Arrowverse Group Chat ☕

By AgentofDreams989

4K 102 74

Text-style writing sessions of your favorite Arrowverse characters. This will include characters who are aliv... More

Author's Note
Team Arrow
Team Flash
Team Arrow (Smoak-Queen Family)
Team Flash (West-Allen Family)
Team Supergirl
Team Arrow
New Team Arrow
Team Flash 2
Future Team Arrow
Team Supergirl 2
Couples' Group Chat 🏹⚡
Smoak-Queen/West-Allen Family
Future Team Arrow 2
Justice League 2
Team Flash 3
Future Team Arrow 3
Smoak-Queen Family 2
Smoak-Queen/West-Allen Kids
Smoak-Queen/West-Allen Kids 2
Team Supergirl 3
Future Team Arrow 4
Justice League 3
Future Team Arrow 5

Justice League

210 5 2
By AgentofDreams989

Author's Note: This is the Arrowverse Justice League, just to clarify. 😀

Barry Allen⚡ has added Oliver 🏹, Kara 💝, Sara ⚔, Clark 😄, Ray 🔧, Kate🧨, Jefferson 👊, and J'ohn 😎 to the group chat.

💝: Hi, Barry!

⚡: Hey, Kara! Glad you could make it

💝: 😀👍

😎: Thank you for my emoji

⚡: Oh, no problem. Just thought that it fit you well

😎: 👍

🧨: So, I'm not cool enough to wear sunglasses?

⚡: Oh, no. It's not like that, Kate!

🧨: I was just messing with you, Barry

⚡: Oh 😂

🧨: You really never can get a joke

👊: Yeah, his wife was telling me about that

💝: ?

⚡: You and Iris talked?

👊: Yeah. She called my daughter, Jennifer, last night and told her about it

💝: Awww! You have a daughter?

👊: Yeah, two actually

😄: That's great! I have two sons

👊: Cool.

😄: Thanks. They're names are Jonathan and Jordan

💝: And they're the absolute sweetest babies!

⚔: Here we go on the parent train again 😒

🧨: What do you mean?

⚔: I mean that every time we get together, all they talk about is their kids

⚡: Well, we're just proud of them

⚔: Us Legends are proud of our heroics, but that doesn't mean we have to talk about ourselves all the time

🔧: But we kinda do, Sara

⚔: Shut up, Ray

😄: Kara, did you say babies?

💝: Yeah, I know. It's weird saying you and Lois have two kids now

⚡: I know the feeling

⚡: By the way, does everyone know where Oliver is?

💝: Maybe, he's still trying to connect to the internet

⚔: Sounds like Oliver.

⚡Fair enough 😂

😄: Oh, Kara. I must have forgotten to tell you

💝: Tell me what?

😄: The boys are now teenagers

⚔: Wow.

🧨: You took the words right out of my mouth

💝: Oh, Rao. That's a lot...

🔧: Well, we've dealt with worst? 🙃

⚔: Just shut up, Ray

🔧: 😕

⚡: I'm sorry, Clark. I know how hard that type of thing can be

😄: Lois and I are making it work, but thank you, Barry

⚡: Anytime 😁

👊: This is a normal thing?

⚔: Basically, yeah

😎: Yes, I'd agree

⚡: Yeah, it started with my daughter, Nora, travelling back in time to try and save me from Crisis

💝: Thank God that's over by the way

😄: Agreed

🔧: 👍

🧨: I'm pretty sure it's safe to assume that's how we all feel

⚔: And of course, Oliver had to one up, Barry and have both his kids travel back in time

👊: I thought he only had one kid?

😎: No, I believe he has two

⚔: Yeah, a son named William and a daughter named Mia

👊: I've only heard of the daughter

💝: To be fair, you haven't been around for that long

🧨: Yeah, but I've been around for only one team-up longer and even I knew that

💝: You've met William?

🧨: No. Why?

💝: Oh, just because I haven't either

⚡: I'm sure he'd love to meet both of you. He's really nice! 😀

👊: He must not be that great if his father never talks about him

🔧: That's kind of harsh, don't you think?

⚔: Especially, considering you were barely around to help with Crisis

👊: First of all, it's not my fault that the Monitor didn't choose me as a Paragon

👊: Second of all, what kind of father doesn't appreciate his son

⚡: Okay, hey now

😄: Oliver was just very busy

👊: So you say...

🏹: You wanna say that to my face, Jefferson!

💝: Why does everyone always show up at the worst possible times?

🧨: Our luck, I guess

👊: I was just commenting that you don't spend enough time with your son

🏹: Barry, who is this guy?!

⚡: Jefferson Pierce

🏹: Okay, and why did you allow him into our group chat

💝: Awwww! He called it our group chat

🏹: Not the time, Kara 😡

💝: Oh, sorry

🏹: Barry?

⚡: I just thought it would be fun to add all of the Annual heroes in here so, we can get to know more about each other

🏹: Does it look like I'm having fun?

⚡: No

🏹: Then, we agree

😄: What does he mean by annual?

🔧: Oh, Barry's just talking about how we heroes meet up every year to fight a massive, Earth-ending threat

⚔: And he says it so casually 😒

😄: Oh, that makes sense

😄: Sorry, everyone for the confusion

⚡: 👍

🧨: Don't sweat it. I was the new kid last year

🔧: Well, technically, Jefferson is the new person this year

🧨: Have you changed your mind on how attached you are to your hands?

🔧: No...

🧨: Then, I suggest you shut up before you lose them

🔧: 😬👍

⚔: Lol

🏹: I can not reiterate enough that I'm glad to have something like you in this chat, Kate

🧨: Same goes for you, Queen

🧨: When you're not cheating on every girl in my city, that is

😄: 😦

⚡: Story for a different day

🏹: No, it is not, Barry.

💝: He just gets a little testy about the subject

🏹: You two deserve each other

⚔: Agreed

⚡: 😉

💝: 🤗

😄: So, how old is Nora, Barry?

⚡: Well, I can't know the exact age due to time travel laws, but she's in her late twenties

⚔: Even your texts are long

🧨: Lol

😄: Nice! Mine are both teenagers

⚔: Woah, that must be hard

😄: Of course, it's a lot of work, but there's no other job I'd rather do

⚡: I completely agree

💝: You two are too sweet! ❤

🔧: Agreed

⚔: Shut up, Ray

🏹: Took the words right out of my mouth

⚔: 👍

👊: How about you, Queen?

🏹: What?

👊: What about your daughter? I'm sure you know her age

👊: Doubt you know your son's though

🏹: Barry!

⚡: Sorry, Jefferson

Jefferson Pierce 👊 has been removed from the chat

😄: That got intense

🧨: If you want to see intense, you should see the criminals when I'm done with them

🔧: Um...

😄: Oh, sorry everyone, but Lois is calling me

💝: Okay. Bye, Clark!

⚡: 👋

Clark Kent 😄 has left the chat

🧨: I'm leaving too

💝: Bye!

Kate Kane 🧨 has left the chat

🏹: Can you just end the chat so, we don't all have to leave, Barry?

⚡: Ok. Will do

⚡: Thanks for coming, everyone! 😁

💝: Anytime!

🔧: Of course

🏹: This was a little enjoyable, but next time, don't invite Jefferson

⚡: 🙃

⚡: Bye, everyone!

Barry Allen has ended the group chat.

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