you don't share any classes... and to you, that's a relief. He's a pain in the ass! It had originally been another girl you shared the apartment with, but two months into the school year, she'd dropped out and rushed home for some family issue or something like that. You never really figured out exactly what it was, but since the apartment was too expensive to pay on your own, you quickly posted about having a room available and the monthly rent. (B/n) had called you barely even 10 minutes later saying he'd take it. Didn't need to see it or meet up first, just took the offer and moved in the next day.

At first, everything was fine. You both went to classes, studied in your rooms and cleaned up after yourselves. You thought you had lucked out! That was until something happened in his life. He started becoming moody and would at times leave the dishes in the sink or his dirty laundry all over the living room. Whenever you confronted him about it, he'd roll his eyes, say he'd do it later or simply just tell you to get over it. This behaviour pissed you off immensely, and since talking to him hadn't changed anything, you started leaving your stuff around as well. Two could play at that game.
That was until (b/n) escalated things. He started coming home super late, banging his way through the apartment to his room, and sometimes he'd have a girl with him... and they were NOT quiet. You tried talking to him about that as well, but he just smirked and tilted his head at you, calling you jealous... jealous! You're not jealous, it's just disgusting and disrespectful! God, he's so annoying!

You wake up in the morning, tired as hell. (B/n) once again came home with a girl. If only it was the same girl and he was trying to have a stable relationship, you might not mind it quite as much! Getting out of bed, you make your way to the kitchen, pushing your hair back and yawning. You're wearing panties and a long t-shirt, no longer caring how (b/n) sees you. If he think it's disgusting? Oh well, he can look away.
You make yourself a coffee, eat some cereal and go through your social media as you wake up more. After leaving the dirty dishes in the sink, you go have a shower. You always try to use all the hot water so there's none left for (b/n). Imagining him having a cold shower while cursing you under his breath? Best part of the day!

As you're busy lathering shampoo into your hair, you hear the bathroom door open. (B/n)'s voice calls out to you, "I need to piss!" Your eyes widen, "(b/n) what the fuck are you doing?! Get out!" He doesn't reply, but you hear the stream of pee going into the toilet and you groan, "that's disgusting, (b/n)! I'm in the shower! You could have fucking waited!" You're screaming at him, and apparently he finds the situation extremely funny, cause he's laughing. Your blood starts boiling but you decide that ignoring him is the best option right now.
When (b/n) is done peeing, he washes his hands, the water in the shower going cold and you shriek, jumping away from it, "(b/n) you son a bitch! That's fucking cold!" (B/n) lets the water run longer than necessary, purposely pissing you off and ruining your shower. If you didn't know any better, you'd think you were still living at home with your younger brother! With a laugh, (b/n) finally leaves. Ugh... dickhead.

Finishing up your shower, you go back to your room and get dressed. You're starting to feel less annoyed when (b/n) barges in, dark hair a mess and brown eyes glaring at you, "if you don't stop using all the hot water every fucking morning I'll start joining you in your shower, (y/n)! I fucking mean it!" You look at him, eyebrow raised, acting as if you're thinking hard about it. With a smirk, you reply, "nah." You don't think he'll actually join you, so there's no risk in using all the hot water.
With a frustrated sigh, (b/n) walks out. You laugh to yourself and finish getting ready for school. Maybe if he asked nicely you might have considered leaving a little hot water for him.

When you get back from school and work, you find (b/n) on the living room couch. You walk past him to the kitchen and open the fridge to get the leftovers you saved yesterday... only to find they're gone. Looking around for the container, you see it open and empty in the sink. (B/n) ate your food. He should know better than to mess with your food! Filling a glass with water and ice, you walk up behind (b/n) and pour it over his head. He gasps and jumps up, "oh my... what the fuck?! Why?!" You glare at him, "you ate my dinner, that's why!" He glares right back at you, "well it wasn't very good, so maybe I did you a favour!" You frown at him, "Oh yeah? If it wasn't that good, why'd you eat it all?!" You yell at him, hungry and tired and now you have to figure out something else to eat... You really don't wanna cook tonight!
With a huff, (b/n) rips off his t-shirt and stalks to his bedroom, hair dripping down his chest and back. Too bad such an asshole has such a nice body, seems like such a waste!

You don't see (b/n) again that night, or the next one. It's almost nice having so much peace and quiet around you... but you're also worrying. He's never stayed out overnight without letting you know. That's one of your few rules you two always follow; tell the other if you're not coming home for the night. Mostly it's for safety. If you didn't come home and didn't tell? Something could have happened to you. This town has its fair share of sketchy people, so rather safe and sorry, and (b/n) knows this. It's one of the things you two agreed on when he moved in.
The next morning, you go and check his room. He's still not there. A bit worried, you call him. A girl you don't recognise picks up. You bristle a bit at that. He's out screwing around and he couldn't let you know he's okay?! Well, screw him then. You ask if (b/n) is there, and when the girl confirms it, you hang up. No need to waste anymore time worrying about your stupid roommate.

It's another two days before (b/n) comes home. He doesn't say a word to you, just drops his things in his room and goes in the shower. He looked like shit actually, so you decide to leave him alone tonight. You'll yell at him tomorrow instead.

The next morning, you're in the shower when (b/n) walks in again. He doesn't say anything, he just sits on the toilet. Just sits, nothing else. You frown in confusion. You can see the outline of him through the matted glass of the shower cabin. "(B/n), could I get some privacy? I'm actually naked in here, I don't shower with my clothes on." (B/n) doesn't move, and it takes a bit before he says anything, "can I... just sit here, please?" He sighs shakily and you know somethings wrong. He never says please. You decide to let him stay, "okay..."
You shower in silence, thinking about what could possibly bother him enough to need you near him. When you turn off the water, (b/n) hands you your towel and leaves before you can thank him.

(B/n) disappears for the rest of the day, and when he comes home late at night, he seems drunk. You open your bedroom door and look at him as he's walking down the hall towards you and his door. When he sees you, he sighs, "if you're about to yell at me, could it wait until tomorrow? I'm too fucking tired to deal with your shit right now." You frown at him. Good to know this morning in the bathroom changed nothing. Rolling your eyes, you go back into your room, listening as (b/n) stumbles around his room before going quiet. Hopefully he managed to get himself into bed.
The next morning, you leave some hot water for (b/n). Even though he's still an ass, he's not okay, and the hot shower might help him feel a little better.

Some time that day, a text pops in about a party tomorrow night. From how everyone around you checked their phones as well, you guess it was sent out to everyone who goes to the school. You could use a good party. Get drunk, make out with hot guys with no commitment? Sounds like a great night to let off some steam.
Finishing your shift that night, you see (b/n) waiting outside. Confused, you walk out and he comes over to you. "Are you going to the party tomorrow?" he asks, his eyes boring into yours. You look at him in surprise, "did you wait out here just to ask me that? Seriously?" (B/n) shrugs, "I need to know." he says, eyes still on you. You laugh humourlessly, "and why's that? Planning on finding a way to ruin my night?" (B/n) frowns, "just tell me, (y/n)." You sigh deeply, "yes, I'm going tomorrow." With that, (b/n) nods and walks off. What the fuck was that about?

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