The River's Heir

By cr1s-tali-zation

152 8 5

(EMPIRES OC FANFICTION) Elise lives a normal happy life as the Princess of the Kingdom by the River. But as s... More

-The Assassination-
-The Tay Family-
-Wishing on a Wishing Well-

-The Rivendell Family-

38 2 2
By cr1s-tali-zation

A/N: The wishing well was actually a FOUNTAIN, it just sounds better than fountain. And yes, you can have your theories and make it like the fountain was the floating island from joel's empires 2 but nvm that rn. And also, i'm going to switch point of views throughout the chapter.

Elise P.O.V 

The sun shone brightly through the window. I woke up early, super excited. I dressed up in one of my fanciest outfits, custom made by the royal tailor. It was a blue dress reaching the ankles, with a cover of glittery fabric on it.

I slipped into my dress and when I got back to our bedroom, Gem was up, and Fwhip was still sleeping. Gem was scolding Fwhip as usual.

"We have a visitor today, you're supposed to wake up you dumbass!!" Gem shouted, pulling Fwhip's blanket

Fwhip tumbled and fell to the ground. He let out a string of swears, which made us know that he was still half-asleep. He's always cautious with his words when he's fully awake.

"Wake up sleepy-head, you swore again." I sighed, helping him up and sitting on his bed.

"Sorry, just sleepy. What did I say?" He asked. 

We stared at him blankly,  Gem whispering "We're not supposed to say the words stupid.."

"Right, right. Never mind." Fwhip said, standing up. "I'm dressing up, you should too Gem." He left the room and shut the door behind him.

"Do you need help getting your dress on?" I asked her, hoping I could help.

"Sure, uh but I don't know what to wear yet." She admitted.


We spent the next 20 minutes figuring out which looked best on her.

"This one is the best!" Gem told me, showing the beautiful purple dress with a poofy bottom and a cut at the side.

"Pretty! Slay queen!" I exclaimed. (Repeat after me- GEM IS GREAT)

Fwhip knocked at the door. "Are you guys done? Mom said the visitor is coming soon." He said impatiently.

"We're done, coming!" Gem shouted back. 

I opened the door and went out. Gem followed after.

"Let's go?" I asked. 

Fwhip nodded and led the way to the main hall of the castle.


Fwhip P.O.V

I led the two of them to the main hall, to meet Mother.

"Were here!" I exclaimed. 

The guards at the gate to the main hall nodded at me, I nodded back.

They opened the door and the Main Hall brightly shone through the door.

"The main hall.." Elise sighed. We've seen it every day of our lives, but Elise still couldn't believe its beauty.

Mother was standing in the middle, talking with what seemed like a tall woman with cyan hair, and her son.

Gem signaled us to walk forward in an orderly manner, just as we had practiced.

When we got to them, we bowed to the other woman, I have no idea who she is.

"Fwhip, Gem, Elise, this is Queen Frost Major, the ruler of Rivendell. This is her son, Scott Major." Mother told us.

Gem P.O.V

Oh my gosh, its THE queen of Rivendell, I've got to make a good impression!

"Hello, your highness." I said, bowing once more.

"Hello dear, you must be Gemini." She said.

She knows my name!

"Yes, this is Francis and this is Elise." I replied, gesturing to them.

Fwhip glared at me. I shouldn't have said that.

"Scott, you can stay with them while I talk to Queen Freya about some business." Queen Frost told her son.

Elise P.O.V

I am terrified of Fwhip right now.. Gem said his real name to the Queen of Rivendell. But there was one thing I noticed, Scott and Queen Frost have that last name. Major. That Xornoth guy had the same last name, why isn't he here?

Scott looked shy, I should talk to him

"Hello, I'm Elise. You're Scott?" I told him.

He nodded and looked at his mom. Queen Frost gave an approving look and..

"Can I take a look around your place?" He whispered. 

"Sure," I replied. 

I motioned for Fwhip and Gem to follow me and we left. 

We stopped at our bedroom and let Scott inside.

"This is pretty" He said.

"Woah, he can talk?" Fwhip teased.

Gem kicked him in the leg. "You're embarrassing him." She hissed.

"Sorry, sorry." He sighed.

"You guys share a room? I sleep by myself." He told us in awe. 

"Your beds must be fluffy. Rivendell's export is wool, right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it's pretty basic. Everyone can get wool." 

"Do you wanna see the other places?" Fwhip asked, trying to make up for what he said.

"I would be glad to!" Scott said, smiling.


We had already showed him the kitchen, the living space, and most of the servants quarters. 

"This is the royal ponds." Gem showed him. 

"You wanna go closer?" I asked.

"Uh.. I can't." He said, looking nervous. 

"Why not?" Fwhip said, looking appalled. 

"Do you have a pond with no fish? So that I can show you what happens when I get near water." Scott told us.

Gem, looking confused, brought him to a small pond with no fish.

Scott sighed, and took off his glove. He touched the water and it all turned into ice.

"Woahhh" Fwhip said.

"Ice magic?" Gem asked.

"Yeah, I did the ceremony early." Scott smiled.

A bell rang, signaling it was lunch.

"We better get to the kitchen, come on Scott!" I told them.

Scott nodded and followed us to the kitchen


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