Playing With the Boys

By Mandalorian-T-70

12.9K 287 210

Rose Bradshaw has worked hard to get to where she is, being the only girl to keep going out of the small grou... More

~Hello There~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
ON Hold, I'm sorry.

Chapter 3

1K 21 32
By Mandalorian-T-70

The rest of the day was going well, we had a sit-down class on Air combat maneuvering then left to study, which is my favorite part of just sitting down with a textbook and making notes.

Sitting in an almost quiet room the only sounds you could hear were the fans in the room cooling us all down in the hot weather, the sound of Jets coming and going throw the small cracks in the open windows as well as people's small whispering, I sat at a table by myself, I had made room for BullDog to come and sit next to me so we could go over stuff together, but when he came in he just walked right passed me to the back of the classroom were his friends from this morning were talking and smoking, I had a funny feeling this is going to be a recurring thing, not that I make him sit next to me but it's nice to talk to your RIO about stuff so you know your both still on the same page were your up in the Sky.

Mav and Goose were behind me doing Mav and Goose thing, which is to work for a little, draw funny things on each other notebooks, eat where ever snacks they stuffed into their pockets, joke about stuff then work some more,

I sat with books around me on the table my notebook open at a diagonal I could never wright with it being straight, A pen in my left hand, and my head resting on my right hand as I worked out what maneuver I would take to evade a bandit incoming attack from behind, I could not pick from a Split S or a barrel roll, I just sat looking at both scenarios scrunching my nose in annoyance that I could not pick which one.

I was so into my thoughts that I did not heave movement behind me,

"I'd go for the Split S"

Mav's voice said very close to my ears making me jump in my set, placing a hand over my heart,

"Easy there Tiger, it's just me"

Mav laughed but soon stopped when my elbow made contact with his gut, he let out a small hurt sound placing his hand on his gut, bowing his head, I just gave him a side-eye knowing he was faking it so I was not going to give into him, after a moment he lifted his head with that big smile of his painted over his face,

I just shook my head and went back to my work, as Mav moved closer leaning over me tilting his head to the side as he read over my notes, then nodded his head, pointing his finger at one of the diagrams I had drawn,

"If they are coming at you from that angle doing a Split S into a low Yo-Yo that will bring you right behind them if they have not ruined or being you face to face with them"

Mav commented as I watched his finger dance around on my page, this time it was my turn to nod my head in understanding of what he was saying,

"From there if they are coming at me, I can move into a one Circle flow, I can turn faster which means I can get off a good shot before they can"

I added, Drawing out what I had in mind, it's amazing what another set of eyes can do for you, I turned to thank him, seeing he was still very close to me and I won't lie am so happy this room is very hot, my already red and sweaty face covering up the blush on my cheeks,

I and Mav have been good friends for a long time, and people think we are brother and sister but Mav can be a flirt and I know he does it for fun sometimes, but it is hard not to fall for him and I have many times but moved on.

However this time has not been easy, but I don't wanna say anything I love our friendship, and I love his friendship with my brother, I don't wanna ruin that by telling him how much of a love-struck puppy I am, also it's against the rules to date someone in the same squadron you are in.

As if feeling my eyes on him Mav turned his face to look at me, smiling from ear to ear he then node his head backward.

"I see BullDog made some new friends"

Mav commented, I turned my head just a little more to look at the back of the room to see BullDog laughing and throwing a paper ball at someone, before looking back at Mav,

"Yeah, let him play, he fine"

I tell Mav smiling at him, but Mav's Smile dropped replaced with a serious look, which is rear to be on his face,

"Rose he barely said or done anything with you since coming here, Is everything ok?"

He asked me, come to think of it, he is right since coming here BullDog has not talked to me, even on the way here he was silent, and even before that he make some strange comments, it was like the man I knew for two years was changing. But it could just be down to stress.

"Everything is fine, he probably just having too much fun to wanna talk, we'll be fine"

I reassured Mav and myself at the same time, tilting my head at him and giving him a sweet smile hoping he take it and move on, his smile does come back but his eyes are still serious.

"I just want you to be safe, I don't want him getting in the back seat and doing something stupid because he been playing Mr friends with everyone but forgetting about his Pilot"

Mav comments, this is another reason why it is so hard to not fall for him, he so sweet and caring that he wants nothing more than to keep the people he cares about safe, I place my pen down on the table freeing up a hand to place over his that was still sitting on my notebook, giving his hand a small squeeze.

"I am safe, I got you and Goose, my ever trusting bodyguards"

I told him trying to ease his worry, he looked me right in the eyes for a moment as if looking for something he was about to say something when I cut him off, not finished with what I was saying,

"But if anything were to happen, you will be the first to know, I promise,"

Mav then nodded and finally let the topic drop, I let go of his hand as he stood up tall thinking he was going to go back to his table I let my eyes feel back to my notes and textbox, hopefully, I can finish some more off before the end of the day, as I was about to get into doing the next scenarios the chair to my side move, looking over I saw Mav sitting down with his book, nodding his head behind him,

"He has fallen asleep, Mind if I Join you properly"

I looked behind to find Goose with his head laying on his folders arms on the table his mouth open a little with a lolly pop sticking out and a small wet patch forming on his sleeve, How he has come this far in the Navy is still a shock to me.

I sat with Mav for the rest of the day going over the different combat maneuvering, I don't know if our notebooks get handed in at the end but at this moment my pages were just a mix of mine and Mav's notes, even tho he has his own he pull mine over now and then to finish off what I was doing, or to copy what I have put, it not like it was cheating or anything we both came up with it, I just happened to be writing it down as we were talking.

Once the day was over we all headed home showering and changing into our white uniforms, I don't know why but we did, what I can say is it looks amazing on the men but on me, I look silly, the first time I put it on it looked like I found my dads clothes and put them on it looked so big on me.

Waking out into the living room Mav and Goose were waiting for me,

"Why the fuck did we have to change into our white, can't I just keep the other on"

I complained to them even if they were not listening, and to busy talking about whatever it was they were talking about,

"Awww come on Rose you love the whites"

Mav said teasing me, I turned to look at him and pointed my finger at him

"Oh other yes, on me No, I look ridiculous, thank fuck we are not putting the hats on"

I told him, as he smiled walking over to me,

"Now don't say that you looked Sexy in the white, Does she not Goose?"

Goose looked from Mav to me Opening his mouth and closing it again as if trying to find the right words to say

"I mean She my Sister Mav, I can't be calling her sexy"

He finally commented, making Mav turn to him holding his arms out as if to say not helping, I just shocked my head, agreeing with Mav's invoice words to Goose, As Goose did the same arm gesture back, giving Mav the what did I do look.

Mav turned back to me smiling again, reaching out to straighten out my Name tag and brushing down my shoulders, and keeping his hands on my arms,

"You look sexy, even if Goose over there is not going to say it, it brings out your gray eyes,"

He says trying to change my mind, and like always it worked, I smiled at him making his smile grow bigger knowing he won, if it was any other man saying that to me, I ask him what he was after but this is Mav and he just saying it to make me feel better,

Leaving the house it was already dark outside, I walked between the boys linking my arms with theirs, the air was still warm making me a little thankful the White uniform had short sleeves.

Once getting to the Bar Goose was the first to walk in Mav was behind him but moving to the side holding the door open for me, I said thank you to him as well as telling him he need to teach Goose how to hold open a door, to this Mav laugh walking in behind me placing a hand on the small of my back, the Bar was full of Pilots, RIOs and lots of ladies probably hoping to get lucky in getting a pilot which is good for them because a lot of pilots here are hoping to get laid.

We made our way to the bar ordering our drink the boys getting a Beer and myself a glass of Cola, I'm not that big of a drinker, which am happy that the boys don't mind and try and push a drink onto me that I don't want, unlike my other friends.

Getting out drink we sat at the bar the music was not so loud that we had to shout over it to talk but it was enough to stop someone from listening,

"You want to know who the best is? That's him, Iceman"

Goose started to talk pointing over the Bar to a man standing with his sunglasses on and talking to a lovely girl, looking closely I saw that it was Big hair from that classroom this morning, that liked to go to the ladies' room, now I have a name to go with the Hair, I wonder if he put his head in the freezer to get his hair to stick up that much,

"That's the way he flies, Ice-cold, no mistakes, Just wears you down, You get bored, frustrated, do something stupid, and then he's got you."

Goose Informs us more, I looked at Mav making a funny face leaning close to him

"It's ladies' room plaque boy"

I tell him, smiling to myself as I looked back over at Ice who was not looking at us with his glasses now halfway down his nose, I just rolled my eyes and looked away from him back to Mav, who was stuffing his face with some free nuts.

"Hey Slider"

Goose called out to a man walking past us making him stop,

"thought you wanted to be a Pilot man, What happened?"

"Goose, You're such a dickhead, whose butt did you kiss to get in here?"

Slider replied looking Goose up and down,

"Well, the list is long but distinguished."

"Yeah, well So is my Johnson"

I just laugh at Slider's remark looking him up and down.

"More like your Forehead"

My comment made slider look at me and moved close but Mav put himself between us, I just laugh poking my tongue out at him like a child but I was having fun,

"So your flying with IcaMan"

Goose spoke up again taking Slider's eyes away from me,

"It's Mr, IceMan to you"

Mav was still in fount of me, so I moved forward getting on my tiptoes and whispering in his ear

"And Mr. DickHead for him"

He shocked his head stepping back so I would move back before turning to look at me, taking my glass of Cola and taking a sip of out it,

"Hey that's my drink sir you have your own"

I said hitting his chest playfully,

"I'm just checking they only gave you cola and nothing else, your asking like you drunk half a bottle of beer"

"I'm having fun Mav"

I looked at him then to his beer picking it up and taking a sip of it, but regretting it right away as it tasted nasty, how the fuck can he drink that,

"Hey, Mother Goose, How's it going?"

Mr. Iceman said as he came over shacking Mother Goose's hand, I have never heard anyone call him that before, but then again, Goose can turn into a mother Han sometimes,

"Good Tom, This is Pete Mitchell and my sister Rose, Guys Tom Kazansky"

Goose introduced us,

"Congratulations on Top Gun"

IceMan said to Mav not looking at me ones, Mav thanked him putting on a smile,

"Sorry to hear about Cougar. He and I were like brothers in flight school. He was a good man."

"Still is a Good Man"

I corrected him, as he just looked at me giving me a cocky smile as he places a Nut in his mouth

"Yeah, that's what I meant"

I have a feeling that I and this Icebox are not going to get along much,

"So, you need any help?"

Iceman then asked Mav as he leaned on the bar arm trapping me between him and Mav, who was drinking his beer with one hand, and his other elbow was on the bar his hand on the back of my hip feeling a finger go onto a belt loop pulling me ever so gently closer to him, I think to an outside they think we were together but I know Mav just wanting to keep me away from this man but he can't move to get in fount of me with some many people around,

"With what?"

Mav answered him,

"You figured it out yet?"

Iceman asked another question instead of answering Mav's question, I took a mouth full of my cola getting an Ice could with it, I swallowed the drink around it and let the ice start to melt on my tongue, listening to this pain in the ass talk like he god gift to earth,

"What's that?"

Mav asked,

"Who's the best pilot."

What is it with his IceMan and talking with his mouth full of food, it's very annoying, I just wanna covers his mouth so I don't have to watch it,

"No, I think I can figure that one out on my own"

"I heard that about you, You like working alone."

I crushed down on the Ice could in my mouths mankind Ice look at me, giving me a wink, Oh god please, I just shook my head making him chuckle,

"Mav, you must've soled under a lucky star, Huh? I mean, first, the MiG, and then you guys slide into Cugar's spot"

Slider said making everyone turn to look at him, Iceman backing off now, as Goose tell them that they earned this spot in Top Gun

"Yeah, well some pilots wait their whole career just to see a MiG up close, Guess you guys are lucky and famous?"

"No, you Mean notorious"

I feel like I missing out on this dick measuring contest or is that a good thing,

"And you little Rose, BullDog's Pilot, I have to say am shocked to see a woman in Top Gun but hey it's going to make shower time so much better"

Slider said looking at me, that hand Mav had on my hope got a little tighter at Slider's comment,

"Sorry to break it to you, Dickhead but I get my own shower room, Which is good for me then I don't have to see your hair ass"

I felt Mav's chest vibrating from laughing at my comments as Slider just glared at me, even with that, not true, I need to go in or after them, it's still fun to wind this man up.

"BullDog said you were a Bitch"

I won't lie the comment did hurt me, to think after all the years working with BullDog he call me a bitch behind my back, but then again how do I know this man telling the truth, I did not show Slider that his comment got to me, I just smiled at him, as Iceman pats his back, making him back off and walk away,

"I'll see you later"

Ice said to us all, ones they left Goose moved closer to us and Mav's hand leave my side, I don't know what going to be harder, showing the bosses we have what it takes to come out on top, or having to deal with people Like Iceman and Slider.

I reach for my drink downing the last of it and asking the bartender for another, let's just hope the rest of the night goes better than it already has.


Chapter 3 Yayy, 
Hope this one is good, Sorry for it being another long one, I was finding it hard to find an endpoint and not have it feel silly, (I bet it's silly anyway lol) I'm trying to keep the chapters around 3000 words. 

Just wanna say I don't know anything about Air combat maneuvering I did look up some videos of people talking about it, real Pilots as well as someone that used to fly an F-14.
Then I got sidetracked by watching Jet taking off from an aircraft carrier I could watch it all day, watching the deck crew work is just amazing, and learning what each person is doing. 

But I hope you are liking this so far, I'm having lots of fun making it.
As always let me know what you think, Good or Bad I don't mind,

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