Fantastic Mr. Fox (Male Fox R...

By Mistival2

22.3K 409 263

Written by MISTIVAL2 & Edited by Foxy Amaterasu; In a world where humans and animals co-exist, a group of cri... More

Bio & Characters
1: The Diner
2: The Big Bank Heist
3: The Sly Fox

4: The Golden Dolphin Heist

2.6K 65 21
By Mistival2

(3rd POV)

The plan was set. They would infiltrate the fancy-pants event at the Museum of Fine Arts. During the festivities, they'd sneak back-stage using Webs' clever hacking skills. Wolf explained the plan for the gang from start to finish.

Wolf: "So, here's the plan; Just like that of every year, the ceremony will be held at the Museum of Fine Arts, where the Golden Dolphin will be positioned just beyond the backstage curtain.

Piranha: "Pfft. Sounds easy." He said overconfidently, crossing his arms as he did so.

Fox: ""Sounds easy", hermano, but we'll need to bypass three levels of Security." He informed the group, Wolf nodding in confirmation as he continued on with the plan.

Wolf: "So, step one; we'll need to blend in."


Step One: 


Wolf had chosen a snazzy white suit, along with a dapper fedora, silk tie, fake mustache, and tinted glasses, masking himself as some sort of fancy movie star or celebrity.

Shark, meanwhile, had gone the opposite direction, cramming his body into a gorgeous gown that was stretched to the limit by Shark's massive, muscular form.

Perched atop Shark's head, Tarantula had fashioned her long limbs into the shape of a butterfly fascinator hat.

Snake went old-school, complete with a classic suit, handlebar mustache, monocle, top hat, and a pair of fake arms to help fill out the look.

Piranha squeezed into a kid-sized coat with tails, looking handsome and a bit childish, but it did the trick.

Fox dawned a white formal shirt and red tie covered by a black suit jacket and slacks, contrasting against Wolf's.

Each one of them wore a pair of sunglasses to complete the look and to help hide their true identities from anyone who decided to look a little more closely at the characters under the costumes.

When they arrived at the museum, The Bad Guys had just begun to climb the steps when a stretch limo pulled up at the bottom of the stairs.


Wolf: "Professor Marmalade, this year's recipient of the Golden Dolphin, the most annoyinglygood creature on the planet." Wolf stated.


Many of the guests turned to watch as Professor Marmalade exits his limousine, the eccentric and good-natured do-gooder who would be honored that night, popped out of the limo and began his own march up the stairs to the party. Paparazzi flooded in around the little guinea pig, eager to snap shots of the evening's featured guest.

Tiffany Fluffit: "Professor, in the past year, you've stopped wars, fed the hungry, and saved countless Pandas. Some have described your goodness as second only to Mother Teresa."

Marmalade waved to his crowds of adoring fans, then stepped up to talk with Tiffany Fluffit, the eager news reporter who'd been assigned to the night's festivities.

Professor Marmalade: "Oh, Tiffany. It's not a competition. And if it were, it would really be more of a tie. But we can all agree that there is a flower of goodness inside all of us, just waiting to blossom." He said, overly sickening in goody two-shoeness.

Everyone within earshot broke into applause, to which Marmalade takes out a pen and starts signing autographs to the crowd whom were overcome with love for the oh-so-good professor. Marmalade waved to the crowd as he continued his climb up the red carpet, heading inside to the awards ceremony where even more fans were waiting for a glimpse of that evening's headliner.


Wolf: "Once inside, there are two armored doors. The first can only be opened by a special key card that is carried by our dear friend, the chief of police.

Fox: "And after that my dear wolf friend, is where the second door comes into play, outfitted with a retinal scanner and guarded by an elite special ops unit trained to strike first and ask questions later."

Wolf: "Governor Foxington is the only one who has clearance to the second door."

Fox: "So, step two, she and I will have to get up close and personal..."


Step Two:

Governor Foxington, dawning a glossy pink dress which reflected several of the bright colors surrounding her while wearing other forms of jewelry such as a diamond necklace wrapping around her neck and a diamond ring and bracelet, was currently busy welcoming guests at the main entrance of the museum.

Diane: "Enjoy your evening, Mr. Ambassador."

The moment Governor Foxington was alone, having just bid farewell to an ambassador of the museum, Fox slides in, "admiring" a particular sculpture outside the museum.

Fox: "Interesting piece. Trashy, pointless, and pretentious... yet, intriguing all the same." He stated, gaining the governor's attention as she turned to look at him and walked towards him.

Diane: "Hmm.... They say that art reveals more about the viewer than the artist. Mister..." She paused, patiently waiting for a proper introduction from the new mysterious guest.

Fox: "Ocean. Danny Ocean." He stated, while reaching out a paw and delicately grabbing her hand. "May I?" He asked, receiving a gentle nod from the governor.

He proceeded as he gently lifted her hand up, bending down at the same time and kissing Diane's hand, while slyly swiping the diamond ring right off her hand.

Fox: "I saw you on the news this morning. I must say it's about time someone called out those second-rate thugs who call themselves "The Bad Guys"." He chuckled. "They've been causing quite the ruckus you know, sometimes makes me worry that they'll try mugging people next if they get bored of the common heists."

Diane: "Don't you worry, Mr. Ocean. I'm sure that we'll catch those crooks within a few days." She stated rather confidently.

Fox: "I wish I had your confidence. They did outrun an entire police force not too long ago. They're possibly one job away from going down in criminal history and cementing their legacy." He suggested, though Diane merely bursts out laughing, to which he quickly joins in with his own forced chuckling, unsure what she finds so funny.

Diane: "Mr. Ocean, you're-you're funny." She said, slightly panting for air from laughing so hard.

Fox: "I am?" He asked intrigued.

Diane: "Yeah, the only legacy they're cementing is life in prison. Did you see their last job? Ugh. Unsecured exits, crude disguises, compulsive showboating, I mean it was a mess." Her tone sounding as though knowing what a true perfect heist and criminal was, confusing the male fox greatly.

Fox: "Y-Yeah... You'd think criminals of their caliber would try to avoid the spotlight." He said joining along.

Diane: "It's all the classic signs of a crew in decline. Next, they're gonna make it personal. That's when you know, they're toast." The governor said with a confidence that baffled Mr. Fox, whom stared at her for a few seconds, knowing that she correctly pointed out plenty of flaws in Wolf's crew.

The flashy showboating was only going to attract more attention, both from cops and rival criminals, and that performing a job known for breaking crooks just to get back at her for a few derogatory statements was incredibly risky and reckless, not to mention rather stupid.

Fox: "You make a good point, Governor. It's only a matter of time before their delusions of grandeur come crashing down around them. As for the sculpture, I believe that it's all about perspective." He said, looking back at the statue to return back to their earlier subject.

Diane: "Indeed. If you look closely enough, even trash can be recycled into something beautiful." The vixen stated as she gently grabbed Fox by his right arm and turned him to look at the wall to his left, both of them watched the rotating trash sculpture casting a shadow on the museum wall, which slowly morphed into the shadow of a swan.

Fox: "Huh.... Would you look at that. Looks like a Swan." He said, now impressed with the work of art.

Diane: "You have a good eye, Mr. Ocean." She complimented.

Fox: "I guess some things aren't always as they appear..." He said looking back at Diane who looked at him as well.

They looked into each other's eyes and a strange feeling dwelled over Fox, as if they had met long ago. Diane having a similar feeling as she stared intently into Fox's eyes, as though trying to crack some sort of code. Fox tried to jump back to the plan, snapping out of his short trance and grabbing his cell phone, holding it up slightly for the governor to see his gesture.

Fox: "That reminds me... Um, may I? It would be a missed opportunity to not take a photo with two beautiful works of art." He asked, though in all honesty he truly meant what he said, receiving a flattered giggle from the vixen.

Diane: "You're quite the fascinating piece yourself, Mr. Ocean." She said while turning to pose for the camera, allowing Fox to place his left hand around her waist, her backside to him as they smiled towards the phone camera Fox held in his right hand.


Fox snapped the selfie he needed in order to execute the next step of their plan, but felt he needed to spend a bit more time with the ravishing vixen governor.

Fox: "Would it be alright if I were to accompany you to the ceremony?" He asked in a genuine tone, raising his left arm up for the vixen, if she were to take his offer.

Diane: "Hmmm, I guess I could make that exception. I wouldn't mind the company, especially from a gentleman as yourself." She agreed, wrapping her right arm around the fox's left arm. "Let's proceed."

Fox: "With pleasure, governor."

Diane: "Please, call me Diane." She said, confusing Fox for a brief moment as he knew that the vixen didn't ask many to address her by her name, however, he would not argue the chance to do so.

Fox: "As you wish." He said as Diane begins to lead him into the museum.

As they walked into the museum, Fox quietly sends the photo to Wolf, then slides his phone back into his pocket. Wolf soon received the photo as The Bad Guys stepped into the main part of the museum.


Wolf: "Once we're in, it's on to Step Three: We split up and take our positions." He instructed.


Step Three:

Up above them, Chief Luggins addresses the small army of practically the entire police force.

Chief Luggins: "Officers, if The Bad Guys crash this event, I'm definitely going to lose my job and I will not hesitate to take you all down with me! Now move out!" She ordered in a rather stern tone.

Officers: "Yes ma'am!" Everyone yelled and split up, all in fear of losing their job if they failed at tonight's event.

On Wolf's command, The Bad Guys also broke off and moved into position.

Piranha broke away from the others and quickly dove into a nearby fountain to access the building's plumbing system.

Tarantula hopped off Shark's head and crawled stealthily across the floor, in between partygoers' legs and shoes.

Tarantula: "Mics on. Everyone on comms, do you copy?" She asked quietly as soon as she was in position, checking their communication line with the crew and receiving their responses.

Wolf: "Copy." Wolf confirmed.

Fox was next to respond, though instead of saying the term copy, he pressed the Bluetooth looking earpiece in his right ear with his right hand and did a short whistle and a click of his teeth. This caught Diane's attention as her ears twitched and she looked to Fox with a raised brow, though he just looked back at her and chuckled.

Fox: "Sorry, it's a habit I have that I do randomly at times. Usually when I'm happy." He explained before finishing. "Again, it's not every day I get the honors of spending a bit of time with our beautiful governor." He complimented the vixen, earning a giggle from her.

Diane: "Quite the flatterer aren't you, Mr. Ocean?" She said as she smirked with a raised brow. "I must say, for some reason, I don't actually mind that." She stated, earning a smile from Fox as they both looked forward and continued towards the main seating area.

Snake: "Copy."

Piranha: "Copy."

Shark: "Copy." Shark replied in the best high pitched feminine voice he could muster, matching his disguise.

Afterwards, Wolf headed for the balcony level, while Snake slithered up a modern art sculpture to reach one of the museum's ceiling air vents before sliding directly into the air duct, closing the vent behind him.

Tarantula hopped onto the back of a security guard, riding undetected as he unlocked the secret surveillance room and went inside, closing the door behind him completely unaware.

Fox was walking with Diane to a table closest to the ceremony stage as Shark followed behind,sitting down at a table closer to the back.

Waiter: "A drink for the pretty lady?" He offered politely.

Shark: "No, thank you. My life is too complicated right now." He said dramatically before snatching both drink glasses from the waiter's hand and downing them.

Snake slithers through the air vents, reaching his destination, then pausing a brief moment before disgustingly shedding out of both the dapper disguise and his snake skin at the same time, wearing a new fresh stealth outfit, while leaving the snake skin and dapper disguise as he exited the air duct through a vent below him.

Meanwhile a caterer enters one of the bathroom stalls in the men's room when Piranha emerged from the water pipes straight into a toilet bowl, jumping out at the waiter.

Tarantula is in the server room, plugging in a USB into the computer's monitor, taking her laptop out and watching the Golden Dolphin through a camera. The security guard who monitors the cameras is webbed up, hanging upside down from the ceiling, only muffled complaints coming from his webbed mouth.

Tarantula: "Boys, it's Dolphin Season." She declares as she successfully and rather effortlessly hacks into the museum's surveillance system.

She could now monitor everyone's progress and clearly see everything that was going on in the backstage area.

Piranha exits the stall, having knocked out the waiter and stolen his uniform.

Piranha: "Copy that. I'm on the move."

The Golden Dolphin was right where it is supposed to be, sitting backstage waiting for their big moment. Back out in the party, Wolf sauntered past the police chief just as the chief barked into her radio at corresponding police and security units.

Chief Luggins: "Unit two, is the backstage area still secure?"

Unit Two Radio Response: "Unit two. All clear."

Chief Luggins: "This is where all the training pays off." She stated, only for the disguised wolf to take the opportunity to bump into the chief, who looked up in surprise.

Wolf: "Oh, pardon me! Terribly sorry!" He said, placing one hand on the unsuspecting chief's arm.

Chief Luggins: "Not a problem, sir." She assured before turning around and resuming her patrol while communicating to the other units. "Keep your eyes open, boys. They could be anywhere, just waiting to humiliate us!"

Without missing a beat, Wolf strode confidently down the hall with the chief's security key tucked securely in his palm.

Tarantula: "Wolf is in position. Piranha, y'all penguin-suited and booted?" She asked, checkingon the predatory fish's status.

Piranha: "Affirmative. I'm a clean, mean, dolphin-stealing machine!" He said before discreetly entering a hallway and joining a line of caterers, pushing a cart out toward the event hall space."What's going on, guys?" He asked some of the other waiters, utilizing the key to fitting in, which was to act like you belong there.

But as soon as no one was looking, Piranha veered off in a different direction and slipped into a janitor's closet.

Security card in hand, Wolf made his way toward a staircase, snagging and pit pocketing guests' wallets, jewelry and other valuable trinkets as he passed by them along the way, making it look as easy as taking candy from a baby. He then spotted a short old lady walking down the same set of steps he was on, carrying a purse full of wads of cash. He then reached for the purse, attempting to snatch it off her, however, just as he managed to grab the strap of the purse, the old lady tripped and almost fell down the stairs, being stopped only by the purse strap that Wolf currently held onto. Wolf huffed a bit annoyed before trying to act non suspiciously.

Wolf: "Here, let me help you." He said, pulling the old lady back up onto the step, effectively saving her life. "Are you ok ma'am?"

Old Lady: "My gracious, yes. I may be dizzy, but I'm alive! Thanks to you!" She declared gleefully as she hugged Wolf's legs, before pulling away from the nervous wolf who never received such affection before.

She then grabbed his paws, to which he squatted down to be more at her height level.

Old Lady: "Thank you dearie. You're such a good boy." She said smiling before leaving the baffled wolf on the stair case.

Wolf's fur floofed up all of a sudden and his tail popped out of his clothes and began to wag furiously, the wolf panicking and scrambling to grab his tail and regain control of himself.

Back with Fox, he pulled out a seat at the table for Diane. The vixen was quite taken aback by "Mr. Ocean's" gentleman-like mannerisms as she smiled at him and allowed him to push in her seat as she sat down before bowing his head in respect and looking at her with a smile.

Fox: "It's been my pleasure and an honor to get the chance to accompany you, Diane. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening." He said, gently raising her right hand to give it a kiss.

However, unbeknownst to the fox, Diane's ears pinned back against her cranium and her face displayed a more saddened and upset expression as he was about to bid her farewell. Right as Fox was about to kiss her hand, she changed her expression back to her beautiful smile and cleared her throat to grab his attention, stopping the fox as he looked up at her.

Diane: "Actually, I was hoping you wouldn't mind sitting with me and accompanying me for a little longer. It gets a bit lonely and odd being seated by yourself at such an event while everyone else is buddied up. I'd like to get to know more about you Mr. Ocean. Again, if you don't mind?" She said in a confident tone, though when Fox looked into her eyes, he thought he could see them pleading for him to stay.

Fox smiled at the vixen and bowed his head in response.

Fox: "I wouldn't dream of passing up such an offer." He said, taking a seat directly across from the vixen, grabbing the champagne bottle and popping the cork off before pouring the liquid gold into Diane's glass first and then into his own.

Both lift up their glasses, gently clinking the two together in a toast before both taking a few sips of their champagne before Diane began the conversation.

Diane: "So, what do you do for a living Mr. Ocean?" She asked with interest.

Fox: "I'm a news journalist. It's something I do to get rid of an old habit of mine." He lied.

Diane: "And what was that old habit?" She tilted her head and raised a brow, while holding the champagne glass in her right hand in a rather fancy way.

At that moment Fox froze, caught off guard as he didn't believe that Diane would ask that question, or actually be interested in him as much as she seemed to be. Fox would be lying to himself if he said that it was getting harder for him to lie to the beautiful vixen before him. He didn't know why either, especially with how he mastered the art of thievery on top of being the sly and cunning fox he naturally was, but something about Diane made the fox want to... be honest with her?

Fox: "You sure you want to know? I mean, you might not find it as amusing." He advised, actually feeling himself get slightly nervous, Diane's expression changing to that of understanding as she sat up and scooted her chair closer to the table.

Diane: "Well... yes. I did say I wanted to get to know you more, and I'm more than willing to lend an ear to listen. I don't judge. But hey! If it's not something you're comfortable telling me about, then you don't need to. I'll understand." She said in a caring voice.

Fox: "No it's just that I..." That did it.

The way she looked at him with those beautiful emerald green irises, the way she talked to him in that calm yet caring tone and the fact she made him feel like she actually cared. He just couldn't seem to find the will to lie to someone like Diane, no... he couldn't lie to Diane specifically. Something about her was different and made feelings Fox thought he would never feel again reappear. So, he finally let some of the truth slip out, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke.

Fox: "I-I used to be a bad apple. Taking things that weren't mine and running away from police. It's scary that I was getting good at it. Too good... it's only been a year since my wife picked up on what I was doing and took my son away. I got angry and tried to get back into stealing again for myself, but I ended up in jail for a year. Ever since then I've been trying really hard to get out of that life." Diane had a look of sorrow, as she listened intently to Fox. "Now.... here I am. Enjoying what little my life has left in it, only now with an unforgettable time I have talking to our best governor yet. A lovely vixen who truly cares about her people and community, and pridefully works on changing everyday life to be safer and prosperous for all the citizens living here. An unforgettable moment, talking with you." He finished with an honest compliment, earning a smile and small blush from Diane.

Diane: "I really appreciate the compliments as well as your company Mr. Ocean. I didn't know..." She began before the fox interrupted her briefly.

Fox: "My apologies.... It's actually.... Fox." He said, earning a confused expression on the vixen's face.

Diane: "I'm sorry, but what do you mean?" She asked as Fox lowered his head with his ears pinned, only his eyes looking up to meet hers, clearly showing he was ashamed of himself.

Fox: "My name is not Danny Ocean. It's actually Fox... no last name. I haven't really socialized with other women since my wife left. I was really nervous about meeting you and thought I'd end up embarrassing myself in front of you, but now seeing that you're not a judgmental person, I feel you of all people deserve to know my real name." He finished explaining which was mostly true.

Diane's expression softened into a sympathetic one, placing her right hand on top of Fox's right hand and tightly wrapping it in a squeezing hold, showing compassion. Fox's eyes widened and his ears perked up as he raised his head back up slightly in shock from her touch. He couldn't help but blush lightly as he felt Diane's graceful hand wrap around his own and her fur was soft like a cloud and felt like it was made of the finest of silks, his heart beat increasing in speed.

Diane: "Not to worry, I understand Mr. Fox. It suits you better than Danny." She giggled lightly, earning a chuckle from Fox as well, before continuing. "I'm sorry you went through all of that Fox. I can't say I know what it's like, being that I've never had a significant other. But, I know heartbreak is one of the most painful things one can experience."

Fox: "It's perfectly fine Diane, I needed to let it out after so long. And I'm glad I shared it with you." He admitted, feeling a weight lifted off of his shoulders.

Fox turned his hand within Diane's to grip her ginger paw within his coarse furred paw. He felt hypnotized by Diane's emerald green eyes as they met his evergreen eyes, the two seemingly in a brief trance before one of Diane's security guards, dressed in all black, walks over to her and whispers something into her left ear. She thanks him and looks back to Fox with a smile.

Diane: "I believe that there's good inside almost everyone, they just need to open up a bit. I appreciate your honesty Mr. Fox. If you want, we can talk about this more later, but right now I have to get ready for my speech." She stands up from her seat and with a quick agile flick of her paw, she's suddenly holding a white business card and handing it to Fox, who takes it and looks at it, then back to her with wide eyes.

Diane: "My number. You know, in case you want to call me, meet up somewhere and talk some more." She said with a smile.

Fox: "Oh uh, thank you Diane. I-I have to admit, I didn't think I'd be able to actually make your acquaintance." He admitted, while a slight blush remained on the fox's face.

Diane: "We'll you're not a bad person Mr. Fox. We've all done things we regret at some point in our lives that we try to amend and redeem ourselves. I for one believe everyone deserves a second chance. Besides, I could use some more friends outside the political crowd. I trust you'll stay for the rest of the event?" A hint of hope clear in her voice, Fox giving a genuine smile and a nod of his head.

Fox: "I wouldn't want to miss it. Especially seeing you hosting it of course." Earning a blush from the vixen in return.

With that, Diane walks away with the security guard following behind her, leaving Fox sitting there alone with an empty champagne glass in his hand and now conflicting emotions. He feels his fur puff up as he gets a wonderful feeling from the conversation he just had with the vixen governor. He'd be lying to himself if he were to say he didn't find her attractive in every way from her looks down to her amazing personality. He then discreetly smooths his fur down, as he struggles to try and get his head back in the heist game, finding it difficult to focus as he clicked on his Bluetooth and quietly radioed Webs.

Fox: "Webs, what do you say about moving on to step four?" He suggested, secretly wanting to get this ordeal over with much quicker.

Tarantula: "Copy that. Shark, you're up. Do your thing." She instructed, the shark gasping in quiet excitement.

Shark: "Do I get to improvise?!"

Back with Mr. Wolf who was currently hiding underneath the serving cart while Piranha loadedit with food, overheard Shark's request.

Wolf: "Yes, fine. Improvise. But please be subtle."


Step Four:

On the main event floor, Shark was ready to do his thing, as he pours a glass of water on the floor before then lifting a table high above his head and hurled it across the room before dramatically collapsing on the floor and screaming madly in a feminine voice.

Shark: "I'm having a baby! Is there a doctor?! Or perhaps several security guards who could leave their post and help me?!"

Everyone turned their attention to Shark as two guards leave the first security door and rush over while Piranha and Wolf exit the elevator. Wolf's hand poked out of the underside of the cart to swipe the Chief's stolen key card on the badge reader, granting them access through the first door. Getting through that first door was the easy part. Now they had to get past two elite special-ops guards keeping watch over the backstage door.

Wolf and Piranha surveyed the scene from the far end of the hallway, before Piranha hops underneath the serving tray and Wolf pushes the cart out into the hall, ricocheting off the wall and down towards the two watchful guards, the covered tray on the top of the cart was labeled "Fish Surprise." The guard to the right picking up the label with a confused look as he read off the label.

Guard: "Fish Surprise?"

The other guard lifts the lid off and sees Piranha.

Piranha: "Surprise!" He shouted as he jumped into the air at the guards, quickly knocking themout.

Wolf pushes the cart away as he pulls out his phone and brings up the picture of Fox and Diane. Unfortunately, due to Wolf's more "outdated" phone model, it didn't show the clarity and details of Diane's eyes when he zoomed in on the governor's face, unlike Fox's high-definition camera gallery would show on his phone. So, Wolf then sent it in a message to Webs.

Wolf: "Hey Webs, can you enhance-" He began before the picture was sent back a nanosecond later, the photo enhanced, displaying the finest details of Diane's eye.

Tarantula: "Got it. Eight steps ahead of ya, Wolfie."

Wolf pressed his phone up against the retinal scanner, watching as the light blinked green granting them access as the metal doors opened, revealing the golden dolphin surrounded by detection lasers.

Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, your emcee for the Good Samaritan Awards..." They began, grabbing the large majority of the ceremony guests' attention.

As everyone clapped, Shark continued to keep the guards occupied at the back of the room. Shark took a deep breath as two men grabbed his hands and patted them in an attempt to calm the "lady in labor".

Wolf: "Shark, we're in." He heard Wolf say on the comms, switching back to his regular voice for half a sec.

Shark: "Oops, sorry. I forgot, I'm not pregnant." He swiftly stands up and walks away, leaving the guards and other onlookers to look at each other in confusion and bafflement.

Announcer: "...president of the committee, Governor Diane Foxington!" They finished, welcoming the governor as she walked up on stage towards the podium, everyone cheering and clapping for the vixen.

Fox had also stood up in support, clapping for Diane as she reached the podium before he took a seat in respect and courtesy to listen to what the governor had to say, all the other guests quickly following suit.

Diane: "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much." She solemnly addressed the crowd while footage of the most horrific natural disaster in the history of the city played on the screen behind her. "Last year, we faced our biggest test when a meteorite crashed into our dear city. That meteorite didn't just make a hole in our city, it made a hole in our hearts. But even in tragedy, Professor Marmalade, he did what he does so well. He made us look at things differently." Footage shows Marmalade cocking his head at the meteorite, showing that it looks like a Heart from a certain angle. "And thanks to you, Marmalade, the Love Crater Meteorite will forever serve as a symbol of how there is good even in the worst places."

Everyone clapped and cheered once again, Fox joining in as well. Behind the stage, as Diane was continuing her speech, Wolf and Piranha ripped off their tuxedos, revealing the full-body stealthsuits they were wearing underneath. The two then rush up the stairs and launch themselves into the air over the gauntlet of lasers, snake popping out of the vent from above just in time for Wolf and Piranha to grab hold, utilizing Snake as a rope. Wolf, Snake, and Piranha all dangled directly above the Golden Dolphin.

Success was so close that Snake could almost smell it with his tongue when he flicked it out to say; "Hurry up!"

Piranha climbs up him, then when he reaches the top he holds Snake's tail up, carefully lowering Wolf and Snake lower towards the trophy.

Wolf: "This is going surprisingly smooth." He remarked, not paying attention and accidentally smacks the Golden Dolphin, the trophy budging just a mere inch and triggering six laser cannons to activate and pop out of the Golden Dolphin pedestal, one of the guns firing, the beam barely missing Wolf and evaporating a nearby statue.

Snake: "What the molt is that?!" He asked in a panic.

Wolf looked down at a plaque mounted on the front of the pedestal the Golden Dolphin sat upon, reading what was inscribed on it out loud.

Wolf: "The Wolf/Piranha/Snake/Shark/Tarantula Protection System!"

Tarantula: "The WPSST!?"

Wolf: "This is not supposed to happen." He stated, clearly not having anticipated the museum possessing such state-of-the-art high-tech equipment.

Snake: "What!?"

Tarantula: "Guys, calm down. I'm on it. Initiating WPSST override protocol." She declared, inserting a USB drive into her laptop's slot. "Get it, queen!" She shouted overconfidently, only for an instantaneous "DENIED" message to flash on-screen, her face looking on in disbelief.

Wolf: "Did it work?" He asked over the comms.

Tarantula: "Just give me five minutes." Webs replied in an irritated manner as she resumes tapping away at a few keys, while Wolf and Snake heard Diane was wrapping up her speech.

Diane: "...And now, please join me in welcoming to the stage..."

Snake: "We don't have five minutes!" He exclaimed, panic clear in his voice as he began sweating nervously.

Diane: "...Professor Marmalade!"

Professor Marmalade strolled out onstage, bowing as guests offered him a standing ovation and loud cheers and applause from all corners of the room.

Attendee: "We love you, Professor Marmalade!" Someone even screamed out, sounding like a fan at a rock concert.

Shark: "The pig is on the move. I repeat, the pig is on the move!" Shark whispered into his comm unit.

Wolf: "Webs, the curtain is going up any minute." He warned, beads of sweat dampening his fur.

Tarantula was working as fast as she could. But it wasn't enough to crack the WPSST.

Tarantula: "It's not letting me in!"

Wolf: "Check your system preferences!"

Snake: "You probably need to download a driver."

Wolf: "Try rebooting!"

The two shouted out ideas for Tarantula to try out.

Tarantula: "Oh, my gosh, you fixed it!" She said, her voice baring heavy sarcasm.

Wolf and Mr. Snake: "Really?"

Tarantula: "No!" She snapped back, as if she had tried all those things already.

Then suddenly there was a knock on the door of the Security Room, Webs turned to see the handle started to jiggle.

Chief Luggins: "Hey, Larry. Come on, open up. What did we say about locking doors?"

With a quick glance at the still-locked door, Tarantula whispered into her comm unit.

Tarantula: "Oh no, no, no, no. Shark, I got a situation here." Urgency clear in the tarantula's voice.

Shark: "Copy that, I'm on my way."

Tarantula: "Fox, Wolf and Snake got a situation backstage." She notified the fox, whom was still seated at Diane's table.

Fox: "Copy, I'm on the move." Fox gets up from his seat and leaves the main room, unaware that Diane catches a glimpse of him leaving, her face turning to slight sadness as he leaves.

Piranha: "Hurry up, guys!" Piranha suddenly squeaked through the comm unit, feeling nervous as his stomach began to churn.

Tarantula: "It's time to turn this baby on beast mode!" Tarantula cracked her hairy hands and tapping a key.

In an instant, four new keyboards suddenly appeared out of Webs' laptop, and using her eight legs they went immediately into overdrive on all her keyboards.

Tarantula: "Eat it, WPSST!" She said with determination as she quickly started unlocking each of the WPSST's security firewalls at an unbelievable speed, though it began loading into each individual laser gun at a snail's pace.

A moment later, Piranha briefly losses his gripping on the other two as his stomach started to churning and bubbling even more.

Piranha: "Please, not now." He said trying to negotiate with his gut, though it was all in vain.

There was the sound of a small fart slowly getting louder, which made Snake and Wolf realize what was about to happen.

Wolf: "Wait, wait, wait, No! Piranha!" He pleaded.

Professor Marmalade: "This award is for-" He stops as he, the audience and even Diane hears a rather loud and somewhat long fart, Marmalade awkwardly clearing his throat afterwards.

Professor Marmalade: "As I was saying..."

Piranha: "Oh no, no, no, no, no!" Panic-stricken, Piranha watched as the released green gas from his toxic fart flowed straight throughout the air duct, the gas eventually slipping into the Security Room.

Webs got a whiff of the smell almost immediately as the air was quickly filling with the power of Piranha's powerful potent gas.

Tarantula: "Piranha! Are you kidding me?!"

Piranha: "Sorry!" Piranha whined, his voice carrying through the vents.

Fox had entered the hallway towards the 2nd security door, Wolf and Snake were just behind the door. He pulls out his phone and pulls the photo of him and Diane out, zooming in on Diane's eye. The phone automatically enhances the image and presses it on the scanner, once it was complete the door opened and Wolf and Snake turned their attention at the fox and stared at him for a moment confused.

Wolf: "Fox what are you-"

Fox: "Isn't it obvious? I'm saving your asses." He stated rather bluntly, taking off his jacket, socks and shoes before walking back to touch the wall behind him.

Inhaling deeply before exhaling calmly, he sprints towards the lasers grid as he takes one final step and then jumps like an unloaded spring, performing a flawless front flip as he soared through the air, narrowly dodging the laser grid, before finally landing on one foot in between the lasers right in front of the Golden Dolphin pedestal. Fox then proceeded to pull out an Electric Magnetic Pulse shock ring, pressing it on the WPSST panel and applying pressure to send a wave of EMP through the system shutting it down. Shockingly though, it only disables the laser grid, the laser guns keeping active and aimed at Snake and Wolf.

Wolf and Snake: "What!?" They said in disbelief, Fox only groaning in annoyance.

Fox: "The laser guns must be hardwired to a completely separate power panel further below." He said shaking his head.

Professor Marmalade: "...And that's why my Gala for Goodness will raise all the money needed for those less fortunate." He finished his speech.

Webs held her breath as the fart gas continued filling the room while she continued typing away on her multi-keyboard laptop. There wasn't much time left. Through the surveillance system, she could hear Professor Marmalade onstage. From outside, the chief pounded on the door again before pulling out a key ring loaded with different keys as she skims through them to find the security key.

Chief Luggins: "I'm starting to get mad here, Larry!"

Tarantula was almost done overriding the system, tears beginning to stream from her eyes, but she holds her breath for too long causing herself to lose consciousness and collapse onto her laptop, all progress on the download into the WPSST coming to a screeching halt.

Wolf: "Webs? You there?! Webs?!" Wolf asked as his panic rose a whole new level.

Fox: "If I had to guess, Piranha's fart bomb has finally taken her out. Looks like it's up to me to save The Bad Guys from disaster." He remarked with a sly smile, as he quickly jumped onto one of the laser guns, pulling out a silver pen like item and pressing a small button on the end of the rod, activating a thin small blue laser, the fox using it to cut a metal panel out. He then reached into the gun and began tearing out the wires, effectively disabling one of the guns before hardwiring some of the wires, restoring power and aiming the gun at one of the remaining 3. In a swift motion, Fox aimed the gun and tapped the remaining cut wire ends together, causing the gun to shoot each time at each gun.





Diane: "And now the moment we've all been waiting for..." The curtain starts going up causing Snake and Wolf to panic.

Fox quickly jumps to the floor, leaving the last laser gun defective without its firing command wire connected, and leaving the Golden Dolphin on its pedestal, running towards the exit and picking up his jacket, socks, and shoes on his way out.

Fox: "You're clear! You're on your own from here Wolf!" He stated as he exited through the door and hallway he had come through.

Wolf quickly snatched up the Golden Dolphin, Snake and Piranha pulling him up as they went to make their escape.

The chief of police had finally found her spare key and slides it into the lock and opened the door to the security room, but before she could catch The Bad Guys in the act Shark had arrived behind her.

Shark: "Excuse me... Is this the LADIES room?" He asked in his rather feminine voice, the chief turning her attention to him, unaware of the green fart fumes that aired out of the security room.

Chief Luggins: "Oh! You need to take a right at the end of the hall ma'am." She informed the disguised shark with a smile.

With the fart fumes cleared, Tarantula awoke gasping for air, and immediately got back to work before noticing the laser canons were destroyed.

Tarantula: "Well... that's one way to do it." She stated quietly, secretly ashamed and upset that she didn't succeed in displaying her amazing skills due to Piranha's gassy issues.

She then quickly packed up her laptop and crawled off the desk and scurried out the door past Chief Luggins feet, then crawling up Shark's back unnoticed by the Chief.

Onstage, Governor Foxington watched along with the crowd as the curtain continued rising open, slowly revealing the backstage.

Diane: "And now, it is my honor to award Professor Marmalade with the Golden Dolphin!" She said with great pride.

The curtain fully rises, revealing the destroyed laser canons and The Golden Dolphin missing, with no one in sight, everyone gasping as they realized The Golden Dolphin had been stolen.

Diane: "No!" She said in immediate shock.

Professor Marmalade: "No."

Shark: "Yes!" He smiles as he overhears through his comm unit, but he reverts back to his women voice in an attempt to cover his slip of word choice. "I mean yes!" He stated before scurrying in the direction of the bathrooms.

Chief Luggins: "What?" confused, the chief merely shrugged the odd woman off before she turned back to the now opened security office, only to panic as she saw the missing Golden Dolphin on the monitors.

Moments later, Diana regained her composure and tried to calm the panic-stricken crowd.

Diane: "Everyone, everyone, uh, please don't panic. Just stay calm. I'm-I'm sure there's an explanation for this. I repeat, uh, please do not panic."

Using the chaos around them as a cover, the Bad Guys quickly changed back into their partygoer disguises and discreetly made their way past the screaming crowd, creeping toward the front door. Fox on the other hand, had already arrived back to his and Diane's table, pulling off a faked gasp as he stared in absolute shock at the scene before him, Diane taking notice of Fox's return and smiling gently, seeing as he hadn't simply left and stayed for the event after all.

Mr. Wolf: "Nice work, everybody. Now let's make like a wolf and get the pack outta here." He said carrying a cocky smile.

Mr. Piranha: "Ha, wordplay. I don't get it."

Onstage, Marmalade stepped up to the mic.

Professor Marmalade: "Diane, Diane, if I may... You have to understand, I didn't bring hope back to the city for an award. I did these good things because of how they made me feel. That tingly feeling I get." This instantly caught Wolf's attention as he stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the guinea pig back up on stage. "That shiver up my spine. The wag in my tiny tail."

Everyone's focus was now on Marmalade. Wolf remembered that feeling, from saving an old lady from earlier and looked to his tail, before looking back up to the stage, unable to resist the pull to find out what the pig would say next, despite him being only a couple hundred feet from the exit to the museum.

Professor Marmalade: "Because, you see, being good just feels so good. And when you're good, you're loved." He finished.

Wolf's tail began to wag out of control, causing him to panic and the rest of his crew looked back at him confused. Then someone from the crowd heard the ruckus and looked over at Wolf, coincidentally right as Wolf's glasses and fake mustache slipped off from his fidgeting movements, the rest of his crew having regrouped with him. Seeing what was happening, an attendee yelled at the top of their lungs;

Attendee: "IT'S THE BAD GUYS!"

The chief of police pushed through the crowd, pointing right to where Wolf and his crew were standing.

Chief Luggins: "ARREST THEM!"

The Bad Guys froze as hundreds of police officers surrounded them, ready with their batons. They were trapped, and there was no escape. Wolf looked over pleadingly at Fox across the room for help, but he and Fox both knew there was nothing Fox could do. So, with a disappointed look, Fox shook his head "no" at Wolf. Diane had seen the discrete signal Fox gave in the direction of Wolf, and the brief eye contact the leader of The Bad Guys had made with Fox, causing her brow to raise in suspicion.

Chief Luggins: "They stole the Golden Dolphin!" She accused, grunting angrily as she stared down the criminals.

Wolf: "Come on, you can't prove that." He stated, trying to act nonchalant of their current situation.

Just then, the Golden Dolphin slipped out the bottom of Shark's dress and clanked to the ground. They were all shocked seeing it fall right in front of them. 'Why now of all times?' The Bad Guys asked themselves in their own minds. Shark looked down at the trophy, then up at the cops, then back down at the trophy.

Shark: "My baby" He said in his disguised feminine voice, in a last attempt to convince everyone that it wasn't The Golden Dolphin.

The police closed in on them, eager to keep The Bad Guys contained. They knew all too well just how easily The Bad Guys could slip out of a tight spot.

Chief Luggins: "On your knees, Bad Guys... With your hands up!" She commanded.

Mr. Snake: "Never! We're outta here!"

Wolf grabbed his grappling hook he'd anchored to his pants. He shot it toward the ceiling, smirking about their clever escape plan.

Wolf: "So long, suckers!"

The Bad Guys grabbed onto him and then he pressed the trigger for the gun to retract up the line. Unfortunately, instead of carrying The Bad Guys up to safety, the cable snagged the front of Wolf's pants and with a swift ripping sound, carried his pants up and away, the gun managing to slip from his grasp, leaving him with his pink boxer briefs that bore a white hearts pattern. Wolf's grin slipped, as he, his crew, and everyone at the event looked at his underwear in shock.

Wolf: "Well... This just got a little weird." He rubbed the back of head in embarrassment.


(Earlier - Afternoon)

Fox sipped from his cup of coffee, sitting down on the couch as Chanel 6 action news was on the TV. He watches the traffic footage of The Bad Guys recklessly driving around the city from their previous bank heist. There was serious doubt that Fox felt as he was joining them in stealing the Golden Dolphin. He always viewed Wolf as reckless any heists they did together a couple years ago, the wolf never truly having a backup plan for if things went astray and instead relying on improve if needed, nearly having the two caught on a couple of heists. Fox remembered how 75 percent of the time, he had to come up with a master plan of escape, and therefore, would always "do his homework" researching the building layouts and any possible routes of escape before he and Wolf would commence the heist the next day. Now, as he watched the news and saw Wolf's previous heist even with a full crew, he looked on with shame. The heist was, for a lack of better words, downright sloppy and reckless.

Wolf then came up from behind him and patted his shoulder, Fox turning his head around to see Wolf's disguise he would use for tonight.

Wolf: "What'd you think? Dashing, isn't it?"

Fox: "If it's able to successfully fool the guests and police force, and convince them that it's not a wolf in sheep's clothing, then yeah that'll do." The two letting out a slight chuckle.

Wolf: "So... you sure you don't want to come with us when this is all over?"

Fox: "Trust me W-Wolf. When we're done with this, I'll no longer have the need to steal from anyone ever again. I'll just find my own path, start a new life. One where I'm not seen as a criminal..." He said, determined for a positive change in his life.

Wolf remained silent. He'd never seen his friend like this before. It made him question himself a bit too.

Wolf: "Well... let's hope to see each other again after it's over." He said in a hopeful tone before turning away from the couch and dusting himself off. "C'mon, let's get you a disguise." He suggested, to which Fox stood up and followed Wolf to the clothing rack to get a disguise, selecting a rather dashing black suit, contrasting Wolf's white suit.


(Present- Night)


Tiffany Fluffit: "The Bad Guys go bust! The nefarious fivesome has finally been captured! And I, Tiffany Fluffet, am first on the scene." She winked to the camera for her viewers to see.

The Bad Guys were currently being escorted out of the building while Diane had successfully managed to get all the guests to calm down and go outside of the museum, marking the end of the event. She began talking to guests and reporters whom began asking questions regarding to tonight's series of events, The Bad Guys being locked up into an armored PTV (Prisoner Transport Vehicle), one by one.

Chief Luggins: "Woah... You know I-I just realized that I have devoted my entire adult life to putting you in jail." She said while lifting Wolf off the ground with her incredible strength by the collar of his jacket. "You are my purpose. Without you, who am I?" She faked being sad for a millisecond with heavy sarcasm. "I-I-I-I'm just kidding. This is the best moment of my life!" She said over ecstatically. "It's the end of The Bad Guys."

Snake: "Wolf!" He yelled out frantically as he was loaded into the prison transport.

Wolf looked down to his tail, seeing as it was no longer wagging but instead hung low. He then overheard the press pushing questions at the governor and Professor Marmalade, and got an idea for a last attempt to win over their freedom, using his charisma and smooth-talking skills.

Diane: "One at a time. One at a time." She said, trying to calm the news reporters to act professionally rather than be the bumbling idiots they tended to be at times.

Wolf then swiftly and unexpectedly slipped out of Chief Luggins grasp, spinning around and walking a few steps towards the governor.

Chief Luggins: "Hey!" She tried stopping him but stopped and froze as Wolf began speaking, grabbing the entire crowds' attention.

Wolf: "Excuse me! Sorry to interrupt! I-I just wanted to congratulate the governor here. I gottasay, you really got us pegged. We're just a deep well of anger, self-loathing-" He began before being interrupted by the governor, whom was not amused with the leader of The Bad Guys, continuing his own speech for him.

Diane: "Denial."

Wolf: "Sure, that too."

Diane: "Narcissism." She began somewhat teasing at this point, as she took pride at pointing out the facts while poking fun at The Bad Guys for all the trouble they have caused her and the city.

Wolf: "Yeah, yeah."

Diane: "Emotional emptiness." She finished, with a smirk.

Wolf: "So, we're on the same page." He said, trying to move forward with his point.

Shark: "What is he doing?" He asked, the rest of The Bad Guys crew watching from the PTV in confusion at Wolf's display he was putting on.

Wolf: "Sadly, we were never given a chance to be anything more than second rate criminals." The governor shook her head while keeping her smirk, completely not buying Wolf's silly and sad attempt to win pity from her or anyone for that manner. "If only there were someone, who could help the flower of goodness inside us blossom. Some icon of love and forgiveness, like, uh, I don't know..." He then looked to Marmalade as he spoke his next set of words. "Mother Teresa?" He suggested, quietly hitting a nerve within the goody-two-shoes guinea pig and leaving him deep in thought. "Best thing is to just throw us in jail for the rest of our hopeless lives." He finished, right before Chief Luggins' left hand reached in front of Wolf, grabbing him by the right shoulder and pulling him to face away from the crowd.

Chief Luggins: "Yeah. That's the plan!" She confirmed with a rather excited and happy smile on her face as she began escorting him back towards the PTV.

Right as she was about to throw Wolf into the transport, Marmalade spoke up.

Professor Marmalade: "Wait!" He shouted out, causing the police chief to freeze her actions.

Chief Luggins: "Exc-, Pec-, Pardon?" She rambled, completely caught off guard.

Professor Marmalade: "Mr. Wolf may be a savage beast, basically walking garbage." He said before quickly directing his attention to the wolf in question. "Sorry. I'm making a point." He explained.

Wolf: "Do what you need to do, pal." He said while hanging in the air from the police chief still holding him by the jacket.

Professor Marmalade: "But how can we say they're hopeless, if they've never been given the chance?" He asked, making a statement. "What if... What if we tried a little experiment, Diane?" He asked the governor, somewhat catching her curiosity. "As you know my, Gala for Goodness, the hashtag charity event of the year, is coming up. If I can prove to everyone at that Gala that The Bad Guys have changed, will you set them free and give them a clean start?" He requested, much to everyone's surprise, let alone the governor.

Chief Luggins: "What?! Professor Marmalade!" She said in disbelief, dropping Wolf in the process of her shock to the guinea pig's proposal. "No, no, no, no, no. Don't you see what he's doing?! He's playing you!" She tried pointing out, though it appeared the guinea pig was convinced otherwise.

Professor Marmalade: "But it was my idea." He argued.

Wolf: "It was his idea." He said in agreement with a cheeky smile.

Chief Luggins: "Only because you made him have it!" She said angrily pointing a figure and poking it into Wolf's chest roughly, before she turned to the governor and pleaded. "Madam Governor, you can't just let them go!"

Diane: "Professor, I'm not about to put the safety of the city on the line for an experiment." She said with a rather disgusted look on her face as she looked at Wolf, knowing full well he was manipulating the guinea pig.

Fox: "Governor Diane." Fox suddenly spoke, standing at the top of the steps that lead up to the museum, his sudden involvement attracting all eyes. "Forgive me for butting into this whole ordeal but-" He was suddenly interrupted by the chief of police, whom recognized him almost immediately.

Chief Luggins: "Hold on just a second there! You're Mr. Fox! Ha! I bet you had involvement with this heist! Could this day get any better for me?! Ha! Arrest him!" She commanded, a few officers coming up from behind Fox to do as the chief had requested.

Diane: "Hold it right there, officers!" She ordered, the officers halting their arrest attempt. "Chief Luggins, what on earth are you doing?! Why accuse this innocent gentleman of such allegation?!" She asked clearly upset with the police chief's unexplained behavior.

Chief Luggins: "Madam Governor, he is a criminal just like The Bad Guys! He was just released from a year long sentence only a few weeks ago in fact, for attempting to rob a high-end jewelry store downtown!" She explained exasperated. "The fact that he's here now, only adds to my reasonable belief he's involved with The Bad Guys!"

Diane looked a little upset and even hurt as she looked towards the Fox, expecting an explanation, though Fox would not take his eyes off the police chief as he responded.

Fox: "That may be true, Chief Luggins. However, I committed the crime due to personal reasons I rather not explain to the whole public, that I allowed to affect my emotions and mentality at the time which had gotten the better of my me. Something I will never allow to happen again. I served my sentence for the crime and was interrogated further on the matter before my release. Something that the police department DOES NOT normally do to your average criminals, being those that aren't... how do I say it? "Predatory" or "scary" anthros! And yet, here we are with me being accused of being guilty without proper investigation, despite the fact that I have an air-tight alibi." He stated matter-of-factly, causing the crowd to gasp as they and even Diane looked back at Chief Luggins with a rather disappointed look, the Chief's expression dropping to nervousness.

Diane: "Chief Luggins, Mr. Fox has been with me since before the event began. He's been in my line of sight for nearly the entire evening." She crossed her arms as she continued. "I'm afraid you've made a rather big mistake." She said looking at the chief sternly, the chief realizing she made a grave mistake.

Chief Luggins: "Um.... My hugest apologies, Mr. Fox.... Please proceed." She said grinding her teeth towards the end, everyone's attention looking back to the fox as the other officers backed away from him.

Fox: "Much appreciated Governor Diane. Now, back to the point, Professor Marmalade is right. Despite their current reputation, The Bad Guys haven't been given the chance to be anything other than the feared, misunderstood and mistreated "scary" stereotypes they've been labeled. Now, for the first time ever, someone cares enough to offer the chance to rehabilitate The Bad Guys. This could offer the city a decrease in crimes and a chance for The Bad Guys to become something more than criminals, perhaps even contribute to society for a change. If Marmalade can succeed in rehabilitating The Bad Guys, this would prove that not all stereotypical "predatory" or "scary" anthros, are bad." He finished explaining before looking to the governor. "Governor Diane, I seem to remember that a wise person once told me that "even trash can be recycled into something beautiful." This by far caught Diane by surprise as she let out a rather content huff with Mr. Fox's statement, nodding her head as she went to speak, looking back to Professor Marmalade.

Diane: "Ok, I'm game, but only because it's you professor." She said, accepting the Guinea pig's suggestion.

Chief Luggins: "No!" She exclaimed rather distraught by the Governor's choice.

Diane: "We'll hold onto the Dolphin until the Gala. Just to remove any, unnecessary temptation." She declared.

Professor Marmalade: "Of course, good thinking." He said before turning around and picking up the Golden Dolphin and handing it to Diane. "And that's why you're governor." He said directing his attention to the crowd. "Now that everyone's happy..." He began, the police chief still grinding her teeth and she mumbled out in anger.

Chief Luggins: "Not happy!"

Professor Marmalade: "I, Rupert Marmalade the Fourth, will turn The Bad Guys into, The Good Guys!" He announced in a dramatic pose as photographers began snapping photos of the professor.

Wolf then discreetly nodded a quiet thanks to Fox, whom gave a gentle nod back. Then Wolf looked to his crew and winked, though the others were dumbfounded and confused to say the least with what Wolf and Fox just pulled. Wolf then unlocked the handcuffs on him with the key he had snatched off the police chief at some point, taking them off and twirling them around on his finger before handing it to her.

Wolf: "I think these belong to you." He stated nonchalantly before walking past Chief Lugginsand towards the PTV his crew was being held in.

Chief Luggins: "Hey!" She exclaimed both baffled and irritated by this stunt.

Right as Wolf entered the PTV to join his friends for a single night behind bars, the governor spoke up.

Diane: "Not everyone gets a second chance. Make the most of it, Mr. Wolf." She warned, earning a casual salute from the wolf as he closed the PTV door behind him and sat down towards the back. The PTV then began driving off, several police cruisers joining in escorting The Bad Guys crew to jail for the night.

 Diane then turned and headed up the steps back up to the fox, gently wrapping her left arm around his right and guiding him back inside the now empty museum while carrying the Golden Dolphin in her right arm.

Diane: "I'll be back shortly to answer any questions in just a moment." She stated to the crowd of people before entering further into the museum with Fox.

Once she was sure no one else was around to listen, she brought Fox in front of her and looked him in the eyes with a smirk.

Diane: "You're craftier than I thought Mr. Fox." She said, catching the fox off guard.

Fox: "Whatever do you mean, Diane?"

Diane: "Don't play coy with me Fox. I had my suspicions that you would be involved in a heist tonight after you told me a little bit about yourself. Though the icing on the cake was when you stood up for Wolf and his crew." She began explaining, the fox before her shocked by her cunning intelligence. "I could just review the surveillance footage and see who exactly destroyed the WSSPT system, however, I'm gonna let this one slide as I believe, unlike Wolf, you truly have a good heart and want to change for the better." She explained as she set the Golden Dolphin down on a nearby table and looking to the fox. "May I see the card I gave you earlier?" She politely asked, Fox quickly pulling it out and handing her the card.

Diane then pulled out a pen and quickly jotted some more information down on the card before handing it back to him with grace.

Diane: "Here's my address. Meet me there tomorrow around noon. I'd like to sit down and have a private conversation with you and get to know you a little bit more, as well as get the full truth off the record." She said before picking up the Golden Dolphin and walking over to an officer who had just entered the building to retrieve the award to lock it up for the next few days, Fox stood there in disbelief that he had just been given Diane's home address. "And a word of advise..." She turned to look at the stunned Fox one more time. "Don't be late or keep me waiting. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of eager reporters' questions to answer. Have a good night, Mr. Fox. See you tomorrow." She finished before exiting the museum once more to address the crowd.

Fox smiled, his fur poofing up for a moment as he turned to leave the museum. After a good ten-minute walk to an alleyway, Fox reached Wolf's car and pulled out the keys. He had swiped them off Wolf without him even noticing before the heist had begun in case things went south with the plan and they needed a quick getaway. He then got into the car, started up the engine, and drove it towards The Bad Guys' hideout, where he would ultimately leave it, returned to it'shome, before he himself hopped onto his motorcycle and drove away back to his apartment.


End Of Chapter 4 

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